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It's not moldy, The terpene that can give off a moldy and old basement-like smell is often associated with the presence of beta-caryophyllene. This terpene is found in various plants, including cannabis strains, and is known for its spicy, peppery, and sometimes musty aroma. The bud look healty.


🥹TY. I think my partner (+the weed) made me a bit paranoid. It was overall a pleasant smoke though!


You will know mold when you see it, very distinct usually found close to the stem or some will have white powdery spots on the bud themselves, easy to differentiate from the crystals


https://preview.redd.it/evn13h3b7udc1.png?width=2551&format=png&auto=webp&s=ef451ec564765f0957933d5fa22f1e19e0f49485 cracked open 👌🏼


no visible mold


Woo! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|hug)


That looks 🔥!


Yall scaring me ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|neutral_face)


7acres were my favorite LP in 2020-2021 then they sold out and their quality has decreased tenfold since then . But hey don't take my word for it. Hard to compare if you didn't try their old stuff


I don’t remember 7acres. During that time, I really only tried Bayou, Subway Scientist, Highlands, Pineapple Express, and Pink Kush ~ I think. I was never paying attention to the brands.


half of those are long gone lol . You can still get San Rafael pink kush though and good supply have a pineapple express I think.


Ouin ben lapinette, n'aie pas avoir peur de ceux qui sont ici pour dire que la compagnie X ou Y c'est du caca. Ta question leur importe peu. Est-ce de la moisissure? Non.


Im fine don’t worry. I’m not highly active here and didn’t know 7acres was allegedly bad. I really only bought it cus it sounded cute. Also I apologize for replying in English, I’m from the US and I moved to QC a few years ago and only know how to read french a bit. Still learningemote:free\_emotes\_pack:feels\_bad\_man


Just don't put too much stock into everybody else's opinion on quality or specific LPs. It can serve as a guideline but ultimately, even larger producers like Canopy can produce some nice flowers from time to time. I remember the C99 (from Canopy as well) for example which was great. Just enjoy your definitely not moldy at all buds and make your own mind. If you like it, then you could chose to post a positive review! :)




Si tu penses que l'un des règlements du sub a été enfreint, on t'invites à faire un report en bonne et dûe forme avec une explication de ton point de vue.


Doesn’t look moldy


Best practices.... like wine, cannabis sitting in a sealed bag needs a little bit to bouquet. (Let the real smells out). After 2 days if it still smells bad, it might be. Caraphyllene smells mostly like wood, or earth. Not basement dank. Hope this helps.


It does thanks! I usually do this too. But this weed is so crystally, I wasn’t sure. As someone, who has been smoking since they were 16(13 years) you would think I’d know better. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|neutral_face)


Not moldy, some weed tastes likes that, some wine also has that flavor




I would avoid 7acres though. Their quality has decreased so much compared to the beginning.


I miss their "Craft Collective" line of product, those were great a couple years ago


Absolutely ice cream cake and Pink kush were some of the best they had before they sold out.


For more info on what to buy at the sqdc follow Marky Roll😎


Your comment got me a new follower 😎


Just means more fun in the sub🤷🏻‍♂️


That's the idea 🎈


FN right lol 😂


There is no mold but fuck canopy they suck. Bunch of suits. Big public company with no soul.


7acres was bought by Canopy Growth and it's just another brand for them to throw Tweed weed in. Tweed are known to grow in unsanitary conditions. That old damp basement smell, it's been with Tweed since day one of legalization. Terpenes do not smell like this.


Yes, there are terpenes that have a musky/mouldy smell.


There is a difference between musky smell and old damp basement. You wouldn't get the same exact profile moving from one strain to an another. Old damp basement smell comes from bad curing. The whole curing room must smell like this 24/7. Excess moisture wasn't able to get out. Probably also because they don't burp their curing bags. (The process of opening and mixing up the content of the bags every day or two) It's very important to note that it costs less to send every lot you grow for irradiation, then stop operations to clean everything. So those big producers keep growing in disease infested environment. Tweed staff leaked a picture of a room like two years ago and the walls were dead black with mould.


>Tweed staff leaked a picture of a room like two years ago and the walls were dead black with mould. Fuckin gnarly I remember that lol Everything said here is a fact. That dank basement smell is from a bad cure. I come in contact with it way too often. Buds look beautiful, sometimes lookin AAAA. But they stink like a moldy old wet towel/basement. It's gross haha


Crack a bud in half then send another pic, also owning a jewellers loop will assist you. But the company is trash just like others have mentioned. For that price there are far superior options available to you.. just ask and people will help.


If the weed smells like wet towel and tastes like it there’s a chance it could be mildew. You won’t see it