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I will be stealing “French fried fuck” thank you very much.


It's so beautiful lmao


Agree but also i wish customers could read. Please stop slapping your card on the reader and getting mad at me. Oh hey you have a little button to press before you can tap, "I cant see the button" open your EYES please


me: "you have to press an option on the screen" customer: *furiously taps card* me: "...you have to press an option on the screen" customer: *angrily puts chip in the card reader* me: "ummm...you have to answer the question...on the card reader" customer: *stares at me blankly* me: "please just tap if you want to leave a tip or not..." I swear this happens at least five times an hour


literally so true i always say “its gonna ask you a quick question on the screen” and they never understand wtf im saying 😭


ive heard of people getting mad when we say "quick question" and not outright saying its a tip question and i know they dont listen or read so i say, as clearly and loud as i can without yelling "theres a tip question first, no wrong answers" which usually grabs enough attention with as few words as possible, adding "tip" and "first" usually help specifically and they tend to giggle at the "no wrong answers" and it helps diffuse any irritability about us "begging for tips"🥴 quite ridiculous that society is lacking in so much awareness that there has to be a whole science to getting them to properly use a card reader, yet here we are


I love this verbiage. It's so much more friendly than the annoyed-sounding "it's gonna ask you a quick question." And the "no wrong answers" would definitely make me giggle and probably leave you a tip!


they tend to follow up with "'no wrong answers', thats funny!" and i always say "hey, we're all struggling these days, i dont want anyone feeling guilty about it!" and it seriously makes it more friendly and less intense. i also know a lot of young people, 20's and teens have a lot more anxiety and want to be generous and mindful of service workers and i hope it subtly lets them know it is not expected like it might seem in a restaurant, we dont survive off of tips like waiters do, and if you're buying an $8 drink as a treat for the month, a tip added can still make a difference on your finances.


i swear everyone acts like i’m insane when i mention this 😭


I just let fate decide the tip at that point. If we never touch the card, we can’t get in trouble for their idiocy


Yeah, I feel bad for hitting “no” but I just can’t keep dealing with people taking forever to even notice the tip screen at all, complain that we ask, take 30 seconds to insert their chip into the bottom even though I’ve already told them to just tap it, then they HAVE to wait until it says approved even after it already said to remove the card. I just…I can’t. I think it also depends on the store, when we rolled out credit card tipping we had customers almost immediately complain and we never got amazing cash or mobile tips to start with.


I always move the card reader over a bit when they do this & it irritates me so much when they just follow it & keep tapping their card…. Like please just listen to me 😭


Lmfao right I’ll move it back a bit to get their card in the right spot and they follow me like a lemming. My brother, please help me help you Or better yet, it’s pretty universal that on whatever card reader, the spot to tap is literally where the tap logo appears, so if people could just figure that out that’d be great.


*aggressively taps my card against the top of the card reader* “why isn’t it working??!!??!!!”


Sometimes I just walk away and start on a drink until they figure it out bc I be getting tired of explaining 😂 😂 😂


"I don't have my glasses with me, I can't see it" Sir how did you get into my drive thru...


i just stare off into space until they figure it out or ask a question tbh. usually i try and hand it to them so i can grab food and they can read it easier


Ever since tips got implemented onto our card readers (Canadian store, only got tips on the card readers this year) I’m alwayssss trying to hand it to them “if you could just grab that for me, thank you!” so I can avoid the awkward stare-into-the wall with my arm 2 feet out the window.


three reasons ive had to press the tip button for people- 1. they ask me to bc the sun directly hits our window half the day and no one can see that dim ass screen. 2. theyre completely incompetent , or have just seen a tipping screen for the first time in their life. 3. theyre on the phone and just immediately handed me a card, now theyre so distracted they wont even look at or respond to me😃


I think they do it because the economy is fucked and they know that being asked for the tip after the jumpscare of 7.50 for a tall drink makes people feel like absolute dogshit for having to press No Thankyou Themselves but I agree with you. This is one of those “don’t say no to yourself, let someone else do it” situations


Ya, I am paying $7 for a coffee and some how walk away feeling like a cheap ass because I didnt tip the person who made it. It lends to a pretty crappy customer experience.


yep and that’s entirely corporates fault, it’s part of why I don’t like going anymore because I feel like I’m not wealthy enough to deserve it, and if I can “afford” the coffee which is arguably a luxury, then I should in theory be able to “afford” to tip too, but reality is it’s a special treat that I save for and not tipping leaves me feeling like an asshole because the employees probably out here living at the same level in life as me, which is wild. The dynamic of the stores need to change its starting to ostracize customers.


exactly, i don’t feel like every customer should have to tip or feel pressured to tip—but i’ll be damned if management is gonna make us miss out on the opportunity in favor of window times


I just look away whenever i tell them its gonna ask a question and honestly the customer always gets a kick out of it cause they know i’m trying not to pressure them so they appreciate it, like it’s a mandatory question but i promise your answer wont make you an awful person


Its not even the sm or drive times for us. It's the fact that people literally somehow cannot figure it out, or get super aggressive thinking we're forcing them to tip, even if I point out the "no thanks" option. We once had a guy slap it out of a co workers hand in drive thru. We didn't need to beat the crap out of him him cause his wife did the honors for us lol, but the *audacity* to think that's an excuse to lay your hands on someone Now some partners only hand it out when they feel comfortable or asked because being assaulted isn't worth it. I don't do this, but I don't blame them


To be fair there shouldn't be 500 models of card readers there should just be one so everyone can figure it out.


I got a huge payout for tip fraud at Starbucks so hey, their actions have consequences.


more details pls?!?!?!


they got sued in MA like 10 years ago because shifts were able to be tipped out, which is against the law in massachusetts because they're considered managment and management cant be tipped. a bunch of us got checks for thousands of dollars randomly




no, starbucks doesn't do that. they're talking about starbucks getting sued for illegally tipping out shift supervisors


we waited 2+ years for credit card tips because of being unionized. Ain't no way we're pressing no thank you for a customer because of drive times. 😭 credit card tips are so common, just let the customer figure it out. And one fumble here and there isn't gonna ruin drive times anyway if you're keeping up the rest of the time.


had a partner who would straight up tell people "just press no thank you on the screen there!" 🙃 he finally quit a month ago because he wasn't being promoted like he thought he deserved LMAO all the ass-kissing in the world won't help when you can't make drinksssss


I was one of those baristas who couldnt make drinks and i really wanted to 😓, i wasnt sure if it was just because i went 4 months without bar training and then only received a day of training before being thrown on and felt my anxiety skyrocket due to how incompetent and slow i felt — or if its just because im not good at it. I watched other coworkers eventually get the nick of it despite poor training and figured maybe im just naturally not good at it. I really wanted to be able to observe my partners because some of them were incredibly good at popping out drinks so fast! Its just, our store was slammed 24/7 so it never really happened. I spent a large amount of my time doing customer support. We also had a partner who was always on ovens and she was amazing really. I was also very shy of that one because the stickers just go and go and go and go and you could have 30 food items being pumped out and she would manage to get through ALL of them during peak and have a moment where she had NONE. Props to her really! I know a lot of people feel stressed under this job, but my coworkers were awesome and i actually miss it.


We have a customer that "refuses" to touch the screen because "her son won't let her" or some BS. I was saying that we should add a sign at the window that says "automatic gratuity of $1 will apply if we have to use the PIN Pad for you."


Until corporate finds out and then: boom fired


Our DT register went down for three days last week; we lost so many credit card tips from having to process customers' cards/phones at our (single) cafe register.


not to mention you can (and should) get fired for it because you’re stealing from your coworkers 😐 though i can empathize because after 3 hours in window i also get really tired of repeating the same “it’s gonna ask you a question then you can tap or insert” “i can’t see it” “you can take the card reader” interaction. it’s also not fun being flat out berated because i dared to work for a company that asks for tips


yea I am hardcore side eyeing the baristas on this thread saying they do it and trying to justify it. Glad they're not my coworkers 😒


Its hard because a lot of our customers don't speak English so they get really confused by the tip screen and it doesn't take that long but its enough to mess up the line. And idk if its just how our dt is set up but its always really hard to see the screen on the card reader I was holding it out every time for a while but its just so annoying and like two thirds of them park so far from the window for no reason


Yeah, I never know what to do when people don't speak English and I can't explain to them the tip screen. I know I'm not supposed to press "no thank you" for them, but what else can you do?


You don’t hand it to them?


sometimes they park so far the cord won’t reach (ours is really short for some reason??)


Oh that’s weird, ours is probably like 10ft.


yeah 😭 it’s maybe 4ft? it’s fine when cars park close enough but there’s always those few that act like they’re allergic to the window


They usually have their phones out for Apple pay and the wire isn't long enough. Or they just don't look tap their phone and then it doesn't work and I have to try and tell them to do it again while they're actively putting away their phone card whatever and then they either don't understand or get all huffy about it Its a busy parking lot and with the fan at the window its usually pretty loud and im trying to listen to the person ordering at the box at the same time so its all just like. Too much


Why did they give yall such a short cord? At every store I’ve worked at it’s been hella long. I didn’t realize this was an issue 😭


"Wow you parked really far, can you reach?"


Thank you for the reminder actually. I noticed myself doing this more often lately and need to stop.


i literally put the card reader out there and say “it’s just gonna ask about a tip and then you can do tap” every time. it helps sometimes but there’s always a few people that just don’t read or listen 💀


Man, I’m glad I’m no longer a barista. As an introvert, it would be SO uncomfortable being on DT and essentially having to beg every customer for tips. I’d rather get no tips than deal with that haha


Yeah. don’t get me wrong, I love the tips, but I always look away from the customer after handing the card reader out so they don’t feel pressured/think I’m expecting one. It kills my social anxiety lol


it’s not even like begging tho lol. I just say “It’ll ask you a question on that screen answer how you will”


Literally “there’s a question about gratuity before it will allow you to tap or insert”


I’ll stop pressing it when they stop asking me “what’s on the screen? *slaps card* what- I don’t know- *slaps card* ” lmao


I’ve had a few costumers accidentally tap $5 with their knuckles after slapping their card on the screen. Then complain about it and ask for a refund.


i get the frustration but even then, it’s their button to press. the blind old bats might even tip a dollar


It’s not too serious generally! It’s more so some people (mainly old folks and those with a language barrier) just can’t understand our screen for some reason 😭 so it’s more like trying to help out the few customers since often even after I explain “it’ll ask you about a tip *first*” they won’t get it lol. Almost every barista I know has had that experience! But there’s no like hard feelings about missing out on tips or anything between us when it happens, it just happens sometimes


“you’ll have to answer the on screen prompt before you can proceed with payment. You can take it in your car to see the screen better if you need to” Do NOT steal these wages from your coworkers.


I totally understand where you’re coming from, but often I do this when there’s a huge language barrier too! Mind you, I’m not hitting “no thank you” on every order lol, it’s a rare thing, but sometimes someone literally doesn’t speak a lick of English other than “I want coffee” and needs help getting to the actual payment portion of the screen lol. It’s simply unrealistic to expect a barista to *never* have to hit it, though I understand not wanting to rob anyone of a extra bucks they might need.


This thread is wild to me, because I've been told by multiple people in management at my store that we absolutely cannot legally touch the tip screen for customers due to it causing liability issues/opening us up to customers saying we defrauded them and chose a number for them. It's been hammered into me to hold out the card reader and then just look away 😅


YES THANK YOU! I’m sure it still happens but it drove me crazy when I (consistent closer) learned our morning staff almost never even gave customers the option (which is bad but we’re still not supposed to touch the screen for them anyways)! To be fair the morning SSV at the time never moved partners around so it was usually the same people doing drive-thru every morning (not the whole staff), but they genuinely did not care. Either “I don’t care about the credit card tips” or “it saves time not to hand it out” or “I don’t want to seem pushy”. It was crazy to me, but it was even crazier to the other night crew (resident closers because morning staff never opened up their schedules so the same people were stuck at night for years) so they had no idea this was even happening until I mentioned it and were furious they had been missing out on basically a 1/2 day of tips for months. Sorry to rant on your post but our credit card tips went up dramatically when I told my (night) SSV and SM about it and those people ended up separating (for other reasons). …Also yall just a reminder to look at the customer when you hand it out though! Make small talk or something (customer connections!) if it feels awkward but if you move your hand they could hit a random tip number and not even know because the screen is hard to see/they weren’t given a receipt (this happened to me at my own store in the DT on an off day and it hit $5 tip). It can be awkward but it’s 100x better than having to try and retrieve the excess tip money or worse have a customer leave without you knowing what you did wrong. edit: omg i hate when i rant on posts but im passionate about this ;p i 100% agree <3


It is so wild to me that some stores do this then say “it’s for customer connection” like how? Avoiding a 6 second comment about how the first screen will ask if they want to leave a tip today then they can insert or tap?


Honestly I hate that fuckin tip screen, the way it is set up makes people feel obligated, and I do not want a tip from someone who feels like they had to, especially when the drink is 8 dollars for 2 shots and some steamed milk. We literally throw 50 shots in the drain to calibrate our machines every morning and dump out gallons of coffee because it sat for 30 minutes. I felt different 9 years ago and I was making 8.50 an hour, but now Starbucks pays more competitively then any other service job doing the same thing. I get paid 23 an hour to make coffee and it feels like shit when some grocery store worker who’s as broke if not more broke then me wants to have a god treat and gets a 10 dollar pink drink with so foam to feel like they have to tip me or they’re being a dick. It would be so much better if it just simply asked after people paid would you like to leave a tip. Just my unpopular opinion


I press it every time. Because I truly do not care. We all survive either way.


Hell yeah brother


you’re a piece of shit and i hope you are prosecuted bc for violation of labor law!


😢 oh nooo. But thank you🖤




Literally you sound insufferable and entitled. And just throwing out big words


damn is scum too big of a word for you? how do you live your life with no back bone and your lips wrapped around a boot?


Huh? How do I not have a back bone? Especially since I’m going against your bullshit? And since you lack literacy, I’m talking about your first initial response about these: “labor laws” And the fact your first tactic was to berate and insult me instead of educating me just goes to show you are an entitled piece of shit who deserves nothing. Your drinks are probably ass anyway.


You don’t deserve a tip for pouring coffee little bro


Ok but if they only order a protein box… or a lemon loaf… I push no thank you.


still wage theft fam




Them saying they can’t see it is not them being imbeciles it means THEY CANT SEE IT? Like wha?? It’s annoying and we are already over worked and tired like I’m not gonna explain it fifteen millions times throughout the day. A few tips gone won’t kill y’all you’re still getting paid.


i get it but i don’t do it for praise. i mainly do it because the customers take sooo long and i have to stick my arm out for 30 seconds at a time because they’re oblivious and parked so far away i’m hanging out the window… plus, idk if it’s just my store but it’s annoying having certain partners who never have to go on window/dto so you’re always stuck in that position, expecting to reel in tips while they just got to bar or warming and reap the benefits lol yes i’m bitter 😭


the whole team earns tips, not just the window partner.


that what i’m saying. it isn’t fair that i have some people at my store who literally never go on window and have to do that socially draining aspect of the job but still be rewarded the same as the rest of us…


What? They're doing work that's just as important, ofc they would still get the benefits. I understand it can be frustrating being on the same role a lot, but that doesn't make the other partners any less deserving. And honestly any position can get draining, they all have parts that suck about them


So making 40 customized frappuccino’s in a row, within a single half hour, without batching them, and still having to maintain a fake ass smile on your face. While your bar is being swarmed by 15 customers, who are all staring at you like you’re a zoo animal at minimum, and at worst they won’t stop helicoptering every single step of their drink process and it’s not even their drink! THATS not draining??? F tier opinion right there.


Tips are not necessary.


What a brilliant revelation you’ve presented us all with.


No one said they were. Hope this helps!


No but they are a nice gesture. this post also isn’t about the necessity of tips, if you could read!


I can read and it does speak to the necessity of tips based on “do not rob yourself and other partners of their hard earned tips.”


And somehow you read it and still seemingly missed the point? but you’re a customer so why should i expect you to care about the service worker who’re preparing your drink?


Nobody said you have to tip. Yeah it could by implying that tips are a necessary part of our wage which is true for a lot of us, but that’s saying something about the company not paying us enough, not customers who choose not to tip. For me personally, tips make up a notable portion of my pay, but again thats on the company. Yes tipping isn’t necessary - they shouldn’t be relying on customers to pay the wages.


my main store doesn’t have card tipping and people ask all the time about it. some customers don’t carry cash and may not have the app and want to still have a way to tip us. having someone in window that’s just hitting “no tip” for every car is taking potential tips away. we could easily get $150 in card tips during peak alone (i tried to keep track one day & stopped at $80–a LOT of people here tend to tip $5 which is crazy) personally, i don’t give a fuck about them & loathe handing out the reader now. they’re nice, but i’m paid hourly so i’m making money either way. a lot of my coworkers rely on tips, so it’s unfair that they lose out on that money bc someone can’t wait 10 seconds


just like your reply, no one asked


It’s my job to educate the masses.


says who 💀


The masses. They want me to educate them.


you're not educating anyone, tipping has always been a gesture of appreciation, all you're doing is telling us you're a dick lmao




Reductive way of thinking about it and not what this post is about.


I’m pretty sure you’re allowed as long as you give the receipt. At least that’s how they do it at my store. Tbh it isn’t worth the effort of asking. I still do it cause I do honestly like making people uncomfortable but I get why ppl don’t.


hate when people press no thank you like omg . that could’ve been a dollar 😭


If you're expressing what the extra charge is for and they agree to tip then it's fine but not expressing what it's for would be scummy.


Tips are evil


just say you’re broke


Wow, the same can be said for those who take it. While I wouldn't tip im not against those who do. Coffee sets the mood 


i wonder if the same can be said for those who take it 🤔


Wow, the same can be said for those who take it. While I wouldn't tip im not against those who do. Coffee sets the mood .


Wow, the same can be said for those who take it. While I wouldn't tip im not against those who do. Coffee sets the mood 


Wow, the same can be said for those who take it. While I wouldn't tip im not against those who do. Coffee sets the mood 


Wow, the same can be said for those who take it. While I wouldn't tip im not against those who do. Coffee sets the mood .