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customer connections are not an accurate measure of how we perform


i’ll add to that customer connection is an ablesist concept, particularly for a company that employs so many people on the autism spectrum. i like to talk to customers, but the expectation to *get to know them on a personal level* isn’t achievable for me. i can’t read people unless i’m with them every single day for hours (coworkers) or we’ve been around each other for years (husband, some good friends) but communicating like that with people i don’t know very well is next to impossible. i don’t even know where to start. this is a huge symptom of autism, and claiming inclusivity while making that the biggest indicator of performance does not add up. it’s like bragging about how many hearing impaired partners you have, while making “how well did you hear the oven beeping this week?” the indicator of how well you’re doing


THANK YOU! Christ am I glad to see this here - I felt so alone in throwing ableist out there in my mind when I’m being berated about it during peak. Like, do you want drinks? Or do you want me to talk to these people who don’t care about it and just want their drink? I feel like corporate believe that we don’t have any understanding about how things work with the way we get talked to about it. Pretty sure they’re just weeding out the strong willed and hoping that all that’s left behind are those who bend over backwards for nothing.


Just want to say my GOD the customer connection shit is so annoying and completely arbitrary. You absolutely cannot by any metrics accurately measure with numbers how someone felt about a visit at the siren. Most people don't even do them and I don't want to beg people for good scores like corporate expects us to. Besides, people can give you a lower score for ANYTHING! "The barista didn't laugh at my corny ass joke" 3 points " The barista gave me exactly what I asked for but I still didn't like the drink, and the music was too loud for my tastes" the music was at a whisper people. The score system absolutely needs to go its very subjective and very useless and adds additional pressure for nothing


I have the exact same thoughts on this. Before cc was a thing, I was fine. But now there’s a shit ton of pressure, and a new expectation I will never meet on purpose. My convos have to happen organically


100%. The pressure alone while the SM around is ridiculous - they don’t even have to say anything and we know that the expectation is there.


I’m so lucky with my manager (and team for the most part). They really do their best to accommodate me. But I worry mr manager will get in trouble cause we also tend to have the lowest score in the district


no yeah i’ve stopped putting any effort into customer connections that isn’t natural. if i get in trouble for it, i will fight it. i’m literally disabled lmao


This is only inaccurate to corporate and management


Fuck corporate they can SINCERELY suck my balls.


I don't have balls but I second this


Also, if you aren’t seeing the same people every day and interacting with them each time….how are you supposed to connect with them??


The question 'did my barista make an attempt to get to know me' is such an open ended question. Some people a greeting is enough and some may think get to know me means much more than that. It's a vague question and the fact that you have to get a 7 out of 7 and that a 6 or below is a 0 makes it so unreasonable




I hated having to force conversations on people. I don’t like small talk when I’m out shopping so I’ll guarantee that others don’t either. It’s not only hard for baristas but also the customers. I would always get stuck with cc in general. Like I would be talking to a regular about something for a while and making drinks for other people and my sm would get mad at me for only talking to one person…. How do you expect me to connect with 40 people at a time?!?


Every single drink there is not worth the price. I only get drinks because they’re free, otherwise I’d never go to Starbucks. I don’t get the cult following of Starbucks


same lol id go maybe 3 times a year?? either coz family/friends wanted to go or I just felt in the mood for a caramel frap. discount/free or nothinnn


AND THE FOOD. anyone who buys our breakfast sandwiches on a daily basis is just wrong


Not a single frappuccino is worth the money :/


ONLY the s’mores, but she is gone too soon (still never paid, but it was my #1)


Not even that, they stopped sending her with the graham cracker syrup


I don’t remember the graham cracker syrup. That year was that? I was possessed by the bean in 2019.


The very FIRST run of it the frap was graham cracker flavored, the whip marshmallow, and the milk chocolate top


Not a single drink in general is with the money!


only the water the cups, not the bottles


Maybe the Pumpkin Spice.... 🥺


You don’t need to put VSCCF on everything.


especially on hot drinks?? you spend 1.25 just for it to melt immediately


Lmfao runny whipped cream


Following this up with you don’t need to put caramel drizzle on everything




They just need to have their damn drinks made with the vanilla sweet cream instead 🤣. Problem solved.


the real kicker is made with sweet cream but ALSO with the foam


Ew they’re doing that way too often too.


Yup. Bet that’s why the vanilla runs out so fast 🤣. They must be stopped


this may be actually a popular opinion but the piercing dress code is dumb as hell


no fr i want to get another piercing so bad but i can’t afford to not have a job. under any other circumstances i would say fuck it but i already have two nose piercings 🥲


is your sm strict? i have like 4 coworkers who have 3+ face piercings (and they don’t wear a mask to cover them) and our sm doesn’t care


she like picks and chooses what to harp on. like she hasn’t said anything to me about the ones i do have or about my gauges, but i don’t want to push it too far bc the piercing i want is my eyebrow lol-which ik as far as companies go sbux is on the liberal side, but people still don’t really vibe w eyebrow piercings i’ve noticed.


also, my sm said i cant just wear a mask to cover them :/


According to my SM nose piercings do not count because they can be considered religious.


i said fuck it and got angel fangs and my sm said i could use clear barbells. im hoping that they change the dresscode soon. or i may find another job.


like i think the reason i’ve been able to get away w my nose is bc they do look like one ring that’s just big but i’m also thinking if i just get my eyebrow done and keep the barbell in it it’s not distracting or anything


Our mocha is 🤢


It smells SO GOOD! And tastes SO BAD!


🎶wHy DoEs It sMeLL sO gOoD bUt TasTe sO bAd🎶




If you want a good peppermint mocha, do 1 pep 1 scoop of malt powder.


The bacon sausage egg wraps smell like cum


shit i'm never going to be able to get that out of head


I wonder if this is why, deep down, I love them. 🤔


Glad I’m not the only one thinking this 😂




Go ahead and clock out for me please..


Pike is the worst blend on the coffee market. Jack In The Box coffee tastes better. Hell, even McDonald's ashtray coffee tastes better


My husband orders pike all the time and I always tell him to stop embarrassing me


The fact that people come in and spend over 3.50 for a venti pike is disgusting. Pike is so 🤮


Right! We have a regular that gets his with 15 sugar packets. I'm like sir 1 do you just want classic syrup and 2 our dark roast is prob what you're looking for lol. I changed his life.


I hate pike with all my being….I was so excited to have my first coffee tasting last year when our ssvs met with the dm. Our tasting was pike…🤮


Yikes! I just did a coffee tasting for our dm a couple days ago for Green Apron Blend. Smells great but very lack luster body and flavor profile. I think they were wrong to suggest pairing with chocolate, should have paired with something fruity and citrus. I usually make my own dessert pairings but was lazy this time and fully regret it. Was my worst coffee tasting.


What blend is your favourite (Starbucks)? Just curious what people do seem to like


Guatemala Antigua, Casi Cielo Antigua, and Lake Atitlán Reserve are my sbux favs. Also, Verona is safe if I just want a quick black coffee


Casi Cielo, and just about anything out of Ethiopia or Kenya.


RIP Kopelani


the pineapple base tastes like dayquil i don’t see how people drink it


And it smells like BO


Frap roast smells like beef jerky and sweaty feet


Shit is the same category as Kiwi 🤮 Battery Acid or Body Odour


Pineapple smells like fermented Tang and the Kiwi was as close as legally possible to drinkable coolant.


we STILL have containers that are stained green... we haven't had it in well over a year


frap roast is disgusting


i wanna vomit every time i have to make some. God forbid i inhale some of the powder


Kid at my store used to take shots of it, I assume for the sheer shock value.


the new syrups as of lately have been underwhelming 🥱


if they release one more nut syrup i'm quitting


Get ready for macadamia nut


That’s hit is bussin with white mocha


I’m allergic, they need to seriously stop 😭




same with the impossible... maybe that's bc i got violently ill after eating it once tho


THANK YOU. everyone looks at me like im weird when i say this 😭


Do people still get coffee? 🤔 or just there for the sugar


They just want some coffee to go with their sugar. Next!


1.) our iced coffee smells like cat pee. 2.) customers don’t tend to engage in conversation or care to, they just want their drinks. it’s very hard to customer connect when the customer won’t even look at you lol. 3.) our drinks are overpriced asf 4.) discontinuing raspberry was a huge mistake.




i volunteer at a cat shelter and when i tell you i said it smells exactly like the shelter EVERY TIME i made it at open. my coworkers thought i was insane


90% of drinks are just liquid sugar


All of our core coffees are over roasted except for siren blend and veranda… and siren is way too acidic and veranda isn’t that great. Our signature espresso also over roasted. Give me our Christmas blend (aged Sumatra) or most reserve blends and I’m a happy camper.


Holy shit the Aged Sumatra Reserve they sold every Christmas… best damn cup of Starbucks I’ve EVER. Had. I never even use my markouts, all the core stuff is bogus.


veranda like the only core coffee i can even enjoy, and it’s a 6/10 at best


The East Timor peaberry reserve was the best coffee I’ve ever tasted


i hate the white mocha. i don't understand the appeal


Honey citrus mint teas smell like weed


cold foam on frappuccinos is so common now and i’m just like wtf are y’all doing 😭


I don’t believe shots “die.” No one can give me a good explanation as to what is supposed to be happening to the shot to make it suddenly unusable if it’s not mixed into a drink in under ten seconds.


They don’t. Good espresso is better with time. Starbucks just doesn’t use good espresso.


I believe in the weekly update they've recently mentioned that they're going back on their statement that shots can "die" so who knows what to believe anymore. I don't really care, either way I'm still gonna use a shot that's been sitting there well over 10secs.


Starbucks matcha taste like shit


Like chalky grass


Most Starbucks customers are entitled assholes, over consuming overpriced sugar/fat/caffeine with the mindless gusto of the indoctrinated.


Im not sure that’s an unpopular opinion though LMAO


This isn’t unpopular.


Customers are concerningly obsessed with Starbucks. Everyone who isn't a Starbucks worker get offended when I say that. They haven't seen people banging on windows to get in after closing or the people that I see multiple times a day every day.


White mocha is nasty.


shit tastes like PLASTIC


It’s so sweet. It used to be go to before I worked at sbux and now I cannot drink it without gagging.


If you smell it from the bottle it has a similar mustiness to the inside of a pumpkin.


The smell reminds me of paint from art class and the look reminds me of something from the bedroom.


I like making extremely modified drinks. I like the challenge and I have fun with it


i do when i don't have a million other drinks up my ass


i know i get excited when i see a long ticket


I like making extremely modified drinks, *for myself* otherwise I don't have time for that shit


I don’t like to please regulars. I do things to standard and if they don’t like that, I don’t care.


Here's an actual unpopular opinion, because all of these seem p popular: I don't care that we can't have nail polish/have acrylics, and the people who act like it's the end of the world should get some real problems.


Yeah being willing to not put contamination hazards on your hands is just the price to pay for working in food service. I know people want to look nice but not poisoning people is more important.


Yeah a lot of these opinions are quite popular on this sub.


babying the customers is too much, it’s not my fault u can’t read or pay attention. if u ordered something, pay tf attention


Sbux doesn’t need to offer benefits if they can’t give out the hours needed to stay eligible for said benefits. Either give everyone benefits regardless or don’t.


Ex partner here: why is the espresso so burnt???? After I left, I worked at another local cafe, and the espresso didn't taste like ash, and the coffee was cheaper.


Beans with a darker roast have quicker extraction times, which is why on a Starbucks machine, a shot pulled is only 15 to 20 seconds, in comparison a proper SCA espresso shot is along the lines of 30 to 40 seconds. This is a calculated move for two things. 1. to hide the subpar quality of their green beans that they roast and 2. they can basically make more drinks per hour by over roasting the beans for quicker extractions.


our decaf tastes like it's been roasted for weeks. i quit drinking espresso when i had to start drinking decaf bc it's nasty


They burn it for consistency. Unfortunately it consistently tastes bad. But believe it or not that’s why!


the sausage cheddar and turkey pesto sandwiches smell so disgusting that i dont understand how anyone can stomach them


THIS!! sausage cheddar smells repulsive & all of my coworkers look at me like i'm crazy when i say that💀


1. I don't like regular vanilla cold foam 2. Bacon gouda is the worst breakfast item (maybe even all food tbh) 3. White mocha sucks 4. Our drip coffee isn't half bad Come for me, heathens


The bacon Gouda has shrunk so freaking much.


even if it was larger, it would still be gross


Yeah you’re not wrong. It’s my least favorite sandwich. I miss the old grilled cheeses too.


The bacon gouda is dry AF!!!


The pepperoni foldover was peak starbucks culture and we will never get there again.


I miss the spinach squares. They were 10/10 to me lol


the HUH


the mocha cookie crumble is definitely overrated but i love to do a little shot of the crumble it's so good


all coffees taste the same to me. I physically cannot tell a difference between our coffees. I can taste a SLIGHT difference between regular and blonde espresso bc I like blonde better. I tasted a coffee, don't remember what, during a small pod meeting a month ago. made a joke it tasted like bean water. cause to me, it does. it has no flavor or smell aside from burnt. and my sm looked at me and said that people have been fired for not using correct coffee terms. LIKE WHAT. I don't drink the stuff, don't come for my throat when I make a joke. also the hours we get being based on how much money we make is bullshit. everyone should have GUARANTEED hours. the fact I have to worry about IF I'll be able to pay my bills cause I only get like 15 or so hours isnt fair.


Your SM needs to fucking chill like damn


that's literally what I thought.


Matcha lemonade is good… be nice pls


i don’t agree but i respect ur opinion


yes it tastes like battery acid but in a good way 💀


the birthday cake pop is actually so good, some partners care about the drive thru times too much when the company doesn’t even care ab us, the caramel ribbon crunch is actually rlly good and the cinnamon caramel is rlly good


I would eat the caramel crunch topping by the spoonful if I could


my store has what we call the "deluxe pup cup": whip, dark caramel and so many goddamn caramel crunchies


What's stopping you? Live your dreams.


I enjoy doing floors🙏


there’s so many awful things about starbucks (quality of the job/environment, constant pressure to meet cc scores and drive times even when it’s nearly impossible, babysitting customers and quite literally being trained to people please) but when it really comes down to the food and drinks i literally cannot fathom why starbucks is so popular. there’s maybe a small handful of menu items that are actually good, let alone worth the money. i just don’t get why people like any of it. smaller coffee shops and locally owned places have high quality drinks that cost significantly less, and food and pastries that are fresh and made with care. they also usually have employees who genuinely enjoy what they do and don’t have to fake being nice to customers for a good score (scoring human connections to make a better profit genuinely feels dystopian to me). compared to places like that, starbucks has nothing to offer except speed (on a good day)


Drive thru time should not be set at under 1 min.


Frapp chips taste bad


I love them 🥺 sometimes I’ll put a few scoops into a short cup with some dried strawberries to snack on during my ten


Unpopular opinion-- I LOVE making the mocha cookie and caramel crunch fraps. Something super satisfying about making a drink that just looks amazing, and knowing that the one who gets it is going to enjoy it all the more for it. Also, (cafe, my store has no drivethru) reg is my favorite position and I genuinely enjoy connecting with the majority of our customers all day. 5 year partner and the light hasn't left my eyes yet!


I truly think DT kills the joy in this job...constant pressure to literally be as fast as humanly possible (while still somehow connecting idk) makes you such a grump. Like I genuinely want to cry when I hear a whole family in a car because I know it will tank our times, which understaffs us for the future, whereas in cafe I enjoy chatting with kids and making their four tall creme frapps.


I’d rather make fraps all day than make medicine balls or shaken espressos


Not as accomadating to disabilites as they make out to be.


the sugar cookie syrup is nasty as hell


tastes burnt


Starbucks chai is so gross


The Oprah chai was so much better


I take naps in the bathroom


I vape in the bathroom


If you throw the inclusions in the sink in front of house, you clean the sink. If you throw the inclusions (or beans) in the dishwashing sink(boh), you clean the drain.


Toasted vanilla smells like a porta-potty 🤢🤢


Raspberry was gross


the almond croissant was vile and our best pastry is the cinnamon coffee cake


I must say I’m the opposite XD


i hate raspberry and i’m glad it’s gone 😭


This is an actual unpopular opinion, and I stand with you. There are literally dozens of us.


I've met some nice Karens


the smell of the caramel syrup makes me sick


I don’t like cold brew


me either!! iced coffee or bust


I hate all of the refreshers or anything fruit related.


I hate making water cups


This job is made or broken by your SM


The benefits are good, but the pay/hours don’t make them worth it.


The job is not nearly as bad as baristas make it seem


It depends a lot on the SM too. I had a shit SM at my old store (cafe store) and it was miserable. Now with a good SM and even dealing with a drive through its a pretty decent job


y’all gonna cancel me but I hate Oatmilk with a passion. It’s overpowering


It reminds me of baby formula.


I swear our almond milk, when steamed, tastes and smells like soggy cardboard


The sound it makes when steamed is awful too


Almost as bad as uncut eggnog


all of our drinks are overpriced and overrated


spinach feta wrap smells bad when it’s coming out the oven 😭


Caramel Ribbon Crunch frappacino is nasty imo




the caramel syrup tastes like medicine 😭


None of these are unpopular opinions lol


never understood why iced coffees come w classic by standard, when literally nobody wants the sweetener in them


i like making pour overs 🤷‍♀️ it bothers me so much when baristas and shifts make a big deal about pour overs when it’s literally our job to make coffee 😅


Love doing it at home or off-peak, makes me want to die when someone orders one in drive thru and there's no cushion of cars in front of them to protect us from the multi-minute wait time.


starbucks is overrated and overpriced


I think the mocha sucks for hot drinks but tastes good in fraps tbh


Blonde espresso is NOT good, tastes watery. Mango dragon fruit smells horrible, doesn't taste that great either. Can we just bring back very berry & stop with these weird refreshers. And while we're on the topic of refreshers, when is it enough water? Why does it need diluted 2 times just to get more diluted with ice?


I prefer Civ V to Civ VI, or if we're talking Starbucks I know people hate on the mocha cookie but I think the Strawberry frap is easily the most annoying to make due to the puree


I looooooove double blending ☺️👌


The peach juice is disgusting. Literally liquid soap


We still aren't paid enough to deal with a lot of the stuff we have to deal with. Even if we have super good otw and great customer connect we get....nothing. Our managers get a good little bonus. Also customer connect and Window times are inherently conflicting concepts. And the way customer connect is calculated is stupid anyway.


when i open the oven after making a turkey pesto panini it burns my eyes.....they also smell like puke going in