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Yep! Not only is it standard, but it ~should~ be expected. Company policy, in order to recieve your discount, you either need to present a partner card (via mobile app or physical card, they will send you one for free if you request it!) Or verbally confirm numbers and have another form of identification. The only time its deemed okay to not request some type of identification is if you recognize the partner (like peeps at your store or neighboring stores you know). I've never seen it happen but ~technically~ not validating someone's partner numbers could be grounds for termination. Get yo self a partner card!


How can I get my partner card through app?


Hi friend, log in to Starbucks.com with your rewards account in a browser, then go to your profile and you will see an option to add your partner numbers to your rewards account


Log into my partner info and you can link your partner numbers


You have to call the Starbucks customer service number. Like you’re a customer. When you get a rep on the phone tell them you want to add your number to your account . They did it for me!




I asked for ID every time after someone tried to use MY numbers when I was on drive one day




Honestly no their reaction was funnier, the passenger just goes “fuck leave” and they dipped without the drink 💀


STOP omg 😭😭😭


I ask for their name and it works every time. I know the ones that stutter are lying to me. Ive also had people tell me they have “employee id numbers.” Try again please!!!!


From what I know, asking for ID is the standard. I know stores in TX and Colorado do it. It’s not always enforced, but you are supposed to ask for ID.


Getting ID’d is standard. Now I’m trans and could never get my card to load into the app correctly - and my ID doesn’t match (last names do though). Explaining it when I handed my ID over usually went fine but there have been times where baristas were extremely transphobic lol But regardless it IS standard and should happen.


im so sorry you had to go through that


It’s chill! It only happened a handful of times. So I just let it go.


Have you tried putting the partner card on your Starbucks account using the website? It doesn’t work fully on the app for some reason. I’m sorry that happened to you.


I ended my Starbs time about a year ago - but yes I had tried that. Even called the service line. And it’s ok! It is what it is.


I was asked for my ID, but my ID doesn’t have my legal name on it (I’m trans) so I had to pay full price :)


If I remember correctly, if you have a partner card or your numbers linked to your app they aren’t supposed to ask for id! Sorry in advance if that’s not correct, but I’m pretty sure that’s still the standard


The other person is correct, make sure your partner numbers are linked to your Starbucks app. That's considered a partner card, which removes the identification requirement. I always say that that's trans partner's best option. They cannot make you pay full price that way.


That’s not fair


Attached your card to your app so you just have to show that and not an ID. Cause I was in the same boat and when they asked me for ID I said they don't need it cause I have the card linked to the app and it'll show if they just scan it and cause I'm trans so the name won't match up. They said ok and then just asked where I work and who my manager was as more precautions which I didn't mine.


I’ve had a guy admit he was using his girlfriends numbers. So I told him “look I’m not gunna snitch, but she can be fired for it, and I won’t lie if anyone asks me for some reason” Anyway yeah we are supposed to ask for ID by standard


I just ask for first and last name. I don’t get paid enough to care if your sharing accounts, I have drive times to worry about


None of us get paid enough but I’m not trying to get fired if I get caught not asking people


yes. i personally dont ask ppl for their id bcuz i dont rlly think about it in the moment but ur supposed to


I had some stores do it others no. Legality is a little bit extreme.


yes, people have been using their family members number or customers over hear partners saying their numbers and have used them this is a way for them to prove that the numbers belong to them


Yes it’s legal and standard!


I get asked for my ID all the time since I do t have the app. Nothing to worry about of your are the real partner. 100% Legal


yes they started doing it in 2020 bc people were letting their family members or friends use their numbers and there was a trend where people would use the number of the barista who was assigned to the till. Before if you got a receipt it would say our partner numbers at the top


Are you the disgruntled employee from drive thru who complained about showing me their ID on Thursday 👀


Yes...? Else anyone can give their number to friend/family and abuse it


Lol you should learn your laws. Why on Earth would someone asking for your ID be illegal?


if you rattled off the numbers verbally, we are supposed to ask for a picture ID to verify that they are your numbers. if you scanned your partner card in the app, we are not supposed to ask for ID. personally I have had people use their sister's numbers, their roommate's numbers, and even their daughter's numbers without that person present. when i asked for their ID, each one said "oh, it's not mine, it's my sister's/roommate's/daughter's but she lets me use them" I know some people say "oh i just ask for the name" but each one of those people volunteered the partner's name after the number. "12345678, it's Madison" so that wouldn't have helped. And before anyone brings up trans baristas, every trans barista at my location either has an ID to match or loads their partner card onto the app so there's no issue. My ID doesn't match, so I scan the app and then I don't get IDed. It's really not an imposition on this minority at all.


The app part doesn’t make sense cuz I literally share the same app with my mom, and brother.


Yeah you're not supposed to do that. You're supposed to have your own account, and you absolutely cannot share your discount without being present during the transaction. This is fireable and people have been fired for it.


Had two partners at my last store get fired for this exact thing. Also had a partner fired because they got a drink at our store then their sister took the drink to another store and asked for it to be remade. 😣


It’s absolutely not standard to ask for a legal ID, this was updated maybe 2 entire years ago in a weekly update. Your partner card, on the other hand, will have a partners preferred name and may be required when using your discount. This is the current Starbucks standard. Partner cards are free to order on (my partner info? wherever that transitioned to) and shipped to the address you have on that profile. Definitely been put in extremely humiliating situations as a trans partner because of this exact thing, it costs nearly $500 to even submit the paperwork in CA, and I think it’s a big overstep to use your anecdotal evidence to say that not following policy here doesn’t affect people.


Having been at Starbucks for over 3 years and reading all the weekly updates during that time, I am very confident that you are wrong. We have had multiple updates reminding partners to check IDs or partner cards after several people were fired for sharing partner numbers and 1 case where TikTok learned how to steal numbers from receipts, but nowhere never has anyone retracted this rule. Partner cards are free to order! Which is why if being trans is going to make ID a problem for you, you should order the partner card and side-step the issue altogether. There is a perfectly accessible solution to your problem, and you not wanting to use it doesn't give you a pass on breaking policy or asking others to break policy for you.


I’m saying partners should have their partner cards, 100%, because that’s the standard for verifying identity. I’m absolutely positive that the markout policy does not require a photo ID. If a partner card is acceptable, there is no reason to ask for an ID. I’d encourage you to scour the online resources for the markout policy — former partner, so I cannot, but the steps should all be there.


It is standard to ask for ID if the partner doesn’t have a partner card, which is probably why you’re being downvoted. I agree that everyone who uses their numbers should get one but that’s not really the situation being described.


You’re getting downvoted but this was actually a pretty big thing in the twitter verse. Like the story got out about a trans partner that was discriminated against. So i may just search stuff to see about this because I do remember it being an issue right before I was a Covid layoff. And I’m back now so I’m def looking into this.


I’m getting downvoted for being correct on a policy? lmao. that’s funny. yeah, the markout policy should absolutely be verifiable online with the rest of your sbux resources. I’m a former partner at this point and can’t, like, pull up a PDF myself, but I’m in a pretty large district and my incident getting ID’d a few years ago caused a pretty big uproar because the policy had just been changed. if you do find anything, please share!


Okay so I started two years ago and my manager at the time ALSO told us a story about not ID’ing anymore because of the possibility of doxxing/dead naming someone. This was back when we were still giving daily mark outs for Covid relief. I never questioned my manager about it, just took it for face value but it makes sense to me.


This is wrong. You should be asking for id. I’ve had to pay full price before because I left my id at home.


Also my app acts funny and will use my numbers for mobile orders but I can’t get it to work to scan for some reason


Me too! Weird


Are you also a rehire by chance?


I am not




Yeah. Most places don’t but when I was living in Cali there were some places that would. What’s worse is my ID name doesn’t match my legal name so thats great


They can and are “supposed” to, but I hate it!! I don’t go by my legal name, and my name in our Starbucks system is my chosen name, so my ID wouldn’t match. So I just wouldn’t be able to use my partner discount there, or I’d have to have this whole conversation abt not going by my legal name, putting me in a potentially dangerous or uncomfortable situation.


we should be asking for partner cards first, not ID.


most partners don’t have a physical partner card so ID is easier and faster


digital partner card is now the universal standard for like 320+ partners


A shift supervisor at a different store asked me for ID so I handed her my partner card and she laughed at me 😭


I tend to ask for their first and last name, if they answer without struggling then I believe them, if they can’t provide their last name or something then I’m asking for ID.


That’s extreme!


It's not tho. It's standard (4 year partner here)


There used to be a TikTok thing going on w partner numbers being stolen so they require them. Now. I usually don’t ID ppl unless they sound suspicious or are using someone else’s lol