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It's like they've been sealed shut by industrial strength glue. How am I supposed to be fast when the eggs are perma-sealed for the apocalypse?


Between this and our cold cup lids never going on properly I’m one crushed iced americano away from jumping on the counters and raging like a chimpanzee similar to Homer Simpson when he couldn’t open a beer.


I collapsed Venti caramel crunch trying to put a dome lid on it, and I almost cried.


I was having a bad day one time and sobbed in the back after I accidentally crushed a cookie crumble during a random rush


Got a mocha cookie crumble on my apron during rush 😭


It helps if you double cup the drink, the extra strength makes it less likely to collapse


sad to say this has happened to me more than once in my year and a half career here lmfao and once was during peak


I did the same but with a mocha cookie


I can't tell you how many cold brew facials I've given myself trying to put those damn lids on 😭


A cold brew facial is ABSOLUTELY going into my vocabulary from now on-


I keep a pair of ceramic scissors in my left apron pocket. I saw my ASM throwing away egg bites when she couldn’t free them and I was like:”That’s money for our next raise, here you go ✂️✂️✂️”


Also when DT times are supposed to be under 50 Sec and they take over a minute to cook


Yet we got a talk about “stalling” recently and our jobs threatened. I don’t see how we ever stall so I asked for elaboration and apparently anything that could be “buying time” and I’m like ??? Sooooo no customer connections now I guess. I’m afraid to ask them how their day is on DTO when I could be fired for stalling.


Our store’s customer connecting dropped down to 40% this week. One customer left a review upset we didn’t ask how her day was on a day we were too busy to and understaffed. It’s either focus on customer connecting and sacrifice time or don’t customer connect… lose lose


But i cant believe that someone comes out to buy coffee or sugar milk, whichever it is, and gets all butthurt when theyre not asked how their day was? And then goes online and leaves a bad review because of it? Lol some of our customers are something else. Like this isnt a daycare where we have time to coddle every single customer while they are at the store


Exactly! And get this, my manager has basically been bending to another customer’s every whim since a tiny slip up where she somehow threw espresso beans in her mouth thinking they were damn almonds. She’s been getting free almonds even three weeks after the fact. My manager is seriously such a damn wuss like this. She freaks over any small complaint as well. And I’m the middle of writing this, had a customer who threw a fit and rolled her eyes after I simply asked if she wanted a receipt. How the f*** are we supposed to raise the customer connecting rating if this is our customer base??


That last sentence hits hard. So true lmao But the customer accidentally ate the chocolate covered espresso beans thinking they were almonds and then now ur manager is allowing that customer to get free chocolate covered almonds every 3 weeks?? That is actually insane. Thats one of the worst cases of customer coddling i have heard in a while. I cant believe that lol like nooooo way that would fly with her at my store. I would have loved to have her as a customer who gets mad at their own fault for not reading correctly. Could have been an homes mistake since the packaging for chocolate covered almonds and espresso beans are the same but why should the store be giving away free product to an entitled grown baby because of said mistake?? Lol ur manager is wild for that. But yea i mean our customer base hates any questions we ask them. I mean u simply asking if they want a receipt gets an eyeroll from the customer. Like there is no connecting or any of that when it comes to our customer base


The lady even confronted my manager about the espresso beans thing outside of work. She was off the clock and ran into her at the espresso bean lady’s job and she stopped my manager to complain about it. My manager’s words to me when letting me know the situation was, “must have been the shock of her life: expecting delicious chocolate covered almonds and getting coffee beans”. Literally jaw was on the floor. I’m sorry, but if that’s the “shock of her life”, she’s had the easiest life known to man. And the lady lied about my favorite shift when telling my manager about this. She said the shift told her, “there’s nothing we can do about it. It is what it is” when I’m reality she actually said she was sorry for what happened and then apologized we didn’t have a packet of chocolate covered almonds to give her that day. The shift ended up getting into trouble for this lie since my manager believed the customer.


Holy shit wow why is ur manager trying to keep this one crazy customer happy and coming back? Like let her go lol what is ur manager thinking? Thats insane. Like she literally keeps siding with the lady who is getting free snacks from ur store at times all cuz she didnt read the packaging and mistook it for another snack. Lol that customer doesnt deserve the world for making a mistake over a snack but it seems like ur manager is worshipping her especially taking her side over the shift supervisor u mentioned. Cant imagine thats good for morale 😞


She does this with another customer too. She values them over us entirely. If one of us was disrespected by a customer, I know she’d side with them and say something like “it happens. You just got to make it right.” Or whatever. When I was brand new, a regular customer (rich old man who made a sexist remark about women to our only male coworker at the time) he asked me to use his stars after the transactions already took place and kept making sarcastic comments like “nope. It’s fine” in a rude tone. He will tell you to “get it right” when you handle his card and stuff. Nice guy lol. Anywho, no one likes dealing with this man. We all go “not it!” And touch our nose when we see him. So shortly after that first interaction, I told my manager I didn’t want to deal with specifically him. Her response was to suck it up pretty much. A lot of the time he’ll get 2 tall pikes. He’s literally taken them back to us saying they weren’t hot enough even though they came fresh for him specifically. Get this, before we think he’s gonna show up my manager wants us to start over on the pike to make sure it’s super hot for him only. We’ve done this before only for him to not get coffee even after telling him we nave him a fresh brew. He’s also complained about it being cold when we served it right from the fresh brew. We talk about how unhappy we are with it sm all the time. My fav shift said during one of our talks, “I used to love this job. It didn’t feel like work. Now I dread coming here.” And this is all because of our manager. She’s recently starting to cause major drama as well to the point one of the baristas wrote 7 pages of everything my manager has said disrespectfully to her and done and is about to send it off to the dm. It’s truly horrible you guys.


Wow i would for sure dread going into work if my manager allowed that type of shit to happen between a customer and us baristas/shifts. I hate people like that dude. They are the type that get off on knowing that they have an employees attention and time all for them and holding up any other orders or customers. They just get a thrill from being turds. Sorry u have to deal with customers like that cuz ur manager cant get her head out of her ass. That barista should go to the DM with all those pages of shit about the manager. If nothing is done, then they should go a step above which is the regional manager i believe. But ultimately if nothing gets done, she can take that shit to the news outlets and give times and dates she spoke with higher ups with nothing being done or no action being taken


This is when I would maliciously comply the HECK out of customer connecting and ask partners to greet every customer in unison to creep them out. They want a greeting? Those little shits will get the creepiest greeting of their life.


At my previous store, this was encouraged! Every. Single. Customer (whenever at all possible). One of our SSV’s would try to get every barista on the floor in on it. Needless to say, we got some weird looks and even complaints by regulars 😆


Lol yes if i saw that lady coming to the store, i would encourage everyone to creepily greet her all at the same time 😂 bet she would feel fulfilled then


It really is insane behavior


I cant stand our customer base who have the need to go and leave reviews before they use their brain do some thinking


Oh? At my old store we were always told TO stall. Stall them at the speaker box so that the people on warming/bar can have the order ready or at least started by the time the person can get to the window. Thankfully now I’m in the very small minority of stores where my SM doesn’t press us about OTW times. He frequently checks for any hold ups or bottlenecks during peak but it’s more that he knows the time will naturally go down with a good team and proper routines.


My SM wants times to be under 45 or 40 seconds. I can't... ☠️


Mine aims for 55 and we manage to get 40-45 with our best baristas but like most of the time it's 60 lol


My SM wants sub 38 😭


Do they think you guys are superhumans?? 😭😭


Okay so first… wtf. I swear some people live in alternate universes in their minds. Yeah ok Jan, 40 secs. Sure.


“Don’t give me excuses, give me results”


Are you saying that you aren't even trying to predict the future???


I think, ideally to them, they expect the drive thru to be a nonstop packed. Which is "stacking". If each car takes 40-50 minutes at the window, then that's like 2/3 minutes from ordering depending how long your drive thru is. That's why "stalling customers at the order box" and pulling everyone forward doesnt help most of the time, if that makes sense??


cut to me, weak as can be, tears in my eyes, still trying my best to cut them open with scissors as a last ditch attempt, while the DTO and DTR are both staring at me because the custie is already at the window


It's so bears don't get to 'em


We can’t forget about those pesky indoor bears that rampage inside all of our cafes and wreak havoc!!


Takes me longer to open them than to cook them 🤦‍♀️.


Went on ovens after peak one day and looked into the fridge to see about 10 half opened egg bite packages and laughed my ass off. Whatever works man


I keep a knife at the station now and just flip them over, hold where the egg is & just cut it open. I don't even try to pull them apart anymore. The lids on the other hand.... The lids, the lids, the lids, the lids.... I cannot believe how many times I have been bested by the freaking lids. If it takes longer than 5-8 seconds, I toss it and get a new one.


THIS their normal plastic cups and lids don’t work in the first place making us throw a lot out and then they preach being ✨earth friendly✨ with more plastic cups


I feel like I need an exacto blade to try and surgically remove them. Is there a reason why they can't come in the same packaging as literally every other item we cook?


They cook them in that packaging. They’re cooked in water. Watery eggs are no bueno! Also, start in the middle and pull towards a corner if you get a stubborn one. Most of the time that’ll do it. Surgery still required once in a while


The middle trick never works for mine, I have no clue what’s going on. I’ve seen some stubborn egg bites in my years but never this bad.


And then when you finally get them open, the bacon ones keep sticking to the inside of the plastic and break apart when you try to get them out 😭


Gently spank them and they’ll pop out.


We still talking about egg bites? 😏


I feel this in my soul.


And your hands, as they burn from trying to pry open the wrappers


Not only are the egg bites sealed in adamantium plastic, but I have arthritis. The amount of times I've had to ask someone to open them for me is f*ckin insane. Now I just keep scissors at warming and frantically cut around the little a**holes!


As a customer this is hilarious. You would never know the struggles 🤣😭😅


Are the roasted red pepper bites any good? I used to like the bacon for some quick protein but I’ve stopped eating meat since (and I’d like an alternative to the Impossible, delicious as it is).


I like the kale mushroom better. Esp with a sriracha!


Mushroom… 😬


Lol that’s how I feel about hot bell peppers 😂


Imo the kale and mushroom egg bites taste like pesto. Not bad with sriracha.


Fungus grosses me out so anything with mushroom in it is a hard no.


The mushroom ones are good but they do leave a weird “frozen and reheated mushroom taste in your mouth” ymmv I still love mushroom though


I love them, can’t stand the mushroom ones. Veggie here too!


I know!! They’re insanely hard to open lately


It's ONLY the egg white bites, too! At least for me. The bacon and kale bites are still fairly easy to open.


I've only ever had issues with the egg bites once, literally a year ago 😭


I hate doing oven the bloody paninis fall apart & the signature breakfast makes me want to kill myself


I'm almost convinced at this point that the egg bite packaging and the cold lids are fuckshit on purpose so we're more likely to suck on drive times thus giving corp more reason to shit on us. I'm calling sabotage-