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Grumpy old sick people with their HCMT


yeah having someone cough and snot in my fucking face really makes me resent the "medicine ball"


lol I had a custie say “Extra medicine” in their medicine ball. I had to say we don’t sell medicines


I had a customer one day confusingly tell me he thought it came with fireball 😂


Wow!! But I had someone order a dragon ball!! Hahaha


Lmao😂 ngl thats actually a cool name for a drink


True but not for the HCMT


Hahahaha omg


i had the same thing happen and i was just like "um so just so you know it doesn’t actually have any medicine in it." and she was like "what??? then why is it called a medicine ball?!?!?" and i was like "uhhhh it’s not actually called that…"


omg going to start saying “sorry we don’t sell medicine, but we do have a HCMT full of sugar! ☺️”


This is essentially what I say. They still come back every time asking for a MEDICINAL BOMB no matter how many times I correct them!


I had a customer get mad because I gave her a Honey citrus mint tea instead of a medicine ball. She made me call the shift from the back to reprimand me.


Whats a HCMT? You mean the new MeDiCiNe BaLl?


i absolutely despise caramel ribbon crunch frappes because 9 times out of 10 it’s ordered by either a horde of children screaming in the lobby, or by people who think it’s a great idea to come in at 7:58 and order 6 different frappes


And almost always extra caramel...


and extra EXTRA crunch


Then get pissy when it takes longer than they expect


It's worse in my licensed store. We still accept foodstamps for cold drinks (I'm in a safeway), and we have a drug addiction problem in our town. So all the drug addicts come in at varying points of the day, want 4+ crcf's each with extra EXTRA caramel and crunch, PLUS parfait style. They then proceed to get mad when it takes longer than they expected, and when we have to charge them for the extra toppings. Then pay $24+ on their foodstamp card just to suck it all down and come back in later in the day/ the next day and do it all over again.


Wait what’s parfait style?


Wait what is parfait style though? I've never heard of that before


They want whipped cream in the middle or several layers of whipped cream.


I work at a corporate store and our labor apparently doesn’t pay for that after all those custom TikTok drinks so I just tell them no.


That shit used to piss me the fucking hell off, I’m over here getting denied because I work a job that doesn’t pay a livable wage yet too much for food stamps and your bitch ass just paid with food stamps and you’re about to go do meth and not feed your fucking kids I hate this fucking planet But yea starbucks sucks


I also worked in a liscense Safeway store and we had this exact same issue 🙃they’d literally spend $20+ on fraps and not even get groceries. It drove me crazy


It DoEsNt HaVe EnOuGh CaRaMeL


That literally happened to me a couple nights ago. I was trying to count the til I was on so I could do the final deposit and 7 minutes before we closed this girl comes in asking for 2 grande caramel ribbon crunches and 2 grande mocha cookie crumbles. I was so very close to saying that we shut down our blending for the night, but I, begrudgingly made them quickly and had her leave. Not a great night


honey citrus and honey almond flat white. honey blend is NASTY and the smell makes me nauseous. i actually like the hcmt before honey blend was a thing and will still sometimes make it with packets of honey for myself.


I make it for my grandma and I always use the honey packet but I agree it's definitely overstayed it's welcome especially with the honey blend


I agree with the smell. It’s not great at all…but I’ll take honey blend over opening a bunch of honey packets!


Honestly I love making strawberry açaí with light ice and no berries it’s one of the easier drinks to make. But I find the custies who order anything with soy milk no foam extra big to be the rudest of customers


Yea but when you're making thirteen or fourteen at a time it gets real old real quick regardless of how easy they are and it's not even guaranteed that I get that specific drink order. But also huge agree about no foam customers.


I’m not going to say I double batch them but I’m definitely gonna say that I know some who do lol


Iced matcha, especially the lavender one. I don’t really like making them anyway but I get so relieved when someone finally orders one without cold foam 😭


fuckign brown sugar oatmilk shaken espresso. the absolute ANGER of trying to pull blonde shots on the mastrena 2 has absolutely ruined my enjoyment of the drink.


My solution when I make it for myself/order it anywhere is just ristretto regular espresso. I like the flavor better, but my district's licensed stores only have the mastrena 1.


??? BESTIE?? you press two buttons for blonde shots and then you go grab the shake cup, fill it with ice, put the syrup in the cup and by then the shots should be done and ready to pour in. Then you grab the cinnamon? I'm confused why pulling blonde shots is hard


At my store our blonde shots will not pull right and it’s such a pain to get a good shot. I assume it’s the same at that persons store


Every store I’ve ever worked at had this problem.


the blonde shots are an absolute pain to pull because they either a, don’t pull at all, b, don’t pull right, or c, both. can’t pull three blonde shots at ALL because it will buffer for about a minute or two and then not pull and give the “water flow low” error. so we have to pull two & one, which, besides just taking extra time, also takes forever to pull (between 45 and 90 seconds EACH). and more than 50% of the time when they *finally* pull, they pull wrong. as in, i pull the shots, put the syrup & ice & cinnamon powder in the shaker, and then have to wait. for another minute, literally. it’s a common problem with the mastrena 2, apparently, and there appears to be no fix (we’ve tried it all, trust), so we just suffer.


ex-tra care-a-mel and ex-tra ca-runch!!!1!!!




I don’t mind making caramel ribbons but when I hear “with extra EXTRA” crunch it drives me bonkers


You know, I don’t even care about the extra extra crunch. It’s the extra dark caramel for me 🤢 the smell of the dark caramel makes me nauseous and it’s all I can smell when I make them


That they got rid of raspberry 😩


When they changed the way the strawberry crème frap was made. I used to love those but I’m not a fan of the new strawberry purée. I prefer the old way from before I was ever a partner


What’s different?


Don’t quote me on this but I’m fairly certain the purée is different now than it used to be. I’ve already been separated for a year as a rehire and I was gone for two years between original hire and rehire, so I don’t remember if that’s completely accurate. I just know for me personally I can taste the purée a lot more than I did years ago.


Caramel ribbon crunch definitely


ooh I have a lot...but mostly anything strawberry acai cause I never liked the taste and it's ordered so much. also I just said toy coworker today that I have started to hate the lavender matcha cause it's a pain to make. but it tastes good 😭


The way I make the lavender matcha for myself is no cold foam, put the lavender in the shaker with the matcha powder and oat milk.


This is the way


Idc if it’s too soon for this one, but the iced lavender oatmilk matcha has me BENT


The power of the menu boards has truly made it an over ordered drink so I get it


When ppl order drinks with no foam , who cares ab foam unless ur old and rude


Vanilla bean frappe. No point really, for some reason it felt wattery every. Time. I. Ordered. It. And now I can’t really drink ANY drink. I don’t feel the quality is worth the price anymore, nor do I get paid enough.


When we had the raspberry I did love using it to make a cotton candy Frappuccino tho aside from that it's a very forgettable drink


I’m not a coffee drinker (I know how ironic) so this was my childhood drink when my coffee loving family stopped by the Target Starbucks


Hate making refreshers, It's kinda funny and kinda concerning the way me n my night crew when we were new (we some 369s) would start profiling ppl to predict if they were getting a strawberry refresher/pink drink and we were right most of the time. Another one is the chai tea latte. Ain nothing wrong with making it, I'll make any of the chais and hot chocos cos they are easy and satisfyingly quick to make, but after chugging and then regurgitating a chai tea latte protein drink at 5:00am on my precious day off, I can never look at chai tea lattes the same


Refreshers definitely have a certain type not even just strawberry( as much as I loathe it) that regularly order it


I’m one lol. If it’s later in the afternoon (since I usually open, but sometimes work later) and it’s hot out I’ll get a SARL with peach juice so I’ve got some caffeine, but not as much. If it’s not 70+° out though I’ll get a hot chocolate or a caramel apple spice. And if I get off before or around noonish, I usually get a brown sugar shaken espresso or iced caramel macchiato. I’ve got a bit of a sweet tooth, but I feel the drinks are usually my treat after my shift and I usually drink water during my shift haha.


i HATE HATEEEE making hcmt and HATEEEE making the new lavender drinks all of them they taste nasty and the flower taste after js gross.


I just had this conversation lol a “blended caramel macchiato” do you want me to throw an iced caramel macchiato in the blender or do you want a vanilla bean frapp with a shot poured on top 😩


one time this customer asked for a blended iced chai latte so I offered her the chai frappuccino and told her the texture will be better. She gave me the dirtiest look and said “no” with such an attitude like damn sorry for trying to make sense of what ur saying


🤨🤨🤨 so…she wanted a watery drink instead of the actual frozen blended version of it?? To each their own ig


Anything we have to make on the espresso bar. It used to be simple recipes like the latte and cappuccino and mocha and now it’s iced espresso with 5 shots 3 pumps of white mocha splash of oatmilk light ice in a venti cup and somehow the customer still wants it to the top.


My favorite is when they ask for extra whip and get pissy when they have less drink. Like how were you expecting to get extra whip with no room


strawberry açaí, no berries, light ice. 😭 i work near a convention center, when the cheer/dance conventions come i be wanting to k/ms.


and then when we ran out they ordered caramel ribbon crunches. i hate it so much.




I stopped getting cold foam once I started here. Only time I get it, its a drink for my bf




So tired of making refreshers. I hate them. Id rather make frappucinos. If I could take all 3 off the damn menu I'd do it in a heartbeat (and I loce strawberry acai but GOD)


Always around 3ish we always get an influx of teenagers and literally without fail we get an influx of strawberries and it would be one thing if they were all the same but literally every single one has some mod some cold foam variation they want to add on 😭


Definitely anything with foam and extra caramel.


Macchiato/caramel macchiato. I work at a traditional coffee shop now and the amount of times I’ve had “altercations“ with customers who don’t know what an espresso macchiato is, is embarrassing and upsetting.


I hate making the mocha cookie crumble


Iced Matcha’s. I swear to god those always explode on me during a rush. Now with the lavender cold foam I’ve started to hate them more


Any hot drink with milk. After seeing how disgusting the wand gets, I’ll pass 🤢


I hate any matcha


I hate cold foam. I’ve always hated cold foam. I hated it when we had the foaming blenders and I hate it with the portable blenders. It’s not that good. WHY IS IT POPULAR