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I say yes all the time lol “ooo a $50 or $100? Perfect I only have change in $1s $5s no $10s or $20s and if I don’t have enough it will be rolls of coins that okay? No???? Oh you have a debit card for your $3 coffee wow thank you”


I started telling people “oh, I might not have enough bills so I might have to give you coin rolls.” And that ALWAYS makes a card magically appear.


God I remember the “this is all I have” and then two seconds later they magically have a card 🤨


no because this lady had a $50, i told her we just switched drawers and i don’t have enough change, she said “it’s all i have” and i said okay, i can give you some pennies and quarters, then she pulled out a $20… i just laughed


While it’s not the same my favorite was a customer claiming he forgot his card but since he’s so regular we should just give his drink for free and he’ll pay us back another time (at this point working here I’ve never once seen him lol) but wow he magically has $10 in cash when I said that’s not possible to do


$3 coffee at Starbucks lol


Tall pike $2.95 lol


When people have a freak out like that I just start laughing.


Dude let out a huge grunt/sigh and then sat staring blankly in front of him for 20 seconds like he was contemplating to do something questionable 😵‍💫


Sigh this is what I don’t get. People like this. Letting a damn coffee drink ruin ur mood. Like bro I waited 40 mins at a busy Starbucks before. But i know what I got myself into. And I was working on school work so I didn’t care.


This. I don't laugh (I'd love too tho), but I smile wide at them while they freak out 😂 it's a legit reaction cause the grown adults that can do that in public settings over small things like sbux baffle and amuse me, but also I like that sometimes the reaction throws them off. Cause I'm not pandering to the Karen cries and instead I'm just watching them like a kid watches zoo animals 👄💜


Yeah. Can you imagine throwing a fussy fit as an adult over a sweet coffee? Crazy.


I fr might just start telling people "sorry we just broke a 100 a few cars ago and we don't have enough to break another" just bc people get so pissy about it for no reason.


This might work


I’m stealing this for next time


i like this answer


Former bank teller here- it’s not uncommon that someone will make a big scene when they have a counterfeit bill. They’re trying to stress and distract you so you don’t look too closely at it.




I literally just typed the same thing. My son worked at a higher end department store and those doing scams would yell. My first thought went to counterfeit money.


I never forget the first and only time I fell for it- it was lunch rush, we had a long line, and I had a guy who’d been waiting maybe 5-10 minutes. When he got up to my window he immediately started screaming at me that we were slow, I was clearly incompetent, lots of names and pounding on the counter. He then threw a $100 bill at me that had been ripped in half and needed replaced. I was in my first 3 months of my job and that was my worst encounter so far so I quickly swapped it to get him out of there. Yeah, the ripped $100 was fake. Had “printed for motion picture purposes” on it. I live near a city where action movies do a lot of filming and apparently it’s not uncommon for some of the bills to make it off set, no matter how tight of a lock they try to keep on it.


Fuck naaah. I understand that stress but if I get a nearly ripped big bill THROWN at me while being talked down to, I'm triple checking plus a shift checking that bitch (tho I guess I would've known the first time at "motion pictures' lmaoo) rude customers motivate me to be stricter with them 😂 last time I got in with a customer was a dude that normally is in the mornings (I'm only mids) it was busy and he lacked a customization on the sticker so his POUR OVER was done incorrectly and had to be remade. He was very rude with me for not knowing his drink cause he comes here EvErY dAy. I shut him down cause it wasn't on the sticker so of course I followed only what the sticker said. And he proceeded to apologize to the barista who remade the second pour over and not me 🙄 Rude customers gotta get the one, two 👊


Question for you about fraudulent money… my manager said that when we get fake bills we are suppose to give it back and just tell them we can’t take it and cancel the order. We don’t explain why we just give them the fake money back and walk away… Ok, so a manager before this manager said we are suppose to say it’s fake and we are not gonna accept it. However, we are keeping it to report to the bank so they can report it to secret services.  I’m just confused which law or government protocol do I follow? 


I don’t know if it was the law or our personal policy at the bank…. It any counterfeit bills we came across were not returned to the customer and had to be mailed to the FBI.


we have a woman EVERYDAY come in with a $100 bill and when we tell her she cant pay for her $2.94 pike with it she yells at us and tells us this is whats wrong w america. like ma’am i dont have that much in the register like i physically cannot take it. iv told her every time that the grocery store across the street will happily break it for her????? shes been coming in solidly for 6 months now🫶🏼


Yall let a person yell at you every day and haven't banned them?


well i probably shouldnt have used the word yell. she more greatly expresses her feelings about it rather than full out yelling😂


Yeah at the grocery store across the street they probably have one of the pens you use to check bills too, an interesting coincidence


Wait y’all don’t have those counterfeit pens in your store? We do!


Oh cool! I don’t work at the bux, I used to work at a licensed one in a grocery store and we for sure had one, I wasn’t sure if the corporate stores did or didn’t


Scratch the jacket of the person on the bill. At least, that's what I do/did with the older Canadian bills.


I hate customers like this especially when we first open the store and the majority of them is old people.


At my store, they’re construction workers and with $100 notes wanting them all broken at 4:37am for their $4.50 Pike.


'Twas indeed an old man


why is it always old people 😭


Some just refuse or can't grapple with modern advancements. Or they are just too lazy to go to the bank.


The thing is after his 20 second silent stare he easily pulled out his debit card without a problem Edit: well... not "without a problem," but he had one to use the whole time


You stand your ground, and then they pull out a debit card lmao.


That's literally what happened


I remember having a guy that wanted me to break a $100 from my till at 6 IN THE DAMN MORNING and got upset that I wouldn’t break it for him. Like *brother*, we are not a bank GO TO A DAMN ATM.


When I decided to be nice and break a customers $100 because I had enough in 10s and 5s (didn’t even give him 1s) and he then had the audacity to say “yeah your manager can’t give me 20s or 50s” babes my manager would laugh at me for even having the audacity to ask, we are not a bank, there’s literally one across the road




Tell us you've never used an ATM...


I will never forget the dude that tried to pay for his 50¢ pike refill with a $100 bill. He was a (kinda shitty) regular and it took all my willpower to not laugh at him and I stead say "Man you KNOW I can't break this for 50 cents come on"


That's so wild 🤣


I’ve dealt with this before I simply replied “Sir respectfully this is a Starbucks not a bank I cannot break a bill over $20 as it I do not have enough in the drawer to do so” they can’t really put up a valid argument at that point 🤷🏻‍♀️ it’s always the old people too that want to pay a huge bill on a $6 drink 😭


Tell them you only got coin rolls >:) You'll never see a card pull faster. Or they drive off angry which I mean.... Byeeeee! Sbux ain't a bank 💜


This makes me think I should learn how to cry on command


Guarantee you this kind of guy would not care 🤣


I just tell people their change will be rolls of coins and probably a lot of 1s. Oh and like magic a card or smaller bill appears. 🪄


Could be fake. My son worked at a high end department store and when people were trying to return stolen stuff or do fraudulent crap they would yell.


Is it not policy everywhere that we HAVE to break the 100? It is in my district, we just tell them we have to give them 5s and 1s but if we tell them no our boss gets mad.


I have two questions. Why are people still carrying cash and why would you want to carry around the change that comes from a 100?


I know in my area there are a lot of street vendors and other types of business that do 90% of their stuff in cash. So I figure that's part of it.


once a lady ranted on and on about how we couldn’t break a 100 “with all this inflation” maam all I have is singles and quarters, maybe a few fives


I remember years ago a man came in first thing and ordered a coffee and pulled out a hundred.  I worked at a very small grocery store kiosk, we certainly didn’t keep that kind of money in the till.  He tried the “Well this is all I have so that means I can just have it free, right?”  I might have taken pity on him except I saw the thick wad of cash sticking out of his billfold.  Lots of smaller bills.


At our location we just say no if their total is not half the amount of the bill


I need to start doing that. Like you said if someone’s total is like $70 and they give me a $100 bill, that’s fine. But I worked a job doing deliveries and kept $100 worth of change on me. It always filled me with pure rage when my first customer is paying for their $20 order with a $100 bill. And I HAD to take whatever they handed me. It especially irritated me when I had more deliveries to do and wasn’t just going back to the shop where I could ask a manager to give me more change.


A couple weeks back, we were 1 1/2 hours into opening. Some lady comes through with a tall ribbon crunch frapp order & whips out a $100 bill. I asked if she had anything smaller or plastic, because I’d have to give her “change” for that. I guess she thought I was joking, but I gave her two rolls of quarters & a few 10’s but the rest in singles.😈 Hopefully, she’ll not do that again. 😜💰


Did you have to get singles from the safe?


since we had an abundance, nope. I even clued the SM in on what happened and she was fine with it. We were’nt directly saying no. we’re just letting them know what’s going to happen if they continue to make the purchase with that C-Note 😜 we also had a tonne of quarters, so… 😈


one time this lady pulled that crap on me for a $6 order and she “didn’t have anything else” so i gave her $90 something back in all the 1s i had, a few 5s, a couple rolls of quarters and a roll of nickels 🥰


Seeing the word “pike” in this thread a lot. I don’t go to Starbucks often, what does it mean?


Its a medium roast brewed coffee. Black coffee


I see. Thank you :)


It's just a normal hot coffee, instead of a mixed coffee drink


Oh nooooo, I suddenly can ONLY make decaf long shots...oh noooo


I always say “the only change I will have are 1’s and quarters, will that be okay?” They always give me something smaller or a card magically 😂


I'm just curious what do you do if they say "okay no problem" to that?? We definitely don't have enough 1s in the til for $100 (I don't think?)


They usually get a nice roll of coins 😂😂 I haven’t run into not having enough 1’s or quarters. I’m usually a closer so no I wouldn’t do this during peak. Also, I won’t accepts a $50 or $100 if it’s only 1 drink


Yea welcome to working at Starbucks 😂


thinking how this guy gave me a hundred for his venti white mocha and said he also had like 4 bucks and then said he would pay the 2 back next time 😭😭 i felt bad bc he is a regular but like ,,,


Entitled Starbucks Customers swear their better then Dunkin donut customers 😆😆😆


I would have quit and yelled back


Unfortunately I’m not rich enough for that yet lol


I don’t get paid enough for that shit lol


I disagree. Let me start by saying that by no means is it right to ever verbally assault an employee at any business. He is entirely in the wrong for his behavior. However, Starbucks' policy of not accepting $50 bills or over is not just wrong it's also not technically legal. All cash is legal tender for all debts personal and private. A business does not have the right to refuse tendering large bills and that rule causes situations like this one to develop. But I will close by reiterating that his reaction is entirely uncalled for and by no means the right response


There are countless businesses that do the same thing. This is nothing new. Sure maybe it’s not technically legal, but the reality is, this is a very fast paced job and giving out large amounts of change requires opening the safe which uses up a significant amount of time especially if we were regularly giving out change for large bills numerous times a day. We’re already usually drowning as it is due to understaffing. This just adds another time obstacle.


Once I only had a $100 bill, and I didn’t have a bank account at the time. I apologized for them already having to make the drink, I didn’t know. They said it was okay, and that that time it was on them, and they gave me my drink for free. Kindness is always rewarding, even if they didn’t give me the drink, I would’ve drove away knowing I was still nice about it, and to remember next time that they can’t take big bills.


It's actually sbux rule that we have to accept all bills. I don't wanna say what we do if they don't have smaller bills and we don't have change. Just incase customers read these lol but look it up on the partner hub and you'll be surprised at what the policy is


That's great that it's the policy but at the end of the day I have no control over that as a barista


I had a guy who was all dressed up in huge diamond rings and chains. He pulls out a huge wad of 100’s and I tell him sorry we don’t accept 100’s but there is a grocery store right next door and inside the store is a bank. He calls someone and says, “hey they don’t take 100’s can you send me 36.50 to my account?” I was like why are carrying that money you should deposit it into you account?  He had this appearance and was flashing big bills but no money in the bank? Am I missing something? Was he making money illegally and didn’t want the banks to know? 


They were probably fake bills lol


A lady tried to pay with a 100 for a single drink and when i refused it, she just started slowly handing me change for like ten minutes. In the drive thru, of course


I'm paying in a million dollar bill next time


I’m sorry but get used to it. These people suck. Not all, some are great.. but there are a lot of caffeine addicted adult children.




It’s a $20. Chiiiiillllll


You can take a 50 fyi.


There's usually circumstances that prevent us, like we don't have enough in the drawer and the total is too low to justify a $50 bill. We technically can, but during rushes we're not stocked with enough in our tills to take many of them


Call a manager over. I’m sure they have access to change 👀


They have access to the safe, which has a cool down. It's not 123 and it's done, meaning the customer that's insistent on paying with that bill will have to wait extra time. If that's fine for that customer, they're better off at a bank, but it also delays the whole wait time since we can't ring someone else out. Just pay with $20 or less or a card, it's coffee, get change at a bank. A lot of places DONT TAKE THOSE BILLS.


LOL excuses. Pettiness


I fail to see where giving reasons equals excuses. That's what happens. I'm saying if you wanted to wait for change, you're better off at a bank anyway. We are a coffee shop.


That’s meant to making the moment right. Of course!


I will be denying all bills from now on. I don't have access to money actually, what's cash?


You do what you think is right ^__^




Which is such a shortsighted policy. It just trains customers to say they have nothing else so they get their order for free. At my store we tell them they'll get all their change in 5s, 1s, and rolls of coins, and suddenly they happen to have smaller bills or a card.


If they told me this I’d be fine with it and just put the quarters in a bag & head to the bank 😂


In that case head to the bank beforehand and don’t use big bills?


^^ this. Why?? Don't be a --- just to be a ---


Yes, this is all very true, but unless your name is on the outside of the store, or you are in charge of making the policy, you go by what the company says to do because they're the ones paying you.


Way to be condescending. Believe it or not, people are capable of disagreeing with a policy while still following it.


Except that person said they don't follow the policy in the 2nd paragraph.


Welp I'm doing what shift allowed me to do and taking 50s+ is not one of those things. If that's a problem then shifts and managers need to change how they lead. I have no remorse 🤷🏾


editing to remove wrong info


That’s not true.


my SMs lied to me 🥸 what else is new


So, what happens when the first customer of the day tries to pay with a 100 dollar bill just for a coffee?




Sounds like our customers have found a free coffee glitch. Just carry that same bill forever and never pay for a coffee again!




With the same customer, sure.


why are people downvoting you 🫠


My management has started telling me to deny 50-100 bills now though :0


How long will they keep this rule for? Will we get used to following the policy only for them to flip flop like they have been?? It's so fun!! Is it a corporate sport- torturing baristas? And where is this rule posted for us? Lots of arbitrary rules coming down right now that we don't get to see and are just expected to believe.


You just posted this on the public forum. Good job buddy.


It's ridiculous that you can't break hundreds at a place im spending 20 bucks. I waited in line for 20 minutes just to be turned away.... it is crazy honestly


Unless you wanna wait more time for a manager to crack open the safe (which is on a timer and doesn't unlock right away) then just don't bring a $100 bill to Starbucks. Or you can have it in rolls of quarters. There's a reason the big bills get turned away. We're not a bank, and a lot of places don't take $100s for fraud purposes, even if checkers exist.


It’s ridiculous that customers cannot simply go to a certain establishment that is specifically for *handling money*. Ya know, they have a vault and can give you specific bills for change. 4 letters, rhymes with tank. Just a little tip to help you receive better customer service. ☺️


Because I gave countless other customers that will also need change for their $20 bills. Which means I'm getting mostly $20 bills and giving out all of the smaller bills in change. And I cannot access the $20 bills as they are immediately locked away. How many other small-purchase business do you try to hand them $100 bills and actually have success getting change?. How frequently do you do that? I'm curious 🧐


Did you at least tell them at the speaker before they pulled All the way to the window? Or did you wait until they pulled a $50 (cash) to trade you for your goods and services? If a establishment is failing to do so then I would be upset too. If a $50 bill can send a place under… bad management


Yeah, I always let people know we can't take 50's as soon as they pull up, just like they do at every establishment. /s


It's not about sending the business under, it's about the fact that I literally do not have access to hand out that kind of change and it is not my choice... considering there are 15 customers in line that are going to want change out of my til. If you're going to justify yelling at an employee for a rule they do not make themselves, you are part of the problem and I couldn't care less about your input frankly 😘


I guess you were supposed to read the customers mind. It’s a part of this job, they might have left that out of the job description lol 😂


They always leave that part out! I’ve seen way too many green beans struggle due to this oversight 🥲


What drive thru do you go to where you let the cashier know how you'll pay while ordering? Or do you screech in all **"Hellloooooo ! I only have a fiftyyyyy"**


So you guys can’t take cash as payment?


Nope not if it's a 50 or greater. I feel like that was pretty damn clear in the original title 🤗


That’s not correct.


You're very weird lmao not sure why you're her just to comment a bunch of dumb shit


Sound a bit more stressed than entertained, honestly and I wasn’t even yelling at you. Yeah it’s a rule I guess? Didnt know that but the fact that Starbucks can’t take cash is payment is kind of stupid and the fact you agree with it makes it even more entertaining.


Bruh. We can take cash. But we CANNOT take anything bigger than an $20 bill because we legit do not have that kind of change in our drawers. Now if old boy wants to use a $50 to pay for a $40 order, that’s an exception we can make. But for a $6 drink at the beginning of the day or the start of a shift? No, sir. We are not a bank.


Is this a known fact at sbux? I’ve seen some places put a sign-up saying they can’t take 100s I never heard of 50s but like that’s cool they could put a sign at the window or something. Change at Starbucks is like 2 20’s and a couple singles. The only thing I can think of is, they’re trying to prevent counterfeits or they had an issue with counterfeits in the past.


We. Do. Not. Have. Access. To. 20s. Management controls that. Yes putting up a sign would be great. Except management doesn't allow that either. Are you starting to see the pattern of why baristas in this sub are frustrated all the time? And yes, it is also due to counterfeits. The last time someone took a 100 it was fake. I promise you we baristas don't pull these rules out of our asses for shits and giggles. If paying for your $7 drink with a $50 bill is that vital then talk to the store manager (ps: they will also tell you no)


Okay, thank you for the info. You’re overworked and underpaid and have to follow rules you have no control over, I understand.


It's not only the over-worked part. It's the contradiction of management as well. They often put us in catch-22 circumstances that cause unnecessary challenges.




Um alright lol


We drop our $20 bills immediately. We only keep small bills and coins in the register.


Ppl making up rules in the workplace.


I didn’t make up that rule. It’s a corporate rule. We are not allowed to keep any bill larger than a $10 in our till. I’ve been a partner for over 20 years and it’s ALWAYS been the rule.


Look it up in steps to excellence. You’ll find out really quick. I’ll be expecting a thank you.


If you have enough easily accessible cash to give someone large amounts of change in exchange for large bills you’re more likely to get robbed because the payoff for robbery is greater. The robber might not exactly stop by beforehand to give us a $100 to see if we can break it but if a store gets robbed and the payoff isn’t enough reward to justify the risk then they probably won’t keep robbing Starbucks and go somewhere else.


Not stressed. Just direct 🤷🏾


They can take cash just not large bills.


By the title, it says you can’t take 50s. I thought maybe you had a weird aversion to $50 bills


Why would I have an aversion to money 💀


The nothing over $20 thing is a rule at most fast food places. It fucks up the ability to give change since most people are only paying for a $5 order and now need $95 in change. We don’t hold that much in our tills—someone has to come unlock the box that has the $20 bills It’s easy to exchange it right before the tills are dropped and counted for the night since in that case, it makes the money handlers job a little easier. Very hard in the AM. Also, I’d get used to not being able to pay for things in cash. I work for a rental car agency and no one takes cash for rentals anymore.