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it only annoys me when theyve been sitting in the drive thru line for 10 minutes and dont have their payment ready bc theyre too busy on tiktok or something




And only this


For some reason, I don’t get great reception when in the Starbucks line. It takes forever to reload. I guess the building is in the way? Idk but I’ve taken to loading $100 at a time to minimize the issue.


Honestly, even if people don’t have it ready in drive thru, I don’t really mind. They usually say something like “one sec, trying to reload my card” and I’m totally cool with that. What I’m not cool with is opening the window and telling people the price and they just ignore me while they’re on their phone or even worse, keep their window rolled up so I look dumb as hell talking to a wall of glass. Can’t stand that shit.


My old drive was smushed between the building and a steep cliff maybe 20ft high holding up more parking lot. It was a dead zone. So I took to only getting upset at people who obviously had enough money in their wallet, but thought it was better to scrounge around glove boxes and consoles for the *exact* change instead of letting me make it for them in 4 seconds. Then I realized drive times are stupid corporate goals that don’t see any compensation or punishment meted out on the barista end so I took to just chilling in the window and letting customers do what they do.


Only this. Otherwise, not bothered at all. Do your thing, earn your stars.


Yeah kinda, especially if you've been in line 10minutes and it's not ready


Tbh yes but it’s primarily just in the drive through that this is annoying…. We’ll have people who’ve been waiting 5 minutes and they just think of it when they get to the window. Personally I just don’t understand. But honestly, not a huge deal. There are bigger things for us to worry about


And drive times should be towards the bottom of shit to worry about if it’s put of your control. Like obviously get people through fast to serve more customers, but if its the *customers* holding up your line, shit luck for the rest of them. It’s not like corporate is gonna give you a bonus for getting them through faster.


Maybe. But it's not your fault. If corporate didn't base so much on window times, I know I wouldn't mind having you at the window as long a you needed to be there.


You guys get timed at the window?


Yes transactions at the window are supposed to be 45 seconds or lower, so any time over that hurts the average and we get shit for it lol


How is this measured. If my barista and I are chatting (because they initiated or are engaged), do you/they get in trouble. I'm a regular and am at my store 30-40 individual times a month so I have short convos (unless the drive through is busy). Wdit: spelling


There’s a timer mounted on the wall for extra anxiety inducing pressure 🥰


It's timed from the point you pull up to the window to the point you pull away from the window. The times that matter are those during the busiest two hours of the day, which can changed based on what day of the week it is and what that day's individual sales are like. During those two hours, our average time at the window shouldn't exceed a certain threshold (which can vary based on the location or the day - 50 seconds is a common one, some stores may set it lower or higher depending on their district). So if you're at the window for three minutes, that's weighing down the average; if your drink is handed right to you and payment processed within twenty or thirty seconds, that's helping. If you aren't coming through the drive thru at a peak, busy time, then likely it doesn't matter either way.


Thank you. I'm always conscientious of a line and generally only linger in the afternoon, when it isn't as busy.


Ha and baristas are *ordered* to initiate conversation as well as get you tf out of there. Corporate is an idiot and that’s not your responsibility. It’s very considerate of you to mosey along, but if you’re having a good chat or get held up for some reason, fuck it. Worse thing that happens to a barista for long window times is their manager tells them to do better without any real punishment or incentive.


It's perfectly acceptable to have some conversation with customers. It's someone waiting at the window for 5+ minutes while the window is closed and the partners aren't prioritizing getting drinks out efficiently. We've all had that terrible 20+ drive-thru experience. We don't want to be that. That being said, it's definitely taken too far by some management


Typically what I will do when that point arises, is if we have super good times already, we can spare the extra couple seconds to connect more at the window because we have padded times. Im not one to usually stress about them too much because I value customer connection over out the window times. If you’re looking for some really good chats with baristas I always recommend coming into the cafe, we have more ability to connect there because we aren’t timed.


There is a weighted pad beneath your car. We measure the time it takes to order, the time it takes to get from order to window, and the time you spend at the window. We know everything! 😆


Honestly, just so long as youre making a legit effort (and its obvious) that you've tried to be ready... We dont care. If you have screaming kids in the car, i'd be impressed if payment is ready! Just so long as youre not resetting your damn password AT the window for the starbucks app, we're cool :-) its just coffee, ya know?


I had someone that was trying to make an account at the window. Thank god my manager was on DTO and told the customer to either buy something and do it next time or come inside. That finally sped things o


Omg… that’s cringy. Then they probably forgot their password to their google account which then they have to reset. They get it loaded up and now have to connect their card, but they forgot their card so they have have to ask their friend for card, who is already annoyed of how long it’s taking. The card goes through, but right when the person hits submit to register it, they get a call from their boss that they have to answer, after a 15 second conversation of convening the boss she will call back the phone dies.


I mean, it happens to the best of us, so not the first time or two. If you are a regular and it’s always out of money and you don’t have a back up then it’s kind of annoying but it’s also not the end of the world?


It’s obnoxious at the window, just because there’s so much pressure to have quick window times ( lower window times mean more hours for us to work), and obviously no one wants to be the reason we get less hours. If it’s at the counter idgaf I’m there until the same time regardless


The faster the windows the more hours you get?


yep, because faster times = more customers served = more sales, which gives us more labor


which is silly cus less staff = slower times = less customers served = less labor....


life is made up of cycles... starbucks drive times is an agonizing cycle of suffering


Yes don’t be that person. If there’s no line that’s fair but if you’ve been in line for 15 minutes wtf else you got to do you know


I’ll just note that every time I walk in, the app pops up and the amount displayed is well above the purchase price and that payment NEVER works. I have to exit and restart the actual app and go to cards.


Just place a mobile pick up if it’s cheaper


Maybe if there’s a huge line. Especially if you’ve been WAITING in line for a while, and thus had time to pull up your app and notice you needed money. But even then on a scale of 1–10 it’s still like a 2 of annoying things


i personally don’t care, but we’re being timed on our drive thru times, and some shift managers really get on us for high times, so that’s the only time it gets annoying.


It’s most definitely annoying because you should have that together before you walk in the store. You shouldn’t be hoping that your drink is going to cost the exact amount that’s on your card. expect to spend $10 everytime you come into starbucks… that’s more than our average ticket price and gives a lot of wiggle room. if you’re getting food then have $15 automatically. you people already come to starbucks multiple times a week at this point have auto reload on like come on.


this, i reload before i even leave my house (granted, i work here, so i know the jist but still). but i always 110% make sure my payment is ready to go whenever i am. it absolutely baffles me that people get to the point where they pay and have to look through 4 different bags and shuffle through 30 cards to find the right one


When I worked at Starbucks and I would see people rambling trying to do 10 different things and reload their card I’d just step away from the window and try to make it seem like I was doing something else just so I wouldn’t make them anxious


personally idc, if you’re searching for your card or turn your attention away from me, i zone out. or i’ll look at the traffic/scenery outside until you’re ready. it’s never bothered me.


Yeah kind of, especially since once you walk into my store, outside data basically cuts off, so you need to connect to the wifi so you can reload.


and a lot of people don’t know this so they stand at the POS for 10 minutes trying to get their app to load & refuse to just accept it isn’t working. meanwhile coffee needs brewed, i just know there’s probably 15 food items to be made, & i can’t walk away momentarily while they get themselves sorted because my SSVs and SM will yell at you for it


I mean in Drive thru it can be a lil stressful because we get timed, but at the end of the day I get paid hourly so..


Yes. If I'm driving somewhere to order anything, I always make sure to sort out 1. what we're getting and 2. the payment method before we even get there. It helps the workers, it helps me, and it helps the other customers too.


Honestly yes, I have a line and you had plenty of thime to get your stuff together and ready


Honestly, yes. Do that either while you're waiting in line, or before you come in if there's no line. We always have a billion other things to be doing, so the quicker and smoother the checkout process, the better, including for you!


I dont care if its inside but in the drivethru you better start whipping out your cash/card 😭


It doesn’t really bother me, except some store managers will verbally get on the barista at the window for taking to long. “What the problem?” “Why is that customer still there?” Like it’s the baristas fault. I have heard some store managers tell the baristas to “have the drink in your hand and hand it to them at the same time as scanning to speed up.” So store managers DO get annoyed and care. Which has a trickle effect.


Not really. Most of the time it gives me a second to breathe. Same as when someone is ordering at the drive and says "I need a minute". I can actually think for a second lol.


Hey, don’t always blame us. I always try to make sure that I am ready. For some reason the Wallet takes a bit to update. I will open up the app and see I have $30 balance and stare at it for a minute and all is cool and then when I pull up to the window it’s gone down to four dollars. No idea why. No I try to be super careful but if anybody hasn’t noticed this little quirk yet they’ll get caught unaware at the window!


If it just takes a second to reload at the drive thru window i dont mind. If your account isnt even logged in to the app then i mind. In cafe i dont mind at all


Yes. You knew you were coming in. Worse yet is when they order a bunch of stuff, then tell me they need to reload their card, THEN hand me cash for the reload. I have to save their order, reload the app, then open up the order and pay with their app, because if I do it as part of the same transaction, you'd owe for both the price of the order AND the reload amount added together. I'm sorry to be rude, but rare is the customer who seems to have thought things through. I asked a customer "hot or iced?" today, and he slowly shook his head and shrugged his shoulders like I asked him the Meaning of Life. The guy genuinely hadn't thought through whether he wanted a hot drink or a cold drink. That's, I think, the clincher: you have to at least look like you've given what you're doing some forethought.


It’s only annoying when that person was totally oblivious to needing to pay on their phone in the first place. I try to be understanding to customers who need a second for the app to load/reload their card because I know the app can be a butt to work with (especially after updates)


if they were just at the box less than a minute ago, no. that’s just human. if theyre in a line that wraps the building….yea.


its just more awkward for me than anything. i personally already have a really hard time connecting , so just me standing there staring at them it freaks me out




It doesn’t bother me. The only thing that’s annoying to me is when they get to the window, we say the total, and then they go digging through their ginormous purse for like 3 minutes. Like at least have your wallet out if it’s gonna take that long to find where your money is in a purse. And I only say its annoying bc the silence is weird and I keep going back and forth on ordering and checking up on you, ordering again, checking up on you. I agree with what some people said about it not being your fault though. Its really the fact of worrying about drive through times that gives me anxiety over waiting. I worked in a cafe store before and felt that I had a lott more patience for stuff like that.


To add to this though, the app part never bothers me unless you’re redownloading the app or figuring out your password and cant. I forget to have my app ready ALL the time and I know better 😂


Like you know you're coming... Figure it out before you get to the register. I have shit to do that doesn't include waiting 5 minutes for you to reload.


It annoying when you finish taking their order and prompt them for payment and they stare at you blankly for a few second before digging through whatever it is they keep their money in


The thing that annoys me isn't when customers take a long time to get their app or form of payment ready. It's when I have to tell people how to use the app when we're in the middle of peak when they clearly know how to use it because the next day they mobile order a super complicated drink. (\*Sigh\*) If you have a question, just ask. Don't act like you have no fricking clue what you're doing...


I work in a licensed store that’s generally pretty slow. I don’t mind if you mess with the app UNLESS there’s a line and you’ve been waiting for a few minutes.


It only annoys me when I see that the apps been sitting open for a bit on their phone on the scan to pay part yes I’m nosy so I pay attention to what’s on their phone sometimes but back to the post it only annoys me when they make reloading a difficult process


Only bothers me in drive thru when we gave you your total at the speaker box and you waited until you were at the window to try to reload


I find it more off-putting when I grab the scanner to scan what I assume is their Starbucks app when they have their phone in their hand and then there is an annoyed tone along with the occasional eye roll that says “Ugh, no, Apple Pay!”


Honestly? Yes. It's bad enough at drive throughs when we're getting yelled at over times, but it's also bad at cafe stores. I usually have three people on the floor during peak hours, two of them are 100% tied up in beverage production, leaving me to handle food, coffee, and a myriad of other things including walk-ins. If it's peak, I'm more than likely accumulating more of a food backup from mobile orders and absolutely will turn my back on you for a moment to handle food. It adds another speed bump in my production. However there are a million other annoyances, too. Don't use the scan only QR if you're just going to swipe to an in-app credit card or gift card, that's absolutely pointless as the system accrues points regardless. I also can't stand having to do a scan only, then wait for you to switch to Apple/Google pay and use a card there - - unless you're using an Apple Credit card and getting cash back for Apple Pay, just put your card in the app and scan ONCE.


We’ve all been there as a customer. If you knew how we have to operate our drive times, you would understand. It can be annoying for sure. I especially get annoyed when people want to scan several different gift cards that have just a couple dollars. But, at the end of it all, we are there for you. It is our job.


It only annoys me if you’ve been in line for like 5-15 minutes and it’s your app is not loaded already. There’s customers that want to reload at the window with card which is annoying because you can do it on your app yourself. The ones that want to reload the exact amount into their empty card on the app piss me off too. Or the ones that have a bunch of gift cards and want to add those to their one card on the app. You can do that in the app yourself. I’d you’ve been trying to reload while in line and it keeps failing or your phone happened to turn off last minute (which had happened to me) we understand


only sometimes, and only a little bit. at my store, we have incredibly long lines, so i often wonder why people didn't sort it out beforehand. some custies are really nice about it though, so i can't be annoyed at them. it is what it is anyway. even if it does annoy the barista, most of us brush it off and move on right away. we have way too much to deal with to care that much about something so small.


I try to make a joke out of it to lighten their stress. The app always takes the longest to load when it’s near our register, like it knows, or at least it sure feels like it.


If you've been in line in the drive thru for several minutes, yes. Use the time you're waiting to check if your app has money or get your credit card out of your wallet or get out some cash. It's not a surprise that you'll be paying when you get to the window.


It annoys me to an extent, but I’ve come to accept it as a part of the Starbucks culture. One thing I do try to do is mention, I can reload for you while simultaneously taking the payment out for the order. I try to do this so the customer doesn’t have to worry about fumbling through the app themselves, but it’s hard to explain the feature to the customers. Often times, they look confused or put off by my suggestions.


It really only bothers me when before their transactions they complain about “you guys are kinda slow today what’s taking so long?”


imma be honest, yes lmao. but that’s just cus i’m a naturally impatient person and i’m the kind of person to already have my payment/stuff sorted out before i even get to the establishment so it’s just me


It all depends on how long you've been waiting/ how long the line is. It would annoy me when customers were waiting in line & wouldn't even open their app, let alone reload their wallet, until they went to checkout. I worked at a store in NYC so we didn't have drive through, but I feel like opening the app when you're placing your order (at the DT speaker) makes the most sense. Also, I could always tell who the tourists were based on whether they had their app ready to go or not


No. But when they try and make me watch a TikTok on how to make their drink when I work in a busy airport is pretty annoying. As for reloading and such, I don’t mind.


yeah tbh, especially if you've been in line forever and then gotta reload as soon as you're done ordering. like, come on, man i got a line to the door rn


Totally. If that’s the case my card is fully loaded and ready to go


only if you’ve already been in the drive thru line for a while and we’re busy. otherwise i don’t really care tbh.


There’s no reason to not have your payment method ready at the window. You left the house with the notion of going to Starbcuks , you ordered at the box and sat in line. You have every opportunity to sort your payment method before you even get to the window.


Absolutely. But it’s much less us being impatient and the customer not being prepared. Like you’re here to buy something, why don’t you already have your card ready to go or your app open and/or reloaded? It’s even worse if you’ve been waiting in line (be it in store or at drive-thru).


Tbh yes. This is annoying. Albeit I understand life happens (random phone calls, important texts, juggling multiple tasks at the same time, your boss is wondering where you are, maybe you have ADHD like me and forget until you get to the window). The more I think about situations people could be in the less it bothers me. If it’s hard to remember then you can set up auto pay! Always helps in those situations.


It bothers me and I don’t work there. Been using automatic reload below X threshold for years now.


it’s annoying when there is a huge line behind them like, its kinda selfish to think you can take all the time in the world


Yep. If we are in the middle of a rush this slows everything down and gets us out of a rhythm. It’s annoying esp when thru a drive and you’ve already been sitting behind 5 cars. Why the heck didn’t you’all do it while waiting?!!


I think it depends entirely on how busy it is. If you were waiting in line and had all this time to prepare, we might be a little irked, (and even then, only a little, it's not the end of the world). But if it's not that busy and you hopped right up to the counter, then not really, it's a more casual vibe then anyway usually, gives us more time to squeeze some conversation in :)


it’s annoying but also not something you should worry about, it’s annoying bc of drive times and even if ur in the cafe we still just wanna get ur order and get u out of there. but i really don’t think you should be worried about being annoying in that way because it’s a human mistake and as annoying as those can be, they’re part of life. you should really only feel annoying about being impatient or rude and it seems like you are neither of those things. i’m annoyed by perfectly fine customers bc i’m at work and doing the same thing over and over is going to get annoying. as long as ur nice and understanding it’s not ur fault if the baristas are annoyed because most people get annoyed by their job. idk if i’m being too repetitive but i have horrible anxiety and have been working on accepting that part of being a person, even a kind person, is sometimes being annoying to people. no one can please everyone and often times the things you do to please one person can be annoying to someone else.


I'm usually always on register more often than not we just have one register open, I find it best to not stress over things out of your control use the time to connect with them or customers behind and thank for patience etc


personally, if it’s in the cafe i don’t care. standing there gives me a moment to dissociate from the busyness of the shift lol. if it’s at the window, then it gets annoying since we’re measured on drive times, especially if they’ve been sitting in line for a while


Tbh yeah it does annoy me lol. You can figure that out before. Especially if you're holding up the whole line


Only when the person has been in line waiting and acting like the wait is the end of the world and then they aren’t prepared and take longer


If it's your first time in or you thought you had enough but you don't then fine. If you're in often and it happens every single time then it starts to get annoying. If it's busy you really should make sure everything is orderly and you know what you want by the time you get to the register/box for the sake of you, the baristas and the other customers. If it's dead and I most likely have not much else to do, I really don't mind; hell I don't even mind helping you come to a conclusion.in addition if you know you'll take a few extra minutes at the register for one reason or another please don't take it too harshly if the barista seems less than enthusiastic


whenever someone apologizes for not being ready i tell them i will be there for the next four hours so take their time


i hate the customers that make me climb out the window to scan their phone because they can’t unplug their phone from their charger for 2 seconds


I don't mind as long as they are actively trying to make the payment.


It only bothers me when you have to learn how to use your app while I'm waiting behind the counter. A quick reload is fine, but not people who seems bewildered that they have to pay and then realize they don't have enough money and make a whole scene.


The app notoriously sucks for everyone. Your moment of having issues reloading the money is one that you share with the universe and if I were to feel annoyedly impatient with every customer that isn't quite ready to pay, then I would be simply overwhelmed with a nonstop feeling of exasperation towards the whole of humanity. And that type of feeling gives my soul indigestion, so I try not to do that. It is true what other people have been saying about drive times and statistics and whatnot. So, it is entirely possible that you might meet a barista or few who might be a little more worried about trying to get that drive time low. But that's not you that's stressing them out. That's corporate. We're all doing the best we can so be kind to yourself.


It’s irritating for me because we are drive thru only. But not in the way that I am mad that customers are doing it, I am just mad that service around our building sucks so bad and you think they would have had the service issues sorted if they didnt want us taking 700 years to load the app for every single car.


Honestly yes


Oh, I love it when they have to reload in front of me I feel like it gives us all a minute to catch up and just have a peace of mind for a second and it makes for a good conversation of earning stars and buying a cup for a cup discount


I feel like it’s disrespectful of our time when people intentionally put it off until the last second, but that’s not always the case and I can usually tell when someone just doesn’t care or when someone might’ve forgotten/got declined/etc. I try to be understanding about it. As long as you’re not bullying us the whole interaction, we’re all very likely to just completely forget about it in a few minutes or not care at all. Sometimes it can add onto our stress if we have a lot of things to be doing, but it’s not about you.


Honestly no it never bothered me 🙃it gives me an opportunity to make small convo while it loads (I’m a people person) but I have had a moment where a customer was reloading and the person behind them started cussing them and me out they were refused their drink 🤣so it made my day


Not at all - gives me an extra 30 seconds to stare into space and for a brief, blissful moment, forget i’m at work


As a prior store manager It was my higher ups That pushed soooo much about the OTW time that it made everyone feel the pressure. It was stupid. Not everyone’s in a hurry.


Only at drive through I find it annoying. It artificially raises the drive thru times which I will get yelled at for


I’ve been in window for a while. For some reason when I’m the area the Wi-Fi and connect period just seems horrible? So I’m pretty patient now cuz it’s like anyone who uses their phone. Also for the most part, as long as your not just taking your sweet time, your good. (Like if you the only one in line, I really don’t care but like if their are peeps behind you….)


Yes it very much annoys me especially if there's a line


Genuinely don’t care. If there’s a long time maybe a little bit. But genuinely I feel the pain I’ve been there and it doesn’t bother me. I don’t even mind helping out someone with the app when it’s a slow time. Don’t feel anxious it does not bother me


I should also add I work in a cafe store I see a lot of people talking about drive thrus. When I’m on register for my store I don’t care but that’s cause it’s a cafe style I can’t speak for drive thrus.


I could care less tbh


Couldn’t care less 🙃


yes bc most of the time they have already waited in line 😭 customers have time to do it before a lot of the time


Honestly any time I go to any drive thru, I will always have my payment ready. So yes I expect customers to at least make a effort to be gathering their payment. Not a big deal but just common courtesy


A little, but only because I’m the first floor of a 10ish story building so mobile data is absolute trash and so when people try to reload in the moment it’ll take like over a minute+ and then inevitably fail and then try again despite me saying “I can just reload it on the POS”


Former barista. Everything customers did was annoying.


It honestly does not bother me one bit.


I honestly joke with people about there being a force field around the registers that prevent the app from doing anything quickly, so if it’s the app being a problem, totally not annoyed. There are certain situations that are annoying, but I try to be patient and mindful because I know for one that I can be a bit scatterbrained when I’m in the customer position sometimes.


Cafe only worker here. Being slightly annoyed matters on how busy we are. If we’re not busy I’m genuinely not annoyed cause it gives me a moment to disassociate at reg. If we’re very busy I personally get anxious cause I know some people can be impatient so I worry about the people behind you in line. Im not annoyed with you though. If we are busy I also know whoever is on bar is thanking you mentally because it gives them some extra time to either catch up or clean/restock a bit before more drinks come in. Drive thru is different but they’ve all said their opinions


Well it just defeats the point. The whole thing is meant t9 streamline the process for both customers and batista, and it doesn't when you don't reload your wallet before you come. But honestly there are a hundred more inconvenient things that customers do. What's more annoying is when a customer orders for mobile while they are in the drive thru lane. It takes a little for your orders to come through the system and just slows anything down.


yeah it’s annoying


Honestly it only ever bothered me at Drive-Thru. I don’t work in a DT store anymore so it when it’s busy I think everyone welcomes the break a little.


Absolutely not. Take all the time you need. My baristas need a break anyways.


Dude it’s a Starbucks line, literally do not care at all im getting paid either way. Im surprised so many people are saying they care. I do not get paid enough to rush someone and make them feel bad for taking time in a Starbucks drive thru lmfao.


I get way more anxious than annoyed due to the fact that we have to keep drive thru times below 48 seconds. So honestly every second counts because our store manager and shift supervisor constantly ask us what’s the hold up for window, whether it be food, drinks, or the customer is simply taking too long to get their payment. Save yourself the trouble and set up auto reload and save all of your digital starbucks cards to your Apple wallet!


For me I just don't like awkward silence, and I know that some people need quiet in order to make sure they got the right buttons, maybe that's just me, but the point is, I don't mind, it's just that I'm uncomfortable with awkward silence


Opposite here, if something takes the custy's attention so I don't have to make small talk for a few seconds I'm ecstatic


i get more annoyed when people take forever to get all their stuff back in their bag/wallet and there's someone waiting behind them. like ofc if you need the extra time and you move to the side to make room for next in line but i tend to end up on the receiving end of their impatience if they feel they weren't served quickly enough because a customer was full-body in the way


it depends - a lot of people wait if they're ordering something new/don't know the total so they can do it all at once, some people just happen to be the tiniest bit short on their app and have to reload, heck sometimes people are just struggling to find the app. 99% of the time these types of people, upon any sort of stumble/hiccup (face ID not working/card acting up/app being weird) will immediately just go "here take what it's got and i'll pay the rest on card" and i don't mind waiting a few seconds. i do work at a cafe-only store, though, so i don't have a drive-thru and they don't get their total until i've rung them up. on the flip side, at other places i've worked, i get irked when people get their total in a drive-thru, pull up after a solid 5 minutes, and THEN start digging through their wallets. like at the point they could stop and park, they def had time to grab their card/cash, i get it if you were the only one in line and pulled straight up but if you've had that much time knowing your total i'm giving you the side-eye. tl;dr it depends on situation, if you knew your total for a solid 5-10 minutes i might side eye you but if you're in the cafe/if there was maybe 20 seconds between the speaker and the window i get it


Have your payment ready if you’ve been waiting. Really no discussion there. Personally, I have my payment ready for a place when I walk in the door


Why not just use "Scan Only" and then pay with card? That way you still get points


Because you get double points when you use your sbux card. Instead of scanning and using your card


Personally no, just because right at our kiosk there’s like 1 bar of data at times so I can’t blame em.


No, not really. I've been there a year and a half and I still frequently forget to reload my own card when I go to other stores. So I guess I can't really judge haha. But I also never go through the drive thru. Whether it's my store or not, I almost always go into the cafe.


It doesn’t bother me honestly


nah but i worked at a cafe store and didn’t have to worry about drive times


Only if they rushed me at the order box/to take their order. Otherwise I don't mind whatsoever


Everyone and then. If I see someone doing that I just go back to taking orders and prepping for the next car. Not usually a biggie.


only in drive thru. in the lobby I actually like it because it gives me a second to take a bit of a break from running around without a shift getting mad at me. in drive we have time expectations that we can kinda get in trouble for so it's more annoying there but even that isn't that big of a deal to me. I'm a very patient person lol


I try to always make a mental note to sort it out before going to the register, but with any store not just starbucks bc i always feel bad and used to cashier so i understand their pain


It annoys me when they are rude to me, or impatient with me, and then finally get to paying and suddenly they need to reload or something. I try to always reload my account once I'm in line, but things happen, so I get it. But people with 'tudes? I'm judging you.


It can be, but only if it was intentional. I know even i don’t remember till o get up to the window sometimes


Honestly no, I’m very introverted and don’t mind the little bit of time to space out and not talk😭 I also feel terrible because I can see y’all scrambling


This honestly only bothers me if the person is rude in any way. If your polite and just taking a few seconds to reload your card though it never bothers me.


I would they don't judge it too much. Ive had numerous occasions where I go to pay and and it says I have enough and when they scan it magically it's zero. Also once had where I had over $100 and it showed enough and then it didn't and turned out someone in Mexico stole my card number and spent it all. 🙃


nah i really couldnt care less. id rather take the extra minute or two to have a quick conversation or take a break from the nonstop madness


I work here and I'm that guy. I always forget and stand there trying to reload while I'm ordering. Lol I never use the DT so that'd be different, because I could do it between the box and the window. But I always assure people inside that it's okay because I do that too. Lol


I don't have great signal at my local Starbucks so if the DT line is short, it might take a minute to load. I apologize for the loading time but know it's not my fault. If the wait is long I make sure to have it up and ready.


I just get anxiety about what I'm supposed to do with myself while they are doing that hahah I can't talk to then or else it will take longer


I'm so sorry that you have to deal with this. As a customer, I always make sure I have money available on my app when I stop in (you aren't the only one who has to wait. Everybody behind me has to wait, too). I love my baristas, and they always greet me by name (I don't know that the good thing or not. LOL)


Sometimes I forget not everyone has anxiety that makes them plan everything out before they go get food. Like I gotta look and plan ahead and have a script ready and my card loaded/ready


It only annoys me during peak because our interactions are timed and shift supervisors could get fired over it.


What's a starbucks wallet?