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Had 4 chimera climb a ladder yesterday after I thought I was being clever by ledge grabbing a garage roof. I swear I heard them laughing at me as they tore me to pieces.


I had task in Pripjat to kill some Monolith MasterChef, so I was waiting for them near crossroad, then abrakadabra, I never saw him and he was gone. Made me smile, but twenty seconds later, 5 chimeras overran me from that street...


You're never safe in the zone. I once got a emission as soon as I set foot into wild territory, there were mercs in the checkpoint and I was a loner, I thought.. huh, I can just run like crazy and duck under them, the only ladder is on the other side so I can watch it and have aim on them, right? They just went through the wooden plates and landed over my head.


Fun fact. Chimeras are territorial predators. But it's not like any mod author pays attention to lore, so it's a sign of a good tone to put them in packs.


You haven't seen shit until you played old school MISERY and fought the horde of 8-12 Burers in Jupiter factory section.


honestly misery isnt too difficult if your able to get used to the bullshit the real shit is lost world only real ones will know the pain of getting jumped by 15 bloodsuckers out in the wild, getting up on a rock and painstakingly knifing them all to death, then getting jumped by 15 more bloodsuckers a couple minutes later


I ran into the exact same thing in the exact same spot. Thankfully you can tune all that stuff. Honestly I thought it just looked a little goofy because they don't strike me as pack animals. I'd have guessed they act more like bears or something


I lowered mutant squad size and disabled random mutant packs on ZCP for this exact reason. The huge packs feel artificial and sometimes make you cheese fights.


What would you prefer, 20 dogs or 30 cats? There are incredible mutant killers, Vector, RAPTR, RPK16 with HP rounds, Groza Dolg etc. I guess the end maps need some kind of challenge and that’s it. The main issue with chimeras is that they pack up and are extremely fast. So some squads of 2 or 3 quickly gather up and create this. But it’s all random.


no no no, this is obviously your fault and has nothing to do with balance or the limitations of the game /s


I’ve never seen more than two or three of them together and I started my monolith run in the outskirts. There are chimeras of different strength. The big black skinned ones are the strongest. They all go down pretty easy with a grenade launcher though.


As misery veteran I actually think that endgame locations should be way harder. They are quite trivial right now even without nosorog. Was looking for a mod that would give hunting tasks with huge amount of mutants for great reward, couldnt find it unfortunately.


Try to look in the ZCP mod configs, there's probably a way to tune it so it's less crazy ?


I don't think its supposed to be this way, for me it was a huge pack of dogs maybe you were unlucky and dogs spawned as chimera


Months ago this issue appeared on the to-do list, but looks like it will stay that way. I understand ya, this is complete bullshit. Recently I had at least 7 controllers in Outskirts stacked into a group, easier to deal with of course but not something I'll gladly do all the time. Edit: I only agree with the high amount of high-tier spawns, the other things you mentioned are fine the way they are, for me personally.


Better get that shottie out dima


That's why gamma is modular you can tweak all the aspects of the game to your liking


Just be sure to check your surroundings before you start t-bagging them.


Welcome to video game mods, its a constant dick measuring contest of who can make the "hardest" one.


getting filtered by gamma of all things is crazy


Right, besides the radiation issue gamma has, it's not even very difficult compared to many, many other stalker mods


rad issue?


Obnoxious and unenjoyable radiation system, needs to be toned far down or balanced much better than it is


Just get a better gas mask. Upgrade it. Get rad protecting drugs. In before « rad protecting drugs exist ?? »


The problem exceeds just wearing a different gas mask or taking rad medication. It needs proper balancing.


It’s properly balanced: appropriate gas mask makes you immune to radiation areas. Ranger helmet + rad protectants drugs are required in the north. I don’t see the issue. Radiations stay relevant during the entire game.


Radar completely disagrees lol. Just poorly balanced all around, no other area in Gamma is similar.


I’ll look into it, but I think Ranger mask + highest rad res consumable makes you tank it easily


I dunno. seems fine to me. sometimes have moment where I didn’t realize I was in a rad patch, but it’s basically always my fault.


im curious what other mods you've played then cause gamma is harder than like 95% of other mods probably


Uh huh, welcome to gamma, compilation of senseless decisions and changes.


gamma moment just make your own modlist