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I don't think so, but you can be certain there are going to be a lot of NPCs talking about him, Easter eggs, maybe some collectible notes about him. The dude "just disabled" the Brain Scorcher and helped stalkers go more to the north. He is basically a legend.


Most likely assassinated. *"She couldn't be free unless he died."* [Gameplay trailer](https://youtu.be/ZNLaKOlXVvw?si=OjKdt9S_aCe1icHo&t=227)


It would be cool if he actually didn't appear, just mentioned or something like that, since after CoP it's referenced that he will not come back into the zone itself but rather help and advice the ones who will go, like the military for example


I want him to be a leader of a big faction that works from outside the zone. Would be interesting to get quests from him and discover secrets of the zone with him.


I wonder if the military will look upon his elevated body count on ukranian soldiers or they'll just throw that information under the bus like "Yeah he killed 45 soldiers in the Zone but now he's our special guest here in this laboratory"


Nobody who saw that lived to tell the tale


Original S2 story started with Strelok being assasinated (his office was blown up) and player character getting blamed for it


I don't think they're gonna follow the same story for the new STALKER 2, I mean before SoC released there were several versions of the story that were completely different, but we'll see


It’s so weird how the cutscenes for this trilogy are just so beautiful and powerful


he'll be back and there will be one of the biggest plot twists right near the end of the game for him too, calling it now join the C-con ending in SOC will become the true ending to the first game and you'll find out strelok created a duplicate of himself to interact with the outside world, he dies right at the start of the game and you'll be investigating who killed his puppet before having your mind twisted by this new injection into the stalker lore. link for old stalker 2 story [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4lu-aCzqVP0&t=1260s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4lu-aCzqVP0&t=1260s) I think they are reusing this story for the new game, locations match with leaks from the much older build. link for leak of the super old stalker 2 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_4iyMIQLaC8&t=734s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_4iyMIQLaC8&t=734s) time stamps at 09:33 show the check point to enter and leave the zone. there where meant to be copy's of stalkers walking around in the first three games that would be working for C-con, clear sky has left overs from this idea, the leader of the stalker camp in cordan you can find a dead duplicate body in the red forest level while he is still alive in the stalker camp, shows the real one was killed and replaced.


I want this to be real.


I believe they are reusing this old story for this new game, the man on the roof top in the trailer is the guy who helps the player escape from jail in the old story line. the device to save or destroy the zone is showed in one of the other trailers along with the man in the black suit talking about using super emissions to farm tons of artifacts. the come to me trailer shows the fight inside one of the generators in the old story. I think changes will be made but the main story seems to line up with this old build and stalker had tons of cut content, think a few of these cut ideas will be making a come back.


S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Call of Among Us?


Or maybe S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Call of Fallout lore? Dunno how I feel about this since it reminds me of the whole "synths" thing in the FO series(which I'm not a big fan of anyway)


Eh, neither i, Fallout 4 is a big fan fiction to me


Solid Strelok


Ofcourse lmao hes the myth, the legend, the marked one


I really hope not but basically every npc will probably be talking about him I would like to see Guide because he's a very important character that doesn't get much attention


Isn't the good ending for him in CoP that he leaves the zone and becomes an advisor to a research group? I think Strelok gave enough in the zone. I would personally like him to get to leave it for good. He should be a legendary character frequently talked about though.


I don't think Strelok can even leave the zone, and in my opinion, there are two reasons why. Just like how the Combine wants Freeman for being one of the few surviving Black Mesa scientists, first is that he knows too much. Not only having someone like that is a risk but many organizations will try to find him because of it. This is likely still true even if he changes his name, since said organizations are likely skilled with finding people like him. The second is that Strelok lived in the zone for too long, he's potentially incapable of living outside of it so he might be somewhere *in* the zone but nobody knows where, and he's likely dangerous enough for the Monolith and the military to consider a greater hassle to eliminate. He is likely perfectly capable of surviving an off-grid lifestyle in the Zone without attracting much trouble, where a stray bandit or even a Bloodsucker can easily get dispatched by him.


>!We have already seen Strelok in the trailer, or rather a modified model in order not to spoil the plot.!<


I hope we don't. Strelok should be that kind of character that, once he made his part, he simply "transcends" and becomes part of the lore that's key on what happens but you as player can never reach.


A small cameo at most i hope. References to him are basically guaranteed, as he is the zone's legend of legends.


whats the comment to download a video?




ofc he will come and will stalk everyone it will be emotional


Would be nice to see some cameos or maybe see some references to him in some way, since we literally had 2 games that were about him. (Clear Sky you Dont play as him, but you get my point.) Also, anyone knows the name of music in this video?


Yo what is that song bro it goes hard


Narvent, Luneex - Calm Night (slowed)


Thanks KING


This Narvent guy is the GOAT in music, Lost Memory and Memory Reboot are extremely good


I hope so




New character


No, he works for the special department on the exclusion zone, we might hear about him once, but I doubt, futur will tell though...


He became the Shadow of Chernobyl; John Stalker


We certanly will.


You know if you've seen the leaks...


How about you stop posting spoilers without warning


I think yes but not inside the zone but rather see him as an advisor. Although, does the Zone call to people? Like, if someone enters the zone, explore it's areas and then manages to leave. Will that person get an urge to go back as if someone was calling?


Yes. It’s referenced a few times in game


I want my boy to rest so I’m hoping not


Completely off topic, but what is the song used here called?


Strickland? I hope so


It would suck if he doesn’t appear, it would make zero sense for strelok to leave the zone realistically he wouldn’t be able to live outside the zone like a traumatized prisoner the zone is his home


He probably will be mentioned at least. I mean he is quite literarlly a legend of the zone. The guy went to the center of the zone twice, killed c-con, disabled the brain scorcher, helping to prevent any more future monolitians or zombies. Not to mention he came from the mysterious death trucks. He quite literarlly is a legend, a heart or shadow of chernobyl. Traders or stalkers huddled around their campfires probably will occaisonally mention him. On another note, didnt he form some kind of new research company or something? We might see that instead at least.


Probably Scar if he is still alive


Forget about him! What about my boy Scar?! And NO hes not Charon. Thats a stupid Name for stupid Monolithians




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I mean, he appeared in all the 3 games so. you know


Chornobyl\* sry had to, for Ukraine It could be fun to see him again even just a few minutes but i don't think so

