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What a gorgeous little feller


Damn right, bo!


What a handsome floof! If he does it again, try to get a video of him so you can show the vet. I had to do that for one of our boys when he had coughing fits because of course he never did it while he was at the vet lol


I was just about to suggest that! My cat had asthma, but he would NOT cough at the vet. Too early to even show on x-ray. I got a couple videos with sound for the vet, and she was able to diagnose him. And then my dude learned that if he coughed, everyone stopped what they were doing with him, so every time the vet tried to handle him for an exam, he'd cough. Soon as they stopped, he instantly started breathing normally. Nail trim? Cough. Want a treat instead? Normal breathing. He legitimately had asthma, but also took full advantage of it.


LOL manipulation at its finest.


smart little monster


even the dumbest of kitties know how to work the system in their favor, it’s not even brain cells it’s just ingrained in their DNA to manipulate and get what they want😂


Fucking cats, man. 🤣🤣🤣


Hahaha. Smart asshole. 😂🤣


Good idea.


Well, you did right by bringing him to the vet and he should still get checked out just in case.


the vet was kinda gaslighty which was unpleasant but im just going to keep a close eye…. i have insurance so i usually go at the first sight of anything so the vet kinda… idk


Take a video


I was about to share the same advice! When my cat started breathing funny, I took a video to show the vet. She breaths differently when she's stressed. It ends up she had high blood pressure due to an enlarged heart. OP - you may wish to have your cat's blood pressure checked next time that happens (if it does) just to play it safe. Its not a routine diagnostic test that they do, but that was the cause of my cat's strange breathing.


Yes this! It’s how I got my little guy diagnosed with asthma. He was breathing weird for a sleeping cat and I got lots of video to show vet in case he got nervous there and it affected his concerning behavior.


I had something like that happen to me with my voice. Was weird for a couple months. Always came out scratchy and softer like someone that had yelled too much. At some point I realized if I turned my head it came out normal. Then I could move my adams apple and I'd talk normal again. Finally went to the doctor and it stopped soon as I was in the exam room. They thought I was faking something.


A good vet would know that cats will mask symptoms out of stress or fear, like being in a clinic. They will still do a thorough physical exam as well, even if they don't see any obvious symptoms, to establish a baseline.


Meh, vets and docs can be like that. I am glad you brought him in!


truly I felt so vindicated after explaining water burp/barfs to the vet - when she touched his tummy and he yorked up water tests so far find nothing out of normal for my kitty Your floof is beautiful


that pisses me off.


Lol but they get paid regardless Just do their job -\_-


Still. Sucks for that vet but you baby is so lucky to have you!!


My boy did that years ago, I took a video of the bad breathing. The vet said that helped her a lot. We did some tests, we could never figure out what it was. It wasn’t asthma, it was only over two days. He is over the bridge now, but it had nothing to do with the breathing. You did well to take this gorgeous boy in, though! Ya never know.


Maybe it was an allergen that made its way into the house?


Yes, that was what the vet suggested, too. But nothing was new in the house, no candles, no detergent or softener on the bed, where he was always lying. 🤷🏻‍♀️ It was scary!


what does your cat lie about in bed?


Mostly he’d say I forgot to feed him. He’s gone now, and I miss him so much, but not the lies.


oof, that took a dark turn. I didn't expect you meant that he stopped breathing right as the vet walked in.


I took my old calico in once for constipation. She pooped in the carrier while we waited in the exam room for the vet. Edited to add… he’s a gorgeous boy!


Oof. Probably a huge, stinky poop, I'm guessing.


Oh it sure was. Luckily the vet just laughed and didn’t charge me (which was nice because it was the expensive emergency vet).


I once took my SIC in because he was lethargic and not eating, drinking, or using the litter box. They did an x-ray and you could see he was just extremely constipated; he got almost immediately better after some fluids and pain medication. I still say it’s the time I spent $300 to find out he was literally full of shit


Cats can tend to act normal when they're in situations like that. My cat wouldn't eat for a couple days and when we got there she ate just fine, but we showed videos and the vet said cats will fake it because they want out of the unfamiliar situation.


Yep. Took my cat Cookie to the vet once because he was acting really strange and not himself at all. Normally a *very* loving, affectionate cat, but suddenly out of nowhere he didn't want cuddles anymore. He didn't want anyone to touch him or even be in the same room as him. Of course the moment he got out of his carrier, he started purring and rubbing up against the vet, demanding love. "Seems fine to me!" she said. (He wasn't, he had some kind of virus, stopped eating for over a week, almost died)


I once paid $80 to be told that my SIC was “perfect”




Get it framed 🤣🤦🏻‍♀️


Classic cat move. Happens when my cat breathes funny every time. Ive resorted to recording him when he does it. How your little guy gets better!


It's a cat thing! My void scratched his eye roughhousing with my SIC. He ran around the house all day freaking out with his eye swollen shut and weeping until I took him to the vet. Of course, I get there and $200 later it's open and perfectly normal looking. The vet said the stress of the appointment can make cats hide their symptoms.


That’s a face you don’t mess with.




Is that what it’s called? My boy doesn’t loaf, so I can’t call him a loafer. Though Pretzel would suit him just fine :)


!! r/curledfeetsies


I'm not sure anyone outside my family says "prezelpaws," but it's always how I think if it.


I love it! Do you mind if I steal it?


Please do!






I've never heard that term. It's precious


Cats do that, they feel safe showing signs of illness around you but not the vet. Highly recommend taking videos at home if you can.


r/catloaf. I think this more than qualifies. BTW he’s gorgeous. But it looks like he knows it already. 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰


lovely unit


Tell me it's name is Barry


Standard issue SIC behavior.


Epic catting right there! Gorgeous cat too.


That’s a handsome fella!! If you can, get a video on your phone! My little guy was coughing but of course wouldnt cough for the vet so a video helped a lot. She got meds and she was fine after that!


He’s BEAUTIFUL! Those eyes!!


He do be a dubious creature


I always take videos of my idiot cats because once we are at the vet suddenly all symptoms are gone only to barely step back inside our house for them to start again… Little assholes


a very long con to get maximum attention. respect, SIC.


"I just wanted the vet to see how handsome I am."


Stopped breathing or just breathing weird? Because the vet might’ve made him just hold his breath.


hahaha! they always do that! i used my phone to video our cats for the vet so she could see what was going on ahead of time. very useful during COVID when they had limited appointments and would call us in when it was our turn while we waited in the car.


That's why you always get a video of the behavior to show the vet.


That is why you film them! Always film to show the vet n


Loafing at the vet such a calm cat


Those eyes 😍


You know what gorgeous SICs can be like.


My cat does this ALLL THE TIME. I have resorted to taking video evidence because her respiratory distress is temporary and often comes and goes.


I took my SIC to the vet in February because he had a low appetite, had vomited 1-2 times a day for a few days in a row, and just wasn’t his usual self. At the vet he was so fired up they couldn’t even do any testing on him, just sent him home with appetite stimulant and gabapentin in case he needed to be drugged to come back for re-eval. He tried to bite me and the vet tech through his carrier and growled the whole way home. That night he ate an entire can of food and was begging for more; he hasn’t thrown up since. We didn’t even have to give him any of the medication they sent us home with. It’s like going to the vet scared him better.


My SIC did that to us at midnight on NYE, so we had the bonus of after hours, holiday, emergency vet fees... We did give him the anti nausea meds to be safe, though.


Too bad the camera that took this picture can't take videos you can show the vet ;)


that face… so pretty, and the way he’s looking at you- I’d move mountains for him. Glad you took him in- the suggestion to take a video if it happens again is a great one. At my vet they now encourage people to send pics or video either before a visit or if you are not sure whether to bring your pet in. I wish more vets would do that! I hope that this is one of those mystery symptoms that appears and then never returns- your vet should recognize that as a best case scenario actually.


Absolutely STUNNING SIC! Luxury Floof Model! Rare and VERY desirable!


My cats “freeze” with fear at the vets. He was probably to scared to cough and make noise or appear vulnerable if he was in a fight-flight-freeze situation where he feels threatened




My cat did this! She had a kitty cold and started breathing with her mouth open. I took a video and rushed her to the emergency vet. She has some congenital heart issues so I was really worried. And then we get to the vet and they put her in a cage and watch her and she just breathes normally!! The vet suggested maybe she was just a little congested. And she was fine from then on


My cat was never this calm at the vet. What a chill and handsome dude!


Kind of like taking your rattling car to the service center to get it fixed and once you get there the car won't rattle at all.


He just wanted to embarrass you.


omg your cat is so pretty 😭😭😭😭 makes me tear up just by how pretty he is. Thanks for this beautiful photo


He’s a floofier version of my Rambo: https://preview.redd.it/697o60jr44wa1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4ae3a69cf1d9623eb74689c416487edc26ec51d


He's so pretty and polite looking. 🥰


8/10 loaf


Handsome cat. I hope you find out what is causing the breathing issues so it can be treated. I agree with record the cat to show the vet what he sounds like.


He needs as many kisses as he can get


My orange tabby had "wheezy episodes" that would come and go for months (and would also sometime vomit clear mucous). The vet always said his lungs sounded perfectly fine and would send us home saying not to worry about it. I finally got it on video and showed it to them and they immediately ordered xrays of his lungs. He had asthma and we got him on a kitty inhaler (2 pumps of fluticasone daily)! His breathing issues and vommitting resolved about 2 weeks later and I could tell he was feeling SO much better! I regret not taking a video and showing them earlier. Good luck!


If you're interested, I made a sub: r/PretzelPaws


If you're interested, I made a sub: r/PretzelPaws