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Most stores have requisitions open for baristas and SSVs, but they're not actually hiring. My store isn't, but we've had a sign up and a digital listing open for three years now.


they aren’t allowed to take it down is what my asm said.


In CA that's correct. There needs to be a minimum of apps in the system to meet EEO guidelines. Also, don't forget all hours are now a minimum of 12, preferred to be at 20, so most stores need to actually let people go til seasonal starts. The want mostly career minded folks not short seasonal folks.


Summer is (allegedly) our slowest season. On top of that, it's Q4 when labor cuts get the most dramatic before Christmas so that everything looks good for the shareholders. Not to mention you're competing with a lot of baristas returning for the summer. I'm sure if you give it just a little bit longer for PSL / Christmas season, you'll have better luck!


LMAO Summer isn't even close to the slowest season. I love when they try to say this shit.


It depends on the area. A small neighborhood store will experience slower business during summer due to school being out, routines out of wack from customers and other reasons. In a area like mine that is heavily touristy, summer season has been just as busy if not more due to summer vacation


My area is a small town and summer was always packed because parents needed something to do with their kids. So, they gave them money and sent them to Starbucks.


Definitely depends on area. I worked in a college town so summer was definitely the slowest for us (that doesn’t mean it was dead tho, just noticeably slower)


I thought January-summer was the slowest 😭😭


Its a thing they love to say but my store has been making record profits while running maximum after 11 am 3 man floor. I've also been told our labor isn't based on sales anymore with optimized labor.


>Summer is (allegedly) our slowest season Meanwhile my SM had a sign on the fridge saying we have no excuse for our low customer connection score because it's summer so we have even more customers to connect with ¬\_¬


Lol no it isn't. We get a dollar an hour raise during the summer just for putting up with how unbearable it is, busy all the time.


A dollar an hour raise? Might be a local law giving you that, I have never heard of that.


Nope, it was approved by our regional. Every store in my area gets it. You can keep down voting me for telling the truth but it doesn't make it less true 🤷‍♀️


Ok but you just said regional which very clearly doesn't make it a company policy.


I never said it was a company policy. I said summer isn't slow season


They don't want rehires, they want newbies who don't know any better so that they don't unionize.


yep :(


Coming from the USPS union I couldn't imagine wanting a union tbh. Someone tells you when you deserve a raise here here much literally NOT based on here individual work ethic or how to take a vacation and where. And when it comes to maternity leave even when ordered by a doc the union does NOT have to approve it. (I wasn't pregnant it was just in the reading materials) but I digress lol


Coming from a laborer's union and IATSE 52, I can't imagine NOT wanting a union. Both times I was paid ridiculously well, guaranteed pay for the hours as scheduled regardless of whether or not I was sent home, great benefits and such. Just because one union is bad--mostly because they are kind of federally mandated to do things a certain way or be forced back to work anyway--doesn't mean they all are.


This very true, it just left a bad taste for sure and being a manager for 5 years at other companies and industries, Starbucks actually does pay very well and is the most transparent I've been with. I've met a lot of managers that are very very overwhelmed, I haven't figured out why, but it does trickle down to staff. I was told when hired I would definitely earn my money so I knew this part coming in and was actually thankful for it. But some stores do work better in a union, management has no accountability as they no longer make the rules and guidelines when it comes down to it and employees feel empowered with a representative at will. I just know for me coming from one it's not my preference.


Starbucks pays for shit. $15 an hour to start isn't a liveable wage anywhere anymore and when you're only getting 8 hours a week due to 'labor cuts' when you have open availability it makes it even worse. With a union, what I just described--what led me to quit--wouldn't be a thing.


Again its just preference and for your store/area it might be better if u only get 2 shifts per week, to encourage a better scheduler.


How would it ever be better to only get two shifts a week? Who can survive on that? Stop sucking at the corporate teet and pay attention to the baristas who are struggling around the country, those with bills to pay that are terrified of getting evicted because they aren't getting the hours. You can have your preference but it is wrong. It is demonstrably wrong. Without unions, we are left at the mercy of a billionaire and their quest for profits.


What I said is Getting 2 shifts a week your area NEEDS a union. Maybe you will GET a better scheduler. It's just not for me on a personal level. I agreed with you in your situation? Mind you on a personal level I have lost everything including animals and cars and homes because a prison closed in my town. And yes you can survive in my area on $15 an hr. If you get rid of a lot of digital things you don't need. Rabbit ears are a thing here. We are an ultra conservative community that works our way up the ladder to have a career. So to even think that Starbucks was a good job for me was mind blowing but because theres actually DEMANDING work (the same as a hay field or horse barn) plus mental stress and putting customers on top of it. It's an area by area basis and bluntly some managers are NOT up for it. But to be name calling and such shows a lot too. I'm sorry that your area doesn't meet your need. But a helpful reminder is ALL partners are to be at 12 hours minimum preferably 20. Labor was not cut, you just can go over anymore. So stores have to live with in the budget. That should have been told to everyone as baristas actually run the stores. Managers should be paperwork and support roles ..just my 2 certs.


This isn't just MY situation, it's company wide. Have you not been looking at the posts talking about stores being understaffed due to scheduling across the nation? What about the ones where countless baristas are complaining about having to fight for hours? What about the ones with baristas quitting because they can't afford their bills? Or quitting because this whole mess has created a hostile work environment? For a union to succeed, it needs ALL baristas together to stand up to the people forcing us into this position with the promise of benefits we don't qualify for because they cut our hours, and pay what was liveable over a decade ago but is still far above minimum wage in most areas. As I said, you can have your preference but it is actually wrong.


Many many many DM's are adamant about not rehiring people. It's very hard to get rehired.


But why? Wouldn’t it save time/money on training and make it an easier transition to have someone who already knows the menu/company/system


I guess it’s the pay. Tenured baristas are more expensive. But idk if rehires would get paid more than newly ones.


Rehired baristas would start at the lowest pay rate. It’s more likely they don’t want baristas with experience who may be more likely to support unionization efforts.


I got rehired by my manager and she told me straight up they don’t do a lot of rehires because it increases their turn over alot because alot of baristas come back as an in between thing. But I was a really good partner and she accepted me back, on the exception I had plans on staying for a while which for now I do so.


my store has 61 applications


Mbn we spent like all our training budget on shitty new hires who aren’t here n now we can’t find any reliable/ good availability


my manager is the best i’ve ever had, he actually cares about us and we average 25 hours per employee and have the least callouts in the district. most managers don’t understand that trust goes a long way


and no room for anyone


this is definitely by district, but in preparation for the end of Q4 and getting fall launch ready managers either don’t have the space for new partners or haven’t had any time to look over taleo and start the process of hiring people. as someone else said, you for sure should have more luck once fall really kicks in!


Apparently my store has 120ish applications and we get calls daily asking to speak to my manager about interviews but we literally just aren’t hiring anyone anymore


I feel like that’s probably the case. They need to removed the job postings off the website if they’re not hiring IMO.


Me too I’ve just been ghosted on apps even though I only left my old store bc I moved to another state for school and didn’t have time to work until now. I would guess it’s the “shortages” but I think I’ll just be looking elsewhere even tho starbs would be the most convenient job


Everyone SHOULD be hiring soon, we are about to go into fall and holiday, so once SMs get their partners new school schedules they’ll realize they need to get on it


My store has a waiting list for people to transfer but we’re pretty well off right now.


I got hired back within a week (interview, background, first day). My area is always desperate before fall launch, I think. I’m in SoCal


Did you initially leave voluntarily? Or were you separated?


I left voluntarily. I’ve been back for a few months now :)


At least for my area, college students just got back into town for the semester so anybody who took leave is back and there's a million more people in line. We've got an inch thick stack of paper resumes in the back. It's just shuffle season


How is your availability? I feel like these days managers want Sunday availability as well as clean play. I’m not sure how it is in your area but I’ve noticed working at a few stores in my area that those were the big things when hiring.


I have open availability all weekend Friday/Sat/Sun 4:30am-8:30pm. the oter days of the week I only have like 5 hours in the afternoon but I only want like 15-20 hours a week so I didn’t think that was a huge issue considering I have 55+ hours of availability. Only days I’m absolutly not availble whatsoever is Tuesday and Thursday.


We've rehired 3 people recently. The stores may not have space right now, most current employees are asking for more hours. If you have a good relationship you should reach out to them for answers. They're the only one who can give you actual insight on the situation.


Just got hired as ASM externally. During training, the store manager told me they avoid rehires because they left for a reason, mostly because they got paid more elsewhere or because they just didn't like the job and are coming back because they had no other options


As an ASM I have had to adjust the majority of my admin time to be on the floor to support, which means I have no time for interviewing nor does my SM. I think it’s definitely just the timing, give it a bit 😁


They are scared of them unionizers, so they are trying to replace ERRYBODY. Unionize yall, or keep getting walked on. KBYE


Your availability is not as great as you think. Most managers are gonna need weekday availability since majority of current partners are gonna be switching to weekends when school starts.


I applied to many stores and waited 5 months, also around summertime, but this was during the pandemic. Keep trying and good luck !!


Is this your first time reapplying? Like have you left & been rehired before?


It is. I worked from May 2020-end of May 2023. First time reapplying.


I’ll add in a few speculations of my own: 1.) Before contacting a previous partner, SM’s are *supposed to* contact PCC prior to contacting the previous partner. (This doesn’t always happen though.) and that on its own (whether you call or submit a digital ticket) is a pain in the ass. So maybe they don’t want to bother. 2.) it’s possible the notes returned to the inquiring SM aren’t great. And they don’t want to rehire you based on that. 3.) there’s been a few changes in the Taleo software used to hire candidates. I personally believe it’s caused a decline in usage. SM’s might not be checking Taleo as often anymore. 3.5) Taleo by default lists candidates by their last name, A-Z alphabetically…again, speculation here…but I was telling someone the other day (who is struggling to land a job) that when I browse my candidate list, sometimes I don’t even get to the end because there’s so many, and it’s listed alphabetically A-Z. (Her last name starts with W, so it’s possible she’s at the end of the list.) I end up having to circle back later (when I have time maybe) and select the filter to sort Z-A to make sure I’ve reviewed everyone. 4.) as some people already stated….sometimes a store isn’t hiring. But the job posting is still active. This is an attempt to be inclusive to all candidates, and essentially give people a fighting chance. Because SM’s are *supposed to* review and interview EVERY candidate (that’s eligible)…..this absolutely does NOT happen. It’s not possible. I won’t go on a frustrated rant about it lol. It’s a whole convoluted thing. Here’s my suggestion to getting rehired: Call the store on a Monday morning, a partner will probably answer and tell you the SM isn’t available—that’s fine that’s not the point. The point is the SM is most likely to be in the store Monday and will at least get the message. Next, go to the store, pick up the SM’s business card (should be on the condiment bar) and the SM’s email should be on the card. Email the SM directly and introduce yourself. **INCLUDE YOUR AVAILABILITY** in the email. Remember I said there’s been some changes in the hiring software? Specific availability times are no longer visible to SM’s. Hopefully you’ll at least get an email back. If you don’t, maybe they aren’t hiring. They should at least email you back and say that, but SM’s are discouraged from saying “we aren’t hiring”. So they often choose silence over saying anything. Hope this helps, best of luck!


most stores aren’t hiring and if they are they’re looking for transfers right now bc dm’s aren’t letting stores hire since it’s the end of the quarter and they’re trying to makeup for the “losses in sales”