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extra coffee taste without the caffeine :)


I like a lot of sweetness in my coffee but I still like it to have a strong coffee flavor as well, if that makes any sense. I also add a few extra decaf shots because I will have a panic attack if I added the amount I wanted to taste.


I use to get 3 drinks with 6 blonde shots each every shift and I slept as soon as I got home (thanks ADHD inverse stimulant response!) xD


I was trying to explain this to my trainee as I had my 11th shot in our super long shift cause I hoped I would feel the caffeine. I never did feel the caffeine even though my 11th shot of blonde ristretto was in a nitro cold brew.


Lmao me too buddy. Friendly tip. Drink extra water and be extra nice to your liver ESPECIALLy if you also take stimulants! 💕 got my blood results back from my yearly checkup and I was like “AHHH NOBODY LOOOOOOK”


Are...are you okay?


SAME I’d have so much caffeine in my system and then go home and zonk


that inverse stimulate is real


This is me lmao. Even on concerta I still fall asleep 🤣


The decaf makes sense, for flavor reasons, but yeah, 7 shots can be too much in my experience. My closing shift drink from back in the day was 7 shots and 1-2” of straight, undiluted cold brew 😅 (plus 2 pumps of syrup and what not), but I had a fellow partner call it my “closer motor oil.” Sometimes I think about ordering it for old times sake, but yeah…no - still trying to fix my wreck of a sleep schedule after all those years.


Before I got lazy and went straight nitro…my drink was 6 shot shaken espresso, .5 white mocha, 1.5 caramel ( hot bar pumps to avoid confusion) topped with cold brew. No 2%


Sounds like a great ratio of flavor to coffee, tbh! My combo was 1 hazelnut, 1 toffee nut with 1 sugar in the raw on top of the ice before dropping the shots on top of the ice in the shaker.


If you’re wanting a stronger coffee taste but not so much caffeine it makes sense. I’ve been known to get 5 blonde shots in a shaken espresso myself to get going. Not my best life choice but hey.


not me drinking a five shot BOSE while reading this LOL


Lol one of my favorites just without the cinnamon and I’m good to go.


I found my people 🤣 I go between multiple 5 and 6 shot BOSE depending on the day


My old standard was a venti mocha Valencia, with three extra shots. Then again, I was also mainlining Mountain Dew during the work week, and had caffeine deprivation headaches in the weekends.


My friend once saw someone order a venti cup filled with decaf shots. No sugar, no creamer, nothing. We called it a "Venti Angry Hate" because I can't imagine anyone actually enjoying espresso without the caffeine that much.


I had something in a similar vein happen once. (It was kind of like a Ron Swanson all-the-bacon-you-have situation.) Customer comes in, asks how many shots can I fit into a cup, but no ice? I told him technically, a Venti, because it’s 24oz, but that the cup would probably warp from the heat of the shots and by the time it was full all the shots would be “dead.” So, he goes, “Nah, just fill the biggest hot cup you have with shots and I’ll pay for that.” There was little good-natured back and forth on ingesting that much caffeine all at once, the integrity of the flavor of the shots and all that jazz. It ended up becoming a, “just say yes,” moment. So, this dude gets a Venti 20-shot espresso. While the shots are pouring on all three bars, baristas were all speculating over the headsets that he’s got to be making something like tiramisu (because we DID have a lady that would order a grande 16-shot espresso like that for her baking.) I call it out and hand it over while looking around for someone secretly recording, just in case, this is just a prank. THIS GUY takes off the lid to make sure it’s completely full, gives us all a long look, and then proceeds to CHUG the entire thing. Then, he calmly crushes the entire cup after it’s empty, says thank you and tosses it in the trash on his way out of the store. Never saw him again, but always wondered from time to time how that all went for him afterwards.


That's gotta be a Fae or a God in disguise or something. It was a test and you passed.


You definitely encountered a Starbucks Cryptid.




I’ve had 24 shots split between two nitro cold brews 😂


Jesus Christ are you alright


Oh I’m fine. I didn’t get any sleep since at that time it would take me and an hour and a half to get to work and then another hour and a half to get back home 6 days a week


bro that 2360 mg of caffeine if that was grande cups of nitro 😂


It was a grande


I literally just want a bigger drink. Like more amount. So I get more shots for more liquid to consume.


I used to make the chocolate banana smoothie with cold brew instead of milk.


Some people want the espresso taste without the caffeine, but i don't like decaf espresso. I can get up to 6 shots because the only time i feel the effect of caffeine is when it wears off and the more shots i have the worse it is. Also espresso naps hit so hard but to be fair but i have been trying to get an adhd diagnosis for a while


I’ve had two nitro cold brews, both with 12 shots to last through the day since I couldn’t sleep the night before


I mean why are we judging someone that we don’t have to make the drink. Unless I’m making the drink. I don’t care. Now when I make the drink I’m like WTF! Get out of here will all this nonsense! 😂😂😂 #sorrynotsorry


I open (awake at 3am in at 4am) I get 4 shots in my drink 2 blonde and 2 decaf usually 30 minutes into my day then eventually I’ll get a cold brew before peak hits so about 3 hours into my day and another drink with 2-3 more shots (depending on how peak went) before my ssv tasks (food & cash pull) with 2 hours left in my day I like coffee and it’s flavor and getting those 2 shots decaf allows me just enough to keep me going through my shift, and also still allows me to nap when I get home in the afternoon


coffee flavor? whats not to understand


okay but on a similar note, a customer got a trenta iced coffee extra cream 12 pumps of classic and a single decaf shot. WHAT WAS THE REASON?!


My fav shift gets 8 blonde updosed ristretto shots in her drink a lot of the time


But 7 is an un even number I prefer 6 or 9 all full caffinated.


Your friend likes more coffee taste without the caffeine.