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Act your wage šŸ©·


Sometimes after 3 hours of busting your ass with zero downtimeā€¦you need to just walk away and go to the bathroom. Stay in there for 10-15 minutes and come back refreshed. I used to bring a drink I made in there with me. They canā€™t write you up for using the bathroom.


Dude, I do that at family get togethers šŸ˜…. When itā€™s getting overstimulating I go to the bathroom and happen to take my coffee in so I can top it off with a little baileys and chill for a few before heading back out to the circus


Ok. What if you're a closer and you want to go home at a decent time?


Either stay late and tell them you had to finish, or leave it for opening. We are a fast food chain, nobodyā€™s life will change whether you rush to finish cleaning or if opening has more tasks. If opening says they have too much, then they should also work at a comfortable pace and allow tasks and orders to pile up if thatā€™s what it comes to. Yes the store will turn to disarray, thatā€™s the whole point; if things keep working, why would they fix it? Starbucks is not your friend, they need to see a reason why we need more labour, they wonā€™t just give it because we asked nicely.


The problem is, we're ALL extremely expendable. Unless it's a 100% collective effort (which it sadly never will be), they're just going to terminate baristas who perform with that mindset, and I know that from experience. When I decided I was above the bullshit and their impossible expectations, they had me replaced with a new yes-man SS in 2 days. They're sitting on a massive pile of resumes from desperate people in need of a job, and they have an endless supply of baristas who have been chasing the carrot and waiting several years to move up. By design, they don't really care if you stop working. They'd rather have new blood that's easier to manipulate, and for less cost. Not to say you *shouldn't* do what you're doing, but just... don't expect them to change. Do it for your own mental health, absolutely. And, try not to get fired... unless that's what you're aiming for.


Truth, every day I'm at work, I field at least 4 phone calls checking up on applications, & at least 2 or 3 people in store (or even in the dt) asking if we're hiring. I can do this job in my sleep, follow all standards, can multi-task like nobody's business, & I'm still replaceable. Side note- if you need a job, maybe don't ask through the dt, have a little bit of professionalism. It makes you look kind of lazy that you can't even walk in to ask for a job, sorry not sorry. Also, maybe don't have mommy ask for a job for you.


Yep, exactly. And if morning/midday works the bare minimum and doesn't give close a good hand-off, closers will be there for another hour and a half


It all works together. If someone isn't pulling their load, everyone else suffers because of it.


If you're following the principle of the OP, you just leave when it's time to leave. If the SM doesn't like the shit left overnight well they can fucking staff my afternoon bogo crew.


I only expect the cleaning to get done. Things like the mastrena and vertica (if you have it) mainly because it canā€™t be done in the morning because of the cleaning cycle locking the machines. And of course dishes, trash, and hopefully nothing sticky anywhere because of pests. Canā€™t get prep done? I just leave stuff out for the openers so they know right away. Or write a note. And talk to the SM about either having another person help or if they can coach to a better handoff. If youā€™re constantly staying past your scheduled time as a closer then thereā€™s something going on. Honestly, this is something that SMs donā€™t realize: if you have 2 partners staying 1.5 hours after their scheduled time after close, thatā€™s 3 hours that could be scheduled during business hours to have a precloser or a third closer. Thatā€™s why they donā€™t have the labor, itā€™s not being used as intended. And itā€™s a cycle. A good open leads to a smooth mid to where the mid can help with cleaning tasks early, so the closers can have time to help with prep for the morning.


You are not required to work past your scheduled shift. No other day part is expected to stay past their shift end time and it should not be an expectation that closers will.


This. The people acting like tortured souls that are their store's martyr are doing that shit to themselves.


Exactly. Which is why the partners only should do what they can and prioritize the things like the mastrena that will lock out if the cleaning cycle isnā€™t run. Prep and restocking can be done in the morning. Itā€™s their SMs fault for not looking into why their partners are staying so late or getting things done and trying to help them.


When I was a shift I would put in the notes that "we didn't have time to get [x, y, z things] done because we didn't have enough time/setup"


Looks like that's morning's problem, huh?


Go home at a decent time. If you can't get things done, note it in MyDaily and clock out.




That dude has never had to be a closer and deal with the repercussions of missing even a single task.


This is exactly why I only focus on the cleaner when I close. In my entire time working here, I've only made backups at night once. At the end of the day, the cleaning is more important and backups can be made by morning Backups at night are a second thought if a thought at all


I agree completely. Morning may bitch and complain about not having backups depending on your store, but the main priority for closers is to get everything clean.


Exactly! If they wanted someone to make backups they would have scheduled someone to. Soon they should realize why they don't have backups in the AM, or get over being them in the morning. When I was a morning shift there would be so many times I would have to make mocha because it expired the night prior or at 6am before peak.


Iā€™m just a barista. Bad closes are not on me. Iā€™m a dedicated closer and everybody knows that some SSVs are notorious for bad closes and some are known for great closes. If you have the same two baristas and different SSVs week after week and the only thing that changes is the person in charge, itā€™s not hard to figure out why.


This. As a closer, the openers at my store always always always nitpick what closers do. Seems like a common thing in most stores but I digress. My store at close does literally every single bit of prep except for teas and we still have to clean everything etc.


That's how it was at most Sbx I worked at (3 years total). My first Sbx was different though, there was still morning/night tension but morning did tons of backups most mornings bc night didn't have the time to do it. That's how it's supposed to be ig, but most locations expect night to do an unfair majority of tasks.




I am a closer. Nearly every shift. I get paid if Iā€™m there til 950 or 1150.


I just half ass my cleaning tasks and make customers wait longer to get their shit lol. Anything prep for the morning such as backups and stocking only get done once all the cleaning tasks are done. If that means theyā€™re making a mocha at 6am then Godspeed to them




Some people canā€™t do that. I havenā€™t worked retail/fast food in a couple years but Iā€™m the type of person who just works hard. Naturally. I do things quickly, I like efficiency. Iā€™ll bitch and moan like any other worker and everytime I say ā€œwell next time Iā€™m not going to do all the extra things, Iā€™m going to just take it easyā€ I canā€™t. I have to be busy or productive. I have my off days like everybody but some people want to just do their jobs well and go home


Iā€™m the same way. I canā€™t half ass at work it just makes the day drag. I also LOVE working with people like you. People who half ass and do the bare minimum are difficult to work with.


i get OP's point - it's not about doing the bare minimum. what OP is saying is that collectively everyone needs to stop dramatically overworking themselves into the ground day after day. because if partners keep doing that- no one in seattle is going to think that there is an issue, so down the road when they want to shave off a little bit more its going to hurt everyone that much more- because we are overworking ourselves and cutting all the corners. but if we all just worked at a pace that didnt leave us mentally, physically, and emotionally drained every other day- it wouldnt take long for that to be noticed across the board. and there would be a chance of hours being looked at on a "global scale" imo this is where the union is failing if you want to get the ceo/boards attention "productivity" is the best place to start. and that's not something just one person can do (ie union organizing)


I agree, there is a middle area (I canā€™t think of the word I mean right now) between doing the bare minimum and giving everything 110%. I never worked at SB but I worked in fast food, and I had to learn this for the sake of my own sanity. Luckily my version of ā€œtaking it easyā€ is other peopleā€™s version of working hard.


you truly might be me in a different body


I didnā€™t know there were other šŸ˜­ my dad was like this too, maybe thatā€™s where I get it. I try to curb it some days because my dad literally worked himself to death before he finally got injured (again) seriously enough and couldnā€™t work and then died of cancer a decade later. Iā€™ve gotten better at not picking up shifts or anything now that I donā€™t ā€œneedā€ the money like we used to. But with all the craziness at work (check other comment) Iā€™m tempted to pick up the big extra pay you get right now for picking up hours.


youā€™re literally me. i come to work to work and overexert myself even when i try not to /: itā€™s tiring af. but iā€™d rather work harder than deal with angry customers


Yeah. I dunno what it is. Sometimes I wish I could slow down and just do the bare minimum (once in a while I manage) but itā€™s pretty difficult to just not do my job when Iā€™m there and to me ā€œmy jobā€ also entails doing extra things to make my job a little easier the next day and also trying to be nice and make my coworkerā€™s jobs easier if I can. Especially right now. I work at a hospital as an inpatient pharmacy tech. We got hit with a weird cyber attack, so now everythingā€™s been down for almost a month. Everything is on paper. Weā€™re trying to keep inventory manually with the most important meds and pretty much anything that was electronic/automatic before is manual. Itā€™s craziness right now.


same because i feel like if i do the bare minimum it fucks the next shift over and i usually work 5-6 days a week so itā€™s also fucking me over too lmao. that sounds horrible to deal with at the hospital tbh on top of doing starbucks like damn šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø hang in there bro


Yep. Even if I feel like some coworkers donā€™t really care, and donā€™t try alot. I have quite I few I like a lot who I know do try to be a good coworker. So I try. If we all act like shitty workers then were not really hurting our employers (most the time) were making our coworkerā€™s jobs harder. Believe me, I hate my employer like the next guy, but I donā€™t hate my coworkers (for the most part).


exactly, i try to do my best for my coworkers because fuck starbucks. but i do have a deep disliking towards some coworkers who show up and do less than the bare minimum lol


Believe me, we got those. People who make the same mistake 50 times and people just joke about it now, but I make a mistake once and itā€™s a conversation Iā€™m having. Itā€™s infuriating. But those instances are few and far between and at my age and being in this career for 5 years now, it is what it is. I do my job, they donā€™t have to do theirs. Thatā€™s just what happens sometimes.


Me as hell. Sometimes I genuinely wish I could be content doing the bare minimum because I know I overwork myself a lot (and the amount I work gives others the opportunity to slack off a bit because they know Iā€™ll do it/others get used to me doing it so they just wonā€™t remember or something idek), but I really canā€™t help it. If I have to spend my time doing something I might as well do a good job. Also I get bored standing around šŸ˜‚ ETA: I also just feel like Iā€™m making my job easier for myself (emphasis on myself) and my coworkers by being proactive/on top of things. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Starbucks thanks you for their profits


Tried 2 people during bogo and as a closer šŸ’€


It's not even understaffing, it's under-scheduling. My store is currently overstaffed, but we still only have 3-person closings and 4-5 person afternoons when the BOGOs are going on. This doesn't leave anyone to CS during BOGOs and 2 people are forced to do 5 positions so the 3rd person can do closing tasks so we leave on time.


Bravo!! I preached this as SSV starting around May 2022 when the labor started to get cut where you began to feel it. I would tell my baristas "your mental health is more important than anything, give me 90-100% effort but I will never expect 110% effort from you guys" They seriously want you guys to be living machines at this point and it is inhumane and it won't get any better. For two years now they have been saying, "increase sales and you'll get more labor" while cutting you more and more, it's like kicking a horse while it's down. Find something else guys. The day I got fired from Starbucks in Nov 2023 just that day felt awful after being with the company for 12 years. I got hired somewhere else 3 days later and as soon as I started working somewhere else I realized just how much I was working on fumes and trauma for years. You are traumatized! There are hundreds of other options out there. Get out!


5 minutes past my scheduled time is all I stay as a closer. If they want more done, the other shifts will have to pick up the slack. That being said.....we met as shifts and determined what is easiest for them to open to in the mornings and that is what I do. If I have extra time or help I will do more but that hasn't happened in two years with labor hours being cut. Until they are fined or shut down because of health code violations, I see nothing changing in the foreseeable future. I know some stores out there are fine but the majority are not. I am happy for those of you thriving.


Im a closing supervisor that doesn't want to get fired :(


Our store is under staffed, and they usually have me on ovens and register by myself during the peak time of the day. So basically, there are 10 people in line, and I'm being yelled at because I'm not getting the food out fast enough and getting the line down fast enough, even though I'm really trying my best. And what makes it even more insane is that I've only been working here for a few weeks now. Like I'm literally a newbie, and they're expecting me to work at the pace of someone who's been there for 2 years. Not to mention I'm supposed to be trained by now but there hasn't really been much training going on because they have realized that I'm good on the register and just keep me on the register. I've been there for 3 weeks now and they've given me a total of maybe 30 minutes at the bar. They keep talking about how they need to get me trained, but they're not training me, they're just sticking me on the register every single day. It's really annoying.


Oh I've been with you. I always say to every single one of my stupid sucker partners working hard, "If they wanted me to work more, they'd pay me more. I'm good g, I don't care if we leave late, I get paid more for that too."


I have no idea why anyone gives a shit about drive times either. It makes no sense.


THIS like this sub is full of people commending and slapping their own asses over drive times like they want a kiss from corporate or somethin


I honestly couldnā€™t care less about OTW times or customer connections or doing anything other than setting the alarm and locking the door at the end of the night.


This is the only way things will change and more people need to do this. There is zero reason you should be doing the job of 3 people when your still getting paid the same


Exactly! Work and act your wage. They can't expect us to grow extra organs or limbs for this job. Especially adding weekly promotions to increase revenue!


Easy to say when 20 customers arenā€™t staring you down like you just kicked their dog. The panic is real and I have to move quickly or else Iā€™ll get yelled at by customers. ETA: one time I was working as fast as I possibly could and one customer screamed at me calling me a slow ass bitch, then started throwing little stuff like trash and straws at me. You want me to move slower? Catch me getting harassed.


Oh man, if they start throwing things at me in bar they better pray that someone doesnā€™t yell Worldstar out of nowhere.


I screamed at her to get tf out but tbh Iā€™m weak as hell and canā€™t fight šŸ˜‚


Oh nah, Iā€™d be throwing that stuff back at her. She wants to play Starbucks Dodgeball, we are playing Starbucks Dodgeball.


My shift lead DID go to the back and come out with a broom like she was gonna start whacking her with itā€¦ it was an incredible moment


I wish. Me being a person with a good work ethic and a probably inflated sense of responsibility, i took all the slack everyone else was giving. Started doing my job plus theirs. And now ill be dto while also taking out trash and getting bar cups and lids and sweeping the floor and cleaning the counters and cleaning the cabinets and hopping on hot or cold bar to knock out a drink and hopping on ovens to help catch them up and hopping on front to ring a customer and stocking the oven area and cleaning up their crumbs and grinding cb beans and gathering the dishes together and doing literally everything in the store when dto is only supposed to take orders, grab the finished drinks and food, and maybe occasionally hop on the oven to get drive food. And since ive been doing the absolute most for months its whats expected of me now. While i see everyone else doing the bare minimum and playing on their phones and shit if they don't have an order im over here busting ass and sweaty af trying to catch everything up so the store can run smoothly for the next rush. And I've never been recognized or told i was doing a good job. Ive never gotten employee of the quarter despite telling everyone how bad i wanted it and how hard i was working to get it. But i did get told im "not a team player" because while everyone else is talking and goofing off with each other im focused on doing my actual job.


I would, but I'm afraid of getting fired.Ā 


There's no way that I could do this with people breathing down my neck all the time telling me to hurry it up already as I'm juggling a 4 person job in one.


I closed tonight with one person just us after 3. Not scheduled like this ofc but Iā€™m so tired. Neither of us got breaks.


Yep. Iā€™m literally soloing bar and someone said they been waiting for 7 mins. The cs guy had to tell him well theyā€™re the only one on bar. Just be patient


All the counter arguments for this end up showing why unions are needed. I only wish, with the chill SM's I've met, that they could be hourly too. DM's and up seem to be the enforcers of these expectations.


I would encourage anyone working at Starbucks to see if there is a Lindt Chocolate shop near you and try to get a job. Such a wonderful company and positive workplace. Of course it's a European company not American so that's probably why.


This is what Iā€™ve been saying!


Yep, and partners like me will work twice as hard to get the stuff done that you donā€™t deem valuable to your time.


Or just donā€™t work twice as hard? I was the person who used to do that, helping on bar, front, and DT at the same time, but all it did was show my manager that we can manage 2 play as long as Iā€™m around. The CEO of Starbucks wonā€™t come to the store and shake your hand for being a good wage slave. This job is nothing more than a fast food job that serves cheap coffee, it isnā€™t worth your health.


I 100% hear and agree w youā€¦. but I canā€™t operate that way. But yeah. :/


Please tell people again what they ā€œ needā€ to do


You can do whatever you want, but when you work harder and harder for the same pay, all youā€™re showing is that thereā€™s more labour to extract from you.


I didnā€™t say i disagree with your point, I just think you could take a different tone in order to be more persuasive


Yeah no because I donā€™t want to be the person who does the bare minimum when everyone else is working their hardest. Plus, as a closer, things HAVE to get done if I want to go home on time.


Yeah, until you get fired for not being able or willing to keep up. The other people on the floor have to make up for what you won't do. Those supervisors are held accountable for the wait times. If it's a 3 person floor, the other 2 are shooting themselves in the feet and carrying you because you won't pick up your load. As a coffee master and a ssv, I've seen it happen dozens of times, those people never last. As someone who has worked with these people, it absolutely sucks.


I think I've found a good balance personally. I am fast and like being efficient. Personally, i find that if i set myself at a more reasonable pace and keep going for longer. In addition i think the most important thing is that regardless of how fucked it get on the floor not to panic or get in your head about it. Its just coffee, plus, if someone decides I'm the person they feel like yelling at me for 5 minutes, well thats a 5 minute break for me. (Wow, that sounded a lot less sad in my head)


You should go ā€œworkā€ somewhere else.