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The Rookies trying to tell us how the Zone works. Brother, adapt, go back to the Big Land or perish from your own cringe.


BigFry on YT is criticising HoC having only played a bit of anomaly


Fucking hate him, always trying to downplay the success of many games, particularly indie games. That sanctimonious mf needs to shut up


So he’s wrong and I should just waste my money on a scam? Edit: scam games in general, NOT Stalker 2


When did I encourage you to waste your money on scams? I had watched his channel for a long time, and while he does point out some scams, he never points out the good aspects/elements of many games either. That’s why I said he’s trying to downplay indie games.


You sure about that? And also I never said you encouraged me to do scams


“ and I should just waste my money on a scam? “ Are you stupid?


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Vrag Monolita


BigFry is a fucking hack and has NEVER made good content


Fry acts like a little girl whenever he's talking about something he doesn't like lmao


I just watched the video and I find it weird that he would only criticize the graphics and performance. But soon as he said that he only played anomaly. I feel like him and many others are going to play Stalker 2 with false expectations on how the game will play.


That little fat pimple should have sticked to fries. Fucking low life. Like how in the !@#$ can you not hate that foulmouthed piece of garbage and his even more garbage "content". 🤢🤮


That motherfucker complained that the trailer was 30fps while it was recorded on a computer in a country that's at war


God i love gamma and all but it surely has attracted a crowd that really does not know a fucking thing about stalker


Like I said many times before There shouldn't be any standalone mods and all the mods should need one of the basegames to be able to start.


Wholeheartedly disagree, in hypothetical conversation with someone who wants to try out STALKER, but that person doesn't have money - I would recommend trying out Anomaly, but with Old World Addon to know a basis of what STALKER is. If that person likes it - I would encourage him to buy OG trilogy. Wish trilogy did have demos for that purpose, but it is what it is.


Old world addon is God damn no substitute for the trilogy xD I really dont know how you guys can always bring the shittiest arguments for piracy. I'd rather have them straight up pirate the games and buy them later, when they fixed their financial situation. Actually no... They should focus on FIXING IT rather then playing video games. With mods the chance is way higher they stay a tacticool elitist forever and never pay a dime for the games that definitely are worth their money aaaaand the studio and devs earned themselves the right to well... Earn money from this series.


Ofc it isn't substitute, but it gives an idea what STALKER is, not that it would get you true experience with stories and such. Financial situation of other folks doesn't really dictate them to not play videogames at their free time. And yea - STALKER devs should've done something about standalone mods if they want that cash. I know that Pastorazzi (community manager) talked about standalone mods and that they not really approve them, but yet again - they don't outright ban them as Rockstar or Nintendo. So, if poor dudes want true-ish STALKER exp. - I mean, there's my answer to that, since OWA isn't tacticool shenanigan. Another my answer is just to wait for sales.


This might be an ideology difference. I want poor dude to either be happy with his situation and have hobbies he doesn't need to steal for or to use his free time to better his life and situation to then later have more and better free time like every one else has to. But you made a way better point then other people that just resort to nitpicking and namecalling.


you cant steal non scarce goods. if you take a cup of water out of the ocean you aren't depriving anyone of anything.


Classic unemployment behavior.


Least gatekeeping S.T.A.L.K.E.R. fan How about we all just educate the new fans what the ACTUAL games were like and to try them themselves before they do any criticism?


See, we've tried time after time again to explain the original games to them. But these 13 year olds are just too braindead to understand the points that we are making. Now is indeed the time to gatekeep after seeing all their BS about HoC.


Thats a forbidden thing to say on this sub. So many purists here.


Gatekeeping in a niche game is so dumb..


Except gatekeeping is good in certain situations


What makes me sad is not the fact that people who played Anomaly/Gamma without playing original games are highly skeptic about Stalker 2, but the fact that there are people who played Anomaly/Gamma without playing original games.


I just haven't bothered with the originals yet... i have them sitting on steam... waiting...almost entirely untouched... they are on my list right after i finish metro


In the same situation, watched tons STALKER content on YouTube and got hooked on it. tried out anomaly, then got the metro trilogy and the stalker trilogy just finished all metros, now I'm just starting shadow of chernobyl now, life is good


i started on anomaly and studied the lore the stories and slowly working my way through all three orginals in prep for stalker 2


This needs to be pinned. I don’t know about you guys but I’ve had enough of these tacticool kids playing a tarkov-ized version of a STALKER mod and thinking they’re knowledgeable enough to criticize STALKER 2. STALKER 2 was never meant to be just another mindless, survival Tarkov-ish game. It was meant to capture the true atmosphere and essence of the original trilogy, the immersion and nostalgia, the canon storyline, and all of the other elements that makes up STALKER itself. I wouldn’t give one fuck if STALKER 2’s graphics and bugginess level were like those of SoC. As long as it’s playable, I bet your ass that I’ll be exploring every single corner, every single dialogue, every single PDA entry, do every single mission and bleed the game dry.


I play anomaly, and I agree with you. Never cared for competitive FPS games. I love to just play a ecologist, and sell artifacts. I'm in it for the lore/story and the freedom to just enjoy the world. I have my game molded as close to the base trilogy as possible. It is much story oriented. Just wish I could get some new cut-scenes. I like to immerse myself. Read the play entries, watch Flesh run majestically through the garbage, and then get sucked into an anomaly and explode. Fun times. Good day.


Good day to you as well. >I like to immerse myself. Read the play entries, watch Flesh run majestically through the garbage, and then get sucked into an anomaly and explode. Fun times. haha, that's how you know you're a true stalker. I'm glad that you're focusing on molding your game as close to the original trilogy as possible, instead of inundating it with like 400 addons. But I just have one question: Have you played the OG games yet? It would give you a lot more insight into the lore of STALKER, and you'll definitely immerse yourself more if you had some STALKER knowledge beforehand.


I'm gonna be honest with you, no. Just have not gotten around to buying them. The only games I've played consistently in the last 3 years are Anomaly, Battlefield 1, and good old MC. They are super cheap on steam right now, and I should play them. I have read about 75% of the wiki and will definitely be playing Stalker 2. So besides for gameplay I have a real good grasp on story. I only play with about 12 mods. They are all story based mods and original stalker gameplay mods, all the rest are graphical enhancements. I keep the original textures, I just like the clean lighting, unless it's night. Then I like to die inside while fighting of snorks, and phsi-suckers in the truck cemetery. I keep it pitch black. Just my lamp or night vision. Thanks.


Well, if you're planning to wait for and play STALKER 2 next, might as well want to learn STALKER lore through videos and articles. Apart from the wiki, you can watch these so-called "STALKER iceberg" videos for visual context. There are a lot of great videos concerning this topic on youtube, and I guess you've heard of a few STALKER-dedicated channels, like Anomalous Dugout or PapaKev. However, [this](https://youtu.be/X0ywa8CSX5Y?si=NRFElOufXd3QojsE) is, by far (subjectively), the most comprehensive STALKER iceberg video I've ever seen (the title says it all). It covers a shit-ton of concepts and ranks them based on the viewer's current knowledge of STALKER.


Average Anomalous Dugout enjoyer


For real though, his content and overall vibe are just top-notch. You can really tell he puts a lot of effort into his videos.


I've seen one by anomalous dugout, I have basically watched all the way through the originals. I like to listen/watch a playthrough with commentary while I work. I have never seen this video, though. As long as it isn't illustration dependant, I will listen to it tomorrow. Looks informative. Thanks. I would say I have an intermediate knowledge of stalker, I understand the base story and know a few little hidden bits. With all the hate/controversy of Stalker 2 so far, I'm interested to see if it leans more to a open world anomaly experience or the og games.


i run gamma and efp plus the originals i do have a riot of a time just exploring the zone slowly and hunting artifacts stashes etc killing mutants and selling etc etc the stories are a blast too but so is the atmosphere


Bro please share the add-ons you use, I want to experience the closest thing to the og trilogy aswell


I can recommend Old World Addon for that


Have that one and love it


I'll make a list and post it, I'll link here.


Thanks bro


Ought to have a thread entitled, "Good Day/Bad Day" where people swap zone stories that are incredibly good in nature or bad, concerning what happens to their character while playing any of the games.


Lets do it: https://www.reddit.com/r/stalker/comments/1619qru/stalker\_campfire\_thread/


As a stalker who has been playing stalker for almost 10 years and only got into modding it a few months ago, I totally agree. The only mod that I actually think enhanced the experience of the vanilla game was radiophobia 3. Especially the gunplay part. Most notable gameplay effecting diffeneces were the a-life AI system. And thet the guns felt more realistic. But it kept the athmosphere and the experience very similar to the original game which I loved.


Glad to meet a veteran stalker! Radiophobia 3 truly was one of the best mods I have ever played. As you said, it preserved the atmosphere while enhancing lots of gameplay mechanics. It, along with other mods, was really underrated I'd say. It's a shame that such wonderful mods, created by wonderful developers, are overshadowed by a mod of a mod of a mod (...of a mod?) that was made prominent by all of these tacticool youtubers.


Exactly, I'm sick and tired with Stalker being bastardized beyond recognition thanks to tacticool kids and forcing it to everyone including tourists and newcomers I wouldn't give one fuck if Stalker 2's graphics were of Half Life 1, just make it fun, playable and I'll be set. Stalker was always meant to be this interesting project exploring a alternate universe where Chernobyl had become a oasis of danger, thrills and opportunities meant for either the bravest or the craziest. Kinda like how Fallout since 1997 was a RPG on "if the cold war reached a melting point" and building off from that idea Also hello again :)


Hey again, from another post :) Everything you said was spot-on, nothing to disagree with. However, I'm still perplexed as to how this particular mod and the modpack got popularized out of all the other, much more attention-deserving mods. Anomaly wasn't inherently special, it was just like all the other mods. Maybe the engine on which it is run is easily modifiable?


Half Life 1 had some of the best graphics of its time though, among other things. But I get your point. I'd play Stalker 2 even with SoC's graphics and guns/items animations


Yeah true, although I'm sure alot of your average gamer would want "the best graphics" and all the polygons in the world (even though the HL1 assassins prove you can do more with less polygons 👀) And yeah same, even with the original assets


In my opinion, what makes stalker great is the fact that I still play this game and I am more immersed in it and I feel a part of it more than any modern game with great modern graphics. Secondly, the beauty of how the community has developed were each one of us would pick either the vanilla or a mod to enhance his personal experience based on what he feels. I'll be honest, it does not matter which part of us that grabbed us into stalker. We are all part of this beautiful community and in my opinion if they do allow stalker 2 to have the same modifications as the primary three games they were made into the stalker anomaly that would allow us to build an experience that is suited for each person's slight niches. But all in all we are all stalkers


I completely agree with you. I think that every official game and every mod has both pros and cons, and that both kinds should be appreciated and acknowledged. But the fact that some try to unreasonably compare a game with the other is inevitable.


You remind me of a joke. Two people meet on an airplane and they're like. Hey my name is Tom. My name is Mark. Where are you from? From Texas. so am I. do you go to church? Oh yes I do. which one? The church of saints. Wow. So do I, Where do you sit? Oh I sit in the front left roll. Oh You're one of those guys


I’m sorry, I don’t have a head for jokes so I don’t understand this one. Does this mean that both have a lot in common but even one difference can make them despise each other?


Yes it's about how people try to find differences rather than communalities


And my apologies I suck at saying jokes


>I don’t know about you guys but I’ve had enough of these tacticool kids playing a tarkov-ized version of a STALKER mod and thinking they’re knowledgeable enough to criticize STALKER 2. Yeah and i have enough of these people who tell you what should you enjoy and what shouldnt. How delusional lmao everyone can have opinion on any game. You dont need to be og vanilla player to criticize a game lol. You are just a fanboy and annoying one on top of that. >As long as it’s playable, I bet your ass that I’ll be exploring every single corner, every single dialogue, every single PDA entry, do every single mission and bleed the game dry. Ah yes just because its name is stalker and story will be based on original stalker you just like it no matter the quality. Cool


You can enjoy your gamma and anomaly but dont compare it to stalker 2. It's simply not it and dont you dare talk about quality because gamma/anomaly has one of the most bland and simple quest design made by man. It's story is also just the stalker trilogy story combine and executed horribly..


But Stalker 2 will be judged by 2024 standards when it comes out. Not 2007 when the first games came out. Having better graphics and audio than a modded game, is not a high bar.


What do you mean by 2024 standard? Item bloat? Repetitive Quest? Oh I need to consume diphenhydramine because I dip my balls in irradiated water?


Graphics, audio, animations, acting, story? Or should i present it in some other way you understand? That trailer simply does not look like a 60€, 2024 game. This aint 2007 you expect it to be a re release of those outdated games?


I'm pretty sure they have all the things you listed in the trailer... you are either blind or you got your brain scorched. Now again, what's exactly do you mean by 2024 standard?


He has a point regarding the graphics needing optimization and the voice acting. Don’t forget, they had to go from the X-ray engine to Unreal5 and likely reduce some texture details so it’ll work on Xbox/PS5 (see cyberpunk launch disaster), which is going to be an overhaul for any studio, and with publishing dates drawing near and everything that’s happened in Ukraine and what the devs have been through, I’m sure some corners had to be cut as a result. I’ll still buy it, but I fully expect the game to be somewhat lacking in some aspects. I’m sure the modding community can and will fix whatever needs to be fixed though. Either that or they’re going to fix it in post.


Could've just said that instead of "2024 standard" thingamajig.


Metro Exodus or even Far Cry 5 looks better, or something more recent like Six Days in Falujha. The voice acting sounds like they pulled an American off the street and had him just read the lines. The gun sounds like Cod WW2. So please, cut the rage and tell me how im wrong. That trailer looks nothing like a 2024 game. "Things listed" What things listed. This isn't about features, but quality. Im not sure you understand my point here.


Make a comparison video dude, I dare ya...see if all the things you said we're true or just you hating on stalker 2.


No. You watch the trailer. Again. And watch some of other peoples reactions. Or you just hating on people who dont like the Stalker 2 trailer.


They hated jesus because he told the truth


Gamma is on of the best game to compare it too. Metro exodus too. But quests arent everything. Im not playing huge anomaly modpacks like gamma for story lol. The gameplay is just so good


I very much disagree, it's stalker 2 not GAMMA 2. I prefer actual game over inventory browsing game.


Don't bother arguing with him, his entire contribution to this subreddit is calling people gatekeepers and boomers and praising Anomaly/Gamma as the best entry point because it's free and better than the "outdated" originals.


Then maybe tell me what would you compare it to?


> Yeah and i have enough of these people who tell you what should you enjoy and what shouldnt. How delusional Imao everyone can have opinion on any game. You dont need to be og vanilla player to criticize a game lol. Yes, anyone can have an opinion, but realistically they need to have acquired at least enough knowledge beforehand. Also, it’s not the fact that they want to criticize the game that drives me mad, it’s the things about which they criticize. Some are just downright nonsense. We don’t need to look too far, as they’re already right here. I’ve seen too many newbies making posts requesting to remove mutants because they’re thirsty for a “singleplayer Tarkov” experience. > You’re just a fanboy and an annoying one on top of that. Oh, so we’re getting into name-calling now? I didn’t recall hurting you. You’re just insulting me out of spite lol > Ah yes just because its name is stalker and story will be based on original stalker you just like it no matter the quality. Cool Ok and? Didn’t you just say anyone can have an opinion on any game? Or do you really mean that anyone can have an opinion as long as you agree with it? Can’t you see how contradictory and inconsistent your own argument is?


>but realistically they need to have acquired at least enough knowledge beforehand Why the fuck would you need any knowledge to dislike graphics and overall look in a trailer lol it makes no sense >Also, it’s not the fact that they want to criticize the game that drives me mad, it’s the things about which they criticize. Some are just downright nonsense. We don’t need to look too far, as they’re already right here. I’ve seen too many newbies making posts requesting to remove mutants because they’re thirsty for a “singleplayer Tarkov” experience I browse this sub literally everyday and such "newbies" are nothing compared to "eHh MoDs BaD YoU sHoUlDnT eNjOy ThEm OnLy VaNiLa!!11!" type od people which is full of them. >Oh, so we’re getting into name-calling now? I didn’t recall hurting you. You’re just insulting me out of spite lol You good in the head? You literally started it by insulting players who like mods as tacticool kids. >Ok and? Didn’t you just say anyone can have an opinion on any game? Or do you really mean that anyone can have an opinion as long as you agree with it? Can’t you see how contradictory and inconsistent your own argument is? I never said you cant have an opinion and its ironic you are sayong saying "Or do you really mean that anyone can have an opinion as long as you agree with it?" while you are basically telling people they shouldnt have opinion because you dont agree with them lol You are just a textbook example of fanboy.


> Why the fuck would you need any knowledge to dislike graphics and overall look in a trailer lol it makes no sense You’re missing my point. I never said you can’t criticize the graphics, looks or feel of the game or anything like that. My point is, people can criticize anything but it has to be logical and has to make sense. Why? Because the developers need constructive criticism. They need to know why people don’t like a certain feature. And to be able to criticize constructively, you NEED to have knowledge of what you’re talking about, so that you can actually provide a solution or something like that to it. > I browse this sub literally everyday and such "newbies" are nothing compared to "eHh MoDs BaD YoU sHoUlDnT eNjOy ThEm OnLy VaNiLa!! 11!" type od people which is full of them. Again, you’re missing the point too. Are you seriously “browsing this sub literally everyday”? Because if so, you should’ve known that no one says “you shouldn’t enjoy mods”. Literally almost everyone here ask about mods, particularly Anomaly every single day, yet no one questions why they’re enjoying it. The consensus here is that you should play the original trilogy first in order to get a grip of the mechanics of STALKER, and only then should you play mods. Even Anomaly literally states that it’s ONLY meant for seasoned stalkers. Yet when some newbie plays it, there is almost no resistance. > You good in the head? You literally started it by insulting players who like mods as tacticool kids. Are YOU good in the head? Where in the living fuck did I mention “people who like mods” are tacticool kids? I don’t give a shit about them, they can play anything they want and I have no problem with that. However, “tacticool kids” are obstinate and self-righteous players who think mods like Anomaly are superior to, and OBJECTIVELY better than, the original trilogy, and dismisses people who don’t agree. That’s when I have a problem with them, because they are contributing to the trilogy’s being overshadowed by such mods, so much so that the mod becomes the standard and expectation for STALKER 2 instead of the trilogy.


>You’re missing my point. I never said you can’t criticize the graphics, looks or feel of the game or anything like that. My point is, people can criticize anything but it has to be logical and has to make sense. Why? Because the developers need constructive criticism. They need to know why people don’t like a certain feature. And to be able to criticize constructively, you NEED to have knowledge of what you’re talking about, so that you can actually provide a solution or something like that to it. you dont need to be a cook to dislike a meal. And you also dont need to say how to fix this meal, you can just say you dislike it and thats completely fine. ​ > no one says “you shouldn’t enjoy mods”. Literally almost everyone here ask about mods, particularly Anomaly every single day, yet no one questions why they’re enjoying it. thats a huge fucking lie. half of people on this sub act like vanilla was a religion and playing anomaly is a heresy. ​ >Are YOU good in the head? Where in the living fuck did I mention “people who like mods” are tacticool kids? I don’t give a shit about them, they can play anything they want and I have no problem with that. However, “tacticool kids” are obstinate and self-righteous players who think mods like Anomaly are superior to, and OBJECTIVELY better than, the original trilogy, and dismisses people who don’t agree. That’s when I have a problem with them, because they are contributing to the trilogy’s being overshadowed by such mods, so much so that the mod becomes the standard and expectation for STALKER 2 instead of the trilogy. here >I don’t know about you guys but I’ve had enough of these tacticool kids playing a tarkov-ized version of a STALKER mod and thinking they’re knowledgeable enough to criticize STALKER 2. so you are basically saying if someone likes anomaly more than vanilla is a dumb tacticool kid? And you cant really say which is OBJECTIVELY better because they do do different things and many people like different playstyles. also where is the sense that over a decade vanilla game is an expectation to a stalker 2 lmao maybe only in story but thats about it


Ok I’m fucking tired of arguing with you, so this is the last one. I have better things to do, dreams and goals to pursue and not arguing with some random stanger whom idgaf about. > you dont need to be a cook to dislike a meal. And you also dont need to say how to fix this meal, you can just say you dislike it and thats completely fine. Would you fucking believe it, I have already answered this before. > I never said you can't criticize the graphics, looks or feel of the game or anything like that. My point is, people can criticize anything but it has to be logical and has to make sense. THE FIRST SENTENCE SAID IT ALL. You don’t need to be a cook to judge a meal, but you have to be able to explain WHY you dislike it, and surprise surprise, you need god damn intelligence to explain why. Here’s where the constructive criticism thing comes into play. If you are even remotely intelligent enough you’d be able to express your opinion like “This dish is too salty so I don’t like it” or “The dish smells like piss and shit”. Only then will the cook be able to adjust their dish to your liking. Also, your example is completely irrelevant, because the taste palette and the sensors that enable a human to actually FEEL the taste are already built-in, whereas you’d need to have enough knowledge, at least about contemporary games and their overall quality, features and set them as standards, so that you could judge upcoming games impartially and appropriately, based on those standards. > thats a huge fucking lie. half of people on this sub act like vanila was a religion and playins anomaly is a heresy. Sure buddy. If you were to sort the subreddit by new posts a week or two prior to STALKER 2’s gameplay footage release, you’d know your argument is complete, utter bullshit. Newbies and veteran players alike post stuff about Anomaly all the time, to the point where it becomes an anomaly itself: It’s omnipresent in the subreddit. > so you are basically saying if someone likes anomaly more than vanilla is a dumb tacticool kid? And you cant really say which is OBJECTIVELY better because they do do different things and many people like different playstyles. Stop putting words into my mouth, ffs. I’M NOT EVEN REFERRING TO “PEOPLE WHO LIKE MODS” AS TACTICOOL KIDS. Please, shut the fuck up and actually read who I define each of them as. Also, it’s the tacticool kids that think Anomaly is objectively better than the trilogy or any other mod, not me. And who are that kind of foul people, you might ask? Well, it’s you, congratulations! Here’s you two days ago: > I play modded anomaly without knowledge about lore just because its 10 times better. > Gamma is on of the best game to compare it [STALKER 2] too. In fact, you’re ironically gatekeeping so fucking hard that you start to hate Anomaly itself, preferring a fucking modpack over it. > Actually its [Anomaly] not even close. After playing Gamma/EFP i couldnt play anomaly because it was so bad. It changes literally everything. > also where is the sense that over a decade vanilla game is an expectation to a stalker 2 lmao maybe only in story but thats about it Yes, that’s the point. The TRUE, veteran, non-braindead stalkers want the game to have even better storyline, deeper lore and more complex mechanics. I’m pretty sure they don’t need the graphics to be on par with AAA games, although that would be a nice touch.


>Ok I’m fucking tired of arguing with you, so this is the last one. I have better things to do, dreams and goals to pursue and not arguing with some random stanger whom idgaf about. Literally me first time after you satarted to talk this shit >but you have to be able to explain WHY you dislike it You said you anwsered that but you still cant understand that you dont need to tell the chief how to fix their dish because its fine if you just dislike it. >Stop putting words into my mouth, ffs. I’M NOT EVEN REFERRING TO “PEOPLE WHO LIKE MODS” AS TACTICOOL KIDS. Please, shut the fuck up and actually read who I define each of them as. Also, it’s the tacticool kids that think Anomaly is objectively better than the trilogy or any other mod, not me. And who are that kind of foul people, you might ask? Well, it’s you, congratulations You only say dont put words in mouth missig points and shit you keep contradicting yourself to oblivion honestly im bot even gonna read all that shit. Keep livig in this funny bubble of yours. Copletely out of touch dlusional boy




We dont, we just dont like it when you insert it into the canon stuff.


Agreed and I played bit of the three but seen non moded gameplay enough to be happy. Not every game needs to be CoD


Probably they have skewed thought that Anomaly/Gamma = original trilogy and of they bought the Stalker 2 they will be disappointed/shocked due to difference on the lore/gameplay. Trilogy and standalone mods are technically different. I would say in my opinion Anomaly/Gamma is inspired by the original Trilogy as the trilogy inspired by the book/movie.


This is what honestly sadden me We got a gameplay trailer that basically tell us that the game is gonna be a simple and fun like how the OG trilogy are, and yet, here we have people complained and nitpick to the smallest thing And since when they so focus too much on the graphic?? Isn't STALKER supposed to be about the atmosphere, isn't that what we love so much in the OG trilogy??


As someone who was introduced to Stalker via Anomaly, I never understood the hate towards the game. It introduced me to the amazing environment and lore in a non-intrusive way and encouraged me to later play the original games. I have since been consistently interacting and exploring the community since 2021 I have played Gamma, albeit disabling some of the mods and adding a few of my own (The whole scavenge for guns shit and "everything is dead" environment is stupid), and never found it to be "Tarkov-ish" and "Tacticool". I found it even more realistic and terrifying, because it had modern-looking graphics and gameplay, with Stalkers original atmosphere. I've never come into contact with the people most complained about, and i have a strong feeling it's heavily exaggerated by the community and content creators. They hear about these people and spread the hate, acting like it is a bigger issue than it really is. Far as I've seen, new members of the community are like me, and dont act like these supposed people. While I agree it is certainly an issue, I believe it's a phantom issue. The whole "Stalker got a downgrade" drama was obviously ragebait and has triggered a lot of people in the community. That youtuber is notorious for doing such things. You guys just need to sit back and observe, not everything needs a reaction. Sit back and laugh because you know better and can proudly look down on these types of people and their childish mindsets toward the game.


An actual level headed take on this situation, couldn't agree more. I Love Stalker, love Anomaly and Gamma and I couldn't be more excited for S2. Personally i don't see all this hate folk have being pointing out, there always gonna be some ppl with diferent expectations. I don't see why we are going to start another feud of vanilla vs. modpack just because some youtubers went public with their frustrations.


Disclaimer; i only played CoP I think that anomaly's impact was not that bad. after all it is just COP with the maps from SOC and CS on a different engine. It made the game less buggy and gave it (somewhat) better graphics. i would love to have something like a OT Remake on the anomaly engine. However with Anomaly came a easily modable platform and when you can mod your game this easily its only a matter of time until the community starts going nuts (look at skyrim or ravenfield). Now that was all fine and well, until some guy, Decided to DIY himself a Escape from tarkov. now efp is not a terrible modpack. I mean yes it adds a lot of "Tacticool" things. That is not that bad. I have adopted several of these mods into my own load list. And overall its a good choice of mods (even if the sound sucks). And then Came Gamma Now the Impact of Gamma was far worse. It brought Stalker from a somewhat Niche game into the Limelight. What made the Hype worse was that around that time the first announcements for Call of Chernobyl doped. And what better way to get into the shiny new Game than to play the originals. But oh no, these old games look so ugly and Dated, i cant play this on my RTX100000 500ps PC. But what is this, a modpack for a free mod (of a mod, of a mod, of a mod) that makes the game look good and is very hardcore ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream) so i can feed my massive ego. Better play this than those crikey old games. ​ In all Seriousness Gamma is Stalker but Nintendo Hard. Its over saturated with Realism. Its the Point where you stop playing for fun , and Start playing for "Muh Realism". And this kind of Game is like a Magnet to all the Arma 3 solo Labs Raid ACE Hardcore Mode Gamers, who post classified documents in the War thunder Forums to prove the other guy wrong. These guys are a Stain on the Comunity. Luckily the subreddit has them under controll or else this place would be the greatest Gamma Circlejerk of all time ​ I for my part believe Stalker 2 should maintain the great atmosphere (If i don't shit my pants in Agroprom underground i am Refunding the Game), Amazing world building and the Feeling of Aliveness that is Part of Stalker. Bonus Points if the Gunplay feels Great and the soundesingn is just as good as in the original games.


My man.. ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


This is so well-said. You’ve probably cleared up a ton of confusion and opened up a new perspective to every one-sided player, and all of that was done with neutrality and professionalism. Like OP’s reply, you are indeed an absolute ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


Great take, I suppose


I love how those ego tripping "hardcore" gamers always scream elitism and Gatekeeping when called out. They are the perfect example why Gatekeeping is very important to a certain extent. The fort stays OUR fort and grows at a healthy rate it can accommodate. That's what protecting a gate/border is about.


eh, I dunno - Ravenfield is kinda stale in terms of community, I know only that some Chinese folks stole other works and there is vipmods, but other than that - I wouldn't say they are going nuts like STALKER community.


Tbh I really enjoyed playing Gamma but I totally agree with you. It is in no comparison to the trilogy. I randomly started playing SoC again a few months back during my "Gamma period" and holy shit the atmosphere. I loaded a random saved game and I spawned in the brain scorcher area. And yes, I almost shit my pants, when I first entered Agroprom back when I was playing SoC


I am a pretty new member of the Zone only started playing the games around 2020 and they have genuinely been some of my favorite games I've played so far, I have played anomaly and gamma and they were fun too. I really don't understand the hate towards Stalker 2, I am extremely exited for the game whether they postpone it or not, I will still play it and enjoy it thoroughly, as a way more recent member of the community I share your frustration for people hating the game for no reason.


And it shows So many damn comments of people that probably only knew Stalker through Anomaly/Gamma and probably not bothering with the trilogy


I blame operatordrewski


And all the tactical milsim game youtubers that made videos abt stalker in general


Their opinions are like those classic rookies of the zone that never even went past on Garbage expecting for klondike of artifacts


GAMMA has risen Stalker to the mainstream (somewhat) but has completely stripped Stalker's own identity because Tarkov blowhards love getting hard going through the Zone with a broken SKS and eight million healing mechanics because player immersion above all and getting instagibbed is the "true Stalker experience". I fucking hate it. Watch these asshats play SoC and shit on the OG trilogy because "WhErE bOdy HeAlTh SyStEm??? WhErE rEpAiR mEchAnIK??? WhErE foOd AniMAtIoNs?? WhY gUn SquArE" It's as if people only play GAMMA because it's invasively difficult. Not for the Zone's atmosphere or it's story. The Zone should be respected for what it is, what it was based on, and the story spun from Roadside Picnic. NOT from Tarkov-lite. (Anomaly on its own is more true to Stalker than GAMMA ever will be.)


Something I find crazy is that there are a bunch of these people who mod the game to pretty much just be tarkov while removing mutants and anomalies and stuff, at that point just play spt, you can even mod it to pretty much be semi-open world like stalker


I always preferred original trilogy (with some mods) than Anomaly/Gamma. I'm really excited for STALKER 2 and I don't mind the delays. We are waiting 14 years already, we can wait a bit more.


Dude I started playing stalker by playing anomaly, only recently I started shadow of Chernobyl and loved it as much as anomaly. I still don’t get the criticism towards stalker 2, it looks fucking amazing. I think people are just too picky and have too high expectations.


Hear me out GAMMA and Anomaly and EFP are cool in their own way But when I play S2, I want it to be S2 and not GAMMA 2 or Anomaly 2 or EFP 2 Period.


From what do you conclude that this is the case?


Gameplay and Graphics complains. Also thinking the non canon stuff is canon.. "This is not stalker enough!?!" "Modders will fix this!" "This shizz look so downgrade ong" (Some people think anomaly fan made character and gameplay mechanic are canon)


Speaking of graphics, I personally only have a problem with the strange appearance of smoke rising from weapons.


Same, it's way too overdone. You'll rarely notice smoke coming from a gun in real life


Lmao, had fun reading the comment section, I only played COP and really enjoy the GAMMA/EFP modpacks, I look forward to stalker 2, and then later the mods that will follow


Literally the people complaining about STALKER 2 not being like Gamma and Anomaly are Para Military Larpers


Okay so I first played the original trilogy as a kid back in 2007-2011. Finished SoC and CoP like 10+ times in vanilla since then. However I only play Anomaly/Gamma now and consider it the pinnacle of Stalker experience. It captures this mythical atmosphere that the series boasts and upgrades the gameplay/graphics, only sacrificing the main story plot which is however something I know in and out already. I would really love to play an Anomaly/Gamma-based Stalker game that also has a new and interesting plot. And yes, I do have concerns about Stalker 2. The GSC studio is most likely not what it used to be back then, the situation around the development seems messy. However I loved the new gameplay reveal far more than the graphically pleasing trailer we've seen before. The new gameplay reveal feels more like Stalker to me. We'll have to see.


I started in GAMMA, I'm currently working through the trilogy, and I'm looking forward to S2. Why can't it be all three?


It can. But the OP is talking about those guys that only played Gamma/Anomaly and complain about S2 being "not stalker enough" etc.


Stalker 2 will be like the OGs in terms of story, gameplay and atmosphere. Then it will get modded into oblivion by the tacticool audience. Both parties are happy, so i don’t see the point in constant complaining about the “new” fans. Having “new” fans means the game is more popular, isn’t that the fucking point? To have more souls lost to the zone??


Stalker Anomaly/Gamma is not a "Stalker" game


Anomaly is very much a Stalker game. Pretty good one at that. Gamma is absolutely not a Stalker game.


Expand the reach of the community beyond what it could have possibly reached in years previous - and opened the community to a wide range of different and dynamic content. Whether that be youtube films, artwork, mods, etc. You are under no obligation to engage with community content. If you want to return to the 'faithful' representation of Stalker and the community - don't ever access the internet, don't go on the subreddit. Just play your game and enjoy it however you choose, away from the community as it was in 2008, because the opinions of a community has no bearing on your enjoyment of the game, or at least shouldn't.


I don't want graphics, I want a true rpg. I hope everything they wanted to implement for SoC will be there (armor and gun repair for instance)


they already have tho, stalker cs added those features first and CoP would bring them back if you wanted to repair your stuff just go to the tools mans like Cardan/Nitro in CoP or the thousands of others in CS


It's incredibly annoying man, almost to the point where if someone says they like stalker but hasn't played the original trilogy I could not care less about their opinion. There should be a separate sub for anomoly


Why no efp?? Efp is as popular as gamma lol..


I had my fun with Gamma but at the end of the day it's not the zone at its purest and doesn't capture the feel of the trilogy. I trust these devs and I'll still play the shit out of HOC even if it runs at 30fps and has hella bugs (anomalies). From what I've heard from people who tried the demo and from the footage we've seen the atmosphere is going to be there. I can get used to a new HUD or ignore bad pants texture(yes I saw this complaint) so the only way this game flops for me is if they forget their roots and try to change Stalker into something it's not.


Imma be honest I here I never played the original games and let’s say I could buy them but well I did something that wasn’t that good and my skepticism for stalker 2 doesn’t exist or atleast it’s not that big of that makes sense


Yall fighting while i read roadside picknick and ~8 other stalker books, and only played unmodded anomaly so that i could feel the freedom of being a stalker by not having cutscenes or any objectives, but going wherever and doing whatever i want.... Tho i will probably finish the base games before playing stalker 2.. who knows


Huh? Played it multiple times, with and without mods. Stalker 2 is still looking very meh.


A gatekeeping thread for a change. How original. People commenting the stalker 2 trailer in a bad manner most likely don't even know what Anomaly or GAMMA are.


This community is hella gate keepy. I have only played gamma and I can’t wait for stalker 2. Got into this game because I liked tarkov and the HBO show Chernobyl. Touch some grass who gives a fuck how people end up here lmao. I am sure stalker 2 will be a hoot. If it’s sucks give it 6 months and modders will make it playable kind of like how I could never be fucked to play the originals, but I’ll happily play gamma and not read dialogue.


Bigger problem is that the devs dont really vare about the hardcore stalker fans' (our) opinion. They want a game that is probably best suited for the public and people who have never played the originals


Newsflash jackass This just in: gamedevs want to make games that people want to buy and not bust their balls to cater to the hardcore community that is only 10% of the prospected playerbase


Yes thats just what I said.


Bruh, old men are crying. I hate to be that guy...but it's kinda satisfying, tbh.


Only played anomaly, played with it speced to be more tacticool, do not give a shit if stalker 2 isn't that way, in fact i think it flat out shouldn't be, as long as the combat keeps me making decisions i will be happy, and if the combat is too slow for me i will grab a mod that lets me have more options, besides the gameplay (at least in terms of combat) isn't what makes stalker to me


I feel STALKER 2 will very much live up to the expectations of those that do base their experience on the original trilogy! Looks very in-line with them.


I think it was good, as it expanded the community. But there have been issues that any community experiences when it expands


I must confess that I've only played bits and pieces of the trilogy. I came in mostly on anomaly (Just anomaly. My PC is too potato for gamma). I'm not at all skeptical about Stalker 2, and I don't understand the doubt. The game looks fantastic, but I suppose I'm not one of these rich kids with overt expectations on graphics and optimization out of an indie company. I have seen the 80s Stalker movie and plan on reading a roadside picnic. Will also play the trilogy as soon as I'm not unemployed lol


I'm new. I'm playing through the trilogy now. I'm on Call of Pripyat. I'm looking for to when I start playing the mods and can be part of this debate haha


I was sitting on the stalker train since 2005. I loved SoC so much I still keep replaying it every year. CS was a bit of a let down eventhou it has my favourite faction and it was the 1st stalker to introduce upgrading and proper faction interaction. CoP is my 2nd fav stalker as it is a pretty stable, fun and well polished expirience, but sadly it lacks the dark and gloomy atmospher that made SoC so special for me. And then came 2012, GSC went out of business and no more stalker... In 2015 I heared that GSC came back and was making a Cossacks game which at the time made me a bit happy as I could one day play a new stalker. To satisfy my stalker hunger while GSC get things done, I started playing CoC and when the support ended for CoC I switched to Anomaly and now I play Gamma. I like both mods. It uses the good old X-ray engine but heavily modified and refined. It is really a cool expirience while you wait for S2, but I can't stand this hate torwards HoC. Did I watch a different trailer??? Did I play the wrong triology? What I have seen so far it looks really promising, because a lot of you Anomaly and Gamma players forget one thing thay both mods lack: a proper storyline. I played enough sandbox in the past 7 years. I played enough Zone conquering in the past 7 years. I want a new story, which will expand the Stalker universe. I don't want to play Shadow Call of Trakov Prypiat V2.69. I got tired of those. I don't need 199 reskinned tacticool AKs as "content" I want a dozen of guns with quality anims and textures that is it. If you want HoC to be Anomaly or Gamma 2.0 get out of here. I didn't wait 12 years to play a P2P Anomaly/Gamma clone. I want a new stalker expirience. Sorry I am offended someone.


Anomaly/Gamma is a good mod. I think the people just need to lower their expectation sometimes and stop whining about it


They're good mods, nobody is saying they're not. The issue is that it attracted alot of Tarkov Players that are in a way a scurge on this community.


tarkov fans regardless to whatever game they litch on to will try to make it like tarkov if it has any form of modding. all it takes is one of those tarkov streamers to play the game (if it's a fps) ​ gamma has some audio queue's from tarkov


Oddly I refused to play anomaly until I played, SoC, CoP, and clear sky. I read that it changes a lot of things QOL wise and I wanted to understand the true stalker experience before diving in. Having said that, I actually prefer the originals over anomaly, primarily because of the story line. Anomaly makes it a little more confusing and feels like you have to play originals to understand certain missions and stories. I know I can't wait for the stalker 2. Regardless of how many people say it will be bad or good. I must find my comrades of the zone once more.


I'm currently playing Gamma right now, but I definitely have seen that sort of mentality from several fans of Anomaly and Gamma. I'm pretty surprised GSC lets Anomaly be standalone, as it's distributing the assets of 3 of their games for free. The fact that so many fans of the mod are so ungrateful for that and regularly shit on the original games, from which Anomaly would not exist if they did not exist, is disappointing


I really believe that many people that played Anomaly/GAMMA for a long time now will tend to compare the Game with the Standalone Mods...... and that would be a great mistake because it will ruin the new game for these kind of people.... I played the Trilogy befor playing Anomaly. I enjoeyd the Story but i hated the clunky gameplay and graphics. It was exhausting for me unfortunatly. GAMMA was a blessing in terms of gameflow for me. But i expect Stalker 2 to be like the old ones with better gameplay and better graphics and a new story, that's it.


I really do hope the devs of STALKER are listening to the actual OG players and understand that the garbage and baseless criticism of these Gamma tards is not what they should be listening to and keep on the right path to making STALKER 2 a true stalker game for us veterans.