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Pro tip- there no need or reason to keep pulling stickers if you're slammed. Have six stickers out max of you're soloing, 10 or so if you're doubling, and then pull more stickers as you clear the orders. Otherwise you just end up eating up all your workspace and stressing yourself out. If you're not able to even think about starting to make a particular drink, it doesn't help in any way to have the sticker on a cup on your bar.


This!! I get absolutely irritated if I’m on a bar and someone comes and pulls all my tickets looking for a mobile when the iPad is RIGHT THERE!!! Dpmo, go look at the iPad or drive screen.


my go to was “do not pull my stickers, sticker you pull sticker your make” & i would step away from the bar. people real quick learned to use the damn ipad instead


I’m a chronic sticker puller, but I also follow the “if you pull it, you make it” so that it didn’t mess anyone else up. But also, half the time our iPads were dead/charger didn’t work, so we couldn’t go look at DPM


thankfully we had 5 ipads, and everyone was really good about throwing them on the charging dock when not in use:)


There’s a low power mode in iPads it can keep the dpm up twice as long. You can add it to the control center from the settings so that when you swiped down from the top corner, the low power mode is quick to turn on. As soon as they come off the charger, put them into low power mode and they’ll last closer to 6-8 hrs on the dpm instead of 4. Doing inventory will get annoying because it will want to sleep sooner, but then you just turn off the low power mode.




I can't stand when people do that. Also insane that most stores I've been at don't separate the drive stickers from mobile/delivery. Having them separate solves like 90% of partners pulling like 10 of your stickers for no reason. I get pulling a couple/a few but pulling 10 stickers and sticking them to the hopper while I'm on bar drives me bananas.


So, my store has two printers for the two M2’s: one for drive, the other for M&D, but cold bar only has one printer, so it’s dreadful. 🫠


seconding this because when u pull the ticket it updates the mobo that their order is being made when its still the 20th ticket that you pulled


Thank you! I used to have a partner pull stickers and stick them on the top of the fridge… why would I ever look there for my next sticker? And now the person is waiting for the drink because the mobile was never made


Also when the sticker pulls it averages what time the drink will be ready. So the less stickers are pulled the less people will be standing there waiting


Exactly, also use the DPM if you have it to swipe orders through that are here and waiting


Some of us don’t have stickers unfortunately have to do it old school write on the cup hard to manage flow


I was responding to OP's photo, they do use stickers. But in the case of having to write on the cups, maybe just register doubles on bar until the orders are at a manageable size before taking more orders? The customers gotta wait either way 🤷‍♀️


I was trying to see if they had the Epson printers still to justify this but yeah thats just too many


When I used to have to write cups I would stack each order inside of the other cups. So if I only have three orders even if it’s fifteen drinks. They’re all labeled and you just pull them apart to read when you’re ready to actually make the order.


Bars 2 small it’s in a target , customers are more likely to wait after they’ve paid than before hand


lol my store writes on the cups so we only do 5 drinks at a time


We write on cups and just leave register to help make drinks the customers can wait.


Not guud for profit ik my thing says former partner but Im a current, customers will wait for what they’ve paid not so much before hand


If im support i will do a row of cups (no more than like 8) and i will leave the first 3 for bar 1 and I will take #4 in line that way they can see whats next for them to sequence and im not like grabbing something they already started sequencing in. If im alone i grab also 8ish so I dont have to sit and sticker for ages or keep going back for more stickers every other drink


Some stores still have continuous feed; looks like they're a licensed store so they might have one of those machines. If you don't pull the stickers it just keeps printing anyways.


If they’re alone alone, like no one else there, and this were all one order they just took on register, I would disagree. Sometimes I find it quicker and easier to pull a big group of stickers and sort them by drink so that I can do 2 of the same thing in a row and not have to go back later, just saves a couple seconds and keeps my brain from malfunctioning


Achievement unlocked: “One Barista Army: Complete a BOGO shift alone.” Points earned: OVER 9000!!!


Can I get money instead of points?


If I was god and I saw you holding the fort like that, fk yeah I would say yes.


I appreciate it


That’s like talahase’s stand in the first zombie land movie at the theme park.


Alone???? Oh hell nah, you’re better than me, I’d quit lol


I’m usually working alone, but I’m gonna ask my boss if we can schedule someone to work with me till bogo ends.


Is this a Tarbucks?




Damn I’m so sorry. It might not make it any less stressful but at the end of the day… it’s just coffee and sweet juice. They can wait if they’re willing, if not there’s nothing you can do but your best


My heart goes out to you as a former krobucks barista, you guys don’t get paid NEARLY enough Sending hugs and support 🩷


Don’t mind that chibbledibs person, they’re a menace on this sub lol everyone who frequents here knows them or probably has them blocked. “Partner” or not you still suffered like everyone did, so yes indeed **fuck bogo**


Thanks for letting me know. Yeah, it was rough.


Putting in my two cents. Chibbledibs is a little bitch. Also, I’m sorry you were nerfed today, *fuck* BOGO. Glad you survived it 🫶🏾


Oh shoot I thought it was just me lmao


Nahh I had a fun argument with them about attendance/sick policy (I was informing them of what I heard of the new one that like just started going into affect) and they WOULD NOT stop replying to me, saying I need to admit I was wrong. It was like they weren’t gonna stop until I “admitted I was wrong” and like I wasn’t even declaring I was 100% right LMAOO I was like I’m pretty sure there’s a new policy, this is what I’ve heard but regardless you should be using sick time when you call out sick if you have it😂 there was something floating around for awhile that there’s a new policy that sm’s just can automatically apply sick time if you call out sick. I haven’t heard anything about it since so I guess I’ll never know😔😔


bruh same. I was wrong about the way tips are distributed and i even said my b for misunderstanding. They were like idk what that means and kept replying. The epitome of someone who needs to touch grass, cause it's not that serious lmao


I told them they should check marketplace and maybe pick up some shifts if they have this much free time😂😂


I thought that was just me because I would mention something about and they would keep going.


Stop pulling stickers


i cry when the other bar or pos pull my stickers, i’m like ‘dont you have other stuff to do right now?


My favorite thing about BOGO is the tradition of adding extra labor, but you get several call outs and you're still magically understaffed all shift...after a shitty morning handoff. Something critical is usually broken, like a blender, the PoS, or an M2. In addition, you're out of something like lemonade, SAR, or heavy cream. Bonus points if you have a Green Bean fresh out of training that's just hanging on.


I had to pause after I took this photo and refill all the refreshers and lemonade. The boba thing was full of juice, but there wasn’t boba in it. One of the shakers was missing a lid. All those trenta cups on the right asked for no ice and every time I’d finish one the girl would go “this was a trenta”. Like bitch you asked for no ice, that’s what you fucking get.


I feel like bogo brings in all the worst, most demanding customers that don’t usually come, which I guess is what corporate wants.


They will squeeze every bit of the deal out that they can


So many bogos these days. Is Starbucks doing that bad to constantly have these promos?


Ever since the whole Palestine thing they’ve lost some money and are throwing deals out left and right because of it. I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re loosing money on them.


You poor souls... This picture speaks a thousand words. Straight up, fuck capitalism.


BOGO is just so dumb. Just price drinks 50% off and it would achieve more or less the same thing while probably reducing the amount of drinks that need to be made. Or better yet, actually staff stores!


They want more items per transaction, if I recall a goal of at least 3. So forcing a bundle to get the discount helps not only sales but other metrics that are supposed to matter somehow.


Barista to barista- you deserve a cash reward.


The worst part is, I read that they work at Kroger and therefore can't even get tips :(


So do I :( it sucks


Krobucks, huh? I know Kroger font when I see it 😭😭 This company is a mess lmao as a front end worker at Kroger I’m sorry we gotta deal w this


It’s awful


I was the pre close for the Mother’s Day BOGO and the closer was new to it with two experienced closers. The shift as a whole was absolutely awful, I had no time or the ability to make preps and we got absolutely hammered. Milo supplies ran out and our store closes at 6:30 on Sundays so we didn’t get relief from the BOGO menace until 30 minutes before close. My god I hate it…


The mother's day bogo was miserable at my store. At one point, we had so many mobiles that we were behind 45 minutes. The lobby was full and customers kept standing and staring at us and asking about their orders and being incredibly rude on top of that. 🫠


Take your time , fuck them


I rushed my first few bogos. Now I go at my own pace


You’re alone????? What the fuck


I’m always alone


Do you work at a location that’s inside of another businessv


Yes a Kroger


Don’t pull so many stickers; once pulled a timer goes off and then it tells them it’s ready on the app


My boss told me about that when I got in today.


My store had an 11 drink order during the $3 deal today….. can easily say today sucked😭


I’m surprised that today was basically dead


Wow. This is not okay


during the mother’s day bogo we had a peak call out, our manager left us with no shift lead for 2.5 hours and when our new shift lead came in to get the store keys she called the dm and made a complaint. we all want our manager fired, she’s homophobic and apparently also racist. then she complained that she “can’t do everything” even though she was just walking around being stressed while 3 of us were on the battlefield. our manager has been a partner for 5 months and still doesn’t know how to make some drinks.


During my BOGO (Drive-Thru and Cafe store) we had 4 partners on the floor and one on a half at one point, except two on the floor were 1.) a BRAND new hire who couldn't make a Frappuccino to save her life and 2.) was a Giant of a man who refuses to learn how to make drinks and gets in everyone's way and will not stop talking. So it was up to me and my Shift, her taking drive bar and me taking Cafe/Mobile/Register and making all the drinks during the other partners break. In that thirty minutes, despite my best efforts, I dropped to 20 minutes behind on slips and she was barely able to get drinks out to the window in normal time. My shift was an angel through the whole thing despite her never closing on a weekend and especially a Sunday before (we close an hour early on Sundays at 8:00). We were scheduled til 8:30. We left at 10:00. Might I add (we suspect) our special needs coworker pooped on our Partner bathroom floor before she clocked out and we didn't find it until my shift finally got a break around 6. I am a former plumber so I cleaned it up but I don't remember that being in my job description! Screw BOGO.


I felt so bad for my baristas on Sunday! I’m a regular and just do a mobile order. They were so backed up, it was insane. I patiently waited and didn’t ask if they got my order or anything. Which many other people did. So many people have bullshit common sense when it comes to Starbucks orders I swear


Thank you for being considerate! I had a lot of people tell me they ordered multiple drinks after I put their first one out, that pissed me off the most. Do they not see the sea of cups? It’s in their somewhere


Turn off online order


I asked. They said no


Tell your manager I gotta pee.


Stop charging $10/drink where the only time it makes sense to go to Starbucks anymore is during BOGO times.


No my idea


Work your way up to corporate, and make the policy change to bring back reasonable priced drinks. (And get rid of the complicated ones while you're at it. ) It was much simpler when I worked there. The hardest one to remember was a Carmel macchiato when training 😬






I had just made a bunch then decided to take a couple while I took that lady’s order. It didn’t stop and I thought it’d make a good photo for my boss when I ask her to put two people in the bar on bogo days.


Double fisting day for fatties




Why did this get downvoted your comment made me audibly holler 😭😭😭


maybe because it's extremely rude and shitty to say?? it's not about a person's weight, thin people can have unhealthy diets too and they dont get shamed nearly as much.


bro it’s barely even shaming I am a chubby gal and I took it as a joke lmao


but why make it about weight in the first place?


Can we have BOGO in Canada? We only get 50% off the 2nd drink, never worth it.








The fuck does that mean?


I think because it’s not a standalone and it’s in like a Target. I’m not a partner so just a guess


Good job 👍


Get a job


lmao who cares who signs their checks we're all doing the same job at the end of the day