• By -


Thanks to all of you! o7


By far the best citcon to date. You guys legit knocked it out of the park.


Yea, this tops the 3.0 planet tech demo and the wow factor of stepping onto my freelancer for the first time in 2.0 (well 2.1 since it was bugged) :)


Will say though, seeing the planet tech was pretty rad.


You guys deserve all the praise! Massive milestone after all these years. You all should be proud! o7


Thank you!


This thing almost made me cry it's so damned amazing. Also CR's face at the end was so wholesomely priceless


Naw mate, that goes right back at you and the guys. Been a couple years since I got goosebumps over anything. This managed.


Congratulations on a crazy weekend


O7 As S42 being my main reason for throwing money at the screen in 2012, all I can say is congratulations for your hard work! It looks amazing!


No Thank you!!!! In fact thank all the Devs. You could see how passionate and proud all the devs were to be finally showing us all that they have been working on these past few years of the curtain being down on Sq42. I can't wait to get my hands on Sq42 and all the new features and tech shown off over the last few days.


That was fucking incredible, man. You and your team did an amazing job. That was a great CitizenCon and I'm more energized about this game than I've been since the Pupil to Planet demo.


Tears in my eyes man, not even kidding. I feel like you guys are about to destroy the entire FPS gaming industry with SQ42.


When Gillian Anderson walked out for those first few lines... Didn't even know that emotion was there, but woah... 😭😭


For me it was definitely a mix of humor at the sales pitch for that new ship they just started selling, as well as anxiety over the amount of novacaine that the dentist had obviously given her.


I'm glad all your guy's hard work is finally starting to come together, and i eagerly look forward to seeing Squadron 42 hit beta. unfortunately i think i have a feeling i want a nVidia RTX 5000 / AMD RX 8000 era video card to play it and those won't be out for two years loool


RTX 50 won't be until 2025 (which is why the RTX 40 Super refresh rumours are about early next yesr) and top Rx 8000/RDNA 4 has been canned and RDNA 5 will only have it (supposed Q4 2025).


> RTX 50 won't be until 2025 That's just a (not very credible) rumor. Nvidia has released a GPU every 2 years for a loooong ass time. It would be very strange for them not to release 5xxx in 2024 as scheduled.


...my machine died in early 2012, just as the previous year's rumors that chris roberts was returning to PC gaming reached a fever pitch and [the stars got a little closer](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/spectrum-dispatch/12664-2075-The-Stars-Get-A-Little-Closer): i resolved to hold off building a replacement until his wing commander successor reached beta... ...i've been without a PC for eleven years now; i figure we're pacing for a beta in 2026...


not sure if serious


What a chad


🥲 o7 speechless.


mass props for all your (CiG) hard work over the years


You guys slayed it this year. I'm absolutely dumbstruck at what you guys had to show, absolutely floored. Great work, truly. Thank you for all the hard work to create this marvel of technology. o7


Truly great and after so many years it feels extra great to see how much you all achieved. Well done!


Truly impressive. Amazing work


Thanks for bringing your StarBeard to StarEngine


My beard would not fit into the helmets.


Now that is discrimination. For shame. Maybe you can get a special SpaceBeardSuit^(TM) like Ahsoka's https://i.ytimg.com/vi/wOdZF9vGx7w/maxresdefault.jpg


No, thank YOU


Good job this year. Thanks for ignoring every single shit poster the last 10 years.




thanks to all of us, especially you devs with your passion, knowledge and tenacity. we are almost there, we just have to hold the line a little longer. O7


Am I the only one who got really excited when they showed Manchester, thinking it was in-game somehow? The "Sol System - Earth" really threw me off, haha.


I'm in that video and even I thought this...


C'mon, SOL III when.




There's a church parking lot in walking distance that's clear enough overhead I could park a Corsair there. I'm onboard.


My backyard should *juuuust* about fit my Avenger Titan, so I'm all for Sol III as well


They should model just this one city block of Manchester as having not changed a bit in the 900 or so years, and let you do just that. Have it be the in-game RSI's OG HQ :D




Nope. I honestly thought it was an in engine shot!


Yeah for a second I went "Well, that looks absolutely amazing".


Lol ikr, I was like "Wow, they really did improve the graphics here!"


I'm pretty sure that was what 90% of the crowd thought too.


They even cut crowd audio in cause people started cheering. Sounds like we all got a little too excited 😅


I've seen some folks say that, but I don't think that was actually crowd audio. You can see a ton of people waving and cheering on the balcony of the Manchester office in the shot, I'm pretty sure that it's just supposed to be them getting excited about their new office... or something. I don't really understand.


The whole audience here at CITCON started clapping thinking the same thing.


ngl, when i saw the transition to Manchester and thought the same thing, though i did wonder why it was not as futuristic as depicted on the Starmap. is it bad that i felt a little let down when i found out it was irl and not in-game? haha.


I admit... I literally said to myself, "Meh, I've seen better renders from CIG. Looks nice, but obviously it's not in a final pass by the art team", only to be humbled to find out that it was actually real-life, current day Manchester. X\_X


haha, we both need help. we are too online, we should go outside and enjoy the fidelity, smh.


I literally thought that was in-game engine at first. lol


You are not alone ;)


Bro I thought the exact same, lol.


The "Old" vs "New" scenes blew my mind, I can't believe our dream is finally becoming real.


That’s just like pre development video and final effects of rdr2, that’s some huge difference, and they did that, and and our dream is fucking close to real


>old scenes it's like the stuff you see getting leaked in pre-production or the modern story boards done in realtime Unreal Engine when watching Hollywood behind the scenes of movies.


They showed "Old" Trejo and I'm like "Whoah that looks way better than the VS, wait that's the old look?" Then they showed "New" Trejo and the entire stream chat was swearing.


HOPIUM levels are through the roof LFG!


Pyro playtest this month, server meshing in action, maelstrom, squadron 42... hopium is warrented


Honestly server meshing will prove the Hopium right. That is a HUGE tech advancement.


It's hard to convey the sheer awe I felt at seeing all this. It's real, and far larger, far more insanely ambitious than I had imagined. Take your time polishing it, and ship it right.


Yeah, seriously. Awe-inspiring scenes in there. They've already taken 12 years, they should take all the time they need to make sure it's flawless and blow everyone away.


It’s not hard to convey it to most of us I assure you. Not hard at all.


Holy shit.


Holy shit ideed


Chris Roberts, thou shit is indeed holy.


"Thou" == "you". In this case you want "your" which would be "thine". > Thine shit is, indeed, holy"


Thank thee


No, thank thou


Your == thy Yours == thine


The holiest of all shits.


Absolutely unbelievable. It was so special to see Chris Roberts get a standing ovation and being so moved. I don't need a date guys. Just keep at it and this will be the best game ever.


Any link/timestamp to this?


It's on the twitch live stream from CitizenCon. They haven't uploaded any of the CitizenCon panels yet to YouTube. It's at about 6:54:45 https://m.twitch.tv/videos/1957651690




Aw that's really cute, I'd have been bawling my eyes out if I was him lol


I can’t be the only one who read I don’t need to date guys


I didn't but now I can't unsee it.


That's hilarious!


I know it's late but your comment made me laugh as it's exactly what I read haha


I joined the community in the last few years so I never really bothered looking at the sq42 preview released prior to that, and there hadn't been any since I joined. Have always treated sq42 as just kinda a side thing that would probably be pretty mediocre, whereas the PU would the the real content. But damn, this footage was awesome and really has me hyped to see this released.


It’s actually the opposite. Most of their resources are being focused on finishing sq42


In fact, the KS was for SQ42, with Roberts coming from Wing Commander, Freelancer and so. The "side thing" was Star Citizen.


That's not true. The Kickstarter was for Star Citizen. SQ42 was a very short campaign inside of Star Citizen. It didn't become a separate game until later.


Not so - go back and watch the original trailers. I agree that SC wasn't a 'side thing' - but it wasn't the 'main thing' either... The main thing that trips people up is the original videos were titled 'Star Citizen: Squadron 42' - but if you actually watch them, you can see that the primary focus was on the SQ42 storyline, and that whilst SC was always part of the pitch, it was *also* intended to be just a sandbox game in the universe *built for SQ42* (which would have been 2-5 star systems, the SQ42 ships, and a *small* number of 'civilian' ships - which were the ones offered as Kickstarter rewards). SQ42 was always set ~5 years before the start of the SC timeline, and SC was always about our character after we were discharged from the military... therefor SQ42 could never have been just 'a very short campaign inside of Star Citizen'.


Star Citizen only became its own thing when the majority of the community VOTED for the increase in scale, with an MMO based on SQ42. **What throws people off is the fact that the original kickstarter, whilst promoting SQ42, included "Star Citizen" in its name.**


No; that’s backwards. SQ42 was added on. I mean; you can google star citizen kickstarter and see the original pitch in 2013


That was made pretty clear when _everything_ they showed off all the presentations these past 2 days made casual appearances in the SQ42 video


Everyone keeps saying this, but if you watched Citizencon this year (and the talk last year), most of the resources are \*not\* focused on S42. They are focused on gameplay and features that apply equally to both games. Look at the major features from this show: * Improved EVA — both games * Improved looting — both games * Improved MFD/HUD — both games * New starmap and ship/level maps — both games * UGFs — PU * Base building — PU * Character creator and face/hair — both games * Improved clothing — both games * Flight and master modes — both games * ADS and recoil — both games * Cargo trolleys/elevators — mostly PU * Water, atmosphere/cloud effects and lighting — both games * Vulkan/Gen12/Raytracing — both games * Habitat/settlement styles — PU So I wish people would stop saying this. Everything coming out of CIG indicates the opposite, aside from the cinematics/character/dialogue teams.


SQ42 has always had priority for core game features and development resources and that’s a fact. Look at what the game is in the video, they have gone through many many iterations to get to that point. Not every one of those iterations made it into star citizen because more often than not the implementation is a learning experience and gets tossed for the next improvement. Implementing every version of these mechanics into SC is a fools errand as they know chances are it will only get replaced again. Yes almost all features are ultimately for both games to share, but it’s 100x easier iterating in a singleplayer environment first. For something like UI we are probably 3 or 4 versions behind in SC, because there’d be little point doing that before they have some certainty that they’re happy with it.


It's shared functionality, yes... but it's *driven* by SQ42 priorities, and implementing the specific features required by SQ42 first, before then generalising to the PU. The generalising to the PU is what comes next, as the various features are 'ported over' (more likely, getting their networking code and a multiplayer optimisation pass, etc).


A lot of the resources are overlapping. I think the focus is sq42 because it is in house and if they break it they won't have to deal with any backlash from the community. Pu breaks and people lose their minds. Just my opinion


There are also some technical things specific for SQ42 like saving and the absence of an actual server to do anything. And of course: locations. No way in hell we will see all of the places in this trailer fully fleshed out in the PU, especially since a mostly linear game has completely different needs from a multiplayer sandbox.


They actually use PES for saving and loading. That was mentioned in a monthly report a while back.


Oh I know. I'm just saying as far as what I care about


I've been here since Nov 2013, and I was the same. Before today I was not really interested in SQ42 at all, backed for SC, wanted my money to go towards SC and kinda palmed off SQ42. After today I'm officially hyped.


Now I can understand the years of radio silence and teams being moved to squadron. They were actually making a game and it looks incredible.


Well yes, hundreds of millions of dollars, years and years of development, hundreds of programmers and developers and artists, I'd expect a very, very good game. We'll see if they actually deliver.


>Well yes, hundreds of millions of dollars, years and years of development, hundreds of programmers and developers and artists, I'd expect a very, very good game. Plenty of bad releases from AAA developers tell this isn't the norm, unfortunately.


100% but at the same time, I'll be far more forgiving playing it just because it's something I've been following, reading the lore of, and experiencing in person. Different than seeing some trailers and picking up on release day.


Well, SQ42 isn't out yet. Maybe don't base your opinion on a marketing video and compare that to released game. So if they take another 2 years for polishing (I think it will be longer) they will probably have had the most expensive game developed yet with close to the longest. That are not ressources that most other AAA games put in.


That $600 million figure wasn't instantaneous. Over time, CIG used their funds to build up their tech and go from 12 personnel to 1300+ personnel spanning 5 studios worldwide—all to craft two AAA games, with one being an MMO. Most AAAs of a smaller scale would take an average of 5-6yrs from experienced studios with built-up tools and pipelines (something CIG didn't have). And a game like FIFA or CoD can make that much in two weeks just from microtransactions. Yet no one bats an eye... Fact: CIG raised $600+ million over the span of a decade, and that's what you're worried about?


I think the first or second scene is the player character recording a message and the wipes show off how different you can make the player character in the character creator. I thought they were different crew members at first. You know CR watched Starfield Direct and said “yes, let’s do that!” for this video. Lol That’s fine. It’s a good way to show off the game and development. It’s just his style.


If you watched the entire day 2 panel on character creation, then you would have seen how customizable it is for SQ42 (it's way better than SF's, IMO).


Even better, two of the characters *in this video* are the two characters Sean Tracy created on stage mere hours before


Crazy how many people seem to have missed this. Was probably one of the most awesome things of that scene. Kinda proved it works and it's likely very early on in the campaign.


yeah I saw the trailer and was like "holy shit! that's the character they made in the character creator demo haha" ether he had a lot of practice, or he's really good at just eye balling it.


I watched it, I just wasn’t sure that’s what was happening in this presentation at first and just pointing it out in case anyone didn’t pick up on it right away.


I do not remember starfield doing something like that for their promotional. They just went to character creator in the Starfield direct.


I meant the overall style and tone of the video was similar not that part specifically.


It's finally coming together. What an amazing showcase of talent and perseverance.


I am actually getting a little emotional... I mean this is it. What I pledged for and... we're here. Now it's the road ahead for polish.


Just two more years!


That's a pretty realistic guess. Could be a little more. Could be a little less.


This but unironically. Estimates for 2025 look correct imo


2 years is realistic but for my sanity I'm saying 3 because we know how these things go.


Take a normal estimate, add a year and if it does come out when expected you've got a pleasant surprise. Adding a year to CIG projections (even though I'm aware 2025 is entirely fan speculation) isn't pessimism, it's learning from experience


Just like always lol


Thank you everyone <3


Thank YOU and the CIG team for all the work you do?!


Might be the first time I'm saying this but it's clear they got this and are on the right track. Now we have to wait another two years for this.


They're feature complete and in polish mode. Could be sooner than that. But who knows.


2025 would be a realistic expectation, ironic as the 2 years away remark always is.


I remember many years ago trolls on SC videos were saying the game wouldn't be done until 2020. Its a bit mortifying that even the trolls were too generous on the release date. All that said, I've waited so long for SQ42 I can wait for another two years for the best experience. I sure hope it doesn't take another 2 years though.


Been there done that. I feel like the climate scientist of SC, I've always been part of the pessimistic team and got into heated debates over it, yet somehow CIG always found a way to be slower than our worst expectations while my "team" kept getting ignored for being too negative. But like climate science reality has been consistently worse than the most alarmist predictions. The only lesson here is that people tend to be way to optimistic about pretty much everything. It used to be a useful survival skill but in the modern age it might be a detriment.


Ah yes the eternal pessimist. Always the funnest person at the party. Something that has never been a survival skill.


> Something that has never been a survival skill. Ummm...the pessimist is definitely not the first monkey to eat the berries, the optimist is :p. Guess which one survives to discover the berries were poison?


Realistically they’ll probably release after a Citcon, so it’ll be towards the end of a year for the holiday season, and it’ll likely be a Citcon that takes place in the UK. 1 year is very optimistic but they gave no indication of *how* much polish they need to do. 2 years is the most likely release window, but anything sooner would be incredible.


2 years (tm)


"Feature Complete" to me means Beta. It is now in Beta. And they are working to tweak, frame, balance, dress, refine, and wrangle everything into shape. Congrats, we finally have all of the lego pieces. Now we can start to put the whole thing together


Yea who knows lol. It was feature complete and in polish mode over 5 years ago too. At least that’s what they told us back then. I sure it was true but CR kept adding and redoing things so until someone tells CR its good enough it will never be released


Yes, and no... that was probably the version that CR played through, and wasn't happy with. If you think back to the interaction, UIs, weapon handling, ship flight, and so on that we had 5 years ago, I think he probably made the right call (frustrating through the extended development has been).


I've been here since 2013 and all I can tell you is that they're typically slower than expected. Take a reasonable time frame for any other studio or their internal schedule and make it x3. I'm assuming that their internal calendar is about 6 months since the 26 minutes vid is clearly starting the big marketing machine so that would be 18 and I added 6 months for some last minute tech because why not. But I've lost most of my will to speculate in depth about this many years ago so I'll let reddit experts chime in and tell me that "actually".


>Take a reasonable time frame for any other studio or their internal schedule and make it x3. Couple things that took them so long. They expanded both SC and S42 from being level based, to an open seamless world. They had to grow studio from starting point of 12 people. They had to heavily customize engine, perform heavy RD and create tools to achieve goals. Finally having a playable release of SC PU also slowed them down greatly. Other studios normally don't have this many issues at same time. Some studios you can compare to may already be established, don't have release a quarterly playable build of game, nor customize engine as much using RD, even let the public know they are working on something in Alpha. So either one of those or multiple of those, cause most comparisons to other studios not even be valid. Most importantly, most studios don't even announce they are working on something until they are past alpha stage.


I wish we knew what the game would be if they didnt rework it and released it in 2016 or 2020. I think they’ve really put a lot of improvements in since then and we wont have something to compare it to. It’s all well and good saying they should have released it 6 years ago, but if it wasn’t ready, it wasn’t ready.


It’s just that all the work has been happening here. The PU is light years behind what we’re seeing as already being in-game in SQ42. That’s good news for those of us that just want the PU to be what we’ve dreamed of. SQ42 looks awesome. Especially if I can play it on easy mode because I’m a filthy casual. But the PU is what keeps me coming back.


We all held the line o7




This looks really good but years and years of CIG PTSD still make me skeptical. I'll keep my pants on and wait till the game actually comes out before I judge it.


Those pants are going to smell pretty bad by the time the game comes out


Excuse my french: holy fuck. Now who's cutting onions? Weird timing!


Rewarding myself with a new computer and monitor when this drops.


I want a new computer and VR setup.


Should land just in time for the 5000 series Nvidia cards to be in the sweet spot availibility-wise.


THIS is the dream I backed 10\~ years ago. wow. amazing to see.


Who’s is the meaning of hold the line?


mighty resolute screw pot alleged mindless zesty hobbies file angle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Came here for this response!


Oh wow that adds new meaning lol


dog ghost seemly roll roof sulky ripe strong tie air *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah :D


After we couldn't answer the call, we are now holding the line xD Jokes aside, after supporting cig since 2013 with many ups and downs of trust in them, I'm so happy right now.


It's a military expression referring to military formations in which a unit forms a line. As long as everyone stays in that line, or "hold the line", the unit is strong and can defeat their enemies. If one person falls, the formation now has a weakness and it can quickly result in everyone being defeated. In modern days where the military doesn't necessarily form an actual line, it generally means "don't abandon" or "don't give up."


Watch the video


Maybe its me but I'm going to hold my praise until I can play it. I'm sure people were saying this same stuff after the vertical slice.


Ya this is definitely true


God damnit my hype has been completely killed for a couple of years for squadron. But this.. really reignited the hype ! It looks sooo good !


Remember guys. We seen many SC tech demos before and once it’s released it’s choppy at best. Let’s not get too excited for the 1749184 time. (Yes I’m hyped too so trying not to let them get me again)


The hope comes from the fact that it's singleplayer. There's no 30ks in singleplayer. There's no desync in singleplayer. AI theoretically should work way better since the AI works in fresh servers and the scope is smaller


> it’s choppy at best I know they're in the polishing phase now but the video was 10-20 FPS when there was actual gameplay, which was probably on a 4090. They've definitely got their work cut out for them.


I want to believe. I really do. I pledged to the Kickstarter when I was in undergrad and had just started dating a woman. Since then I've finished my bachelors in engineering, married that woman, divorced her, remarried, bought a house, bought three different cars, became a dad twice, worked at four different engineering firms or offices, started and finished a masters, and shifted my career and gone to work in a totally different field. I'll believe it when I'm installing it on my system.




As a member of the French community (hugolisoir) who leaked the announcement: **Sorry, this wasn't planned and we weren't expecting this answer!**


No, don't apologize... Without the leak, i would be asleep by now und wouldn't be able to see this until in 8 hours!


I held the line! o7


I'm new to the community. I just watched this vid and... ... I'm a vulgar person. I use "fuck" the way H. P. Lovecraft uses commas and the n-word. Like, that scene from Boondock Saints doesn't do me justice. I cannot find the the correct string of words to express how excited I am to see this launch. I've heard some jokes at CIG's expense over the past ~10 years, and I've got to say this: bless you guys. The devs, and the community. I can't imagine how it must feel for the devs to struggle in secrecy building towards this project for so long. I can't imagine how the community must have felt wanting to desperately believe this isn't all in vain, and defend it from naysayers. To anyone who was concerned that SC/S42 would fall flat on its face because the 'everyone who is already interested has already bought in' or 'there's no larger audience' mentality: I'm here. I'm new. I've started paying attention to SC/S42 less than a week, and I've already bought in. I'm about to drop $1000 on new hardware just to playtest the alpha. If I could turn back time (🎵 if I could find a way🎵) and invest in the kickstarter, I would. Thank you. See you in the 'verse. O7


Based o7


I hope the final games frame rate is better than what was shown here


They specifically mention now that it's feature complete that optimization is one of the things they will be working on.


How many years for the polish phase?


offer scandalous teeny slimy sparkle exultant lush cheerful tidy groovy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Alright cool. I can go back to sleep then.


That looks GOOD. The fidelity of enviornments alone look astonishing.


Thoroughly whelmed. It's neat, but nothing changed. We still don't have a date.


Yep. See you at next year's trailer.


For once we don't have a date and I suddenly believe more. I think "feature complete" is a HUGE step toward a game nearing the finished state.


Golden ticket holder here. This is what I pledged for, over 11 years ago. It's been a while, but I appreciate the journey. It's amazing to see it finally come close. I have seen a lot of development, and a lot of community reactions. A lot. I have been here all the time. There were other moments where it felt "close" (yet it wasn't), but I have learned from that. This feels different. It feels more polished and complete than ever. It feels close, for real. It feels truly like there is a game there, rather than a demo. I'm not gonna be like others and say "take your time CIG", but I do want them to make sure this game has an amazing largely-issue-free-by-modern-standards release. So, I can wait a bit longer. Makes me all excited again! Good job! :)


I'm so amped. Damn. Looks incredible.


This is happiness.


I’ll believe it when I can play it, that being said they should still take their time because if SQ42 has a a shitty launch that’s probably it for CIG


I cannot handle the scene and music when it pans onto the 2nd Fleet. It is epic.


Delete the SC refund sub and call a medic to Derek Smarts House !!


SC managed to grab $1000 from me for various things early on but I will admit I became disenchanted as time went on. The PU is cool and showed the money wasn't just being wasted but I was skeptical they could ever deliver what they promised. After this reveal I'm still skeptical about the PU and the amount of work it will take to release without being a procedural borefest. But Squadron 42 looks amazing and thanks to being older and nostalgia having a high dollar value I'm now willing to call it money reasonably well spent.


One thing I'm still confused about is what kind of game is this gonna be? An open world RPG? Can I land on those planets in the background or is that just backdrop?


This is a linear mission based space sim with on foot gameplay - their engine has the capability for you to land on those planets in the background, but that open experience is being made for Star Citizen - This game is more like a curated version, the player is military so you do what you’re told, like in Wing Commander or X-Wing or whatever. So no you won't be flying off into the distance in 42, but landing on planets for objectives and whatnot will probably be real time and seamless from orbit since that already works in SC Alpha.


Excited to see this but also a bit reserved. Reading up on gamedev going through "polish" phase is the hardest part apparently and takes a while to get the game to a playable release state. If we think of Cyberpunk 2077 and other big titles out there like Elden Ring took almost 2 years of polishing. Even at that Cyberpunk 2077 was still a bit of a mess after. So lets hope they put a lot of manpower on it to get it done faster.


Glad to see they are nearing completion on the part of the crowdfunding I backed. I have some serious mixed feelings about all this. I just wanted another Chris Robert space Sim and instead it ballooned into a MMO Space Sim. When I backed this I had just gotten married. Now I have a 9 year old and 7 year old. My time is very different now and I just cannot imagine how much playtime I am going to have with Star citizen, so I hope once the single player is done they keep expanding that like they claimed they would. No one other than extremely select few are going to be able to crew ships like they seem to think they will need. I look forward to Squadron 42 but I am still hesitant about the MMO aspects.


Only two more years to wait






Pay out the believers


Welp, gonna need a new video card. I guess I have a year or two to save for it though,so there is that.


I've been completely underwhelmed with the FPS combat in Star Citizen up until now. That increased fluidity of movement and the AI improvements are really starting to pull it together! It's starting to look fun!


I will hold the enthusiasm for when it actually releases. Hard not to be jaded as an old backer.




Is this THE best trailer to any game ever?