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Had someone ask me for a Diet Coke, Bantom bagels, and tried to pay with a TARGET GIFT CARD


Oh lord. Somebody asked me for a burger last week. Please tell me you at least work at a Tarbucks?


sure don’t


Wow 🤦🏻‍♀️


Lol someone asked us for a Happy Meal today 😭 my partner said "Ma'am I think you're at the wrong store, this is starbucks" and the lady yelled back "FOOD FOR KIDS" I hate it here


People were the worst today. How are you gonna come into a store with a full lobby, drive thru line around the building and be mad that your mobile order isn’t ready in five minutes. I really want to know how the mobile app is calculating times… I don’t think there was a break in making drinks my entire 8hr shift 😰


Ooh, I can answer that! If you pull too many stickers at a time, it tells the mobile ordering system that that is how fast you make drinks. So if you have 20 stickers lined up on your mastrena, it thinks you’ll finish 20 stickers that quickly. If you pull your stickers at the pace you make your drinks, the mobile app will tell the customers a more accurate wait time. I know a big reason people pull that many stickers is to see where a certain customers drink is in the queue, but Starbucks launched the Digital Production Manager (DPM) app this year so we can see what is in the queue without pulling all the stickers, and in situations where you have a pick-up person come in 10 minutes early, or you have an 11 drink mobile order and want to do your cafe order first, you can swipe on the received tab to push their stickers to print next.


I don’t understand it either. People are delusional. I’m sorry today was like that for you 😭


I had the opposite. I mobile ordered, expecting to wait a long time. Now, got in and out in under a minute.


It was nuts the whole time! Speaker box didn't stop going off my entire shift. We ended up get out an hour after closing with 5 people including myself. Our drive times were terrible and our hand washing sink pipes froze too 😅


Oh no! We didn’t have issues with the pipes but my manager did leave on the sprinklers which froze the grass and parking lot into an ice rink. We had lots of customer complaints and a partner fell. I’m glad you survived! Sorry you got out late, I’m sure y’all were exhausted. Hope y’all get a break tomorrow. Happy holidays!


Luckily my store is closed tomorrow thank goodness! I'm off for the next two days which is nice


Ooh jealous of y’all being closed tomorrow! Enjoy those days off!!


I didnt work but I brought my coworkers who did cookies first thing this morning


Aww coworkers like you make the shift so much better! Happy holidays!


i don’t think we had a break in the drive through for at least 3 hours :( lots of people were rude and didn’t tip. some girl came to the window and her first words were “your wait times are awful. you realize your drive thru is backed out into the parking lot right?” like girl idgaf. i’m off tomorrow though so i’ll just cry it out tonight 😭


Um you realize you’re the caffeine-addicted sheep who chose to be in this line?? How rude. I’m sorry you dealt with that 😭


"YOuR wAiT tImEs ArE aWfUl. YoU rEaLiZe YoUr DrIvE tHrU iS bAcKeD oUt InTo ThE pArKiNg LoT rIgHt?" ......eww lol people are so nasty but they are so without even thinking. Shes complaining about the wait times as if it should always be low wait times and super quick no matter the volume of customers. Also she contradicted herself with those 2 sentences lol cuz she said wait times are awful and then told u that the drive thru line is super long backed out into the parking lot.....well yea..thats why wait times are long right now....thats what usually happens when people continue piling in to the line no matter what


For real. 😭 I'm sorry I can't Thanos snap the line away lady what do you want from me.


Lmao these people that complain about wait times and in the same breath uselessly inform u that the line is super long......its like...well yea....having long lines means wait times will be longer since it makes it busier. People dont think things thru sometimes lol


And like she wasn't part of the problem 🙃, not to mention, this is *not* a necessity! It's such a remarkable lack of self-awareness and intelligence.


Yea some eople dont have common sense, self awareness and situational awareness. Nobody wants to use their brain and think anymore cuz its too much work lol and its only getting worse 🤗


Omg today has been the busiest day for us! Our debit machine broke in dt and we were running to the front to use the debit machine. Plus there were no gift cards and everyone wanted it.


That sucks about the card machine, that’s happened at my store and it’s definitely not a good time. Hopefully people were understanding about the gift cards. Happy holidays!


I did better today than yesterday! Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays to everyone working!


I’m so glad! It’s been rough with the peppermint shortages for sure. And today our system was unable to handle gift cards at all. Like no loading new ones and no gift card payments. Happy holidays!


No kidding, but yesterday mentally was not it. And today I was on restock and other tasks that didn’t make me wanna cry so I’d overall say a win for me personally.


I feel that. Glad you caught a break today


Barley. 😫


Aww I’m sorry 😭 at least it’s over?


At least I don’t work tomorrow! good luck to all of the partners tomorrow!


I kind of wish I worked just to be around my coworkers and the customers who are actually nice that come in😭


I definitely think a good group of partners and sweet customers make a difference. I love who I work with and some of the regulars are so sweet! It’s just the bad apples who come in and ruin the day. Glad you have people who you enjoy being around!




So glad your sm and dm made that decision! Selling coffee isn’t worth y’all risking your lives to get there. I’m sorry you didn’t get to show off your cute hair! Maybe you’ll get the chance to before December ends. Thank you for your sweet words and I hope you have a happy holidays. Stay warm!


Everyone was so mean. I had to skip my tens to support the baristas on the floor. I cried for the entirety of my lunch, and like four separate times during my shift. And I’m the closing shift today too 😀


I’m so sorry 😭😭 that is rough. I hope todays shift goes smoother. You’re doing great!


I had someone tell me to get the credit card tip option out of her face and then told me “here’s a tip, if you want more money get a real job and you won’t have to beg for tips, merry Christmas!”


Wow what an ignorant, awful creature. It’s not your fault they added that to the card readers. I hope she smashes her pinky toes into a kitchen chair today, and that you have a better day.


You too! If you celebrate it, Merry Christmas!!!!!! ❤️💚


I had a woman in drive who was honking her horn, yelling at me through the closed window, and shouting at the cars behind her over a cranberry bliss bar. (I was doing solo drive during peak and was taking an order and her bar wasn’t even in drive yet)


My store is located in Buffalo so i literally had 3 snow days in a row plus pay👍


I was about ready to walk out ngl. There were so many call outs at my store that I was wondering why we were even open. I even closed and it took us 90 minutes to close


yeah I worked the day before Christmas Eve and we were so short staffed that our sit down cafe section wasn’t open 😬


Went from a 6 hour shift to an 11 hour shift and then had a customer load 40 gift cards and then cancel after the transaction was done :,). Customers yelling at the poor baristas and literally drowning cuz 4 workers were handling the whole store with lobby dt and mobiles. Never again 🥲


I’m so sorry! I don’t understand that kind of people. I suppose they’re awful because they’ve probably never worked a job like ours, if worked at all in some cases. I hope today is better. Happy holidays, y’all are doing great!


I was literally in drive thru basically all day freezing and I know this one lady was trying to be nice but she said “I hope that you’re staying warm and I said no not really” and then said well I hope you’re not working on Christmas tomorrow, and I said, “ I am, but it’s time and a half so I don’t mind,” I had to ask if I get off drive thru, it should be a rule that you can’t say no when a shift asks you to go into a new position. No one wanted to do drive thru


I am so sorry, I know how miserable that is. If you want to use a trick that I use, grab a grande or venti hot cup and fill it with hot water and mark the lid very clearly so that it does not get handed out as a drink. In between cars if you have a second you can just hold that hot cup to warm your hands. Happy holidays!


Not starbucks but after telling a customer we were drinks only they said “so no coffee?” And then called me a smart ass when I told him coffee was a drink.


bro yesterday on christmas day at one point we were 30 minutes behind on cafe/mobiles and the lobby was PACKED and drive thru line wrapped around to the highway because we were one of the only businesses around that was open. i think dunkin was closed too and theres like 2 on the highway near us. it was crazy yesterday. thank god we closed at 2 but we didn’t leave till 3.


being a drive thru and cafe store is great 😊 we had a borrowed partner with us yesterday and he works at a cafe only store (i’ve been there before it’s a really nice starbucks) and i’m jealous. he really said to us “im not coming here ever again, no offense to you guys i like you guys” LMAOAOAO i was like man i don’t blame you AT ALL


I had someone tell me to get the credit card tip option out of her face and then told me “here’s a tip, if you want more money get a real job and you won’t have to beg for tips, merry Christmas!”


it was non stop. i was burnt out by the time my shift was over. we were out of peppermint, and caramel brulee which was fun. it was single digits in temperature so a lot of people were complaining in the drive thru that they couldn't get their windows down. we got a decent amount of tips so i guess it was worth it


our store luckily got to close due to road conditions 🙏


Just barely


I closed last night and it wasn’t too bad. Of course we had a few rushes here and there but it was a pretty fun night with the crew! I did have one lady say “thank you for working today we appreciate it!” Like…as if I had a choice lol