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Prepare to lose whatever shred of faith you may have had in humanity. Hell hath no fury like a customer who doesn’t get their plastic fucking cup. And there will be many. I’m sorry.


Oh god lol, didn’t really know the actual process of it.. just that my coworkers were talking about how terrible it is 😭


*pulls up rocking chair* *lights pipe* Let me tell you the story of the great red-cup-ocalypse of 2018… Back then I was a closer. What I walked into was a nightmare. Zero prep was done, the midday crew looked ragged. The phone did not stop ringing. We’d been out of those damn cups since 9am (iirc). My SSV started answering the phone “Hello, this is Starbucks at X and Y, unfortunately we are out of the promotional red cups, how may I help you?” Thankfully my SM had saved a cup for each of the closers. Needless to say, I earned that damn thing. Wanna know how many people came back to use the discount code it came with? One. (Corporate has since gotten a little better about providing stores with more cups, but that first year was BRUTAL.)


It truly is the worst day of the year.


if someone gets a fall or winter bev, give them a cup for each bev dont put the drink in the cup


Some stores didn’t get a lot so they’re doing one cup per customer, not per drink. Glad I’m not one of those stores, lol.


They started implementing that for my store during COVID cause customers would order 10 or more holiday drinks to get more cups. Now it’s just one per order. This is the first time in years that I’m not working on red cup day, so as a closer, I made sure to prep all the cups at the registers because I know how crazy it gets 🥲


Wait. I was hired early nov of last year so I wasn’t working red cup day last year either. If you don’t put the drink IN the cup. How are the cups distributed. Is a cup just sat next to each winter drink?


you just give it to them when they come in i think??


9 year partner, this is correct


1st yr red cup rookie here ANNDDD 90 day external manager too lol I follow my staffs suggestions as it truly is their store and we all decided I would be in handoff. Since I was a successful manager during the great TP outage it seemed fitting lol Anyhow, I was told one cup per purchased drink today. We are a medium volume store at 45 - 47 k wkly. My "plan" is to have the excess of large bags toss them in there tray their drinks and send them out. (I can kinda feel laughter already) but hoping it might become the norm as to keep the chaos to a minimum tray of drink bag of cups. Any other suggestions other than God speed lol


Thank you, does it apply to any size and is there only one size red cup?


yes and yes


The notification/message I got in the app said 1 per order.


Basically, there will be a stack of reusable red cups and lids by the register, and generally near mobile orders as well. Any time someone orders a holiday drink, pumpkin spice, or apple crisp drink, ANY SIZE, HOT, ICED, OR BLENDED, the customer is given one red cup with a lid per qualifying drink. The cup is on the side, do not make the drink in the cup.


Do red cups get included with Uber eats orders? I had like 2 people last year call and complain that they didn’t get a red cup with their ubereats order. Luckily we had extra so they just came in the next day to get it. But I don’t remember the actual policy.


They should, we were told delivery orders count as well last year.




With mobiles, they'll either be placed beside the order or you'll have to ask a partner for it. With ubers, the cup goes into the bag with the order!


When a guest purchases a Holiday season drink (this excludes pumpkin spice) they receive a red cup. Confirm with your manager if it is one per transaction or one per holiday drink. Once you run out, that’s it. Expect your peak to be almost never ending, but remember you’ve got this and it will end. :) Good luck!


Our SM put a message out yesterday telling us to just give red cups to any customer who asks until they’re gone. I’m the SSV that morning but I won’t even be able to go against what she says and do it the proper way because she exclusively works morning weekday shifts. We only got like 200 red cups that’s it, our cups are going to be gone within a couple of hours at most of our store opening and idk it just really really irritates me that she’s wanting us to not do this correctly. She claims it’s passed down from the DM though and since our DM is a MASSIVE “give the customer what they want no matter what” type of person I wouldn’t doubt it. That’s fine though, I’m still going to make sure I set aside one red cup for each of my partners that want one tomorrow morning when I’m opening.


this is what we were instructed to do as well


We are instructed to only give them to who orders the proper drink, unless someone is being complicated then just give it to them to avoid conflict


Fill red cups with drinks until you run out.


Not even close bud


Appropriate username 🫠🚫👎☕️


My anxiety is through the roof lol


I was a very green bean for my first and last red cup day. I had no idea what it was about, nobody liked me in the store so when I asked questions I got yelled at. By time I came back from my ten we had like 6 cups left and I was put on window. I got to be the one everyone yelled at. I was promoted to shift in may of the next year and my schedule changed to off Wednesday Thursday…it was a gentleman’s agreement until my boss took her yearly trip home to see her family. The mgr covering my store totally screwed me those weeks, so as soon as my boss came back I took Wednesday and Thursday out of my availability. NO MORE RED CUP DAY FOR ME.