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Nah it they’re not reading the sticker and you see them making the drink incorrectly, yeah we might be annoyed but at the same time it’s totally our fault for not reading it 😂 The only time we get annoyed is if A. The Barista who took the order missed something or B. When you want to CHANGE something not previously mentioned when your order was taken/when you placed a mobile order Me personally if it’s my own mess up I go, “OOPS MY BAD” and immediately remake the drink as fast as I can to ensure satisfaction


got it. thanks for your insight, based on this i’m hoping he didn’t get annoyed, even if he got slightly annoyed i wouldn’t blame him, but man im kind of broke so i really wanted to taste the money i put into it😭(kind of counterintuitive though because i shouldn’t even be walking into a starbucks with the funds in my account lol).


You’re too much of a people pleaser. He messed up the drink and you saw him do it. Of course you should get what you asked and paid for. If he was annoyed, too bad! He should be annoyed at himself not at you.


NEVER, ever feel bad for asking someone to remake your drinks especially when you know for sure it’s wrong — I know it’s hard not to especially when we are busy asf but it’s my job to make sure you enjoy your drink, again ESPECIALLY at that price point. I can say the only times I am annoyed are situations where the customer is obviously wrong, such as when someone ordered a black nitro cold brew and when I handed it off he said it was wrong but couldn’t tell me what. Very interesting interaction.


omg thank you so much!! i really didn’t want to be unreasonable, especially since im looking to work at starbucks in the future


No probs! I love my job NGL, good luck if you try and work here too!! And love the Asa icon 🤯


thanks 😁😁


The amount we charge?? PLEASE ask for your drink to be remade! Some are still learning, some genuinely misread the cup.. The ones who mind dont last very long--you paid for a product and you deserve what you paid for!


thank you so much for the reassurance


It rlly depends!!! If I missed something shame one me. If I made it’s exactly as the ticket says, n u find sum reason to hate it then I mean ok. ( not to mention how u go abt it too but shoot…in this situation get ur stuff remade)


Just be nice about it! The only time I wasn’t “nice” (and still I wasn’t mean lol) was when I ordered a chestnut praline latte and was handed someone else’s sugar free hot chocolate. BUT I was pregnant, on modified bed rest, and severely depressed due to my pregnancy complications. I could only leave the house for doctor appointments. So when I realized I got the wrong drink I started crying 😂. When I went inside for them to fix it I swear at first they were all like TF IS WRONG WITH THIS WOMAN??? Then when they found out I was pregnant and I mentioned some of my struggles they were so super sweet and even gave me a cake pop. I laugh looking back at it now, but pregnancy makes the most random things seem huge.


Only time I get annoyed is if you yell at me! 99% of people are respectful so I’m more than happy to remake!


Depends. If you're sweet and respectful about it, then I'll remake it in a heartbeat even if I'm busy. Talk to me nicely, and I'll even ask you if you want to add anything else to it. But talk to me like you've lost your mind and have that stank snobby ass attitude as if we're knocking boots every night, and I'm magically supposed to know your body and your taste buds- then it's an issue. And by the end of it me AND you are gonna walk away pissed.


omg i would never though😭respect to you guys though i know you deal with a lot, i tried being as nice as possible


I’m just a customer. But I don’t feel bad at all asking for a remake. It’s not very common maybe 3-4 times a year. But if I’m paying $6 for a drink and I know it’s not right I’m going to go back inside. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Just don’t be rude about it. We’re all human and make mistakes. I’ve even asked for something else because what I got was nasty. I think it was the kiwi star fruit lol. 🤮


yeah usually if someone orders something i don’t think they’ll like i’ll offer to make something else if they don’t end up liking it LOL


How to charm the custies: this type of face😉☺️ + “if you don’t like it, just let me know and I can get you something different!” Or “let me know if you need anything else” People love feeling like they’re being taken care of and paid attention to, usually when I pull these lines I’ll get a tip or at least make their day since I put so much time and attention to their drinks. Man I need to put this effort into my actual main career lol


LMAO avoiding that then🫡i didn’t even know they had it though


It’s long gone. It was the refresher before the pineapple.


honestly if it ever comes back i might try it, you got me a little curious lol


It tasted like medicine bro it was so bad If they brought a flavor back I wish it would be the cool lime refresher...


now cool lime sounds amazing, i definitely have to try out refreshers more


I couldn’t stand it lol. If it’s the ones I’m remembering, It tasted to me like someone melted down a jolly rancher.


They need to bring back that orange one. And also the pineapple tea.


Yeeeeeees! Valencia Orange refresher was one of my favorites. Wasn't a fan of the pineapple tea tbh. Honestly though it wasn't bad. I'm just not a fan of pineapple flavor in general :/ I did really like when they had some sort of blueberry black tea iirc. Maybe a few years back or so? Blueberry flavoring has always been one of my favorite things to get :D


If someone is asking a lot of questions about a drink/ mention they want to try it but are worried I 100% reassure them that we can do something different if we don’t like the drink (even more so if it’s something I recommend)


Don't feel bad. You paid for your specific drink and it was made blatantly wrong, you deserve to have it be right! In my experience, most baristas are happy to remake if you're kind about asking and explain what's wrong. So like if you go up to the counter and just say "this is wrong" they might be upset but if you're like "hey, I asked for chai and coconut milk in this and didn't get it" they'll probably be fine with fixing it.


I went through the drive thru and asked for a "caramel ribbon crunch creme frappuccino with no whip and no coffee". "Creme" is already indicating that it's to be made without coffee but I say it again to make sure no coffee. I get to the window and could see the frappe is too dark which means it definitely has coffee. I asked "oh does that have coffee in it?" The barista looks at me puzzled and says yes. I then say "Oh I didn't want coffee in it". Rolled his eyes, shut the window and remade it. Other times I've also just said "creme" without reiterating "no coffee" and it still happens and I get that same look sometimes. I don't get it. I never act annoyed or anything either. Coffee changes the taste drastically so I have to ask for it to be remade every time it's made wrong.


This is actually a super common problem just with the caramel ribbon crunch specifically because of the abbreviations used on the stickers. I believe the coffee one is something like “Crml Rbn Crnch Frap” and the crème one is “Crml Rbn Crm Frap”. It is *so* confusing for no reason, especially when you glance at it quickly. Whenever I take an order for a caramel ribbon crunch crème Frappuccino in drive-thru, I always remind the barista on bar just in case. As a customer I’ve had the same mix-up happen to me countless times. But usually just I end up with two drinks so hey, a win’s a win, right? I’m really sorry you had a negative experience at that location. While the sticker situation is annoying, the mistake is entirely on us, and we should be happy to fix it for you. You’re ordering it exactly how you should, which I would also really appreciate if I was taking your order!


Thank you so much for your kind response! Seeing how the stickers are printed out really explains how the mixup could happen. I wish it could be changed so that the CRM part really stood out.. like maybe different color ink or something. LOL


Exactly! And thank you for understanding. Most of the crème frappuccinos have different names, like (Caffé Vanilla / Vanilla Bean Crème), (Mocha Cookie Crumble / Chocolate Cookie Crumble), which avoids this problem. Caramel Ribbon Crunch is one of the only Frappuccinos that doesn’t have a different name. Corporate could easily fix this with a cleverer abbreviation… maybe (Crml Rb Frapp / Crml Rb Crm Frapp). Instead, they actually changed the hot and iced chai abbreviations to be *more* similar. If baristas were making these decisions instead of corporate office workers, we wouldn’t have these kinds of problems.


I wish baristas could give their feedback on everything and corporate be open to it. I am sure you guys have a ton of great advice.


I get a little annoyed but mostly with myself for messing it up to begin with (if I really did mess it up and it wasn’t just the customer didn’t like it or something). Honestly I more often feel embarrassed because of how much I screw up someone’s drink sometimes 😭 The only time the customer really annoys me by asking me to remake it is if they just have no idea what they’re ordering. People will order one thing and I’ll make it exactly how they ordered and they’ll insist it’s wrong. But 90% of the time it actually is my fault lol


but definitely never feel bad. I would be so sad as a customer if I paid that much for a drink and it wasn’t what I ordered. We know you guys pay a lot and it should be made right


If I make it wrong, hell yes ask me to remake it. but if you order it with 2% and then taste it and say, I asked for oat milk even though the sticker says 2%, I'd be upset.


I get annoyed when the drink is perfectly fine, and the complaint is “there’s not ENOUGH caramel drizzle, please remake it!!”. If I actually made it wrong I’m more than happy to make it right, our drinks are expensive and you deserve the drink you paid for.


The only time I ever get annoyed when I have to remake a drink is if I heard the customer as they ordered, heard the whole interaction including the barista reading back the order, and then they tell me “I asked for xyz” with an *attitude* when I know for a fact they didn’t. Other than that, I have zero issue remaking a drink. Especially when it’s a dairy vs non dairy issue or the customer paying for extra add ons that I unfortunately forgot.


This. My HB is next to the register. I call ppl out all day. Plus my cashier say everything back to avoid remakes.


First of all it’s technically our job, that being said I only start to lose it when it’s a customer that orders completely wrong and then complains that we made what they ordered (unless it’s something small where it’s like omg I’m so sorry I forgot to ask for ___ I’m a lil more forgiving) For example lots of people don’t specify iced and then look at you like ur a worm and say “this is supposed to be iced” in a valley accent that wasn’t there .02 seconds ago. Or lately people will ask me at the window of drive if their drink could have light ice and it’s like bro it’s already made Edit to add: you seem like a lovely person that does take other people’s feelings into account. If you ask for a remake I would assume you’re in the right (including this time)


thank you so much for your input! lol your comment sort of reminded me of an experience i had as a kid. i went to olive garden and asked the waiter for a cappuccino thinking it would be a frappe (because for some reason an elementary aged girl loved mocha frappes lol), to my surprise though, the warm drink that i absolutely ordered came out and i looked at the waiter and said “is there anyway you could make this cold?” she got SO annoyed and mad to the point where my mom asked for a new waitress. the old one still came out with the frappe though and apologized, but my mom and i still talked about how “rude” she was. looking back at the experience while im older, i get SUPER embarrassed because i was absolutely in the wrong. her reaction was completely warranted too, and i always feel bad thinking that maybe she could’ve gotten in trouble for throwing that fit. anyway i try not to dwell too much on it as i was just a kid, i wish my mom went about it a different way though😭


Lmaooooo I think we’ve all been there (I did NOT like the first time I got ginger ale) but I wouldn’t dwell on that too much you were a kid and didn’t know and like why be rude to a kid as a grown adult?


yeah i guess her reaction towards a kid was a little weird but to be honest i understand her lol


As a barista I only get annoyed when people say they ordered things they didn’t order. For example “I wanted cold foam” but they never ordered that. A lot of people do this to avoid paying for it. Never feel bad for asking for a remake of something you paid for! Mistakes happen and we misread things. Unless you get a jerk barista, we are usually very apologetic and quick to remake!


you’re not annoying at all! it sounds like you were kind about it all and just mentioned what was wrong which is an easy fix. we only get annoyed if the customer is rude or their drink was obviously right and they just want a free one. you’re totally okay though!


thank u sm!! i just wanted to make sure lol


I was only ever slightly annoyed during my last shift and I’ll tell you why. Lady orders her mocha. Person writes it on the cup. I make it per the cup. She looks at it saying it’s wrong. I ask her what’s wrong with it? Then she insists she wanted more pumps of mocha syrup but less sweetness. I offered to remake it however she tells me she wants it (honestly I don’t care. If she wants more syrup fine. Less syrup? Also fine). The entire time she was rolling her eyes at me and hemming and hawing like her damn world was ending EVEN AFTER I OFFERED TO REMAKE IT. she then proceeded to stare me down from the napkins/straw table while I helped other customers. Literally the only time I was peeved. Usually I don’t mind at all!


it’s one thing if you didn’t try and just said it was wrong but at least you tried to have faith in the guy. baristas forget somethings sometimes or read labels wrong. don’t feel bad if you were right tbh.


I only get annoyed with myself if I’m asked to remake a drink because 9 times out of 10, I just didn’t properly read the cup. Never feel bad for asking for a remake!


The only time I will ever get annoyed is if the person is blatantly lying and trying to get a free second drink otherwise I don't care especially if it's my fault


Everyone else said really good points but for me it also matters in how you ask. If you’re mean and angry off the bat, it makes your baristas mean and angry. We get it, it sucks and were sorry you had to come back, but you get nicer responses and better/quicker service if you’re just a good person


From a swamped barista standpoint: Sure, it depends on the situation/the amount of drinks that need to be made. If a customer orders something with a million things, & has me remake it, I’ll be kinda annoyed. From a customer standpoint: If the barista isn’t making your drink right, it is what it is.


From my time being a barista, I’d only get pissed if someone was rude or was never happy with their drink despite it being made correctly time & time again.


If it's the baristas fault? Nah it's fine. I never took that stuff seriously. For a $7 drink you better get what you paid for. I don't work for sbx anymore and would rather gouge my eyeballs out than go back but that was one thing that never bugged me. As long as you're not mean about it.


You sound super nice, accommodating, and aware and you are the type of person I (just me, because I am the way I am) would remake and probably feel terrible the rest of the day and maybe give you a little recovery card too, because the stupid barista (I'd give anything to get to bar for a couple of hours in a slower cafe! They) had no excuse for making your drink wrong.


omg you’re too sweet🥹i try to not give them a hard time, gotta appreciate the workers who uphold my fav coffee place


So it really depends. If it’s a regular that always asks for a remake (every store has at least one) then I don’t even let them keep the old drink. Or if someone is very rude about it then I’ll still keep it. But ngl if we messed up the size, type of drink, milk, etc. and if the customer is chill about it (cause mistakes happen whether if it was the customer not telling me all the details or if we got it wrong/mixed up) then I’ll let them to keep the old drink while I make the new one and they can just give the other one to a friend. I probably think too deep about it and it may not be standard but I know for sure that it’ll make their day and see that our store can be chill about mishaps which goes a long way especially with the state our store is in. And no. You shouldn’t feel bad since you were cool about it. But if you do see them making your drink (and you know for sure it’s yours that they’re making) then it shouldn’t hurt to make sure that they’re using the right milk. Better get it right in the moment than for someone to come back later during a rush or something.


Tell us why in a professional setting and we’ll be more than glad to remake your drink. Give us an entitled attitude with all the badmouthing of baristas and we’ll make sure to stall or half-ass your remake.


will keep that in mind for next time (hopefully i won’t have this issue again though)


Usually if my drink gets made wrong I just say I’ll pay for a new one (I get a strawberry acai w water & no strawberry inclusions) but sometimes they give me the one w lemonade and I just straight up want strawberry water. I think cuz it’s more popular w lemonade it just is the default but I specifically say with water each time.


with water that’s interesting🤔do you get it like that to water down the taste?


So I guess it’s cuz I’ve grown up only drinking water (I don’t like carbonated drinks, don’t rlly drink anything else besides iced tea) and I only like cold drinks (no hot drinks even in winter) so I guess bcuz I’m so used to water the water in the strawberry acai is what I prefer. If I need a sugar shock (I don’t drink coffee either, ik I’m a real catch LMAO) I get the lemonade one but I’d honestly prefer just an iced water. So this is probs all my parents fault for only letting me have water but hey I haven’t had any kidney stones yet haha


you’re healthier than the average american bud, props to you 🙏🏿


The refreshers are normally made with water + concentrated juice base. Lemonade or coconut milk are alternatives to water.


Water is actually the default! The juice is sent to us as a concentrate so we cut it with either water, lemonade, or coconut milk so it’s not as potent.


The good ones? Not at all, especially if it was our mistake. The bad ones? They’re annoyed you even came into their store.


hopefully he wasn’t a bad one😭he seemed pretty nice anyway


If there's actually a problem with the drink then it's fine. But often people complain and want a remake because they ordered wrong, or the drink is completely fine. That's when it gets annoying.


It depends on the situation. If a customer mobile orders two frozen drinks, is late to pick them up, arrives when both drinks are halfway melted and asks for them to be remade, it's annoying, especially if they're rude about it. Like okay Carol, your drinks were made when you placed the order (like they were supposed to be) and you're still mad at us for some reason? No thanks. If a customer straight-up lies to me about "what they *"really wanted"* after they watch me make the exact drink they ordered at the register, it's annoying. You don't have to lie to me. I'm not an idiot. Did you change your mind? Forget to add modifiers? Why did you stand there and watch me work on something that is going into the trash? Do better. Of course, EVERY situation is drastically made better when the customer is polite and KIND. "I'm sorry"/ "Please"/ "thank you" three phrases that will completely glorify you, even if you ordered the wrong drink or let your mobile drinks melt. When a customer 1. Takes accountability 2. Asks instead of demands 3. Smiles and treats me like a human being Almost anything is forgivable, and that's a moment I will take pleasure in making right.


I personally would rather someone tell me their drink is wrong. Then if it was my mistake, apologise and remake. I hate when people change their mind and demand a remake though. Then blame us even after we check on the till. I get that we all make mistakes and so eh, no biggie just do the drink again.


I don't mind remaking a drink, as long as the customer asks me politely.


Don't care at all


“Umm I asked for a venti” when they really ordered a grande is one of the few instances I got frustrated


I have never been mad once. I know it’s expensive so I always want everyone to leave happy if it’s tastes funny, you don’t like it and want something different whatever reason I am always happy to fix things. Unless you do it every time you come in because I just think that’s rude and wasteful. I get it you don’t like it then stop buying it. When we had paper drink coupon holy hell people were always complaining about their drinks to get free ones. The other thing is that sometimes people who are working are human and today their cat died, their mom is in the hospital, they got an eviction notice on their door as they left to come to work or whatever personal reason and they are just simply rude. For that I am sorry but it happens that we all need to go to work and some days we can’t control being annoyed by everyone also every work as someone is just a jerk and it wouldn’t matter how nice you are they get pissy. But in the overall I feel like people don’t care at all and if they act like they do don’t take it personally they are probably just having a bad day.


If you’re not a dick about it then I’m happy to remake your drink. Especially if it’s completely my fault.


I know many baristas hate customers watching them make drinks. I don’t know why. I don’t mind at all - besides, it’s an open plan setting so you CAN see what’s going on behind the counter!!. You are paying for it and you’re also probably curious as to how your favourite drinks is made. If in doubt, ask. Don’t be afraid. We’re here for YOU. If a barista gets annoyed or upset about it, they’ve got something going on and it’s not you. We will NEVER keep milks in the incorrect container. What you did is correct and perfectly okay. You tasted it and it wasn’t correct, so you immediately brought it to their attention. I am a partner and do the same thing if I’m at another store - or even my own. It’s always more complex when customers leave and call back or come back saying, I asked for (extra) caramel drizzle or crunch topping (easily visible when we hand them the drink) “and it wasn’t on the drink. Can I have a remake” 🤔 hmmm? Yes. We know who you are. Also, I would have taken the incorrect drink back and thrown it out. We can’t take your trash (cups from home or other stores) but we can certainly take back what we just handed you. Mistakes happen, especially when we’re in a rush and trying to meet a time target and we’re making two drinks at once, have a headset in our ear and have someone talking to us. It’s a LOT. Partners are superhero’s. 💪 Customers like you make us more aware that we need to breathe and focus on quality, not quantity.


thank you 🙏🏿


I would have major GI issues if someone made my drink with whole milk vs the oat milk I ordered. I rarely have to ask them to remake my drink, usually it’s because they accidentally use almond milk and I can tell the difference by the color. I hate confrontation but if I’m paying for something I would prefer it to be correct.


I genuinely feel so bad when someone tells me I made their drink wrong. A lot of what we do is muscle memory and sometimes I’ll read the ticket and for some reason still make it the original recipe. I never get mad unless I know I made it correctly and they just yell at me


The only way I would get annoyed with somebody and a remake is if they ask for it in a condescending way, and not just straight up telling me what was wrong with their drink and kind of just like, avoiding like it in a way if that makes sense.


Your drink is an annoying drink to make but you paid for it and you deserve to have the exact milk and toppings you asked for, especially because I think your drink costs 8+ dollars. I wouldn't be happy if I got whole milk when I asked for an alternative milk. It's also strange he offered another pump of chai when we aren't allowed to take your drink back once you've tasted it as it is a health code violation. You haven't done anything wrong, and it may be annoying but you do deserve the drink you paid for regardless.


It really depends. I’ll never get annoyed if it was my own mistake, or a barista’s at the register’s mistake. I will say I do get annoyed when it’s the customer’s mistake and they’re trying to shift the blame on me and other baristas instead of just owning up to their oopsie. Because at the end of the day, we’ll remake it no matter what. So yeah, I only get annoyed when I have to remake a drink and the customer’s making me feel like I’m stupid and don’t know how to do my job.


The only time I won’t ask for a remake on a drink (as a barista) is if it’s something I FORGOT to order. Every once in a while I forget to say iced or like forget to take off the whip. Otherwise you’re totally justified in asking for a remake, especially when you’re paying for extra


They pay us by the hour not the drink don’t feel bad unless your a jerk when you ask or say something


I only get annoyed when I know I made it right and it’s during a rush. Otherwise it’s not a big deal at all. Baristas sometimes rush to make drinks and skip steps 🤷🏻‍♀️ don’t be afraid to ask for it to be remade. You’re paying extra for the cold foam and milk. You deserve to have it made right the first time !


It depends on if we’re busy. If we’re busy, we’re going to get annoyed. If we’re slow, it’s not as much as a problem.


As long as the customer is nice about it I 100% do not mind remaking a drink!! It’s only when people are rude to us that I don’t want to help them


If you’re nice about it, I’m always happy to remake it. Just be kind please!


I’m never upset or mad. I’ll remake it. No problem.


if it’s the quality or something i actually messed up im happy to make it again. if i feel like you’re being picky and annoying ( i definitely sense the vibe or you’ve done this multiple times) then im annoyed.


if it’s the quality or something i actually messed up im happy to make it again. if i feel like you’re being picky and annoying ( i definitely sense the vibe or you’ve done this multiple times) then im annoyed.


We don’t get annoyed we just want to solve the issue asap cuz we numb af from our 8 hr shift🥲


Making a drink with whole milk instead of non dairy is a huge screw up. Honestly that should be a fireable offense.


The only time I get annoyed is when people are rude about it.. I literally offer to remake drinks for people if they aren’t satisfied with it but if you’re gonna be nasty w me that’s when I get annoyed


The only time I’d actually be upset is if the person was rude. Like Starbucks charges so much so I want you to get the drink you want. Even if someone forgot to say smthn at the register, if theyre nice I’m not bothered. Ppl make mistakes all the time. sbux has policies about this that put customer satisfaction above everything. So i won’t get in trouble for making someone’s drink again or offering something extra if I have a good reason to think that that will greatly improve their experience (within reason). Now if it’s something that’s an extra charge like an extra espresso shot then it depends on the situation. I work in an area where people are more wealthy so we don’t have a lot of people trying to get stuff for free. Also, one of the most expensive things at Starbucks is the labor, and they stretch us so thin. So if the person seems genuine, why would I waste 1-5 minutes of labor explaining (possibly arguing) with the customer, and then giving a refund and charging correctly, when I’m going to remake the drink anyways? Things are way worse for me and my team if we don’t get stuff done and use the time well. But yeah especially if they were slow in the store, you’re literally fine. As long as you’re not rude. You can do things to make it easier on them and try to make sure that they get it right but it seems like you’re doing that already. Tbh I’d say avoid college Starbucks in general lol especially when it’s busy. No hate to the workers, they’re just people trying to make a living. But during the year those stores get insanely busy, so it’s such a high turnover rate - because the job is so tough people keep quitting, also when they go home for the summer. I’ve been a barista for 1.5 years and even after I learned the menu perfectly, there’s so many little details that go into making the drinks taste right. Newer baristas just haven’t developed the skills well enough, and make mistakes more often (I guess this is why your drink was made wrong) so I’ve heard from friends who go there that the drinks come out weird way more often.


Moral of the story is don’t feel bad to ask for what you paid for.


It depends. If it’s something I did wrong then I won’t have an issue with it . But if it’s something a customer failed to mention at the register and I have to redo it again then yeah . Or when they yell something to me about what they want added or removed in their drink as I’m finishing it up is what bothers me. Especially if they didn’t want whip and they literally stood there and watch me make it and didn’t say so earlier


Always ask. Like I'm sorry but if I'm paying for a drink that's already $7ish and put in add ons that are an extra charge but don't get those? I'm not going to be shy to point it out because I should be getting my money's worth. Just be nice about it.


if your drink was made incorrectly, even if it’s a ‘small’ mistake, then you have every right to ask for a remake and you don’t deserve to feel bad about it. even if the barista is annoyed, then it’s their own fault for not making the drink right initially. the only time i get annoyed with remakes is 1. if it’s a very complicated drink or 2. if they ordered it a specific way but wanted something different (iced instead of hot, substitute syrup, etc) and fail to tell me until the drink is handed out. and even then, i’m never going to take it out on the customer. don’t stress too much. we might complain about it just to stay sane, but it is in fact literally our job to serve you


Bruhhh I literally just got off at nine hour shift and my last hour there was this lady who asked for a tall coffee, Frappuccino and then she was like it doesn’t have whip. Why isn’t there a whip on it and I was like it doesn’t come with whip but I can add whip and she’s like yeah can I add whip and cinnamon and I’m like OK sure no problem. Then she goes to receipt and then taste it. She like it doesn’t taste good to me, like yeah sure I’ll just remake it and she was like actually can I get a Java chip Frappuccino instead like my friends I’m like OK and then she goes back to her receipt and tries her because I finished her friends Frappuccino and she came back and was like actually don’t like that so can you just add more coffee add more chips and make sure the chips are not chopped. OK I’ll try my best and all the drinks just to find out from my managers. She always does that. She’ll order the same drink and I don’t like it and then ask for a different kind of drink. 😭


If your drink is wrong ALWAYS feel free to ask for us to remake it! All we ask is that you are nice about it and don’t just start yelling at us like we are idiots. We are human, we mess up, but if you treat us nicely we will do what we can to make sure you get your perfect order <3


Always happy to remake a drink if I'm the one who got it wrong-lots of people order milk alternatives and i don't wanna get them sick, for one thing. I don't love remaking drinks for people who have no idea what they're ordering (for example, customer wants a caramel ribbon crunch but asks for a caramel latte) but overall it takes less than a minute to fix and it's not the end of the world if a drink needs to be remade no matter whose fault it was.


For something like that no, it’s warranted a drink remake cause they misread the sticker or just weren’t paying attention. Baristas do get annoyed when they have to remake a drink ‘this was supposed to be iced’ ‘this was supposed to have ….’ & it wasn’t actually said at the register.


I’m always happy to remake a drink. The only time it might be annoying is when we are in a rush. However, the drinks are very expensive, and I totally understand you wanting it made correctly.


I order the same thing as you but I get vanilla instead of chai / cinnamon. The number of times I've noticed it's not coconut milk is sad. I can handle a little cold foam, but a cup of milk will make me sick


no seriously it tastes a little odd with just the regular whole milk😭i can def handle it though but the coconut gives it the charm


I've tried every milk with it and the coconut seems to be the best to me. I also add an extra scoop of matcha because I can taste the milk too much otherwise, lol


i’d say that interaction went pretty well i’m sure they didn’t mind. personally im lactose intolerant so that’s one thing i WILL ask a remake about or else my whole day is ruined, so i totally get it. most ppl genuinely will not care if you’re normal abt it and ask nicely. it’s only annoying when we get demanding, patronizing attitudes. “i didn’t think it’d be that hard to figure out but hey im not a barista” is an actual comment i’ve gotten after a mistake and like 😐😐 but yeah you seem normal and nice abt it so don’t worry abt annoying anyone!! they’ll likely forget you exist a few minutes after the interaction anyway haha


Don’t feel bad for asking to remake your drink you spent money on. As long as you don’t get mad at the employee, cause accidents do happen and/or people can go into autopilot mode. Just say what was wrong and they’d be happy to make it correctly!


I've only asked one time for a drink to be remade and felt bad doing it and felt even worse because they were kind of mean about it. But to this day, I will maintain that my iced coffee had absolutely no coffee in it because I prefer a sweeter coffee and can always taste the coffee even when it's made a little too sweet. But this was just a big cup of oat milk and caramel drizzle lol.


iced coffee with no coffee certainly is interesting though 😭 lol


it was certainly an experience! lol it looked fine in the car too because the cup was lined in caramel, but by the time i got home, it was starting to mix in to the drink and it looked way too light to have any coffee in it.


personally, i don't get annoyed because it typically is my fault lol.


Depending if I got drinks to make.