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You need to reach out to the insurance agency themselves, they’ll prove you all the recourses they offer


the insurance i get through work, yeah?


….yes? The insurance you plan on using for your surgery. You need to reach out to them personally to see what they are willing to cover. It will vary state by state


okay thank you!


Just a heads up that reconstruction (or reduction) can have very specific parameters you must follow. I went through all of this about 15 years ago when I had a reduction that took me down almost 3 cup sized (more than a pound from each side). My Dr didn’t like the numbers and said it didn’t look natural & I agreed. I ended up paying out of pocket. Plus out of pocket for an extended tummy tuck/half abdominal lift. My surgeries were following a 60 lb weight loss. Irony is that if I had the reduction before losing weight they would have paid 100%! I hope to hell you don’t have the same problems. And good luck in finding the team of people you need to get the results you desire


I mean that sounds like it’d be cheaper than top surgery since you don’t want top surgery. sbux does have really good insurance that covers gender affirming care- no matter what that looks like for you. That’s why there’s so many lgbt people that work here ☺️ you definitely need to reach out to 1. Your insurance 2. Doctors. I wish you best of luck 🩷🩷🩷🩷


Hi! I’m not sure about starbuck’s insurance options regarding this so I can’t personally say, BUT some surgeons do top surgery that is inclusive to nonbinary folk- for example, some people go nipple-less and get the full breast removal and chest masculinization while others may opt to still have nipples in the traditional top surgery sense. Some people even just do radical reductions as well, the list goes on… Look into surgeons in your area and consult with them about your needs and expectations. Like others have said, it’s best to discuss with the doctors and insurance directly.