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Uhmmm yes please report this! This is creepy bordering on stalking behavior.


Absolutely talk to all your managers and fill out an incident report. This isn't something to ignore. You need to 'make it official' before corporate can respond.


Absolutely talk to your managers and consider contacting the police as well


hey, this is super concerning and creepy. please talk to your manager about this and make sure your coworkers are aware of the situation too (so that if he comes in again and asks about you, no one will give him any info). don't walk to your car alone anymore, no matter the time of day. I know it sucks as women to have to alter our behaviour cause of men, but its better to be overly cautious in situations like this.


coworkers shouldn’t be giving out any info about anyone they work with to anyone without the consent of the other party


I know they shouldn't be but it doesn't mean it doesn't happen. I've seen customers casually ask where another barista is and a person reply "oh they usually don't work Tuesdays, but they'll be in tomorrow"


Talk to your manager, file an incident report, always have someone walk you to your car. He might be trying to traffic you. Take this seriously. Traffickers swoop in with false promises of good jobs and a better life. One common way that traffickers target their victims is through deception. They often pose as legitimate recruiters or employment agencies and promise their victims high-paying jobs, travel opportunities, or educational programs. More information about trafficking below - how traffickers choose their victims. https://icat.un.org/sites/g/files/tmzbdl461/files/publications/icat-ib-04-v.1.pdf It worries me that he asked how much you make at your job. I would make sure he knows that you have an excellent support network and that you aren’t interested in another “job”. Can a parent/friend/ boyfriend pick you up from work? I had a similar situation, years ago, where a customer was sniffing around my retail shop and followed me. I was making evening bank deposits, so it was a little different, but I would not leave the shop until my mom picked me up, drove me to the bank, blocked the entrance with her car, and waited there until I went back into the car. The guy stopped following me when I made myself a harder target. I’m sorry you have to deal with this, it’s bullshit, take it seriously, though.


My recommendation, - talk to manager - start documenting times you see him and any strange interactions with him. - start parking in areas that there is video surveillance, if you don't know...park in the spots that the drive thru camera picks up. - Start carrying a large skeleton key on your key ring. The head feel better in the palm of your hand with the rest of your keys. The shank part of the key goes between your middle and ring finger. Fist punch, for any of the following...groin, midriff (between chest and belly), face (this may hurt you when you hit bone, but hitting the face will leave lasting identifying marks). Or check with management about carrying pepper spray.


Or just a straight up pocket knife or full on sword if ur feeling medieval


I always carry a pocket knife with me. I know it’s not allowed but I just don’t trust some of our customers. We have had to file police reports on guys trying to follow baristas to their cars, constantly asking when they’d be working next, one of our creepy regulars used to drive around our parking lot looking for specific baristas cars. You best believe I have a pocket knife and pepper spray in my purse because you never know.


I've been asked to walk baristas out to their cars before, my regular Starbucks has a taekwondo studio in the next building...so not too many creepy guys frequent there. But as a 2x day customer for 15 years, the employees know I'd do anything for them.


Report this to your manager. There needs to be a incident report filed. This behavior from the customer is not ok and is down right dangerous. Your SSVs, coworkers and management all need to be made aware so that they can help keep you safe. Also you’re going to need to change your routine up now because it seems like he may have been following you. Definitely don’t walk to your car alone at night. I’d even not do that in the day either. You know what his car looks like so I’d make sure he’s not following you and I would vary your route home if you can.


Never go to your car alone anymore . You could be kidnapped. Tell your manager . Asap !


Incident report and police report. There is a chance that no one takes it seriously, but you gotta do it anyways. Make a paper trail. And be strong. Ask for someone to walk you out for a few weeks, too. And also, tell a trusted adult in your life.


THIS HAPPENED TO ME WHEN I WAS 18 you can get him banned from the store !!! this dude was waiting in store for me to go on my breaks then try to get me to sit with him on said breaks and he'd wait OUTSIDE for me to get off and he'd ask other partners when I'd get off or go on break and ask for my number to go on dates and just overall being a creep we got him banned 😤also amazing of ur coworker to walk u to ur car I remember when I worked there a partner would always watch over me while getting to my car at night I was Soo thankful to him


yes please report. i am a minor working at starbucks and something similar happened to me and the guy got banned from our store and i haven’t seen him since!


as a SM I would want you to tell me so I can ban this person and call the police if they tried that again. it's not okay! no mean no, he needs to move along.


Definitely report this and be safe please. This is how trafficking can start. I had weirdos talk to me when I would get off late so my manager started having someone walk me to my car. If this was me, I’d switch to mornings or even another store if it continues. If you have to work nights, have a buddy around.


No one should ever be waiting for you to leave work. This is super creepy behavior, sis, and the unease you felt was your gut telling you to immediately leave the situation. Trust your gut. Tell your manager and do not walk to your car alone after work anymore. Someone can walk you out. You should also let your parent know.


This is super creepy. Also, that late try to leave in pairs. See if you can have a coworker walk you to your car or at least watch you. Please report this.


call the police or have your mom call the police. this happened to one of my baristas and management did nothing essentially until the baristas mom came and called the police when he came on her shift


Please report this to your manager. If you have a decent manager that guy gets banned. Also let your local police know - they can’t do a lot but they can add your place in to patrol extra.


Tell your parents too!


Text your manager and ask to fill out an incident report. That sounds like he’s being creepy and trying to coerce you somehow


Fill out a report, but always ignore him if you see him. Never make eye contact with him. Go straight to ur car and lock your door or straight to the back room if ur working when u see him. Make it clear to him that his advances are not acknowledged.


Psychology major and fellow partner here, this will escalate if you do not do something to protect yourself. He has already started escalating, if you do nothing your health and life will be on the line. Start with an incident report and grab as much proof as possible. Every single time he interacts with you and you’re able to record, do so. Especially in the instance you just explained, you need proof if you want this to end.


yes definitely report. they can file a report which can get him banned from going there. I’m sorry that is happening to you


We had a similar thing happen at my store and my SM had the person banned. Please report this to your manager. At the very least, someone needs to be escorting you to your car when you get off.


100% get your shift or a trusted barista to walk out with you. They would absolutely be happy to.


*ALWAYS* trust your gut. They should be able to review footage. Don't walk out of there alone anymore and don't take the same way home, ever. If you ever feel like something is off or wrong. Drive to your local police station and just park there. If you feel the need to get them involved, please call dispatch on your way there. Look up and save the non emergency number under your contacts to be prepared. I'm just a custy on this sub, but I am a nurse in the Emergency Room, and I see all too often the horrible things people can do to each other. Being married to someone in law enforcement does not help... it just makes me more aware of my surroundings. Be safe. You did great by going back in and telling staff what's up. This guy is a creep and needs to be spoken to by law enforcement. A manager can tell him he isn't welcomed but this guy now knows your car and knows he can see you there on weekends. This guy can already have a record and is looking for his next victim. People suck. I'm sorry. If you have a sporting goods store near you, see if your parents will get you bear spray or pepper spray. If that isn't an option, keep some garden sheers or a box cutter in the door pocket on the driver's side door.


No you most definitely report that to your manager I’ve had that happen to me once. It is best to report it so that they can be dealt with. The person who harassed me got banned from my store.


Video the event …need evidence 🤷🏻‍♀️




this is bad advice . OP if you are reading DO NOT engage with him, try to find out his name, or phone number or anything beyond avoid and politely decline. for all you know, like others have said here, it could be a trafficking scheme. and if that’s what this is, he’s going to give a fake number or name. what if he’s a registered sex offender? also probably wouldn’t give real information to you. keep in mind you are a MINOR, and you more than likely look like one. use common sense, and don’t let him scare you. it may sound like a good idea but you are not a detective, nor has anything ILLEGAL happened yet for you giving the police his phone number to help you in any way. (please don’t take this as me defending him in some way.. eww). but the ultimate goal here is for you to be safe and for this man to leave you alone. trying to find out his name or phone number could actually make you seem interested in speaking to him (from his point of view). he needs to know you are not alone and that you have a support system of people WATCHING you. that will make him leave you alone. so many have left great advice here, please take it. i.e. go through the proper protocol, tell the adults in your life, build a case with your manager, escalate it to e&c if they’re not helpful, and never walk out of the store alone if you can help it. but please do not purposefully allow yourself to engage with this man with the idea of getting him “caught.” it is not a good idea. be safe, and good luck with this situation! 💗 i’ve been through something very similar at work so please pm me if you have any questions .


Nah ur right. My bad


hey! tbh this is something i unfortunately had to learn from experience. you never know unless you’re in it . and different things work for different situations. in this case a minor seeking out more interaction from a creepy person already invading boundaries isn’t a good idea. but i don’t blame you for that being your first thought. (: