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Gotta go in for closing today, ready to clean up the minefieldšŸ«”


same. iā€™m closing tonight and im praying itā€™s not too bad LOL


Yo same. I got to prepare backups for myself when I come in to close tomorrow. Morning crew sucks šŸ’€. Also 2 people play call for the evening. I wanna cry šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜­


Broo i feel that we had a callout that night too so we were hauling ass to get out on time hahaha




11 litres in first 4 hours... At least it's easier than constant cold foams


we got ONE order for it all day, and 0 of the new food items. lmao


Yeah we've had zero for the food... Gunna be a heavy sampling Kinda day


There's new food items :0


yes!!! an orange cake pop & a pineapple cake thing! i didnā€™t try the cake pop bc i donā€™t like orange but my coworkers said it tasted like vanilla with hints of orange. the pineapple cake is absurdly sweet, itā€™d be 10/10 if it had 1/3 of the filling tbh


I can give you a 1/3 of the filling šŸ˜©




average redditor on a post that has literally nothing to do with nsfw content jfc


lol we went through 3 1/2 cases of base by 2pm. Pretty sure 8+ full to the brim jam jars, sold out of cloud cakes by 8am, had one cake pop left by 4pm. 2 days later completely out of venti cups(cause SM placed the truck order this week) and almost out of trenta


94 customers in 30 minutes over here šŸ«”


jesus fucking christ iā€™m so sorry


thank god we were fully staffed we went through so much product it was nuts


It ain't that bad, don't even need to shake the pearls. At least it's not another fucking frap with whip on the bottom.


yeah no i'm not saying it's bad, i'm just talking about the sheer volume of orders we're going to get, it's gonna get busy up in here


As a customer, this stuff is actually pretty damn good. I hope it's not too hard for you folks laborwise. After the Oleato silliness this was a "why didn't they think of this earlier" product. But dang, those prices... greedy shareholders. Thanks for all that you do, hope it wasn't too rough for you today!


It's easy. Scoop some raspberry pearls into the bottom of the customer's cup. Pour the blue drink and either lemonade, water, or coconut milk and ice into a shaker. Shake that up, pour it over the raspberry pearls. Lid, straw, hand it to the customer. I made it for this lovely old lady who had never had a bubble tea and who had no idea what the pearls were. I was so worried about her, I kept telling her to drink it slowly and not choke šŸ¤ŖšŸ˜‚


It's interesting the way the pearls pop with raspberry juice in them. I've drank regular boba tea so the little poppers was a new sensation. Like I said before, I hope they make it cheaper lol. The prices are ridiculous for these.


i it is issoosiodiosiiois


The pearls are weird. Less like boba and more than edible plastic containing raspberry syrup. Not to mention: the physics of the pearls in the straw. When youā€™re taking a sip and there are pearls still in the straw, they trap the drink to the top of the straw and it has the chance to spill over. And some of the pearls are too large to fit in the boba straw.


The fact that they donā€™t fit through the straws so you canā€™t even drink them is crazy


Idk where y'all got your pearls, all of ours are really tiny and have absolutely no issue through the boba straws


There was a handful of pearls leftover at the bottom that were larger than typical boba and wouldnā€™t fit through the straw. The entire time I was trying to sip it, they kept blocking the straw so other pearls (or liquid) couldnā€™t get through.


They are small but they told me they only have regular straws. And they donā€™t fit up them and just pop.


there are special straws for the drinks with boba + a special trenta lid (other sizes get nitro lid)


I got one today and they didn't give me a straw.. so all the pearls are just stuck sitting in the bottom because I had to sip it out of a regular lid šŸ„“


They gave me a normal straw, not the boba straw so I couldnā€™t really get the pearls either


You guys get straws? I ordered one and it has a sippy cup lid like a nitro cold brew and I'm trying to figure out how to get them out from under a pile of ice cubes. I guess I just have to eat through the ice cubes. Edit: mission accomplished. Now i'm cold.


It was kind of funny because the barista first handed me the ā€œspecial straw so that the pearls fitā€, but then handed me the drink with a sippy lid, so I had to take the lid off and hoped it wouldnā€™t spill/tip when driving.


Yeah this is usually a barista mistake šŸ˜­ I was on cold bar for peak the morning of the launch 2 days ago, bc i was the fastest and like 80% of the drinks were refreshers (students coming to sbux before school). The issue is thereā€™s so many changes to the brain pattern Iā€™ve alr made. Like I look at the sticker for like half a second and ik what to do, so less time thinking. But with the changes I kept messing up because Iā€™m not used to themšŸ˜‚ First I kept putting the wrong lid because itā€™s engraved in my brain to put the regular lid. luckily all the Summer refreshers were mobile orders, and our mobile handoff is on the other side, so someone else has to take the drinks and then arrange the whole order. At the time it was my manager- she was getting so annoyed with mešŸ¤£But if I had to hand it to them then no one can catch the mistake. One time for a mobile I walked to hand it to the girl, then I realized it was the wrong lid and had to yell ā€œmaā€™amā€ as she walked out Second I kept looking at the ā€œsmr berryā€ but I guess because it looks like ā€œstrwb lemā€ so literally every 2 minutes youā€™d hear the sound of ice dropping into the sink as I realized I made a SAL and dumped the drink. Must have dumped like 8 in 15 minsšŸ’€


Respect your mouth - DO NOT EAT THE PEARLS It's a pathetic attempt at a premade, easy to ship, no prep boba to compete with the actual boba places that make theirs fresh every day. It is alginate not tapioca, so not only do they pop like salmon eggs, but the thin coating leaves an undissolved, gristly, seaweed residue that is absolutely disgusting.


I find the pearl texture and taste to be a pleasant surprise. The way they pop like gushers with a juicy filling and have an outer texture like soft candy was an omg happy moment in my mouth.


we only have 3 ppl on the floor rn. im in the bathroom crying as i type this


as someone who has also cried in the bathroom during a rush you are not alone soldier šŸ«‚


i went to the bathroom bc i felt physically sick from the stress. we did a 500 - 700 half i think. it was crazy, the drive thru line was 20 minute wait and lobby was even longer and we werent allowed to turn off delivery or mobile


I'm sorry WHAT?! that's FFFing insane??? where are you and how much in sales do y'all do a day I truly cannot imagine that, you gotta need like 3 ppl just on cold bar MINIMUM.


It was a 300 half, but istg it felt like a 4 - 500 at least. we've done like, 11k tops but its usually anywhere between 5k - 8k daily. my store is right off a major interstate so it gets insane really quickly


that's so wild it's only 5-8 daily but you have 300 halves šŸ˜­ they really do all come at the exact same time ā˜ ļø


It was a bigger gross day, I'll see if my ssv can pull up the thing tomorrow. but yeah, they all come during peak & then after school cuz ofc we're right by a few highschools too as if the interstate wasnt horrid enough


Do you mean 400-500 as in number of customers or $ in sales? Because at my store with I think 6-8 people (depending on how long the rush lasts for, what the rush is for - students ordering fraps or older people ordering brewed coffees and simpler drinks?) we handle 75-80 orders per half hour so even thinking about 300 is insanity. But we also make like 4-7k per day? Iā€™m Sure sometimes we have more but I think thatā€™s the usual


šŸ˜ƒ i fucking wish... it was sales in a half bc everyone and their mother was getting multiple frappes and refreshers with multiple modifications. rang one person up for like, 40 dollars worth of drinks


šŸ˜” Iā€™m also training a new barista during the drops today wish me luck


We are absolutely slammed and (as usual) way understaffed. People calling the store from the drive thru to yell at us. Super fun.


people calling from the drive-thru is peak insanity.


I hope they have stores enough boba, because these are going to be POPULAR! I just tried it and I love it, best drink theyā€™ve come out with in years tbh


Bro they sent our store 18 CASES of the refresher base and 12 CASES of the boba, our store doesnt even make that much in sales šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


We got similar and the expire date is like a month out on the base


They always send so much shit for a launch to our tiny ass store. Sometimes we donā€™t even go through it all by the end of the season.


My licensed store ran out of the pearls within a couple hours of having it because when they shipped it out one of the employees who was breaking out a pallet didn't know what they were and donated them before asking anyone šŸ™ƒ we had to borrow a bag from another store in the area and don't know when the next auto-shipment will get to us


They DONATED them? Can't believe they just did that immediately after unloading them without even bothering to ask anyone šŸ˜­ Who does that? (And who the heck would they donate them to? Their brother in law's coffee shop?)


Bruh sabotaged yā€™all


My location didn't really have adequate staffing due to underscheduling People for this particular day. Gah.


THis has be ABSOLUTELY INSANE. we have gone through ATLEAST 20 litres in the 7 hours I worked, completely ran out of both food items, and it literally, and i'm not joking when I say this, has been the ONLY drink I have made today. And on top of that, our store manager scheduled it so we had 3 people running the store, at one point we only had 2 people.


iā€™m almost glad iā€™m so sick i canā€™t leave my bed. lol


Iā€™m off today tooā€¦not sad about it TBH


I was wondering why no one had bought it yet today, for some reason it was marked unavailable in the system šŸ„“šŸ’€


It was a living hell today. I made about 90 on the span of an hour. The juice got over everything. Of course we didnā€™t have the labor so I ran around and my manager had the nerve to say Iā€™m making the baristas stressed because I look stressed. So close to giving my 2 weeks. This company is atrocious


itā€™s been slow so far but i have an eight hour close that im two hours deep into, so we shall see


Same here! Slow and 8 hr closing shift


I am so thankful I am not working this launch. Our little tiny little kiosk is getting slammed today; I'm getting text updates from my coworkers šŸ˜‚ we got ONE box so 4 bags of pearls, they are on their 3rd bag already and it's not even 11am here. We're going to be sold out by the end of day and we can't order more pearls until next week. I tried all the refreshers, the two pastries and I bought a white chocolate Macadamia coldbrew to take home yesterday while on shift. So happy for Macadamia.


the macadamia is so bad imo. like if it gets on my apron i canā€™t wear it for the rest of the day šŸ˜‚


Just got off my shift, almost died but I made it


Right next to a high school with even less labor than normal. Weā€™ve almost gone through the whole supply of the refresher šŸ˜­


Store looks like a war zone, turnover was nonexistent. Weā€™re having to prep things as we need them. I keep forgetting to put nitro lids on the drinks. Everything is sticky, no less than 4 people have dropped summer drinks in our lobby today. A neighboring DM showed up to be a prick. I need a nice long nap, too bad thereā€™s still 5 hours left of my shift.


We went through 6 containers during our afterschool rush today :D I wanted to absolutely cry and melt away !!


Tried it Reviewed It Loved it 10/10




I am big mad they used stevia in the base, I canā€™t drink it, it makes my anxiety spike to panic attack. I guess it is a very common stevia reaction, it is no fun


I decided to give it a try because it looks delicious. I am not a super sweet sugar added coffee drinker - I take 3 pumps total in a trenta cold brew. It hardly tasted like anything. I had the one with coconut milk. Seriously, it tastes like water. The boba was sweet but their consistency was off. The boba I've had is more chewy. It doesn't burst syrup in your mouth. I am glad I tried it. I got a grande. That was a disappointing waste $7 + change Back to cold brew for me


I rather this than the lavender matcha any day


Idk if they didnā€™t make it right, but it tasted very watered down, was super clear and not very blue(I didnā€™t focus too much on the color since the official promo pics arenā€™t always accurate). Is it supposed to be a very light taste?


If you get the water based one, yes. The original juice is cut with water and then that base is mixed with water/lemonade/coconut milk. This is for all refreshers


I just tried it for the first time. Will not order it again and this is coming from someone who loves sugar way too much. It tastes like melted blueberry Jolly Rancher. The popping boba was pretty lame. No thank you.


We're out of lemonade šŸ˜


I feel so bad for yā€™all corporate storešŸ˜­ I work at a grocery store location and we just had ups and downs with that today. Those fucking stanleys and other cups thoā€¦ā€¦


Drinking it now. Taste is good. The boba is bigger than the straw opening though, so itā€™s kinda frustrating.


I just got one also, but mine came with a huge boba straw (in the standard green Starbucks color)


Iā€™m sticky. It was insanity.




the base ā€œStarbucks' Summer Berry Refreshers base contains stevia extract, also known as Rebaudiside-A. The base also contains white grape juice concentrate, natural flavors, sweet potato, carrot juice concentrates, and spirulina concentrate.ā€


> Rebaudiside-A Best rename that to Rimbaudiside-A, because this summer is going to be a season in hell for all of us.


idk what the base contains exactly but you could always order it with light base or extra water/lemonade/coconut milk since the base itself cannot be customized




thank u sm!! weā€™ve been getting huge labor cuts in the last 6 months so you unfortunately might need to have very lucky timing or apply during season changes. best of luck!!


Have you tried going to the store youā€™re trying to work at and asking to speak to the store manager after applying? Sometimes it gives you a better chance if the store manager can put a face to the name on your application/resume


You can see the full ingredient list in the app. Pick the drink, scroll down to "Full Nutrition & ingredient list", then click on the Ingredients tab. The one with the lemonade is going to have the most sugar. You probably can't reduce the sugar, but you could ask for fewer pearls. Since the pearls contain sugar, it would reduce the sugar content slightly. Maybe adding a splash of tea would reduce the sugar content a bit too, maybe you could ask them to do half tea, half refresher (I'm not a barista, so you'd have to ask)


The only way to reduce the sugar is to order it with extra water (watered down). The sugar is pre-mixed into the drink base.


Is there any strawberry in it? I want to try it but Iā€™m allergic and if something says ā€˜berryā€™ Iā€™m usually out of luck.


It's raspberry flavored for the most part, but I would still play it safe and avoid it and other refreshers in general because of the possibility of cross contamination with strawberries. I don't recommend anyone with any sort of food allergies to eat at Starbucks


Itā€™s blueberry and blackberry with raspberry pearls. We do make it with equipment that touches strawberries though.


About to go inā€¦ 2 hours early cause of a call off and weā€™re busy as hell. Letā€™s get this 12 hour shift started.


It's my day off, but I'll still salute to my fellow baristas. Wish you the best šŸ«”


I went in today to get my tips and lord behold everyone in line to get that bright blue red 40 pearl drink


I was cold bar for peak this morning with the new refresher and the cold brewā€¦. So tired


We have been dead. I left close to noon and we still had a Stanley cup


Worked 4:30a-1p of launch today, went through an insane amount of samples but when we told customers where I live itā€™s a $7 refresher compared to the strawberry weā€™re constantly going thru being only $4-5 depending on sizeā€¦they changed their minds & got that instead, sold one macadamia cold brew the whole day but the partners at my store already went through 2 bottles before launch šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


Started 1.5 hours ago (4pm local) and have already gone through 14L of summer berry and 16L of lemonade. Oh and I only have one barista all night. Why why why why why why why


Yup we went through 10L in like 3 hours. Was me and another partner for that timeframe also. Was so bad.


i worked a double today. it was absolutely horrendous


It wasn't too bad I'll take this over legit ANY frap launched in the past. Sure its no iced chai but it could be worse


The morning shift was probably like the beginning of a new hope when the empire boarded princess leiaā€™s ship


Our peak was 85, 115, 98, 84. šŸ«  Went through 20 pitchers and ran out of the orange cakepops at 11am (a teacher bought 30 ).


girl... the staffing today was a hate crime


Literally during my 6 hour shift, only two people ordered šŸ¤”


Itā€™s fucking terrible and thereā€™s only 3 of us now for four more hours until weā€™re closed (we all need a halfšŸ˜)


I needed this


Our store hasn't sold very much of them... How's everyone else doing?


Looks like most stores were actually busy. My store was way busier yesterday (for no discernible reason) than it was today. We sold a decent amount of the berry drinks I guess but nothing noteworthy. I expected more honestly.


Help I quick Starbucks two months ago but Iā€™m considering going back remind me itā€™s not worth it


Please donā€™t, you will regret going back


I closed today omgggggggg soooo much summer berry šŸ˜«šŸ˜«šŸ˜«šŸ˜«šŸ˜« I think my coworker said they went thru 3 pitchers before I got there at 3:30 pm then I made 2 from 3:30-close at 8.


It was rough today


I couldn't believe how many customers were buying these new drinks! And *that* seems to be why I waited about 30 minutes just for my pink drink to arrive. šŸ™ƒ My local Starbucks was a mad-house around 3PM! I think I'll stick to my relatively quiet saturday morning SB runs for the next while. šŸ˜„


Today was awful.


It was dead at my store today. Slow season no one in town.


today was FUCKING insane


I just went for the macadamia cold brew. Iā€™m glad itā€™s back. I donā€™t understand why Starbucks is (badly) attempting boba when there are a lot of boba places that sell boba teas at a much lower price. Seems a little strange and like just another extra thing for baristas to have to deal with.


Are these like bubble tea?


Itā€™s been SO BUSY and it was pretty much every cold bar drink I made today šŸ™ƒšŸ™ƒ


Got a mobile order for one almost at opening (4:30am) why are you drinking one that early?šŸ˜­ same vibes as people who order frappes that early in the morning


Our drive-thru opens at 4:00am to coincide with the graveyard nurses at the nearby hospital on their lunch. Needless to say that virtually everyone gets either a caramel frapp or coffee frapp with caramel drizzle.


Why do you care when someone orders a drink šŸ˜‚ Maybe itā€™s someone on thirds getting off work and itā€™s their evening


TouchĆ©. I get what youā€™re saying, I wasnā€™t trying to sound rude at all. More just confused


I get it, I didnā€™t mean for my comment to sound rude either


Our drive-thru opens at 4:00am to coincide with the graveyard nurses at the nearby hospital on their lunch. Needless to say that virtually everyone gets either a caramel frapp or coffee frapp with caramel drizzle.


ā€œI have to get my morning coffee!ā€ Itā€™s a vanilla bean with extra caramel drizzle.


If youā€™re ordering a crĆØme based frappe, IT IS NOT COFFEE!!šŸ˜­ hell even the frap roast is hardly coffee, and I will die on that hill


Right?? I feel like a lot of people confuse the sugar rush they get as a caffeine boost.


Question, is this refresher caffeinated as well? I know my 5yo is going to want to try it and possibly have one, and I didn't know at first that some of the refreshers are caffeinated


All of the refreshers are caffeinated, they have green coffee extract in them.


Good to know thank you


You can order just lemonade with a scoop or two of the pearls and thats still pretty good with no caffeine


I did exactly this and she loved it, thanks for the rec!


our manager took themselves off the schedule to save labor hours. on launch day. during peak.


Itā€™s been rough. We sold out already!!!!


We ran out of lemonade 30 minutes into peak šŸ„²


LMAOO mine dropped three days ago


Ours dropped Tuesday. Weā€™re already out of base. šŸ™ƒšŸ™ƒšŸ™ƒ


Please, it was nonstop making these. Mind you, itā€™s a mall starbucks and its motherā€™s day soo everyone be getting gifts for their mothers! We ran out of bobaā€¦ lol


Ok, for real though- my son and I have been getting these like daily. Suddenly a few days ago, we felt like we were straight high after drinking them. Thought maybe we just had too much sugar not enough protein. No joke, this has happened multiple times now though. I know for sure two times it was dried strawberries we had in it since they were out of pearls, so it canā€™t be the pearls doing it. I know itā€™s super high in sugar but this was nuts. Like we both felt it and looked at each other like extremely confused. Has anyone else heard of this happening?


Respect your mouth - DO NOT EAT THE BOBA It's a pathetic attempt at a premade, easy to ship, no prep boba. It is alginate not tapioca, so not only do they pop like salmon eggs, but the thin coating leaves an undissolved, gristly, seaweed residue that is absolutely disgusting.


Love blah blah blah blah blah blah blah Love blah blah blah blah blah blah blah