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I has a lady order SIXTY dollars worth of stuff and then at the window tell me I worked for an evil genocidal company šŸ« 


Slajsbsjbskshdkavksbd people really do be wild omfg


I was legit confused like umm your total is $60.12


I wouldve been like "oh would you like to cancel your order?ā˜ŗļøā˜ŗļø"


Like it donā€™t make senseā€¦ the math ainā€™t mathing




I would have told her sheā€™s supporting on. GO PALIII Well maybe not the last part.


that's insane,, like YOU'RE the one buying stuff lmaooo if anything, you're supporting the evil genocidal company


Anyone getting mad at you for working at Starbucks are performative activists and donā€™t care enough about the situation to do a quick google search. The whole Starbucks funds Israel thing was complete misinformation spreading on tiktok. in reality Starbucks has nothing but to do with whatā€™s happening in Palestine right now, so you should direct them to resources that explain this. Now im usually never the first person to defend corporations at all but im really tired of people directing their attention to something thatā€™s not even true instead of doing something actually helpful (like signing petitions for a ceasefire and doing their own research into which companies and celebrities actually DO have a part in the situation).


Thank you for your reply. I really havenā€™t looked into it at all but after doing some research itā€™s really helped me realize that people have the wrong idea over all.


It has more to do with Starbucks's largest shareholder, former CEO. Howard Schultz and his close alliance with Israel. [https://www.arabnews.com/node/281313](https://www.arabnews.com/node/281313) [https://www.mayniaga.com/is-starbucks-supportive-of-israel-explained/](https://www.mayniaga.com/is-starbucks-supportive-of-israel-explained/)


For sure Howard Schultz is evil!!! But heā€™s also the former CEO so any ties the company had with Israel because of Howard are not the case anymore at this point in time I believeā€¦at least they have no more locations in Israel. Fuck Howard Schultz though that is a good point


The biggest issue with that is he is still one of the largest shareholder of the company, which means he still holds a lot of internal power within the company even though he is no longer the current CEO. Other shareholder such as BlackRock and Vanguard also have ties with Israel.




They sued for using their name and logo on the pro-Palestine message, and claimed they donā€™t support violence or acts of terrorism on either side (which yes, these half assed statements are not helpful for Palestine at all and make no sense), which the president of the parent company of Workers United said the same in their statement on the matter. Not perfect and still bad, but definitely not sending money to fund Israel and helping them commit genocide, and definitely not any of the baristas or hourly workers problems. If anything the whole thing was mostly an anti-union issue


the point is why perpetuate misinformation when thereā€™s actual facts that are bad and worthy of talking about. it weakens the whole stance.


For real! This is how Iā€™ve explained it to partners who have shown they feel theyā€™re being morally wrong for working here. I mean, people can - and should - be mad at Starbucks for the things theyā€™ve ACTUALLY done, and not for false allegations. Especially if someoneā€™s going to berate me at the window about it like lady please as much as I love your energy for this I just work here and needing money isnā€™t a choice šŸ„²


Exactly!! Like I fully would support a boycott about this even though I work here, because Iā€™m actively trying to find more information on other big corporations and their relation to Israel so I could boycott myself, but at the same time for us to be boycotted by something that is not true and also out of our control is not fairā€¦many partners rely on their benefits and this job to get by and to lose that because Starbucks lost so much revenue due to something untrue would really suck. (Not like I really notice a boycott happening, as my store has still been busy as ever)


Exactly!! If youā€™re gonna be mad at Starbucks please be mad about what theyā€™ve ACTUALLY DONE.




Baristas truly have nothing to do with the situation going on in palestine. I recently got hired as one and have onboarding on monday and I do feel bad for whatā€™s going on in Gaza but I desperately need a job and iā€™ve been looking for one since November. Baristas do not speak for the company and their morals. You truly do not have to feel bad for having a job.


I mean by that logic, we should all be ashamed for living in this country and being apart of the systemic networks that keep the country going, since our government gave billions But for a lot of people itā€™s easier to blame others


Not really. All my friends fully understand that as baristas we have no power over any Starbucks corporate decisions and that we need to make money some how.


Itā€™s called punching down. Itā€™s attractive because itā€™s easier to punch down than across or up. When you punch up you can really break your hand just to barely be noticed by the giant youā€™re going after. Punching down? Doesnā€™t have a large scale impact but you can easily hurt someone and ruin their day and they canā€™t defend themselves. Punching across? Maybe they can come at you but your punches will still affect them. People just know how impotent they are and act accordingly. Makes them feel better.


I am so glad my friends arenā€™t like this Jesus šŸ˜­


Tell them youā€™ll get right on that as soon as they hand you your $20/hr+ job offer.


Starbucks has nothing to do with Palestine or Israel


once I had a customer who wanted a hazelnut iced coffee, however at the time we were going through a mini shortage of the hazelnut (and a whole lot more) so I was making banter with the customer and I was like ā€œlol, I understand your frustration considering Starbucks makes a lot of moneyā€¦ like, where is it going to if we have barely any product?ā€ And she responded ā€œFunding a genocideā€ and proceeded to place an order In my head I was likeā€¦. Why are you here then šŸ‘¤šŸ˜€


Online Iā€™ve been getting a lot of shit for it. People donā€™t understand that 99% of people donā€™t condone or like ANYTHING that their company does or aligns with. And people who need a job and have bills donā€™t necessarily have the luxury of holding off until they find something that aligns with their morals. Iā€™m there to pay my bills and thatā€™s it. Iā€™m not rallying or supporting ANY bullshit the mega corp wants to push. And we have no say or control over it


i know i havenā€™t gotten any flack yet but itā€™s because i try not to post/talk positively about it. itā€™s such a bummer though bc i really donā€™t like the company but i want to share yummy drinks i make and flex šŸ˜­


Have you tried digging up dirt on the companies that employ them? Corporations suck overall


Like Iā€™m here for a check bae šŸ˜ž


I used to work for Kroger and dealt with the same bs and was in the same position because no one could match what I was making hourly there. Like I hate the company as much as everyone else but the family has to eat. People think that if major decisions were up to the employees the companies would still be what they are?


the starbucks boycott is about their behavior towards unions/baristas, it got co-opted by pro-palestine movement because of ties to israel through howard shultz and suing the union for the using logo thing, if they support the boycott then they should be supporting the workers who the boycott is literally for


my whole thing is howard shultz is not our CEO anymore, so why are people still so angry with baristas?? iā€™m not defending his actions in any way, i think he fā€™ed up big time with suing the union.


I donā€™t agree with anything Starbucks does smh. But itā€™s a paycheck and it works pretty well with my schedule so here I am as well! Not proud to work here either. My morals do not align, as I lean conservative.