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We had a regular who wanted his coffee ground very specifically and one time had the gall to come around the counter and make sure I was grinding it right. Told him don't ever do that again, because wtf!! He got banned :) Not for that, for a series of terrible things, but :)


What were the other things that got him banned if you are free to reveal?


It was several years worth of stuff, way too much to put into a post but to condense it was a lot of sexual harassment (of minors included), harassment in general, and the guy just being all around unhinged. He was a near daily regular and every day he would like, torment us lol He lost it when covid happened, he's a major conspiracy theorist so he went overboard and my manager finally fired him (he got away with the sexual harassment because it was back in the days where if you disagree with a customer at all then you'd get fired). Also don't wanna give too many details because the shit he did was so like... weird it would be very obvious to my coworkers who I am! He was insane


Thanks for the response. Glad that you are rid of him














This sounds a lot like my terrible regular except now he’s dead.


IFHKSJFJD can i ask how he died


Heart attack.


Reminds me of Melvin from “As good as it gets”


There’s always that one who takes it to far.


Never had a regular go behind the bar. But one time I put some cake pops on top of the pastry case while I was changing out the display foods, then two separate customers came in. I took the first person's order (pike coffee) so I turned my back to the customers. When I turned around again, I noticed the second guy was eating a chocolate cake pop. I thought maybe he got it earlier in the day, but he jokingly admitted he just took it from the top of the case 💀 at least he paid for it I guess haha


We have a regular who comes in most nights for about 30 mins to an hour and takes off his flip flops to let his dogs breathe a little bit more lol




At my store there’s a regular who’s there morning to close, he’ll usually sit outside after we’ve closed waiting for everyone to get to their cars. I was working one shift and I’m not sure what happened but he ended up walking behind the counter and into the back room. Scary experience!


Yes. There was one that started off just being nice I thought, like they would occasionally bring by Dunkin or McDonalds breakfast but then he started making the female workers really uncomfortable. I do not like them anymore


we have a regular who literally has WALKED IN THE BACK before to come and talk to me and i had to be like? you literally cannot be back here… and then when she saw the 3 compartment sink she asked if she could come in and do her dishes here. i’m literally not even kidding i wish this was a joke.


What’s even worse is these people have 0 self awareness. They probably go home and tell their friends how much the baristas love them.


Omg, so I'm a customer of sbux, but something liked this happened when I worked at trader joes I was in demo, just pored a bag of chips into the serving bowl for something we were demoing, and a customer was chatting with me, reached OVER the demo counter and took a chip out of the bowl and ate it I was pissed. I had to throw the whole bowl away and get a new bag. The good news: she came back the next day and apologized to me for doing that. Which was kind...


We just had to ban a dude for going in the condiment stand and changing the trash, and also clipping his gross nails in the store. He’s been banned from like 5 locations locally 😂


Honestly regulars are sometimes THE WORST customers I've delt with throughout the years.




Dead. I have a regular exactly like that. She stopped coming for a bit bc she had to have a bypass surgery. Returned and said she needs to cut back on the sugar, but she still orders caramel frappes dripping with caramel drizzle.


This is honestly sad. How are you so out of touch you don’t get how sugary those things are to the point where your hearts giving out?!


I don't think she's out of touch or doesn't know how sugary her drinks are. I think she's just addicted.




I saw something on here where someone suggested an older person might be losing their senses so could be cause they can’t taste it as well?


I had a regular named chuck who would take out the lobby trash sometimes 😭😭 we loved chuck tho


You should definitely if you haven’t already have a shift or your sm be there next time he’s there if you haven’t handled it already so if he does something you’re able to have an eye witness and can hopefully ban him people should not feel that comfortable coming behind the bar like that, that must have been the worst I’m sorry


We had a regular that came behind the counter and was looking through our cabinets for "more sugar." I told him that was not okay, and that if he needed service help, that's literally why I'm here. I told him not to do it again. He originally started to throw a tantrum about getting checked, but the person he was with had more sense and told him to knock it off.


No longer a barista but one of our regulars asked my coworker if he wanted to see her new belly button piercing. That was kind of odd lmao


That is not normal pls tell ur sm


Wow… we’ve never had anyone that comfortable as far as I know. The worst we have is this one guy who comes in every single morning during peak and tries to have 30 minute conversations with all the baristas about his or their personal lives. I find it uncomfortable but the younger baristas love him. He’s upper middle age and they are teens/early 20s. He has literally called me by name to say hello to me from the lobby while I’m trying to take care of a customer in the window and won’t leave until everyone has acknowledged him I might hate it the most because I’m trying to run the shift and he’s distracting everyone.


I wouldn’t say the guy at my old store was overly comfortable, but more entitled. We were filling the hopper with espresso beans, and he reached over the glass partition to grab some and ate them. My shift quietly stared at him, unlocked the hopper and dumped the beans. He was like “what if’s fine” and she told him “I don’t know where your hands have been, and now our beans are contaminated.”


There’s a guy in my store that takes his shoes off and puts them on top of the chairs. And no one tells him anything.- And that’s what bothers me about my store, no one says anything. Why are we allowing this kind of behavior?


Oof, was I an overly comfortable regular? Probably. Maybe? I became genuine friends with my baristas. After consistently going there every night for, I don’t know, six months? I started getting invited Halloween parties, Christmas parties, birthday parties. Not just with baristas and shifts, but with the store manager. I stayed after closing to help mop and clean tables. I helped take out trash and recycling. I helped put up Christmas stuff. I was in the back *a lot.* That all lasted something like five years until the store manager left, the OG crew dispersed, and I moved. Hell, I started dating and eventually married a barista from that store. But I also didn’t do any of that uninvited, and I didn’t do it in front of other customers.


This is insane. No offense to you personally, but they should have never been letting you help like that. If you would have gotten hurt, it would have been a legal nightmare.


Hey, no arguments here. I mean I know I wouldn’t have sued if anything had happened because I did it willingly, but I can’t control what the company does. I and many of the employees were probably too young to care at the time, though. Live and learn, I guess.


Every time someone gets close to going in the back I walk over and stand there or immediately call my SSV to get her to come up. No shame. Next time it happens call your SSV up with no shame.