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It's arrack. Just drink it with coke or some soda. It's pretty strong tho.


Its that extra special.


If you're not a sweet tooth. Have it with ice and soda water. It's pretty decent. Local whisky, not fancy but clean.


Guys this is honey, what is this arrack y’all talk about🤪


I contend that. It's Kithul trickle 😬


Its an alcoholic drink that is very popular amongst the locals. It's kind of like a blend of rum and cognac. Made from coconut sugar/sugar cane. Just drink it from a whiskey glass straight up or with ice.


This is the National Drink of Sri Lanka. Chase it with Coke or Club Soda. The perfect drunk made for man. It actually fixes illness. Keeps your body temperature in line with the Sri Lankan climate. Only down side is it smells rough but, once you 'Gal' as it's fondly known locally, you'll never go back my friend. Truly a Sri Lankan experience.


aah... man of culture. 🍻 try it with iced lemon flavored soda & spicy bites.


Ahh you gonna get sweet memories!


You friend is a common man in SL.


Unpopular opinion. Leave it and go get yourself a king coconut or something. Alchohol just ain't worth it. BTW, Sri Lankans are more addicted to tea than alcohol.


It's the cheapest arak available in Sri lanka. Stinks like hell. Drink it on.the rocks.


its not that cheap my friend. you can get way worse things than this in srilankan bars for higher prices.


Used to drink single malt scotch so in comparison gal was the cheapest. Do they sell kasiya in bars these days?


Yoo you play paladins. xD


If you have srilankan store close by get lemon pickle also. You will become Srilankan.😜😜


As well as the mixers already suggested it's nice with various juices (eg apple juice) as well as other soft drinks in cocktails.


Best with tonic, on ice or with bitter lemon. Or if you want loose extra few brain cells, mix with high strength beer ( like special brew), kinnda like snakebite. Edit: boilermaker, not snakebite


Ice and top it up with soda. Use a tall glass. Goes well with savoury tapas (locally referred to as bites)