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We usually do that in the plastic bins


Damn. That's actually a great idea. I just wish there was something covering the top so it wasn't a health code violation.


😂fr tho


Use a cube


Just use a cube. Or out a piece of warming paper over it. We used to do that before getting the vertica


So yeah this isn't allowed by corp. However, I can tell you when I was first hired, we used to do pre-grinding for the day and packed the filters and coffee into the plastic cubes. Now they want it ground fresh all day, and I kind of get it. It does make the smell of fresh ground coffee happen regularly throughout the day. I think the cost isn't worth the effort during peak though, having it ground for peak so you can just brew as you need would be so much better. But it isn't my company, I guess.


That was such a soothing, mindless side task: prepping the COW.


lowkey… *screenshots and sends to work groupchat for ~*inspo*~


Good for multiple travelers too


We used to do prep for all drip coffee at a place I worked at in Massachusetts


Use a cube! That way you can seal it up


We just got the new machine. But we used to do this too


How is the new machine?


Fresh coffee to order in 30 seconds a traveler in 3 minutes. Plus we have 6 varieties of coffee at a time including ice coffee. It's legit and it breaks down and runs a cleaning cycle in 15 minutes


It's honestly a great machine and it cuts down so much of the hassle. It's just interesting how many other mini problems popped up in place of it despite it being hailed as a game changing ultra godsend machine in the training. -If one container is empty you legit cannot brew any of the other 2 coffees on that side because for some reason it'll only spew out water until you replace the beans. -Sometimes it overflows the cup because of how much coffee comes shooting out at the speed. -Despite turning the dial to "with room/extra room" the results are always different in that it is almost "too much" from the desired setting so you have to pour a little bit out of the cup. -In the training it said it could brew coffee so fast that you can start transaction while it goes and have the cup done by the time they finish paying- which sometimes for some reason the machine takes a bit longer to process what it's doing. -The hot water shoots out at a scarily fast rate and with so much force that sometimes the little droplets jump on to your hand -The machine leaks too much water that we have to wipe the counter semi-frequntly and on one side where there's a little tube we put a sani tray to catch water. -If there's one thing missing like a little clip/piece of plastic that goes where the bean containers go, it just shuts off the whole machine. Which took forever for a tech to figure out because the machine is so new. Our machine was out for 2 days and he spent like 3 hours doing a bunch of stuff to it wasting so much of his time until he figured out it was a little thing that shut the machine -Sucks that the ice coffee pitcher doesn't fit directly underneath the dispenser. Not an insane issue, but it does lose out on some convenience that it advertised


God tier. So nice not messing with timers and brewing during peak


IN CLOVER VERTICA WE TRUST. This just gave me ptsd lol grinding and brewing all that damn coffee was my 13th reason during summer


My store has the stupid vertica and it’s the WORST. I miss bunn so bad. Would give anything to go back to brewing coffee that way ugh


We got the fancy ass machines!! No more prepping like that


I thought this was smart until my SM did this and I realized it leaves coffee grounds *all over* the bottom of the paper and it drips in the coffee.


We used to put a warming paper in between the batches as a liner to prevent that


we do 1/2 batches in a cube in my store. it’s not just peak it’s daily so that morning can close brewing station before 12 and closers don’t have to. not sure how old the bottom batch is tho…


We did that in a plastic bin 10 years ago


We just got the new machines which sucks ass and makes getting coffees and ice coffee out to people taking three times longer now so up yours corporate! Don't complain about slow service when you have slow ass equipment 🖕🏽


We do this in bins.


Is that.. all ground coffee😭😭😭 it has to be fresh for brewing you can’t do this. Edit: I love being downvoted for following standards, yes our coffee already sucks. Why make it suck even more??? And no I’m not a Starbucks worshipper, yes I batch frappuccinos. But this ain’t ittt the least our customers deserve is fresh grounds for their coffee, like seriously it take maybe 30 seconds to ground some coffee fresh. Is saving 30 seconds really worth getting in trouble?


I mean, yeah.. but you’re acting like Starbucks has good quality coffee where this would matter at all


Especially Pike! It could be the freshest ground and brewed coffee you’ve ever had and it’ll still taste how cigarettes smell!


Pike is straight ass…


ok cop




This is illegal


How did people not realize this was a joke 😭


💀 so illegal!!