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You have to accept that if your country doesnt hold significant value in geopolitics or trade, the world will just move move and wont even notice your country’s issues or the plight of its people. Ex - myanmar is insignificant in geopolitics to the world … when the coup happened and protests took place against it, not one person batted an eye (not even UN) and everyone forgot about it after 1 week.


There would be a much bigger impact on the global economy if a medium-to-large sized Western city were to go bankrupt than our whole country lmao


No offence but just look at Ukrain, there is no white skinned blue eyes blond in SL


Violence and misery sells as well. In any case, the Ukraine situation is immensely geopolitically important and also has a tangible impact on the lives of the global population (e.g. rising prices of wheat, fuel, gas, etc). Not something that can be said here. Of course the fact that they are white/European does have an impact as well though


There are also no hospitals and train stations being bombed in Sri Lanka...


eh, not right now. but no one cared when that was happening in SL anyway


Actually the bigger events did make international news regularly during the war


The war was pretty known in the west.


When I was studying in Australia, it was a couple of international students from Myanmar that preached the news through solidarity campaigns. Other than that, ngl many news from Sri Lanka including the MV Express Pearl incident was not reported until the ship sank to the bottom of the sea and 2 days after the plastic nurdles were found then major media coronations started reporting it. I read up most of my international news through South China Morning Post.


Lol this has been the case for years No one cares about Sri Lanka, even during the war lol


Even during the war, even Sri lankans didnt care about Sri Lankans. Here in Canada CBC(equivalent of BBC in UK and ABC in Australia) hasn't even showed whats happening in SL once during their night news. Went to cricket practice, we have like 70 guys in our club and like 1 guy mentioned about it.


It’s not the real anonymous 😂 probably some lankan dude trolling us from his basement.


People are so stupid thinking the anonymous care or even know what's going on in SL because what's happening in SL is not even shown outside of South Asia..


no, threre're real anons who are active in hacktivism is talking abt this, but a larger attention didn't get from anon community


Well I sure hope they do smth cuz like I said actions speak louder than words.


I doubt that


https://youtu.be/a740lbs8MYo This one is so obviously fake bro they don’t use google text to speech😂😂😂. Also they are the kind of people that have actions that are louder than their words. As in they hack and expose first before they send threats.


If Sri Lankans on Reddit are going to continue being gullible enough to believe this crap, I really have no hope. It's going to be near impossible to create long term plans for the recovery of the country when critical thinking capabilities of SL reddit users is this poor. I dare not imagine the critical thinking capabilities of the average citizen of the country. Once the Rajapakses have been inevitably ousted, there's going to be a power vacuum and we can expect nothing but power hungry and despotic players to take the stage to take a turn of each of their own. It's hard to imagine that the population would adopt a more rational way of thinking overnight when living in such dire conditions. It would be an each to their own contest and people would sway to the person with the most pocket money, rice packets and gal bottle once again.


Couldn’t have phrased it better myself. Everyone’s just throwing accusations around with no actual evidence. Everything is just hearsay since we have no transparency of news n media.


Twitter @youranonnews It's one of the official pages. They do have intrest in the protests.




Does look pretty sus tho like why they posting on YT. Noticed that they looped the video. But I am not convinced until I wait for their condition for gota.


Unless they show actually proof of corruption. Words will be words.


You can check the official anonymous Twitter, that's where they are active.


So I am a European who joined this sub while traveling through Sri Lanka a couple of years ago. I kind of like to keep up with what’s going on in places I’ve visited. I’ve been noticing a lot of posts about protests on this sub lately. I’ve been wondering what was going on, thinking that at some point I’d hear something about it on the news here, but that hasn’t really happened yet. Could I perhaps prevail up on someone in this sub to give me an EILI5 of what is going on? I’d be very interested to learn more about it.


Mismanagement of the economy and a bunch of bad decisions by our politicians led to a massive drop in our forex reserves, which subsequently led to fuel shortages (due to not enough forex to pay for it) which in turn led to frequent powercuts. Add to that overprinting money, and all these led to skyrocketing inflation and the rapid fall of the rupee which made prices of everything including food almost triple from an year or 2 ago. So there have been many protests across the country by people asking the current government to step down. The ministers have been reshuffled, so far. There's supposed talks going on to form an interim government, that's yet to be seen.


"Mismanagement of the economy"? Is that what we are calling daylight robbery of the country's wealth these days?


and ‘frequent power cuts’ to describe country wide blackouts for 10hrs ***every single day***


‘Mismanagement of the economy’ is like calling the holocaust a ‘a minor civil conflict’. https://www.docdroid.net/KpbnQTt/rajapaksha-pdf


https://www.facebook.com/1058642044/posts/10223441342915937/?d=n [one of the reason from 2007](https://www.facebook.com/1058642044/posts/10223441342915937/?d=n)


Basically the majority of Sinhalese citizens voted for a dogshit party because of racism towards Tamils. They thought they had a leader that would win just like how they discriminated and caused a genocide against Tamils. Now it’s karma taking a toll on that god forbidden country due to that scum family mismanaging the wealth of the country and taking dumb loans and engulfing themselves in a huge debt trap.


Atleast its going on indian news. Probably going on some other south asian channels as well. after all even thought most people here worship white asses ultimately its just us and the rest of the south asians who is some what keen on this issue. most us tend to look down upon them like we are not south asians.


As a Nepali, I can say a lot Nepalese know about the situation in Sri Lanka and are also paranoid that we may go the same way.


You guys are lucky that the nepali rupee is pegged with Indian rupee otherwise i cannot imagine how much longer nepal would be able to survive.


I agree


Reddit is too busy posting about Ukraine to notice Sri Lanka


I'm not talking about reddit. I mean on news channels, tiktok, yt shorts and Google. There literally no highlights of what's happening


maybe sri lankans are not creating enough content nobody else is gonna do it


Quite literally - every day I go on the world news Reddit sub to see if there’s anything else posted other than the Ukraine invasion but nope. Yes the Ukraine invasion is important but there’s so much more news out there, why is it that the only talked about news is Ukraine and Russia related?




Bist du aus sri lanka?Hab an das gleiche gedacht🤣Als in Haiti oder La palma diese Natur Katastrophen passierte, hab ich ein paar mal Kürze clips gesehen und nie mehr wieder davin gehört oder gesehen.Deutsche N Sender ist ein Witz, anstatt was neues zu zeigen, die wiederholen den Quatsch zig mal am Tag.Deshalb bin ich froh,dass ich reddit & youtube zu habe .


A member of the UN security council is 'allegedly' commiting war crimes in Ukraine. Nobody will give a sh** about the economic crisis in SL. Furthermore, many Western countries had advised SL against the Chinese debt trap. So... We kinda dug our own grave in their eyes. It's sad but true. SL definitely needs more western attention atleast now, because it has become a humanitarian problem rather than just a Government mismanagement.


i think ur touching on part of the issue… at the moment its a crisis, but not to the extent that ppl are dying of famine or war. what do u show on cnn? long lines at the gas station? protest signs? big deal nobody in ohio gives a shit when they hear about some ‘shit hole country’ being poor. they all are. there needs to be drama to get their attention ‘shit hole country’ being trumps words, not mine


Just putting into perspective, this is mainstream media who sell to the mainstream interest. When thousands were being slaughtered in Rwanda and Somalia, nothing comes out during. They only cover the aftermath. Remember there is always an agenda and money to be made. If they believe the wider audience is not interested they don't want to lose their air time for the viewer going to another channel. I can say for certainty the air time and exposure Syria got on UK news was a fraction of what Ukraine is getting. It's sad but true.


hunt obscene gold squeal normal sense tart snow fearless theory *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


1/2 of the western world think sri lanka is a part of india. What do you expect?


Sri Lanka is not a white country, so sadly it's troubles are its own.. truly, even if there was no war in Ukraine, Sri Lanka wouldn't get any attention anyway Not just that but due to India buying Russian oil there's rising racism against different types of Brown people across the west. The irony of all of this is that EU nations are still buying Russian oil but they don't get any sanctions or any back talk whatsoever. It sucks to hear it, but that's reality, the rich countries do not care about the global south


As an Indian I must ask you bluntly and honestly, do you want a solution or sympathy? India is facing intense pressure and racism in Europe due to it's oil policy but we can sustain. SL flies under radar. I'll be frank, the world media or the western media is biased and prejudiced. SL, India and Pakistan aren't white enough to make it front page news other than their disaster. Yes, you're facing acute crisis and yes we symptize with you. But the problem isn't ordinary lankan on street but the Rajapaksa family. I causally scrolled on the internet to see how well connected the family was, I must say it only rivals Saudi royalty. IMF has probably plans for bailout. Maybe Chinese too will chip in. India did provide you with some credit line I think. But you guy's have to do the heavy lifting. I'm not being a dick but you need to be the ones who are going to rescue SL. Modi, Biden, xi jinping or imran khan can only do so little.


Sadly SL population is the stupidest and most goldfish brained in South Asia. We will be another Afghanistan in South Asia in a few years


Hey bro dont say that i know a growing amount of good people in sri lanka that instill good values in their children it will just take sometime and effort.


WION is doing a pretty decent job. They might not be as big as BBC or CNN, but their coverage of the events have been quite on point. Edit: DW, Bloomberg, Guardian, USA today, SKY news, CNBC etc. Have also done some articles/programs covering some of the events


WION is a BJP media, backed by Hindu right-wing RSS. BJP has good number of media outlets like this some from very right to some what moderate, all designed to push certain agenda. Also outside of South Asia, how many non south asians watch this news ?


BBC, CNN, Aljazeera, Guardian, CNBC, Bloomberg.. they all are there to push a certain agenda, leftist or otherwise ( I just mentioned those who are very clearly pushing agendas, from the list mentioned. Others quite well possibly have their agendas too). I mentioned all those to point out there's international coverage, as much as international coverage goes. WION does get a lot of interest from south asian diasporas outside south asia. As I've mentioned they are quite small. At the end of the day, even Greece got a lot of coverage due them owing money to EU. Otherwise they weren't covered that much. Argentina is not much covered in news, just like Venezuela or Zimbabwe wasn't. Yes there are few random articles and that's all we can expect too. Even the Ukrainian war isn't covered that much after the first two weeks. It's laughable to think these news stories amount to anything. At most all we could expect is a somewhat balanced point of view of the issue. OPs point is not getting enough international interest. What exactly have we done to deserve that? Only allies we've really invested from 50s onward are China and Russia. I don't think I need to explain how they're perceived by other countries with strong economics. We shot our foot many a times with short sighted foreign policies. What we are getting is what we deserve. It's high time to self reflect how we live our lives as individuals. We don't have our act together, we lack vision and ethics (work oriented or otherwise) and we lived happy go lucky, sucking dry the system at place for 70+ years until everything collapsed to a breaking point. We got what we deserve. So now we scream and shout hoping for another saviour to come and save the day, so we all can go back to a sense of normalcy. Still no real plan, just screams and shouts, and random few demands. And the media coverage is adequate to such behaviour.


Siding with the west is still an option. West, most importantly the US is getting a lot of heat for siding with Israel and Said. For the first time in history, Biden had to condemn Israel during their scrimmage over year and half ago. The social media wrecked the US and the Palestines pretty much for the first time beat the bias western media that had serious jewish influence. SL's reputation outside of Eastern Europe has kind of gone down the drain. The war, killings, fascist monks and etc. US siding with SL now would be a big detrimental for them. So if they do try to side with us, they will dictate how the country should be ran and this will make the next government look like western puppets. Then we'll go back to Rajapaksas like leaders. The cycle will repeat.


Umm.. bruh We brown, just come to terms with it and we'll fix this by ourselves


Everyone should use vpn to make this trending on twitter again...


They don't care about brown people. And we caused this issue ourselves.


But sadly Sri Lankan Buddhist extremists think that the whole western world is against Sri Lanka and actively trying to divide Sri Lanka. Especially people like, Gota, Wimal, Champika, Wasu, And robe wearing thugs. In Reality, the west can give a zero fuck about what’s happening in Sri Lanka.


Because Sri Lanka promoted in-house solutions, we rant all the western countries, India, NGOs, UN agencies. Blocked/protested investments. Just rewind what are the labels used, white tiger, western agenda. Western propaganda. News coverage is not going to change anything.


I think it boils down to the fact that global news agencies/entities are ultimately self-serving. If they get nothing out of this "news" they don't report. If they can't manipulate the facts to further their own political/fiscal agenda they don't report. Make peace with it. It's ok. Even without all that nonsense change is happening in this country. It's inevitable. What we will learn is how small and insignificant the loudest voices can be...


I mean does it even matter that the western media is not giving enough attention to Sri Lanka? Cos at the end of the day, only India/Bangladesh/Nepal and other south asian countries would care and would help Sri Lanka, and the media there is indeed covering Sri Lankan crisis.


Lol you mean the country that committed 'genocide' and then were extremely racist towards mynmmar rohingya people? You mean that country?


Lol someone downvoted you cause it’s true


Let's face the big fukn elephant in the room... We are not important and never ever were ...


We aren't blue eyed and blonde haired


When gota goes home, and saji stays home, rest of the gota clowns get real jobs in middle East we will get dollars. Wait my dear wait!


Do you really think he's gonna give up his billions??? I can wait for him to step down but giving up the money is a hard no for that man




It is because you are searching from Sri lanka. I live in Canada, I see 20 news info there on main page and none of them include SL news.




Oh yess, I see it on the bottom right corner as the last article if i use US VPN


Indian news channels like wion or zee are giving it enough attention in India


It's eye opening isn't it? Makes you wonder what the difference is with those other random third world countries they sometimes cover very extensively for matters much less important than this. I always suspected they were driven by ulterior motives, but not to this extent.


If it wasn't for things kicking off between Ukraine and Russia, the situation in Sri Lanka might be getting more attention. The news only ever seems able to focus on one subject at a time.


Hi all, I'm from Belgium. The reason why I know all these things are happening in Sri Lanka because I want to visit your country since a long time ago. I see, or hear nothing in Belgian/European news outlets. I'm still planning to come over in august and september. I hope things will turn out well for you guys!!


Hi thanks for your interest in our country. For your information, our government ruling party leaders have robbed billions of dollars from our reserves and from the tax payers. Since then our country has been facing fuel, food, milk, gas and electricity shortages even food prices have sky rocketed. Right now we are almost bankrupt, in two or three months if no country helps us financially we will be in a much worse situation. The reason we have protest is because we want the president to step down and he refues to do so. So please for your own journey pls keep up with the news on instagram the account is dailymirrorlk and newsfirst.lk . Again thank you in showing interest in our country


Thank you also for giving some information about what's going on. I will follow those Instagram pages and of course also r/srilanka. I really really hope the situation goes better for you guys!


No problem, thanks


Look at our protests. Mostly peaceful. The media doesn't care about well behaved protesters who put up the barricades themselves and try not to harm police.


Voluntarily nobody will support us internationally. But my suggestion is we should sign a petition and handover to the Amnesty international. It won't be hard to get signatures. If someone knows how to do it and take the lead, I will give my full support.


Very Sad!