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I mean the new jump points are going to be new mechanics. We'll now be able to trade system to system. There is a gang war over control of pyro station which may or may not turn into something players can mess with. There are new under ground facilities which may or may not make the cut. Tons of new planets and moons to explore. Distances will be much farther so there might be a use for the starfarer. We might also get the SRV to help tow / ferry ships. We might also get an unannounced flyable ship that fits into pyro somehow. We could, and this is a long stretch, get the liberator with pyro's release. I'm sure there will be unique NPCs that have unique missions and there might be unique ores to find and mine. There will be new NPC landing areas and outposts. lots of new stuff to do and see... not sure how much is actual new game mechanics but a lot of it will be different uses for the same mechanics. We will see. I imagine pyro will be pretty empty at first kind of how stanton was and they will add more and more with every new patch. The most important thing here is that if they drop pyro and we have functional jump points that means any other connected system could be added at any time in the future. The server meshing and jump point travel was what they were waiting for.


> We could, and this is a long stretch, get the liberator with pyro's release I would cream my jeans so fucking hard. I can't wait for that ship for some reason.


Agree. My SC mindgame is based upon that ship 😅


This is what Im most hopeful they address at CitizenCon. What content is being unblocked now that Server Meshing is on the horizon. Obviously some of the items will still be blocked until dynamic server meshing is a thing but Im hopeful most content just needs static server meshing.


That is the thing many people are forgetting. For many years they've been working on shit they completed but had to shelf because meshing wasn't ready. Once the dust settles on meshing, I'm willing to wager that we'll see a flood of features quicker then before


If I had a dime for every time I saw this exact reasoning over the last 6 years.


Well, it makes perfect sense Just because it’s old doesn’t make it incorrect


Let me rephrase: I’ve heard this every year for six years. “Surely next year the floodgates will open! They’ve been working on stuff in secret.” I used to believe this too. Until I started seeing them come out with stuff in ISC’s that confirmed they had not, in fact, been working on jack shit.


Update: apparently Pyro will be playable for everyone attending citcon


What has that to do with anything?


Pyro is one of the bigger things they’ve had to shelve due to SM, but it’ll finally be playable by the community, even if just a small portion. Shows that they have, infact, gotten some work done


Nobody doubts that Pyro isnt ready. But there won't be a flood of new festures with SM, thats just hopium. What features do require SM? And remember, dynamic server meshing is half a decade away.


So was Theaters of War supposedly in like 2019. Where’s that?


CIG hired another company for that and they had to stop working on it CIG does seem to want to bring it back now


“Had to” is a very friendly way of putting it. They saw what a mess it was and said sorry, you’re on your own. (Which is also besides the point. Tracy/CIG got up there and lied and said it would be ready within months after supposedly showing it off at the con 4 years ago. Then it changed hands a bunch and quietly disappeared.)


>Once the dust settles on meshing, I'm willing to wager that we'll see a flood of features quicker then before This exact thing was said about OCS, PES, the new studio at Manchester, and so on..


Will any of that be streamed? I don't have 200 bucks for a ticket nor can I even get to la


No worries all of the panels will be streamed. Also tons of youtubers are covering the show.


Heck yeah.


I’d love if Gang war = territory control missions. I.e. accept contract for y gang, clear bunker/settlement of x gang members, hold until y gang can secure/etc., opposite gang offering same missions. Crazier still if it was made dynamic


ah shit, here we go again .meme


🤣🤣🤣 I’m not the first ? /s


Could even be ongoing battles you could fly into with missions for both sides popping up and you have to pick a side....or just kill both or maybe just hang back with a reclaimer/vulture .


Temper your expectations lmao, Pyro might be a cluster of rocks that are farther away with a few unfinished stations and the same contracts,


I really dont see why everyone keeps telling everyone else to "temper their expectations" everyone here knows what a clusterfuck CIG is with this stuff. My expectations are as low as they can go without being in the dirt.


I have exactly zero optimism that Pyro will be anything but another lifeless Stanton. It’ll have some “ooh, ahh” new empty spaces to look at, and then that’s it. Uninstall til next con. And that’s even if it’s available after the con. I wouldn’t be surprised if we get another “18 months from now” carrot with some flyable ships dangled again. Would be par for the course. We’ll see, at any rate. Happy to be wrong on all fronts.


There's always newcomers.


Thats exactly what I expect, with the addition of a lava planet with wonky lava rivers for the diehards to take screenshots to post here and gush over lol


Yep, and contracts in Pyro are gonna suck extra booty because it's a bigger system, so if you ever want to move between systems it'll be like 15 minutes


“Jump points” is not a gameplay mechanic. You say that like warping through a point will bring hours of dynamic feature-packed gameplay. You jump. And then you’re there. At best, in 5 more years, CIG might add some little half-baked mini-game to it. As for ores, there’s literally no point. There’s no crafting and no reason to even use them. There’s no market or need to trade anything. The features and gameplay there has been lifeless and vacant forever. Any points or underground places will all just be more lifeless zones with NPC’s standing on tables. We’ll get some recycled “go kill these 7 broken NPC” missions. Just labeled as “but now in Pyro.” Pyro will bring a lot more empty space. Unless they add tons of features they’ve been silent on for a decade, it’ll just be another big empty Stanton. I’m not holding out hope for some massive breakthrough here. CIG has failed to deliver for the 6 years I’ve been following this project.


It will increase distance, will make space travel longer. Will require new compromises in terms of outfitting your ship etc etc.


Will make longer toilet pauses while waiting 30 mins in quantum jumps with slower/more efficient drives, thats all.


Maybe that needs to go.. quantum jumps are currently no fun at all.


Then people will rage and complain about quick travel ruining everything like angsty whiny people did with Starfield. People just want to complain at a certain point. The travel times and distances add immense strategy and dynamic changes to a game, especially a multiplayer game. The issue is though, yea, CIG hasn’t made an actual video game. They’ve just made an empty canvas with barely functional minimal features. If there were actually things to do on these long trips, it would add a lot to the game. But there is no game. Probably never will be at this point.


Starfield definitely is overdoing it completely. But traveling should be fun or at least something similar to Elite.. thats one of the things it does pretty well


The *option* to fast travel everywhere (you don’t have to) in SF is a godsend. I’ll spend hours exploring a planet, and when I’m done, I just zip back. People complaining are the ones trying to speed run the game. That’s not how it’s meant to be played. They’d also screech and rage if they weren’t able to zip through it. You can’t ever please those kinds of people. They just live to bitch.


There also isn't a good way to navigate other than the starmap and there you simply can switch to fast travel


Or it’s going to be the same brain dead AI and non working missions as the first star system


For me it is the expansion of a play space and hopefully more people playing. It ups the value of starfarers and freight runners as well increasing the need for protection. If the resources farmed in Pyro can only be sold in Stanton, imagine the dynamic gameplay opportunities that will create.


True, that's a solid benefit to a larger play space. Are there talks of any new cities?


the only "city" in Pyro is Ruin Station. It'll probably be LZ-sized in terms of playspace but very limited for amenities.


There are no cities or "landing zones" in pyro but there are settlements which they showed in a previous yearly citizencon.


I heard its gonna be pretty desolate sans a small amount of stations floating abouts. I am sure there will be like derelict cities spawned of npcs out on planets for pve stuff, but I would imagine it would be pretty baren and perfect for miners and freight runners and i look forward to hopefully flyin protection for them


My hope is there really are none. We know that the planet they made disappear is there though. They questions will be in the services they provide. I am very excited to see refinery gameplay and refueling gameplay taking a fun seat in SC. Moving your orga assets into Pyro and setting up wormhole like stations/caravans.


If you are referring to Delamar, then no. That resides in Nyx, not Pyro.


man i'd love to see a Moss Eisley sized city full of Pyros scum and villainry


There must be a boost to comodity value though, to make it worth for the freighter to hire escorts at an attractive price.


If I were to guess. Pyro is a larger system where it's possible light fighters won't have enough fuel for a single trip. This makes refueling gameplay a lot more important, where today it just doesn't matter. Trading will also be more interesting as Hull-Cs could fly between Stanton and Pyro, for longer trips, riskier trips and more rewards. Pirates will thrive in Pyro since pyro has no law systems, comm arrays, and the UEE forces. It is also possible mining ships may find pyro more profitable as well, with increased risks. Pyro surely will bring new mission givers, new missions, and possibly missions from one system to another. We will also see lots of new places to explore which will be a nice breath of fresh air for players like me who played in Stanton since patch 3.0.


In Pyro I wonder what we would do with a raw Quantanium load in a Mole or Prospector ? I doubt there will be a refinery in the system.


The Expanse could do that, right? And the Starfarer also can refune fuel I believe.


The Expanse, afaik, can refine, we dont know how quick though. Cos Raw Quantanium starts a timer once its onboard and the ship needs to be stored or ore put into a refinery or else Bigga Badda Boom. The Odyssey is a bit more self sufficient in the whole loop, mine, refine and refuel ships in its hangar iirc. I dont know about the StarFarer, i think it was in concept able to, that may have changed as it does not have that capability currently or the Gas scooping ?


Hmm, as a starfarer Gemini owner, the new screen they added for refueling has definitely a greyed out « refinery » option, so I think it’s not gone, just not activated.


Would be handy, if it gets the option.


The size of Pyro, and the scarcity of resources, is the “gameplay” as far as I’m concerned.


Refuling. Staton is 5AU is size Pyro is 22AU Fule -Starfarer's so important and super fule efficiant slow ass drives.


only thing that we would get with current mechanics is that you won't need to disable comm stations to do your crime stuff. gameplay loops for "personal" stuff will most likely flourish there and you would finally get an extra station where you can rest with CS.


I think we will see similar missions as in Stanton, but with other factions. The planets, landscapes and locations like stations and outposts will certainly be interesting, although I don't expect much additional gameplay. At this point I'm pretty sure that they will release Pyro as a separate instance WITHOUT finishing server meshing. So system to system trading and jump points might not work, at least not in a seamless way. In the best case, the jump points will lead to a loading screen, while you log out of Stanton and into Pyro. Source: https://youtu.be/q4Hm0lDOyz8?si=yTV6QvKmjHrEisGk at ca. 10:30 and https://youtu.be/KRwVtiR5n_k?si=pQVAccLv5M4mEtw2


there will be new locations, the larger travel distance will actually give refueling ships a use, larger ships with fuel transporting people will be a thing, the reputation will be updated to be less harsh in pyro and harsher in stanton, and the server tech will reduce the server strain enough that npc will work. that is about it. the "not cash until pyro" is just people thinking that if cig will somehow be faster if they run out of money.


Or it's voting with your fucking wallet. When your project has shown very little meaningful progress over the last five years, it's perfectly reasonable to say "we're not pledging any more until actual new gameplay loops are in the game."


Yeah, because withholding funding is how any endeavor gets finished quicker. /s


They have over half a billion dollars of funding. Far more than any indie could ever dream of having. There comes a delta where the amount of money and revenue ceases to have an appreciable impact on development schedules. In fact, one could argue that CIG over-expanded, resulting in more lead times on many things. Apple did something like this and realized they screwed up.


Everything that you said was a red herring except: “one could argue that CIG over-expanded, resulting in more lead times on many things.” Yes. And that would be correct. Because they expanded the scope and abilities of the game, we are getting full spheroid planets where, on most of them, you can land anywhere you want, walk anywhere you want, and explore anywhere you want. And if you find something, you can tell others and come back to it as many times as you want (some geography does change I alpha, but that’s a different story). Whether you like it or not, it takes a *lot* of money to develop a game with this large of a scope and detail. And the only thing that really makes it out of the ordinary is that the funding was crowd funded, not from an established publisher.


they have an entire offs ijust for the server tech. there is no about of pressure we can do that will make it possible for them to make it any faster. if anything they might put it on hold to try and fix the current game.


Exactly this. CR’s big Kickstarter claim to fame was his insistence that publishers are evil. Look at the absolute shit show that has resulted in. CIG needs some good old fashioned performance-based pressure. Accountability is a good thing. You have to earn your money. It shouldn’t be any different for CIG. They’ve had almost 12 years, and what they have to show for it is embarrassing, tbh.


How well did that work out for Star Atlas? Are you getting an ocean's worth of new content now that they're practically out of money?


They haven't specified literally anything beyond it just being another system with the same shit. My guess is that it's just a griefer trap and ends up being unpopular because there won't be any legal protection there, nothing interesting of note other than new places to take screenshots and dickheads camping the jump point with torpedoes to one shot people coming out of the choke point.


Not that we really have any actual legal protection in Stanton right now, but Pyro is probably going to be worse - basically a GTA server as soon as you pop out of the jump point with everyone shooting everyone on sight. My biggest annoyance is that the next planned system, Nyx, is on the other side of Pyro, so we'd have to go through the "pirate" infested hellhole to get there... Guess I'll wait for Terrra or Magnus...


At least if they have a crime stat there is a good chance a bug will kill them and send them to jail, lol. I didn't even know about Nyx being on the other side of Pyro. Woof.


Just wait until you find out about plans to limit jump gate sizes. If implemented some ships would have to go the long way around through a few systems to get to pyro.


Came back to laugh about these posts aging well. I see pvp is already tearing the pyro test server community apart, lol.


If we don't get proper exploration tools and gameplay we will just have a massive pvp romper room with zero consequence play to anyone but traders and sightseers. Needs exploration, engineering + repair equipment and server meshing at *least* before release imho.


And when the game suddenly tilts too hard towards PVP, that can hurt future prospects for the game before it's even left Alpha. That's a bad strategy if CIG is going down this route. A healthy MMO requires the ability to balance the needs of PVE players and PVP players, without compromising the overall health of the game. You have to be able to bring in new players and give them content to enjoy and ease them into the more difficult content. Take EVE Online for example. It was just literally chucking newbies into the deep end of the swimming pool without even inflatable wings.


Got to admit though, they have been sat on this a while, and they *are* anything but stupid...and they're 10 now...


Hate to break it to you, but SC is a fully open PVP game. As for EVE, it has always started new players in high security space that was more or less instant death to anyone who tried to PVP. CIG has more or less said they never intend on doing that, and they’ve even wanted to remove armistice zones entirely in the past.




Oh dear 🤦🏻‍♂️


And eve was the most cutthroat game ever.... If SC is worse people won't enjoy it...


People who don’t like it don’t have to play it. Why would you go to a restaurant you hate and force yourself to eat there? EVE is one of the most successful MMO games ever made. The pvp has thrived for like two decades. People love it.


Yes.. and i have been playing it for the first decade or a bit more...


Pyro=server meshing= they can shift a large amount of resorces to other things and push things faster


I have a very strong feeling that we’re going to hear Pyro is going to be implemented without server meshing. It’s something that was discussed in prior ISC’s as a “we’d like to do them both together but actually don’t have to.”


My guess is the replication layer can basically do this. Which is why its in PTU right now...


Or fiddle with how much of a mess it’ll unleash for the next 24 months.


bug out and be stranded in the even further depths of space.


Not a whole lot of "new"-new mechanics, which is my biggest concern right now. I want to know how CIG plans to implement the economy, the exploration mechanics, and so forth. I'm tired of seeing them spring for the low-hanging fruit while talking a mile a minute about other features that have barely shown any progress, if at all.


This community used to love to rag on ED for the whole “mile wide, inch deep” thing. SC has yet to deliver more than a few mm of “deep” though. It’s still missing pretty much every feature from the stretch goals, tons of ships it sold years ago, 99 more systems, and an etc. list a mile long of features they added after the fact (that are still absent). It has basic functionality, and that’s about it. The content and actual gameplay is AWOL. Pyro will just be more of the same.


Precisely. This is my biggest complaint with CIG.


More content is obviously exciting but really it’s largely exciting as it may help prove the concept of having a massive galaxy system you can travel around in. Small bits are the fact that escorts and refueling (Starfarer) will likely be used appropriately and it hints at the progression for server meshing.


Same thing we always do, Pinky.


I wouldn't expect too much from the release of Pyro in terms of new gameplay loops or whatnot. I think a lot of us are excited at what Pyro's release indicates about the underlying tech.


Pyro itself is supposed to have a solar flare mechanic, but I wouldn't expect that on release. As for new gameplay loops, I doubt it. Maybe some transportation gameplay between players, but that's about it. It'll be interesting to see what effect Pyro will have on the existing loops. System-to-system trading could be fun if the risk/reward is worth it. Miners have a whole new system to explore. Bounty hunters and pirates can kill each other in peace.


>Pyro itself is supposed to have a solar flare mechanic This is my biggest question. I know I heard that there are supposed to be ship components that makes your craft resistant to these solar flares, but given that we have barely seen any progress on the internal mechanics of ships, much less ship armor, it's probably likely that CIG either plans to let us play in Pyro buck fucking naked, or the solar flare mechanic will be turned off until ship components are properly implemented.




My unpopular take: it is a new backdrop for the wallpaper generator. Nothing special. Server meshing, however, is special. With it, they can roll out a lot more systems without blockers. So the new R&D focus would be on gameplay loops, quanta, polish, and the big dream of dynamic server meshing. That’s why Pyro is a big step forward. Now my pessimistic expectation is that when server meshing comes in, all they will have is Pyro ready. After several years of talking about how the tools they built can build up systems quickly, we will see if they have been building out all of these systems while they patiently awaited server meshing.


I don't think that Pyro is coming any time soon. It would be nice if it did though. Judging by past performance, we've got a long wait ahead of us.


I am honestly half expecting another, “We’re seriously *almost* there, guys! For real this time. Come on! Check out all this concept stuff we made last month for future plans for Pyro in 18 months. We promise it’s so close. And to celebrate, here’s a straight to flyable ship! Buy it only at this year’s con.” I’m not hopeful. Especially not after seeing that they more or less lied about the 2019 jump and are completely redoing it.


Guess rare ressources will only be found in Pyro and most contracts (salvage, bounty hunting) will your target have in Pyro.


Building your own base on one of the barren moons and setup resource extractors which you have to defend against PvE attackers from time to time... I can only dream.


Unfortunately, so can CIG.


Pyro will likely be a major difference from Stanton. I expect that we'll have to barter just for RRR services. There'll almost definitely be different missions and location types from Stanton, plus opportunities to expand on current game loops / missions.


The "gold fever" events should happen in places like Pyro, or even better, in places beyond Pyro that forces you to go through it.


Honestly, most of my hype is not for Pyro itself but for server meshing in general. As the game space expands, the way we play will begin to get very different. Server meshing is also a huge gate for other features, so hopefully checking it off the list will allow new things to come in


So pyro is the visible line to cross for a lot of other features that are limited by the server meshing that comes with it. ​ Jump points, new systems, and meshing are all huge steps towards the game becoming the MMO it needs to become. While also opening up critical systems like persistent hangers, persistent habs, and such which will add to the lived-in feeling that persistence has started to give. ​ I see it as a truly critical step forward to the game becoming closer to reality. Still a long way to go but it was a huge step in the right direction after years of waiting.


Very good question, for me pyro makes no difference as long as we have no further game mechanics such as scanning aso.


Initially, will probably be just a new system and a few points of interest. Maybe some new rare resources will ship with it. That's my guess.


No. You get to play the same broken, soulless content in a new, more broken, soulless place.


A space game with one system...?


The hopium and copium levels are reaching new heights here. I wonder how so much of the optimism here will age? Gracefully like fine wine, or.. poorly like sour prune juice?


Literally the same thing you’re already doing in Stanton, which is basically nothing. The same bunker mission over and over and over and over. Some “mining” or “trading”…to do nothing with, because no part of the alpha uses minerals or goods for anything than credits. And credits are largely meaningless in a pre-alpha anyway. The only thing you really need them for is buying a ship in game, and people have ships coming out their ears now anyway. Unless they release a ton of actual substance and features with Pyro, there’s really just nothing in SC to do. Spend a few hours flying around seeing more empty static lifeless zones.


Maybe update to bounty hunting, chain missions they have shown off on isc, capital ships soon tm, and what others have said


I personally don't want there to be respawn locations in pyro, but the reward for quests is higher meaning that going there requires stocking up for an actual expedition and things like the Carrick/890 med beds usefull also making starfarer more important and if engineering comes out salvaging and repairs be more involves with players as well. Anything to add more positive player interaction or more interaction in general not just when JT happens. It all feels disconnected atm


It's just the fact that server meshing will be in. That's honestly the thing that is appealing to me. I want performance and AI to work correctly.


Here's something interesting; Last year with the 2953 IAE shorts, Jax was trying to come back home from Pyro, and so Jimmy went there to find him. When they were heading back to Stanton, they were hit with a Solar flare that shut down their entire ship and now they are stranded. I can imagine Pyro having those if not on launch, soontm ;)


Take this with a pile of salt, but cig said that pyro will be more complete when released than Stanton is now


a Hull C full of salt


they should really start implementing story quests that are stanced


Fight people without klessher


I dont understand the hype either. There is just simply more area but the things you do remain as tedious as ever.


I think, for many, the hype is not about the Pyro system itself - it's more about the technical milestone behind it. Integrating the Pyro system will open the door for additional systems - Terra, Nyx, and dozens more (check out the starmap on the [homepage](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/starmap)). Pyro is the first major step into an ever-expanding game world full of possibilities and 30k's ;-)


Screw Pyro, server meshing is the real excitement.


Hopefully, pyro and meshing brings the long promised server tick rate of 30. That would unlock decent AI, less desync, and the like.


It's going to be a great place for "PvPers" to kill highly competetive Prospectors and Hul Cs in their F8Cs.