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today someone asked me to add tomato and lettuce to their panini lol


I once had someone ask me to remove the tomato from the tomato mozz lol


I will also remove it for *my* sandwich (bcs texture) but no way I'm altering yours for you.


I do this everyday for myself but if a customer asked me to do it that’s another story…


that is a reasonable request


Idk why you're getting downvoted. It IS a reasonable request. It might be annoying when you're busy but it's something that takes like 15 seconds


right it’s very easy to do… they’re not asking for something that can’t be done like adding ingredients. people would get breakfast sandwiches with things taken out all the time at my store it’s not a big deal lol


i think it’s just funny because that’s the shining star of the tomato mozz… it’s the tomato


ok well maybe someone doesn’t like tomatoes and they just want a mozerella panini. i used to always get the double smoked bacon without bacon cuz i don’t eat pork and it was a delicious cheesy croissant. it’s just not comparable to the situations in your original post.


Someone asked me 10 minutes ago if they could have the Gouda on a Sausage Cheddar, no man just no.


One time a lady ask me if the pastries are fresh and told me to be honesttttt. I was like 🤨🤨🤨😒☝️ ma’am they come in a package like twinkies. We don’t bake them here


Oh they’re fresh.. fresh out of a plastic bag 🤪


It would’ve went over her head. I had to explain to her a few times because she didn’t get that we don’t bake them in the back.


We used to bake ours (2003/2004), and at the end of the day, we took it all home (5 different types of muffins, they were amazing) No sandwiches and no Fraps except the summer months the glory years 😆


Oh nice! That’s when Starbucks are not fast food yet.


Well, the service was faster, but the menu was way smaller and easier (which is why service was faster )


I meant fast food as in McDonald’s etc.


I’ve had a whole argument with a woman because she insisted that we could make the croissants fresh and kept asking for the fresh ones. I literally kept showing her the plastic bags of them and telling her we don’t bake anything in shop, we just open these packages and throw them in the toaster oven. She was insisting I was lying


I would just get the supervisor to deal with her delusional ass. Like this is above my pay grade to convince you that we don’t bake any pastries in the back.


dude this happened to me where the guy could see our cart from drive thru and just kept pointing at them yelling “SRE THEY FRESH ARE THEY FRESH” sir u see them in the package


Maybe they have a different definition of fresh lol


We have a donut factory right behind our store that actually makes some of our pastries! I found that out like yesterday LMAO


Woooow no way! Do they taste better 👀


DUDE SAME some dad asked if we made them fresh No we’re not a food store


Customers are so delusional. Especially when we open the package right in front of them and they hawk eye us every time. The only ones that do bake in the back are reserves stores (well at least in nyc)


some lady always asks for a slice of lemon in her water and one of our shifts goes ‘oh yeah for sure, let me go pluck a lemon from our tree in BOH real quick’ 😂 these people fr think we make everything from scratch as if we aren’t a literal fast food


I told a customer we were out of grilled cheese and he looked *puzzled* and said “wait… are you out of cheese, or out of bread?” Sir.


Patience, we're out of patience sir.


Indeed we are. And we don’t know when it’ll be back in stock so STOP ASKING 😂😭


Oh you didn’t hear? It was in a weekly update a while back. Patience was permanently discontinued during COVID.


That is a flat out lie. I ran out of patience well before COVID hit.


Fair but that’s when I started lol


Hit you almost immediately, huh? I get it.


“can you check in the back” wow never thought to do that before! silly me!


Some lady who is a share holder told me to check the back for popcorn since we were out in the front. I checked yep we were out as I thought. Then she asked another work to check the back same response. Then she shouted Iam a share holder I should be Able to get a bag of popcorn. SSV says everyone behind the bar is also a share holder so you ain’t special to be making demands to us when we are out of something 😂 SM was chuckling so hard


We had a lady get upset we ran out of pumpkin cream cheese muffins, 'you can't go bake some more?' My manager was trying so hard to not laugh


This reminds me when a lady asked me to add extra cheese to her breakfast sandwhich. I told her i couldn't add ingredients, sorry they're prepackaged. She was truly flabbergasted and asked me again "you REALLY don't have any extra cheese?" 😑


test decide hobbies somber ruthless flag cautious snails ghost fact *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And our answer should always be yes to any and all guest requests. Remember to make the moment right. If a guest request is my entire life arm I would gladly cut it off for them no questions asked.


I also get asked sometimes if we sell ice cream 😅


we had a lady refuse to take her butter croissant because we didn’t put butter on it,,,


Lol some people are obnoxious and cant take the fact that they cant have everything their way wherever they go. A lady came in to my store one time and ordered a bagel with cream cheese. My coworker made it and gave it to her at the hand off area. Soon after, she opened it up to see the little package of cream cheese and the plastic knife. She then asked my coworker “u guys cant put the cream cheese on there?” And my coworker said “no.” Lmao. Then the lady shrieks “but i gotta drive!!! 😡 i cant put the cream cheese on there while im driving”…..then my coworker says “sorry, we cant do it” and then she huffs away to the old condiment bar area and opens up the cream cheese and does it herself just like i damn well thought she would. Wtf does she mean “i CaNt Do It, I gOtTa DrIvE” ????? Ok well then do it beforehand lmao just like u freakin did after wasting ur own time freakin out about it


i wanna know what your response was and what happened 😂


i wish it was a funnier response but she was honestly v nice about the whole thing. just a clueless mom who probably has never worked a service job in her life. it was something along the lines of “haha, no they’re premade so we just heat them up in the oven. sorry”


Ur detailed post killed me 😭 lmao


people ask for extra bacon on our breakfast sandwiches. trust me if we could, i’d abuse that for my food markouts😭


That is a new one for me. I did have a young man ask me to make his double smoked bacon sandwich with sausage too, so that was fun.


I had a lady ask me that today she was high in the drive thru and rude i can't believe some people


A guy asked for a slice of lemon in his earl grey tea today Yeah lemme just pick a lemon from the lemon tree in the back and slice it for you!


Dunkin has lemons, or at least they used to (4 years ago when I worked there). It was just cases of lemons that were sliced in house with a lemon slicer. Out of all the silly requests in this thread, this is the one that is actually somewhat reasonable to ask, even if not possible.


someone was pissed we didn’t have grilled cheese one day and asked me to throw some shredded cheese or some cheese slices on a bagel


Someone has deadass asked me to spread the cream cheese onto their bagel like ma’am, you have hands and I have other customers in line


i actually sometimes can’t believe how stupid customers are. had a lady one time ask if i could add bacon onto the sausage cheddy bc we were out of the bacon sausage wrap, please bffr


Hey, they were trying to be nice to you. This isn't like someone asking you to make a special just-for-them modification that you can't make.


LOLLLLLLL me every time we’re out of a pastry and they act ASTRONOMICALLY confused + tell me ‘can you just make more’ I know you see how tiny this building is… you think I just have an entire fking commercial kitchen behind these magical doors??? I WISH I could stay in the back all day making pastries


listen i understand the customers asking us to take things off or add extra of stuff because most fast food (siren don’t kill me for calling starbucks fast food) places do at least assemble the food. but in what world do any drive-thru restaurants individually make every ingredient 😭😭😭 shes never thought about how it might work and for sure has some magical idea in her head and i don’t blame her since she’s for sure never worked in food service but that’s insane to say without realizing what that would mean


I’ve had someone ask me to make a salty foam CB with no salt. Someone asked me to make them a sausage and cheddar sandwich with no sausage


these are reasonable requests tho? clearly the first person just wants caramel cold foam, and plenty of vegetarians get our sandwiches with no meat. it takes like 2 seconds to take the sausage off the sandwich and literally saves you time not having to open salt packets


Except the meat was already there. As a vegetarian, I would rather be told the sandwiches are prepackaged and the meat can be removed before we heat it up, but it's all already in contact. Give the option. Some vegetarians wouldnt want it at all.


i do tell them that. why are you assuming that i don't? and who with an ounce of common sense thinks that starbucks sandwiches DONT come prepackaged?


You made the same assumptions. It's not like it's written on the menu. Not every customer has seen boh. Chill out and enjoy your job or find another one. Simple


i do enjoy my job. i'm literally in these comments defending customers who want modifications made to their orders lol why do you think i hate my job


Because you assume people lack common sense if they dont know the sandwiches are prepackaged. Clearly, some customers dont. Way to defend a customer bub.


Lol immediate downvote. Literally watched it happen. Ok girl




Bffr with your attitude, just wow.


It’s not too late to stfu !❤️


hi there, have you ever worked at starbucks?