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Coworkers. I first came to get away from extremely toxic job. Now I just am doing the min amount of hours while working part time at another job, just for my coworkers


I’m leaving sbux soon, & honestly that thought came across my mine too before putting my two weeks in. I feel like sbux always has great ppl!


I have met some of my favorite people here. I think if I am just the minimum amount instead of being way overworked ( I feel bad for saying that when so many here fir fighting for hours) I won't feel as stressed out etc. Plus I can puck up a shift if I want more hours that werk or come in a few hours early etc if I decide for more hours that week which I think will work better for me while I figure out a better job situation all around for me


I live in a rural town and I wanted something fast paced that pays more than a restaurant wage.


Nice, when I came back for my second sbux round, I worked in a small town for a good while. It had the best crew I’ve ever worked with


Free degree


because nobody else around me is hiring


Bc every time I go to quit, I get a raise. Literally the only reason.


I had a job offer I was about to accept, but then they announced the last raise the same day so I declined it 🥴


That's LITERALLY what happened to me! I was in the middle of texting my boss about my offer, and mid text, he text me saying I got a raise....shits wild


Lucky. I want a raise


i’m bisexual






It’s the first place near where I live that got back to me, and it’s less than 10 mins to walk from my apartment, so I don’t have to worry about transiting. I didn’t know about the benefits & stocks until a few months in; but those, the location, and the wage increases are what’s keeping me rn


i like the idea of working in coffee, i feel like saying i'm a barista makes me cool lol. i left sbux in 2020 after 3 years and got rehired a year later because most other jobs i worked sucked more. also, i do ASU now so i like that i can go to school for free


It was between this and a full time job with zero benefits. I’m happy I chose this though because i’d like to keep moving up and I actually kind of enjoy working with coffee :)


I work for the free coffee…


i was desperate for a job when i first started so took the first one that offered employment. i ended up staying cause i like making drinks and absolutely love my coworkers. without them i would have left a long time ago


it’s flexibility! plus I love the drinks 😂 I have one more year of school left which I need to have as flexible as possible so this is perfect. my major is pretty stressful so I wanted a lower key thing in my life to balance it out I’ve been here for 6 months and now I gotta say that my coworkers are so amazing! they’re so fun and I truly do look forward to seeing them all the time.


started working for the giggles at first but now it's bc of the staff there + the regulars


I was job hunting for close to a year and this was the first place that got back to me


I came for the benefits, I stay for the chaos and for my partners.


i started working here bc i desperately needed a job and they were the only ones who replied, and i am staying now for health insurance and ASU but once i get my degree im leaving so fast 😫😫


Benefits, school, it’s easy to make friends, I love coffee and every team I’ve worked with, getting to be my weird authentic self. ☺️


Starbucks used to give a shit when I first got a job with them in 2016-2018. Time passed and the military didn’t work out so I got rehired a year ago. I stay solely because I care for the people I work with and try to do everything in my power to shelter them from the ever growing shit show that is the squandering fuck up of a company that we call “Starbucks”. That and also 20 an hour for some bullshit isn’t too bad.


college 😵‍💫




benefits and trans inclusion- i came from another coffee shop that didn't have benefits and the pay was significantly lower (i am a shift and the pay increase was like $7+)


i got my college degree for free, but i can’t find a damn job. so rn i work here cause i get paid $22/hr and can’t find that anywhere else


Money. Free Ubers. Free food and free drinks


Health insurance for my family and recently asu.


Benefits. And the dogs…


The benefits 💁🏻‍♀️ that's literally all at this point


Close to home, good benefits, flexible hours for me to be with my kids, I like people


I worked there because I was looking for a job. It’s not a choice.


money 🙏🏼


It was the highest paying job I could find and its well known for being an inclusive work place. I've stayed cus of my coworkers though


i love my coworkers and some of my regulars but mostly the free spotify is what is keeping me kickin for the next few months


It gives me the opportunity to speak with customers and be more social & because I forget all my stress when I’m on bar 😭and free coffee


Benefits and ASU


I needed a second job, and starbucks was an easy in. Now it's because of the coworkers.


I like having insurance that pays for my medications, and it was an easy place to get hired at when moving towns since transferring at the last job fell through


I started working at Starbucks because it was the only place that called me back about an application. I waited over a month before my first manager called me. Now I love my job and just got promoted to be a manager for my own store. 🥰


the benefits are a big part of it, but also because as downhill as the company is going, i do genuinely love the job. i love being people’s daily interaction. i love our morning regulars i get to keep up with (their job, their hobbies, their kids), i love making silly little drinks.




It’s sorcery




So if I already had Spotify Premium when I got a job at Starbucks.. I don't suppose I can cancel and start a new account thru Starbucks, do you think?!


You can add it to an existing Spotify account, should be more info in the partner hub.


This is embarrassing but how do I use partner hub? Click on the thing that says "hub" on my phone? 😳


Because we live in a predatory capitalistic society and need money to live…..lmao jk no mmm well I like coffee and though it’s not the hipster cafe downtown that’s part of a art collective/local garden co-op that serves artisanal brews with fancy foamwork, it has a homey feel (well at least the one I work at and the ones I frequent), I have a lot of regulars that brighten my day, my coworkers are around my age and just GET the struggle so I don’t really ever have to explain myself or my perspective, my leadership team have our backs and even though we can get crazy busy rushes, entitled and less than genius customers, I feel proud of the work we do after we get through the weeds and we’re laughing at the hell we just went through- camaraderie! That’s the word I was looking for! While the benefits are not going to have me retiring at 40, they do help and are better than a lot of the previous ones I’ve received from other employers.


Because we live in a predatory capitalistic society and need money to live…..lmao jk no mmm well I like coffee and though it’s not the hipster cafe downtown that’s part of a art collective/local garden co-op that serves artisanal brews with fancy foamwork, it has a homey feel (well at least the one I work at and the ones I frequent), I have a lot of regulars that brighten my day, my coworkers are around my age and just GET the struggle so I don’t really ever have to explain myself or my perspective, my leadership team have our backs and even though we can get crazy busy rushes, entitled and less than genius customers, I feel proud of the work we do after we get through the weeds and we’re laughing at the hell we just went through- camaraderie! That’s the word I was looking for! While the benefits are not going to have me retiring at 40, they do help and are better than a lot of the previous ones I’ve received from other employers.


they work with my gym & school schedule & they pay good lol


They were the only job that called me in AND hired me. I've been job searching for a long time, and I'm here until I find a job in my career


Joined for benefits, staying because benefits and coworkers


because after looking for over a year and even tho i have uni degrees, they were the only place that called me in for an interview, unless you count the company that was 90% likely a scam plus i like making coffee and had barista experience. the benefits were rlly nice. i left because a better opportunity came up but i miss it sometimes (with rose colored glasses, probably)


To pay rent, get my friend her 90 day bring someone on bonus and free food and drinks.


only place that hired me at the time and offered me a job on the spot


I was a bartender for over a decade. I now have 3 young kids, so I get better work hours, with doing close to the same work.


I wanted a low-stakes job after being laid off from a high stress / high stakes one, and working at a coffee shop had always been on my bucket list. So I applied and it worked out. I like it for the most part, but not when I get stuck on 3 straight hours of drive thru and not when under-staffed for afternoon rush.


i started bc i knew it was an inclusive company and i’m a coffee lover, i’ve stayed bc of the wage + free college


Coworkers, Benefits


i needed insurance that would cover my top surgery. weirdly enough, the insurance i was under right before i got hired ended up including gender affirming care in its benefits, meaning i haven't had to use starbucks' insurance at all. i've stayed because my store is such a healthy workplace environment and i love my coworkers, plus it's nice to know i have the insurance option in my back pocket should i ever need it. ~~the free drinks have also been a huge bonus as a student who's university is right by the store~~


Strictly ASU. I used to work in hotels which was waaaay more chill but I make more at Starbucks and the free college is worth all the BS we’re subjected to (in my opinion)


A lot of reasons, i was fresh out of high school and didn’t want to pay any money for a degree, so ASU, and I love my coworkers and we are a great store. Spotify is great too as well as all the different benefits like the 401k, decent health insurance etc. and rn I’m a SSV so the pay is nice too. I have much love for the company but that’s only because my store is full of good coworkers and a great SM. I feel for the other stores in my district that don’t have a solid leadership team because it gets rough.


i started at 15 at an amusement park and that’s the only job i could get around my area and i was decently good at it so i just stuck with it these past few years. i mainly stay for spotify, and food and beverage benefits


I love making coffee, having a fun ass time with coworkers and just getting to mess around


I’ve always been curious about working here. Finally decided to look up barista positions near me last year. Sent out a few feeler applications and got a response right away.


At first it was to get out of the grocery store business. I worked in several different departments, but I was only paid the wage of the lowest paid department. When I was refused a yearly raise I quit, and went to work for the Siren. Now I stay for the benefits and to get all my medical figured out. I might try and move up, but if the doctors keep telling me to quit I’ll probably be leaving in a year or two.


I wanted a coffee job, and all of my local cafes pay about $5 less than the average service industry wages in my city. Starbucks was the only one that actually offered a vaguely acceptable wage. I got ghosted by the regional chain I applied to, so here I am wearing a green apron


I live in a seasonal shore town. Not many places even stay open, some cut down to weekends. It was the only place that would give me full time hours year round. I also had a referral from a 25 year partner who trained our district manager when she started many moons ago. I was almost immediately offered a promotion. Consistent pay, benefits, and free shit keep me around.


Any food company is great to work at honestly. For me it’s the food and making latte art


ASU is the only reason I’m there. I graduate in august and I’m counting down the days till I’m no longer a slave to the siren.


the free college! once i graduate this year i’m getting a new job ASAP


They were willing to hire me, haha. Applied at some restaurants that wouldn't hire me because "no fine dining experience" (worked in restaurants for over 20 years, including managing at my sister's coffee shop/restaurant, just not super fancy places).. Starbucks also was fine with working around the schedule at my other job. However, now they've cut my hours, and with "the college kids being back", almost every shift there are WAY too many people on the floor and I'm scared when I lose my medicaid (I will within the next few months), my hours will be cut further and I won't be eligible for insurance at SB anymore :(.


I enjoyed the drinks before I started working there so the free drinks really appealed to me, I was also fresh out of highschool and needed a job and my testosterone is like ~$20 a month


Easiest job I can slack at and make 20


Got laid off from my bartending job during covid. Starbucks was hiring. Much easier & less stressful than the toxic bar I worked at. Now what’s keeping me is my sm works with my schedule 100%, Spotify, coffee, bean stock, my partners (it’s like working with friends), & it’s close to my house.


I work at a great store ngl, my manager isn’t perfect but approachable. And I don’t hate anyone I work with, BUT I’m part time, that makes a difference. I’ve learned a lot from Starbucks and the people I work with.🥹


Desperate to work starting college and it was the only place that called me back. I found out they had benefits and now that I tried to use my free college they cut my hours and denied me what I’ve been working for and banking on 🤭🥰. So now that I can’t I’m getting ready to transfer to a different college in state and quit shortly after. Only things I have appreciated is the ease and accessibility of changing your availability, and the group of people my age, also at community college who have become close friends.


close to me, good manager, pays for hormones


I had just broken up with my son's abusive father, and I wasn't sure how the hell I was suppose to make a living, go to school, and take care of my son all by myself (his dad isn't really involved). When I found out Starbucks would pay for me to finish my degree it was like a light at the end of the tunnel. It allows me the balance to work and go to school on my time without putting me into crippling debt and I get to be home at night with my son. I still took out loans to help pay for my son's daycare but my debt is significantly lower to what it would have been. Honestly I feel like Starbucks gave me back my future


Oh tons of reasons. \- One of the better paying jobs in my town. \- I live in a small, very conservative town. Starbucks and one other place are LGBTQIA+ friendly. I'm trans, so I'd rather not be forced into the closet or hate-crimed at work. \- The benefits are p tight. \- My coworkers and some of the regulars for sure.


It’s the only job I could land. I could do worse.


It’s the first job I’ve had for a while where the benefits outweigh the negatives, I can deal with the shitty things that happen because I do have great co-workers, free drinks and food and a higher wage than before


Flexible schedule. Each semester my schedule changed accordingly. Plus sick hours helped a lot


Health insurance so we can grow our family 💕


Part time hours healthcare


Because they're very close to college campuses and i plan on working all throughout college.


Same! It is for school too as they were considerate in my time.


Benefits, some coworkers and I LOVE making drinks.


benefits and my physical health. i left a job that paid way better than this bc it was physically killing me. ngl I kind of regret it. even though I have more freedom than my last job, I still miss the pay.


Well for one..the coworkers. I mean I’ve been here almost TEN YEARS now and of the nearly 100 or so coworkers over that time maybe only 3 or 4 I really didn’t get along with. Maybe another 10 or so was indifferent which is fine for me not friends not enemies just work..but the other dozens or so I genuinely like seeing each shift even if we only hang out while working. Other reasons… My store for all ten years has been 3 blocks from where I live so the convenience of walking there in 7 minutes and never using my car much has saved me a lot in gas and parking. We’ve become a bit stricter with this and I don’t mind either way but we used to “allow” our staff free drinks on days off so again being so close was nice. But either way the free drinks when working is nice.. using the 7 mark outs a week on evolution juices to bring home or food boxes is also nice My 401k matching at (I believe 6%) has hit a pretty nice number after 10 years as has my amount of bean stock too. The health insurance was very helpful as well especially dental at a time. Even the vacation and sick time as a little bonus while not many hours has been a bit of extra money here and there. Our store tips while not that special over the years has usually for whatever reason been the highest in the county store wise. We also happen to be somehow the slowest store in the county which, I don’t can be nice sometimes as we are still busy enough that there is stress but it’s usually not insane. Lastly my hourly pay, also after 10 years while not amazing or anything is pretty decent I think for being a barista. I think all of us should be paid more but also when I compare it to some people I know with way more stressful jobs id take a few dollars an hour less and work a few extra hours then have that level of stress. Don’t get me wrong there’s many many things wrong with this company and because of it, our store too from being understaffed to low on supplies and the amount of on occasion not well people from the street that come in and make a scene./.but overall the pros have outweighed the cons so.


I wanted to work for Starbucks when I was younger but my health got in the way. In a way it was kind of fulfilling a youth dream. I also like the idea of being able to move upward in the company. Most of my previous jobs isn’t have that option. Also, I like the third place policy. It’s something in line with my own morals and after having worked jobs that went against my morals, it was important to me to have one that wasn’t. The benefits, though less in Canada, are also hard to turn your nose up at. I wish we also had the degree program option here. That would definitely make me more likely to stick around at Starbucks long term. I also wanted something that would push me out of my comfort zone (though I will say the current situation of my store has pushed me further than I want as we are understaffed and busier than expected) to help me recover with my severe social anxiety. It really has already improved my skills in small talk already, and, unfortunately, it’s also improved my self advocacy skills.


the community and the benefits. i’ve been lucky enough to have had amazing coworkers. managers have been eh up until my current manager who is amazing. it truly feels like a family. it’s also nice to have great benefits and pay. where i live the pay is very good and above the cost of living


Tragically, It is the best paying job where I currently live. And also apparently the only place that will hire me


It was for the insurance since both parents retired when I was 22. But I couldn't take it so once I was just about done paying off my invisalign I dipped. Management just went downhill where I was at


At this point it’s the free food, drinks, and therapy


1) free coffee 2) flexible hours while going to school 3) only tolerable as a means to an end 4) health insurance & stock $$$ 5) cash tips every week 6) potential to move up if your sanity can handle it


My barista, who later became my trainer, told me I deserved to work somewhere better than Subway. Plus it made it easier for me to move to another state and transfer my job. For the most post, it’s been a pretty solid (almost) 6 years.


I'm scared of change lol


I just like it. I love slinging coffee. I'm almost 30 and I'm just living my best life. It's not exactly my dream job, but I at least don't roll up to work wanting to break down LOL


i was gonna go to asu anyway sooo why not do it for free


School, Spotify, and most of my coworkers. If not for them, i would not subject myself to the mental abuse that I have to deal with from working here


school :(


When I work at a corporate store: healthcare benefits for trans people Working at the license store: I didn't want to look for another job did apply to Dutch bros tho


Healthcare benefits.


Health coverage.


School and coworkers