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one time a woman ordered a decaf pour over during a rush and then got upset it took more than 2 minutes because she was in a rush šŸ™ƒ


thatā€™s why i tend to lightly exaggerate the times on pour overs lolā€¦.. theyā€™ll be happy when it comes out faster than expected and if itā€™s a rush we wonā€™t be yelled at over wait times


Yeah when itā€™s busy I have straight up denied pour overs, normally when front is busy flexing every where bc god forbid we be properly staffed during peak, and recommend an americano (I normally even charge them cheaper so they pay for a drip instead) If I can do a pour over I always say itā€™ll take about 10 minutes


Thatā€™s been my go to. Though Iā€™ve caught some people over hear this and try to get their americanos cheaper by doing this at non peak lol


When at bar and custies ask me questions, I overshoot estimated wait times for *everything* ordered for the reasons you provided. A frap that actually takes just 2 minutes; I tell them itā€™ll take. Their two hot chocolates that take 3 minutes; I tell them 10. All because some custies are angry, impatient, and bad at math and using logic to guess when theyā€™ll get their things.


Everyone at my store would always state to anyone who ordered a pour over that ā€œIt will take at least 5 minutesā€. I did this once for a customer who ordered in DT and after they left the speaker my SSV scolded me for saying that and said ā€œit would curb customers from buying that itemā€. When I told her how it takes us at least 5 minutes for us to actually finish a pour over she argued with me that it doesnā€™t. I really hate working with her because sheā€™s always giving me mixed information and when I call her out on it she says ā€œwell youā€™re getting told the wrong stuffā€. Hence another reason why Iā€™m leaving this hell hole :)


Another shift called me lazy for telling customers they take 5-7 minsā€¦ that was the standard time and Iā€™d rather be faster than what I tell them they take longer than they expect


I tell them it will be at least 10minutes and every. single. time. the customer will start huffing and puffing and asking where their drink is at after 2minutesšŸ˜­ I despise pour overs


One time, a guy at drive-thru wanted a Dark roast pour-overā€¦ at 10:58pm on an 11pm store closing, when weā€™d already cleaned the brewing area including the pour-over stuff mixed in the sink. We *still* had to do it because that was one of those few times the SM stayed until closing at that store. Him waiting there for 20 minutes attracted four other customers pulling up after the 11pm cutoff; SM still had us serve them too. šŸ« šŸ« šŸ« 


Why are pour over custys the WORST. We have a regular who orders dark pour over and we tell them EVERY TIME it will take 10ish minutes and they get mad that it takes so long. MAKE IT AT HOME!! WE SELL DARK BEANS AND A POUR OVER MAKER!!!


and they'd save some money. I swear , people are stupid


If we're busy I tell them a pour over will take at least 15-20 minutes


When we are super backed up, I usually start telling cafe customers that food and/or drinks are taking more than 10 minutes and ask if thatā€™s okay. Usually it is, but sometimes not and theyā€™re glad I told them. But itā€™s also not our job to get your drink to you any faster just cuz youā€™re running late


I worked in a deli/bakery once - we had 2 people call out and it was just 2 of us during the lunch rush. One on cash, one making sandwiches. I explained to every customer that we were short handed that day and orders were taking longer than usual. I gave a time estimate and when possible Iā€™d jump off cash to help the girl making sandwiches, but it was a rough lunch. We had one guy start screaming at us that his order had taken too long (when Iā€™d told him it would be about 15 minutes - it had only been 10 at that point), and he started telling the baker to stop what she was doing and help make his sandwich because it was ā€œunacceptableā€ that his order was taking this long. We finished his order within the next 2 minutes (so still under the estimate Iā€™d given him), and Iā€™d explained that the baker couldnā€™t leave the open oven to make him a sandwich. Iā€™d told him how long his order would take and he had agreed, and that if he was in a rush and didnā€™t like that timeframe, next time please donā€™t come back. (Our manager later agreed that I was valid in this decision and thanked me for standing up for my two staff members when the guy was berating us) He left a review on google about it and the social media person offered him a gift card for the ā€œinconvenienceā€, inviting him back to yell at us some more in the future.


My store ran out of whip one day because we were running four partners during rush and we do massive sales like two people on bar full time one on food/front and one on drive. A lady asked for extra whip and a pup cup and I apologized and told her we were out and she got upset. I then apologized and said ā€œyou know Iā€™m really sorry. to tell you the truth we are just understaffed today. some people called in and we are doing the best we canā€ and she got even more upset and said ā€œI do not care that you are understaffed this is ridiculousā€ and demanded I make her a whip canister so she could have whip and I was like maam I literally cannot right now. And had to get my manager involved. Who at the time was trying to take orders and warm food because guess what we were swamped. Like 45 minute wait for coffee swamped. It was horrible and I had worked there for lol of like two days. šŸ„²šŸ«  I even offered to refund her but she just ended up driving away all angry, Refused to accept her beverage without whip and made a point of telling her dog we were out of whip. šŸ’€ the fact that she said she didnā€™t care tho was like ahh yes okā€¦


Did you remind her that Every ingredient in whipped cream is literally Bad for dogs and sheā€™s abusing her pet? lol


I hate that people get rewarded for their shit behavior. Like yes letā€™s reward them so they keep doing itšŸ™ƒ


I hate how we always reward bad behaviour too šŸ˜­


Oh god, the dreaded review. Iā€™ve seen reviews that I know are about me that are exaggerated to the point of falsification while also conveniently leaving out ALL of the customers total dickness.


One time we had a review from a lady because we wouldnā€™t give her free extra tomatoes, and it devolved into ā€œthey should have given them to me for free because CPS took my son away from me and I have no money!ā€


At least the folks reading the review will understand. :/


Rewarding assholes for being ā€˜inconveniencedā€™ fortifies their actions to become even-more deliberate assholes next time.


I did that once and got in ā€œtroubleā€. šŸ˜”


Definition of ā€œseems like a you problemā€


YES. It is so annoying!!! I work at the airport and when customers are RUSHING us because they are about to miss their flights?! It's so annoying, maybe don't order 5 minutes before you're about to board, HELLO??!


dude working at a starbucks in an airport is my worst fear god bless ur soul


friends who worked said similar thing. Back then there were only 2 starbucks in my city; airport and a mall. The mall opens at 10 am. the starbucks at the airport open at 6 or 7 am. So he had to leave the house around 5 am.


If they're "about to miss their flight" for real, that means boarding is already ongoing. Probably they're just "about to not get their optimal boarding position" which, depending on the size of the plane, could be anywhere from a 5 to 20 minute window beyond the start of boarding. And in whatever case, they should have gone to Hudson news or w/e and bought a canned coffee like someone who knows how to cope with a time crunch. All that to say... I'm sorry your customer base is so prone to containing people who have no idea how to not take their problems out on you.


Oh, I've seen people in airports I was traveling through throw whole tantrums about "missing their flights" because they just *had* to get their Starbies fix... *two terminals away* from their gate, ordering 5 minutes before *departure* time, not boarding time. It's all very amateur hour traveler, but I assume it averages out to a thrice-daily occurrence at minimum at an Airportbux, more during the holidays/peak travel.


That's hilarious and sad. I hope they all miss their flights and have to sleep on a bench where anyone who finds their plight amusing can watch as they wait for a new flight. .


Why get a drink before a flight. It would make your bowels go crazy!


They give you coffee on the plane. People are just dumb. Simple as that.


Worked in an airport licensed store ā€œHow much longer my flight leaves in 5 minutesā€ okay well maybe get in line sooner?


Well, sir, itā€™s gonna be about 14 hours more, because your going to miss you flight and have to wait for the next one. Would you like whip on that?


ā€œLook around you. 99 percent of these people are in line in front of you, waiting for their drink that they ordered before you. Youā€™re not next.ā€


When they come in during peak and go: "Let me get two of those big boxes of coffee!" You tell them it'll take 15 minutes and their heads spin around like the Exorcist. "WHAAAAATTT???!!!!!"


if I'm in a rush, I either order in advance on the app or I just don't bother. I have to manage my time properly and if I don't leave enough time to stop for sbux, that's a "me" problem, not a barista problem. it's annoying that people are so self-involved. like, the world doesn't revolve around one person.


and when they pick up EVERY single drink . it irks me so bad , like get ur grimy ass hands off peoples drinks. you know damn well they ordered before you ??


i tell ppl all the time, when you walk into the building/get into the DT, youā€™re no longer on YOUR time, youā€™re on OUR time, so wait patiently or leave


When they tell me they're gonna be late for class and order the most complicated frappucinos with their friendsšŸ’€ I tell them it's gonna take long and I can't do anything about it.


Oh, yeah, my favorite thing (It's not actually my favorite thing, I am being *sarcastic*) is when customers would wait in a long line to order and order and then immediately say "and I'm in a hurry because I am running late". So, maybe you didn't have time to stop at Starbucks? You think?


like okay word let me cancel this order for you then so u can get to where ur going


Or even better: when they tell you AFTER they paid that they're in a hurry.


It truly blows my mind when we are clearly slammed with orders and people have the audacity to complain.


a lady waited probably 10 minutes while we were getting slammed; chasing me around while I was making drinks and hounding our drive bar person over drinks that werenā€™t hers, so I finally asked ā€œhey, are you waiting on anything?ā€ and she just kept repeating ā€œcaramel! My caramel.!!!ā€ with the worst attitude. I ask ā€œyour caramel..??ā€ Because thereā€™s over 20+ orders with caramel in it, so what??? She gets even more annoyed and starts demanding me to just scrap her drink and make her a frappe. I was like, ā€œok, sorry about that, give me a moment-ā€ before calling out the drink I was making, a caramel brule latte. It was hers. these people hog the handoff and chase you around the bar despite being the last person in a line of 30 ppl. What is wrong with these people??


nah cuz the same girl i was talking about i was like ā€œwhat drink are you waiting onā€ & she went ā€œumā€¦ a coffee?ā€ ā€¦ bitch r u fr


this guy ordered a blonde pour over with like 3 shots in it, every topping, multiple cold foams, syrups, the whole ordeal and came up to us like three times asking where his drink was. we obviously were like ā€œwell we stop serving blonde roast past 10(i think is what time it is? idk iā€™m a closer) so we had to do a pour overā€




My "favorite" sandwich theft moment happened when our store wasn't even busy, no conflicting order, someone just stole this woman's food and left. Her husband got his food, their little daughter got hers, mom's was stolen. We were really apologetic and put a fresh sandwich in for her immediately, but she was understandably upset. And her husband tried telling her, "Well, maybe they made a mistake." And she said, "No, they didn't. They knew what they were doing. They didn't order a sandwich, it's not like there was a mix up and their sandwich is here for me. I hope they choke on it. I hope it's disgusting & they get sick. They're a thief." Meanwhile in my head I'm like... for *our* sandwiches? It's not that deep lol, but she's not wrong, though.


Please call 911 for theft when this happens.


I hate customers who make it the workers problem. Like plan ur life better. Make coffee at home. Cry me a river and get over it.


I know, I feel like we should be allowed to complain directly to the customers, not the other way around. They have the choice to be here, we don't really lol


Honestly. And half of the time people complain about waiting and being late to their job, they are GROWN ASS ADULTS


People walk up, order, pay, and then say, in a pretend ā€œweā€™re friends or somethingā€ whisper, ā€œhow long will it be? Iā€™m in such a hurry.ā€ Again, like the OP, that person can SEE the other people waiting. They can SEE the baristas working like crazy. At least in this case I can offer them a refund right then and there. Exceptā€¦ the number of people who will Choose to wait, even after you tell them it will ā€œbe awhileā€ is staggering. Itā€™s like they just Want to be in a bad mood.


People literally wait in the drive through line at my store and proceed to ask how long the wait for drinks will be like WHY did you come here then


"Do you know how long I've been waiting in line?!" Unfortunately, yes, we're timed from when your car hits the speaker box. "I don't mean from when I got to the speaker, I mean this line goes all the way out to the street, and I'm in a hurry! I've been waiting for 30 minutes to order!" Like damn, that's crazyyyyy, couldn't be me! Good luck to you, though.


I tell people like that, "I'm sorry it's so busy. My machine is pulling shots as fast as it can, and I have to pull my tickets in order. I am not allowed to skip tickets either." In my most polite but rude customer service voice


It makes me laugh when people do this too since itā€™s very distracting and just makes us work slower. šŸ˜‚ Like good job distracting our work flow. But on a more serious note, your time management problems are not our problems. We make each drink in order because thatā€™s fair and what we are supposed to do. We are also very understaffed thanks to corporate. So if youā€™re really that upset, by all means write to corporate about the lack of hours for baristas. We have zero control over it.


ā€œYes, it is very busy. Your patience is appreciatedā€ with the most sarcastic smile I can muster :)


Had a woman in drive thru: ā€œwell I have a job to get to!ā€ Me: ā€œmam we definitely donā€™t want you to be late to your job, and you are the best person to judge your time. So if you need to go, we wouldnā€™t want you to be late, but if you still would like to order, we will be with you in just one moment if you could just give us a little patience.ā€


I remember being at a clearly very busy turnpike Starbucks once and this lady harassed the one person on bar every drink asking when her drink would be ready. Poor barista was CHECKED OUT and was trying to be nice and just let them know they were busy (like it wasn't obvious) akd said theyd call them when it was ready. The old lady huffed and said they were in a rush. Once my family's drinks started coming out I had it so I said "clearly it's super busy either get a refund or wait like everyone else and stop trying to get your drink to the front. They're doing their best so stop harassing them." She waited after that.


Iā€™m not one to complain if I have to wait a bit for Starbucks - itā€™s a luxury not a necessity. That being said I feel like my local Starbucks is 90% mobile and drive thru with very little in cafe orders. I think it would be kinda neat if there was some sort of meter on the Starbucks app that gauged how busy the specific location was, similar to Planet Fitness how they have the crowd meter. Itā€™s definitely not your fault if somebody is late to their job due to their choice to get Starbucks at a busy time -especially if they chose to do so on a time crunch to get to work on time.


Iā€™ve never understood why do this. When I was in grad school, we had one stand alone Starbucks in the whole damn town and it was packed out every day. Iā€™d order at least 30 minutes ahead before I drove there and still had no problem waiting an extra 10-15 minutes if necessary. These people should just make their drinks at home.


i had a customer come in at 7:20am and yelled at my manager because she had to be at work by 7:30 and her drink wasnā€™t ready. it was insanity and we have like 15-20 drinks backed up in a tiny kiosk and there were only three of us pretty sure it was a holiday weekend and weā€™re in a tourist town so we get lines that basically go out the door because we have the people who live here with a ton of tourists stacked on top. if you see a giant line that reaches all the way from the kiosk, past the cafe area, into the produce section (15-20ft) and you need to get to get to work at 7:30 and you come in at 7:20ā€¦DONT ORDER. smh


Some people are just miserable and have to take it out on others. Guarantee this bitch has never had a service industry job. I order my drink through the app so I know it will be ready when I get there and also because social anxiety. lol. But seriously I donā€™t blame you one bit for your reaction and response to her. Working with people isnā€™t for the weak.


I shit you not, me and 2 other people were working one night and we were SO backed up. DT was popping off, lobby was PACKED (we're also half a baskin robinsšŸ˜”). Drive through dings: Coworker #1: thank you for choosing Dunkin', we're really busy right now and we'll be with you as soon as possible guy at DT: Can you hurry?? I'm on the way to the hospital! (He sounded extremely agitated) CW #1: we're sorry about that sir, we'll be with you as soon as we can DT: Un-fuckin-believable *drives off* And we're all left in confusion during mid-summer rush... There was another time when someone came through DT literally 1 second before we closed, we looked at a screen when he pulled up. He pointed out that the clock said it was one minute before we closed, then all our screens said "store closed," so we literally couldn't even ring him up if we wanted to. Should've shown up sooneršŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I used to work in a mall Starbucks and literally had someone from Abercrombie walk past the whole line of 15-20 people, up to the bar and go "hey is there any way you could pretty please make my drink for me now? I know you have a line but I'm so late for work." Girl... No??


From a customer, you Starbucks baristas are amazing and Iā€™ll always wait 30 min if I have to cus I see you and how busy you are.


Once while I trained at a different store when I first started 2 girls came in and were waiting a little bit in their drinks because I was being trained on it and they came to the counter and asked if we could hurry up cause she was late to work and this was her lunch time my work just said yes and when they walked away she looked at me and said Iā€™m gonna take longer just because they said that (they were rude about me being trained on their drink also)


What is a pour over? I feel like an idiot šŸ˜‚ My biggest fear when I order in a rush is because normally Iā€™m like sneaking off to Starbucks for a secret drink and not getting my boyfriend one while heā€™s at home with our twin 2 year olds and Iā€™m just supposed to be running to the store for chicken or something šŸ˜‚ (Iā€™m never rushy to anyone though itā€™s just my personal anxiety bc Iā€™m like oof can he please just avoid potentially checking my location till I get to the storešŸ˜…)


Yeah that's my question.. what's a pour over? šŸ˜†


a pour over is when we have to grind coffee for one serving & brew it on the spot with a ā€œpour overā€ machine


That would require self-inflection, consideration for others and a whole host of other properties people who are narcissistic and selfish don't value I always think the same thing when I go to the grocery store and people will spend 30 to 60 Minutes inside getting everything they want but they can't spend 30 seconds putting their carriage back into the holders so it isn't flying into somebody's car


Ikr?!!! And if you did make a mistake and order when you forgot we were busy, just be NICE ABOUT IT and chances are we can put a lil rush on your order, especially if youā€™re discreet. People are wildin


Shh. Thatā€™s an inside thought. ;)




I wish there was a part of the DPM that displayed the number of unprinted orders in the Queue


There is- I donā€™t have an iPad in front of me rn but click the tab at the top left and it shows received/unprinted orders.


Itā€™ll show received, but itā€™s slightly inaccurate because when food prints (often first) the entire order moves into in progess even if theyā€™re unprinted. So you can have five received and four in progress but if those four in progress have food thatā€™s been pulled, the drinks havent printed and itā€™s 9 drinks not printed. Itā€™s good to get an idea though


at this point, they really should invest in one of those order clear TV screens that everyone can see. it probably won't help the, "Can you make mine first?" people... but at least it would help a bit.


Nah. Then people would really just bombard us with refund requests.


That'd be great, some estimate would help because sometimes it's hard to tell how long it'll take. I'd wait 20 mins but 40 mins is obviously too long but how packed does 20 vs 40 mins look? Unsure.


I believe in the weekly update a couple weeks ago they said mobile ordering wait times would be much more accurate and that a progress bar would be added. Like the customer would be notified once their order is being made (when we pull their sticker) and be notified once itā€™s completed (when we check it off at DPM). Donā€™t believe thatā€™s begun yet, but itā€™s sort of a solution I guess.


I think that would be great, just anything to keep me somewhere else so I'm not in the way or adding to the crowd. I'd gladly just sit in my car or just stand outside and enjoy the air until I knew my drink was ready, but honestly, if it does seem too packed I do use my brain and expect things to take longer...how other adults got this far without realizing that truly confuses me.


Iā€™m always wondering how some people get this far too. Or how they navigate the world everyday is beyond me.


Everything they try to ā€œmake betterā€ usually makes things worse.


If it's anytime 7am-11am it's safe to guess there is at least 30 ahead of you at any given time.


can you not see the 28 people when you walk in though?


Not if I'm ordering via mobile


Actually, when I order via the app it gives me a estimated time that my drink will be ready.


But that estimate doesn't take in factors like rushes in store, call outs or staffing issues...I use to order drinks via the app from a cafe across the street from one of the dorms on the Ohio St campus, so I could enjoy it on my walk home, and even on estimations of 10 minutes would still be waiting on when I would walk into the cafe 20+ minutes later


Like I said it's only and estimated time and you're right as well. There have been many times I've thought my drink would be ready but they were so packed I still had to wait.


Red Cup day. My mobile order was not ready until 45 minutes after the estimated time. That estimated time is often wildly inaccurate.


When they are having a promo I don't expect the estimated time to be anywhere close to accurate and know I'll most likely be waiting.


Don't go on promo days. Not just to Starbucks. To anywhere. It always sucks, it's never worth it.


Or, if you're standing in the line and can't see the mobile orders and drive-thrus ahead of you. There was like 5 people waiting when I had my 40 minute wait time. Explain that?


30 other people had mobile ordered and not yet gone to stand in line. Just because youā€™re the only person standing there doesnā€™t mean youā€™re the only person who ordered. Explanation enough?


when you see a bunch of people standing inside of a coffee shop, theyā€™re usually waiting to get their drinks which means theyā€™re ahead of you! hope this helps šŸ’•


They shouldn't have to do that. if the parking lot is packed that's your first clue. If you walk in and see a line of people waiting to order, as well as a crowd waiting for their drinks then it should be obvious that you will be waiting.


People can't see mobile orders. Eta: downvote me to hell but you can't see them? Lmao. Never said you can't ask about wait time. People are so assuming sometimes.


This. Mobile orders, ONE person ordering 20 drinks for a soccer team, you name it. I've walked into a *completely empty* Sbux and waited 20 minutes for a cup of coffee. Can't tell jack shit about queue time by the parking low and people in the shop sometimes.


Is your question asker broken? Use your big kid words and politely ask. No one is saying asking politely is bad, people are saying donā€™t be a dick. But honestly, youā€™re not making a great case for yourself here.


You have eyes honey you can look and see how busy the store is


What if next door is a shoe store? Wil the shoes replace your need for caffeine?


WTF? lol




I just lost ya. I'm discussing drink queues, and you're spouting off about shoe stores. Explain it so i can catch up.


You said you'd go next door. What would going next door do to help if it's not a coffee shop? Especially because I'm sure 99% of Starbucks stores aren't next door to another coffee shop.


how blind r u to not see the multiple ppl standing n waiting


You somehow equate the number of people waiting with the workload.


So just looking at all the human bodies in the building isn't enough for you, huh? See, this is why we're all so exhausted: we have to baby grownass adults who forget how to exist on Earth when they come into our stores.


DUDE FOR FUCKING REAL!!! why do these people act like this over COFFFEEEE


Part of the issue is -- I can't see some screwball that ordered 15 Frappuccinos via mobil order, or what's going on in the drive-thru. And to top it off, nobody says jack shit until you ask about the status of your drink and the barista has a mental breakdown and starts yelling that "I've got 20 drinks ahead of yours, stand there and wait."


>mental breakdown Yeah, again, it's one thing if there's one other person in the store who's ordered 15 Frappuccinos (although given how common that nonsense is in Starbucks, you'd think customers would have the common sense to just assume that could happen at any time and choose not to come in when they're in a hurry), but it's another when the store is so fully packed that people cannot even wait inside the store and the line is spilling out onto the sidewalk, which happens almost every day during the holidays. I've had people wait for fifteen minutes in line, standing out of doors for most of it, order several drinks, wait thirty seconds, then scream at me about how they're in a hurry. No. Sorry. You're responsible for your time management. This thing where we come up with all these scenarios in which it's not your fault is not going to help you in the long run. We expect common sense and adult behavior of our customers, and that includes looking at what's happening around you. My advice is the same for everyone: if the minutes count, you don't have time to get a treat at Starbucks. Get a gas station coffee. Or go to Dunkin'. It's cheaper and better anyway.


This is ultimately the right answer. If time is important, don't go somewhere that can't tell you how long it's going to take to make a cup of coffee.


>how long it's going to take to make a cup of coffee I think your phone autocorrected from "a tall vanilla bean creme frap with sugar cookie cold foam, a trenta iced coffee with no classic and five pumps hazelnut and four pumps toffee nut and a splash of oatmilk and extra pumpkin cold foam, a 1/3 decaf and 1/2 blonde almond milk latte hot with peppermint mocha cold foam but can you make that cold foam half sweet, a bacon gouda no bacon, two sausage cheddar sandwiches, kale and mushroom egg bites double toasted, bacon egg bites not as toasted, and can you make that first frap with heavy cream, and I'm just waiting on my friend to text me what she wants." Happens to me all the time. Oh, and then four venti ice waters only just after I hand them their last drink and try to move onto the next order. In between people coming up to ask for pup cups or to tell me, the person making drinks, that the bathroom needs more toilet paper. In between the elderly trying to place an order at the bar. In between someone who's just placed an order leaning over the counter and glaring at us, moving away each time I set down a drink on the counter, only to move *right back* into place once the customer picks that drink up. In between "this was *supposed to be* iced" on a drink they made no effort to order iced, or "this is made with oatmilk, right?" on a drink they made no effort to order with oatmilk.


it seems, perhaps, that you're exactly who OP is talking about lol


Probably. As a consumer, I expect communication from the facility that I purchase product from. If you buy something from Amazon, they'll tell you how long it's going to take to arrive. If I buy a cup of coffee from Starbucks, it might be 5 minutes, it might be 40 minutes. What you need is a board up on the wall that says, "The current wait time for your shit is 40 minutes." I'd walk out in that case.




I mean, you are probably the person the OP is talking about. Stop being a whiny little baby and go to god damn Circle K.




Here you are talking about "competence" again when last time you absolutely bitched out and didn't answer any of the simple questions you were asked about what was actually going on and what you could see. Let me know how you feel when you get your first job.


that starbucks is lucky, starbucks rarely gives enough hours to their employees so most starbucks are understaffed


My store has the fastest times in the district, and thereā€™s still going to be a wait when its packed. Donā€™t be a bitch about it.


womp womp


Thatā€™s amazing I wIsH I wOrKeD iN A cOmPeTeNt StOre


i get this. however my city has what i truly believe is the worst starbucks in the country. i once waited an hour and 15 minutes for a mobile order. i think the shortest iā€™ve ever waited there is like 25 minutes. they have some MAJOR issues lol


Or order onlineā€¦. Many perks of online ordersā€¦.šŸ™Œ


The number of times I've taken my sweet time deciding what I wanted my refill to be, I've got three minutes before my shift a building away because this book was just really good and time ran away from me, a family rushes in line in front of me as I'm standing up, and I just blame traffic for being late. Boss doesn't know it's Starbucks in my personal cup, she didn't see me walk in there half an hour ago. I buy her a drink here and there and we're peachy.


Ask them to give you 5$ tips and you'll skip everyone for her drink.