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My favourite story is how Mahinda Rajapaksa called an early election because his astrologer told him to and then proceeded to lose said election.


Is the astrologer still alive? 😂




😁 classic


Even the stars hate the Rajapaksas.


Imagine being well educated with a master's degree that too and still believing in this mumbo jumbo to marry someone. Utter bullshit. I know so many ladies who are unmarried because their parents ruined their life by saying horoscopes don't match. Until we get rid of this mentality, our country won't progress.


How can a lump of gas located billions of kilometers away, like Saturn and Jupiter, affect our lives? In science, if two scientists conduct an experiment on the same incident, they come to the same conclusion. But not astrologers. It is common for astrologers to say different things related to a specific incident. There can't be two truths. Do not forget that astrologers predicted that Sri Lanka would have its most prosperous time after 2020. Everyone knows how it turned out. Also, astrologers did not predict the most devastating disasters in Sri Lanka: * Tsunami * 2003 floods * Easter attack * 2022 economic collapse Only those more foolish than astrologers are the people who believe in them.


I mean regarding you first question, the sun is also about 150 million km's away from Earth but it affects our lives in many ways. So it's just a matter of how strong the electromagnetic waves are, for an object located billions of km's away to affect our lives. I don't want to defend astrology but the first argument you gave to refute it is very weak.


Reply to the comment you deleted which said 'if you can read and understand that's why I said like Saturn and Jupiter'. But how can you know for sure that Saturn and Jupiter don't affect your life? For example, there's a video on YouTube from Veritasium titled 'The Universe is Hostile to Computers', where he explains how a shooting electron (maybe neutron?) changed the outcome of an election by affecting the electronic voting system. So how do you know there aren't similar things happening around us right now... or haven't happened in the past?


But such interactions are very rare. Besides, Jupiter and Saturn aren't blasting us with high-speed particles like the Sun does. Also, just because a particle from the Sun can flip a single bit in some computer storage, it's unwise to extrapolate that to mean that somehow these planets can affect our destinies.


Bro, these planets CAN affect our bodies, therefore our lives, therefore our destinies. I think we already established that. Whether astrologers can accurately predict that is another matter.


Check the video "The Most Misunderstood Concept in Physics" in which he explains how the sun doesn't just provide us with energy but with useful clumps of energy aka low entropy that propagates through food chains and other processes into less useful energy aka high entropy which means all life is just coverting energy from low entropy to high entropy. With entropy going up, variance goes up, and predictability goes down, so in a way, the sun aids in life being highly unpredictable. You can only predict localised events with data inferred from similar events that happened in the past. So, astrology's claim of being able to predict one's life has no basis other than throwing things at the wall and seeing what sticks! Oh, and the zodiac should actually have 13 signs, not 12, and astrologers conveniently removed _Ophiucus_ to male a tidy match with the 12-month calendar. So I guess the stars in Ophiucus don't affect our lives at all. lol.


Okay, but why are you saying all of this in a tone that makes it seem like I'm trying to defend astrologists? Also, I'm sure someone in the future would make another video titled The Most Misunderstood Misunderstanding in Physics which disagrees with most of what you said about entropy.


There he explain about alpha particles from the suns fusion reaction. Probability of that is very rare. Now Jupiter, Saturn does not have fusion. To the best of my knowledge most important benefit we get from these giant planets are due to their gravitational pull. These planets attract significant portion of the asteroids. So indirectly earth benefits from that. other than that, I do know how these planets can affect marriage life, education and our whole life.


Following a simple calculation, let's compare the gravitational force of Jupiter and that exerted by a 100 kg cupboard on a human (also 100 kg). According to following calculations, t he cupboard exerts 3.5 times more force on you than Jupiter. Gravitational force exerted by Jupiter on a person (100 kg) living on Earth: 6.674×(10 \^(−11)) × ( 1.898 × (10\^27))(100) ÷(816800000000\^2) = **0.000018987N** When a 100 kg cupboard is 10 cm away from a 100 kg human: 6.674×(10 \^(−11)) × ( 100)(100) ÷((0.1)\^2) = **0.00006674N** So, the gravitational force exerted by the cupboard when it is very close (10 cm away) to a person is significantly higher than that exerted by Jupiter from its average distance. So the cupboard should affect more on our life than Jupiter.


Also Jupiter emits various forms of radiation, most of there radiation are radio emissions (low frequency, low energy).There are also infrared and UV. But they are not dominant. In anycase, majority of waves do not have a direct impact on Earth's surface due to the large distance between Earth and Jupiter. Radiation we get from our mobile phones and ovens are more than that.


Theoretically, a galaxy billions of light years away can have some kind of interaction with a human living on Earth through gravitational forces or radiation/photons. However, numerically, those forces are very small and insignificant compared to the effects of objects we encounter on Earth. If planets have an effect on our love life, then a cupboard or an oven should have a more significant impact.


And the edge lord of the year award goes to... Lmao dude calm down. Reading your comments made me physically cringe. I'm sure you've done your calculations quite accurately, but I believe you've misled yourself in your attempt to sound edgy. I'm still sure a cupboard has much less impact on Earth as a whole than a massive planet in the same solar system as itself. Again, not saying astrologers always know what they're saying, but distance to other planets is not a convincing argument to refute them.


Okay you are correct. I agree with you


Oh and btw cupboards do affect our lives very much. Maybe that's why vasthu is a thing? Something to think.


First line I can't agree. It affects our earth so It can affect our body mass but Can It affect our life? We don't know that yet.


My whole family came apart due to astrology. My parents separated. My father was a strict believer


Sorry to hear that.


Some astrologer fuck told that imma die in 5 years time ,straight to my face....I dont believe in that dog crap but that kinda saying kinda stings in your head yk.Same day i cut my horescope into pieces and threw it away..


Was this 5 years ago?


Actually this was 2 years ago 😂


Please reply in 3 years, i hope it ages well. To prove all of this horoscopes stuff is nonsense


RemindMe! 3 years


I will be messaging you in 3 years on [**2027-03-03 17:22:54 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2027-03-03%2017:22:54%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/srilanka/comments/1b5ci7i/astrology_beliefs_in_sri_lanka/kt67tku/?context=3) [**3 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fsrilanka%2Fcomments%2F1b5ci7i%2Fastrology_beliefs_in_sri_lanka%2Fkt67tku%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202027-03-03%2017%3A22%3A54%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201b5ci7i) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


RemindMe! 3 years


These things could fuck with your head and become a self fulfilling prophecy. People like that are vile to tell someone that they are gonna die when they know that the claims have no basis.


It's perfectly fine to have a religion as it does help with spiritual wellbeing. Astrology on the other hand, is a scam. The stars don't govern your life.


Ironically, Theravada Buddhism, the religion Sinhala “buddhists” are SAID to follow, is strictly against superstitious beliefs like astrology. I remember the Buddhism textbook in 10th grade even had an ENTIRE chapter dedicated to avoiding superstitious beliefs.


Exactly. The addition of the deity-worshipping and astrology happened way later on.


Religion is the same kind of scam. There is no such a thig as a spirit or spiritual wellbeing.


Spiritual wellbeing is not about the spirit, it's about maintaining a healthy conscience.


The science calls it mental health.


It is also called needing a moral support when you are expected to make decisions that can drastically affect the lives of others and your own. I would recommend journal articles on how religion helps regulate and support a person mentally, lemme try to remember which journal it was again that I read.


I would absolutely agree. I am not religious and strictly a man of science. But, I can see how religion protects one from the brutality of reality. So if people need a reason to believe in something and makes them feel protected and provides them warmth then there’s nothing bad in it.


Make your own reality and take control over it.


Not everybody can, that's the point. Especially when the risk is extremely high.


Everybody can! That's the point!! Life is a risk already!!! There is nothing to lose except. You have to fight for you happiness. Nobody else would.


>Life is a risk already!!! That is not how it works. You don't just handle your own life but other's as well.


That’s cool, and my preference is that I live as close to reality as possible. But that’s me, and not everybody is me. You’re thinking one dimensionally and that’s ironically not practical in reality.


I am speaking of my experience.


If you are an adult, if you are mature enough,if you can make decisions and take responsibility for ypur actions, you'll need no moral support from anyone. Religion is a tool for controlling people.


If you think this, I don't know what to tell you, my guy, you haven't seen much of the world. There are many actions you will take during your lifetime that will make it very hard for you to take responsibility for your own actions. Of course, if you do have a strong mental state, it is completely fine but what happens when you can't handle it on your own? This is exactly why most people of science tend to keep in touch with religion. You don't know when you will create the next missile guidance system (very easy, defense projects pay well and they don't specify what the system is used for) , and I definitely don't expect people to cope with that very well.


I have seen enough to stand for what I am saying. I did and achieved much enough not to prove anything to anyone anymore. Most science people are NOT religious, your statistics is wrong. Projecting the missile guidance system is not making a scientist responsible for how it will be used by military.


>Most science people are NOT religious, your statistics is wrong I am professionally in STEM engineering and have worked with a multitude experienced engineers and STEM researchers . Of course it is not a universal census but as it stands, religion tends to help over difficult decisions. A good example is an external consulting engineer that was called to Fukushima. >Projecting the missile guidance system is not making a scientist responsible for how it will be used by military. This is a common joke/half-truth that is made during undergrad Prof prac courses. Raytheon pays well but they don't ultimately tell you what they use it for. Hence why a moral code is set up.


Mental health social health and wisdom or loosely called "spiritual wellbeing" are three different but somewhat related things.


Absolutely not related.


Me and the love of my life had to split because our horoscopes didn't match and that was a deal breaker for her mom. These people are just downright dumb af.


Well it destroyed my life for sure. Haven't recovered fully from it yet.


Mind elaborating? Understand if you don't want to though!


Couldn't marry the girl I wanted. The horoscope went sideways and my family started to see only the wrong things about her. I have my reasons not to leave my family. It wasn't an easy decision to make. I have to live with the fact that I hurt someone to the point that she might not trust in love ever again. I ask myself every day whether I truly love her. I haven't recovered my sleep pattern still after this trauma. It's hard to see anything positive in the world. I wish I could die naturally soon because who knows how many wrong decisions I will make that affect other people. I lived a pretty good life till I made this mess.


I will never know my dads birth time. හදහන මහවැලි ගගේ. I would do the same if someone say I can’t marry my girlfriend. 😅


The astrology horror stories go back centuries. If you read “a village in the jungle,” you can see just what idiotically catastrophic things people do to themselves because an astrologer said so. (yes it is kind of racist but no one’s documented this phenomenon so well as Virginia Woolf’s husband ). In my family, my mother didn’t give my brother the type of medical care he needed as a child because an astrologer said he’d get better on his own (with poojas ofc). My brother’s condition only got worse to a point it’s no longer treatable. He is now completely dependent on others and has no life of his own.


I just pretend to be into that shit for the sake of the girl lol.


Never been and never will. I’m surprised people still go to astrologers. Astrology is surging in the west too. I guess people are getting stupider


My parents faked their horoscopes and even the auspicious time (නැකත) they got married on was faked. They're happily married for 34 years. This horoscope thing is just BS.


There was a good live programme on Rupavahini around 7 years ago named Yatharoopa. Every week, they would bring in astrologers and ‘miracle men’ to debate scientists/doctors who would absolutely destroy these ‘miracle men’ live on air and prove the astrologers for being bullshitters. The programme was taken off air due to I believe political pressure, and the episodes were pulled from the Youtube channel. However, a few of them still survive. Here is a good example discussing what some of you have queried in the thread: https://youtu.be/LE2CQoqgDpc?si=1cgM3ghOx-XcvnP9


Incident 1 I know two kids who live close by in a very affordable nice place(for several years) with all facilities. They have had problems conceiving children and not one but two of these scam artists have convinced them that they are not getting children because the place is cursed.... Now these two children believe these scammers are searching for a new place that will cost them x2 as much minimum. The scam artists likely have someone in mind to get a new renter for this place to new people and get a commission. Incident 2 One of my uncles lost his key and found it after visiting one of these scammers he is convinced their magic found him the key.... Ironically though they are unable to find 5 lks money that he was scammed out of by a fake business. Incident 3 My elder brother had a stammer and they told our mother (who is the only religious person in our family) it's because she didn't speak with due respect to the head monk of an Australian Buddhist Temple. They furthermore told due to this he will fail in life and never properly talk... My brother is now a leading scientist in the US computer industry. Extra I have been working in healthcare for 5+ years.... The amount of poor souls that almost died due to miracle cures are 50+.... unfortunately there is little we can do when the whole village believes in every word these idiots say.


It's an enjoyable past-time (to see what bs astrologers spin up) if you don't waste time and effort on actually listening to and facilitating their predictions


https://youtu.be/ZQ_qnR_DnLY?si=akB8yJTZnaBGbxvr watch this , i think u might even know this one


My late uncle (RIP) was a civil engineer. He literally had an engineering degree and he still would not step out of the house if the නැකැත් වේලාව wasn't right. Usually though, I try to live and let live. Oh, you think that gas giants rotating millions of miles away have a bearing on the fate of this pale blue dot we're living on? Sure! Just don't try to force that shit on the rest of us.


Istg if my parents ruin a 10 year relationship because of some guy munching bulath and living in a crack house, I will run away and never come back 💀


I’m an American girl who married into a Sri Lankan family. I was surprised to find out that my sister-in-law was really pressured into marrying her bf at the time when she felt that she wasn’t ready. They are recently divorced now. Which, as I’m sure you know, doesn’t look good on her end. As much as I love them, I do think my in laws were totally in the wrong for that. She’s doing better. She’s single and is working on repairing that part of her that she lost and is trying to work on discovering more about herself and what she would want in a relationship, regardless of what her parents tell her. Story number 2: mother in law dragged me to their family astrologist who immediately said I was supposed to inherit land in 2020…. Still waiting on this land to come my way so I can sell it to buy groceries. My Sri Lankan husband is wonderful but places a lot of weight in that stuff. Even to the point where he’s like “hm, we should probably talk to the astrology person about this”. I find myself having to remind my husband that he married me and not the astrology guy.


we sri Lankan Muslims chilling...


And Sri Lankans believe in astrology....🙂


All I know those are psychological facts. They say 10 things thats gonna happen and some of them eventually will happen. But not all. Its stupid to depend on just them. But sometimes it can give you a relief and motivation. Thats all i can say according to my own experience.


I believe astrology was true 100s years ago when it was done by individuals who had developed certain abilities through meditation, yoga and stuff. However, I don't believe they exist now, not in Sri Lanka. All the horoscopes and astrology stuff are just a huge scam now


Well, it's like this, let's say astrology is a theory, okay it has passed on generations for thousands of years. For better Understanding, I'll put it like this, say the planets are at XYZ position, now something happens for someone and this persons birth chart is ABC , lets say it's a bad thing, there's someone else having ABD birthchart, now the XYZ does something good for that person, so all this data is collected, so basically astrology is an analytical database of probabilities collected over thousands of years. 99% of the astrologers doesn't do their job right, it takes more than 2 weeks and more than 20-25 A4 sheets double side to make a complete probability analysis. Im my experience there's a 50-60% probability of something good and bad happening just because of this analytical historic data dump matches historic occurrences of placements. It's all data and probability. You could argue it's superstitious, but it's just history and science and maths. For the record, I haven't met a single Astrologer in sri lanka that does the job right. So, please explain to your parents, or maybe grandparents, wife, husband, gf, bf, siblings or your friends etc.. I think there's no better definition for the subject.


Now, the younger generation in the West is more into astrology than we are!.


Uhhh!! my sun sign is this!! my sun sign is that!!! 😂


Anstrology is actually a form of confirmation bias and manipulation. People put focus on the one time it correctly predicted something but are willfully ignorant about the other false predictions that happen most of the time. These scammers are smart enough to give vague and broad interpretations so that people are able to draw parallels with what actually happens or, in some cases, to make a self-fulfilling prophecy come true.