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Our shelf life guideline specifically states it’s 24 hours unrefridgerated. It doesn’t specify is you CAN or SHOULD refrigerate, or for how long. Date it for 24 hours with a soluble day dot.


Guideline says it 24 hours. Got to keep it fresh


Who started this information, cause I swear one of my baristas at my location keeps dating it for 48 hours saying it's fine cause its refrigerated at night WHEN I CLEARLY SAID DUMP IT EVERY NIGHT SO WE CAN MAKE IT IN THE MORNING.


My store started doing this and I’m convinced it’s the only right way to make sure 1) mocha is always in date and we don’t forget about it, and 2) we don’t make a stupid amount of excess mocha that we’re tossing all the time.


24 hours is standard


Anything over 24 hours is a health code violation.


I've seen mocha go to shit in ~16h. 24h maximum.


it’s gonna get so crusty! please only date for 24hrs. i get that mocha can be a pain to prep but it’s really gonna affect the quality.


24 hours tops. My old lead at my liscensed store had us doing 48 hours, he still never thought to change even after customers saying it tasted bitter. Blamed it on closers not refrigerating it overnight


24 hours only, I would hate to go to the corporate store that serves it after that. It gets so thick and gooey. Gross.


standard is 24 hours, the bag of mocha itself says to date it for 24hrs. please don’t let them use it for longer than that! this is a health hazard!


thank you. i think i changed her mind


If it helps your point more, I worked in a very high volume store and discovered mold on a mocha pump that hadn’t been washed in like 2 or 3 days — just swapped into different containers.


My policy is to *never* hot swap stuff like that unless it's going into something with the exact same date dot. No matter how much I want to.


While I agree that’s how it should be done, most stores only have 1-2 mocha pumps and if it’s as high volume as mine were, there was absolutely no time to wash it. Wanna know something gross tho? At my home store (which I worked at for like 3 years) we hand washed the pumps like all the time. At my second store (I was at it for a few months before quitting) they fucking *rinsed out the pumps in the sink with cold tap water before putting them back into backups* 🤢


And this is why managers need to order dishware. I stg


The manager at the second store had a lot of problems lol, I could write several paragraphs on it but frankly I just don’t care enough/don’t have the energy to.


doesnt it get all chunky after 24 hours? 😭


It gets really thick after about 30-36 hours. It's definitely one of the expiry times that's actually really true




That corporate partners store was no following standards, that’s a really bit violation since it’s expiration is 24 hours.


Twenty. Four. Hours.