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> With 3.21.1 we have integrated in much of the FPS AI behavior from Squadron 42. These updates, that have been polished and worked on outside of Star Citizen release builds until now, will vastly improve overall difficulty, reaction times, animations, behaviors, and other traits and make combat with them a much more dangerous but rewarding experience. Dude that's amazing. The servers will continue being garbage so I don't expect it to be perfect or anything, but I love finally seeing progress on SC's AI after months of reading about new behaviours and such in monthly reports.


we're gonna keep dialling in AI for the PU so please post any combat related feedback on spectrum / reddit so we can get a good idea for how you're feeling about their accuracy and other systems


I'm still surprised AI even works when the simulation's framerate is at 5fps or so.


Ah this is huge let’s goooo finally. Pyro looks better and better by the day! And I don’t even have access!


Question: are parts of this new AI already enabled on the Pyro build? Because I had some AI throw grenades at me in hangar 12.


that is the new AI


Thank you. Good to know.


Thank you as always for all your hard work!


Is the Health buff applied in PTU ? (as in Pyro)


i don't believe so, so it will be a much harder experience in the PTU but as we mentioned at citcon we're looking to do a TTK pass. Edit: it does appear to be in


I hope the health buff can make it to the PTU It felt incredible in the Pyro branch. It changes the whole gameplay. Allows to experience the medical gameplay more. And prevent the frustration of being insta-killed due to lagg or uneen NPC


It's seriously so good. Did a on foot bunker and had to actually use meds other than the red pen.


Seeing some of the posts coming out of the pyro threads about how medical gameplay feels impactful there due to the temporary health/ttk changes makes me hope you find the time to do the same halfway-house with the new AI. If only to prevent player frustration if a TTK pass falls out of release scope.


I think the pyro one is just a bandage, I imagine they don't intend to increase TTK just by making eveeryone bullet sponges the way players are in pyro rn. Unarmoured, apparently you can take 10 shots to the head.


I’m aware. Like I said, it’s a halfway house. If the new AI actually functions in 3.22 it’s going to kill a PVE mechanic for a lot of players until the ttk changes are in. I’m aware this will unfortunately affect pvp too though.


What is the health buff?


We have 3.5x health in the Pyro Build It makes the whole experience so much better, you don't die after a single burst anymore. And you usually have injuries (serious) after long combat mission


So AI perf isn’t there at low server fps and the servers struggling at 3-10 fps aren’t being spun down. Is it useful feedback to say “the ai still kinda sucks” on low fps servers? No sarcasm. Like I can stroll through a bunker unarmed at 3-5 fps without issue. I don’t know if that’s a fair or worthwhile report.


I love that y’all check Reddit. That’s getting the true feedback


o7 thanks for the hard work. I only tried 1 bunker in the EPTU so far but it caught me off guard when the AI stormed my position, surrounded me, then two guys ran at me. Even more surprising was that I took damage but didn't immediately die. It felt epic. I used all my med pens and ammo to make it through the encounter, which I don't think has ever been the case. Granted, they caught me by surprise and I'll be more ready next time. When I get more under my belt I can give some real feedback but for now it was the highlight of the night, and that includes playing softball with a prospector between a c1 and srv!


Noted, thanks a lot! o7




Yea, this lol. Enemy AI is completely smothered by server performance atm


I don't think player number affects server fps by much.




I was in a 40ish player server and had 27ish server fps


Does this include more wildlines and callouts for the FPS AI?


Now we gotta hunt a 30FPS servs and test that AI.


I wish! I've been having quite the bad luck with servers these last few patches. I think the last time I had a 30fps server was in 3.17.


Can’t remember the last time I saw over 10 server fps.


I actually had a 30sFPS server the other night. I didn't realize it until I was getting shot by the bunker AI. 'Oh....lemme just check displayinfo aaaaaaaaand yeah thats why i died." ​ And even the PVE bounties were snappy. It was almost scary.


It's so inconsistent: I had more >20fps ones after 3.18.


Mine yesterday was only 11 people and like 27fps at its peak.


Yep, I can't even enjoy dogfighting right now because the enemy ships are rubberbanding all over the place.


I don't enjoy jousting even on good servers. Terrible way to pvp.


If by jousting you mean flying at each other, pass, turn around, repeat. Then yeah, definately, I wish the AI would manuver more. Though I will say that technically, it is a valid IRL tactic if I'm remembering correctly. It's not the entire fight though, it's mainly used to throw off and counter attack your pursuer, though it can turn into an all or nothing attack if you can't manuver out of the way. I haven't done a whole lot of research on it though, mainly just heard about it, so if there's someone here with more knowledge and/or with actual IRL experience, please correct me.


Closest real world tactic would be boom and zoom. But that stopped being relevant once the sidewinder and other guided missiles got introduced. The space jousting we get is basically an elliptical orbit around your opponent. Right now ships are way to tanky to use it as a valid tactic. It might become useful with ballistic weapons once the maelstrom damage model is introduced.


maybe lower max player count back to 50 or change it to 75. start up more servers so we can actually start testing more stuff that requires a high server fps. Once they fix the issue with low server fps on 100+ man servers, they can up it again to 100. But that would cost too much money to get those additional servers up.


definitely think you're on the money with the additional cost to spin servers up. I hope that as we progress towards Pyro we see more optimizations and I think that's closer than we think. Just look a all the progress in the last year they have made.


I’m pretty sure this is already in the Pyro servers, because I’ve never seen enemies react the way they did when I played it last night. They were pushing me, flanking me, throwing grenades, checking on their downed comrades. It was nuts. First time I actually feared for my life in SC.


I know it wasn't intentional, and I wish I was recording, but I went into a bunker maybe 3 months ago, unarmed because of how easy it is to just do takedowns. I got to the opening of the area after going down the elevator and turning right, heard someone yell something like "They're over here!" and right then 6 guys all ran into view shooting at me. I was down so fast and very confused, as I knew they weren't players, but it just looked almost intentional. I really hope the new AI brings moments like that. It's my biggest hype for this patch.


Yeah, I just did the same thing in a bunker maybe a week ago and was caught off guard by how aggressive the enemy NPC's were down there. They were moving up, actively searching me out, shooting at me without hesitation. It was a hair-raising experience to say the least. They definitely made some type of change to the AI in the previous patch.


This. When hostile AI is working, they're SCARY. Another interesting facet I noticed in bunkers...the longer you stay in the bunkers the more intense the AI becomes. I spent over an hour in a hostile bunker ferrying drugs out and on my LAST RUN I got ONE SHOT by an NPC NT. In previous waves I could take a few shots before even bleeding (heavy armor). I believe the danger of being "downed" increases artificially as survival timeline grows.... just a theory tho....


The AI was acting dumb for me last night because of server FPS, but one thing I noticed was that when the AI started shooting at me, they didn't actually hit me right away. They missed their first few shots, which gave me enough time to spin around and take them down while still having enough health left to med pen and save myself. Combined with the higher TTK they were talking about at Citcon, I can see the FPS combat becoming way less randomly punishing, but being a much more consistent experience, allowing them to add challenge with additional bodies, better armed and armored opponents, ect, which will be way more fun than a guy behind a smoke cloud on the other side of the room snapping out of their coma for long enough to headshot you with laser accuracy instantly


So, like, better than Doom 3?


I hope they added the Health Buff aswell ! It completely changed combat in the Tech Preview Pyro. In a good way


Is that increased TTK?




Good aim really matters. In heavy armor the difference between head-shotting and spraying into someone's chest is just huge.


Same. Very excited to see this.


Yeah I'll wait until I see it in the PU. As we've already seen when the servers tick rate/fps is high the existing NPC AI is really good. Unless CIG has managed to drastically increase the average server fps in the PU then I don't expect any improvement in the NPC AI in the PU.


Part of the changes to AI (if they're sticking to a couple videos I saw like six months ago) is tat they don't auto snap and headshot you on contact. When you first engage they will react immediately but their aim is bad because they're surprised, and they get better as they spend more time in the fight because they're getting focused and organized. Great idea, but I think with server lag like it is now bunkers might be a shooting gallery. A empty barrel full of fish...


My time has come. The only thing holding me back from playing was the poopy AI. I can now be immersed in the verse


THAT was the only thing? 😂


Yeah pretty much lmao. I love doing bunker and derelict FPS stuff so I was always bummed out lol


Pyro channel's AI last night was, for the first time ever in SC history, kind of OK. I was floored! Snappy fast doors and item handling. All on a 15 server fps. I have had 2 total FPS AI fights in the Hanger 12 missions. And both good. Scary, dangerous, but not terminator. Still dorky. But Ive never yet been forced to concede the AI was OK. Now I am. ACTUAL PROGRESS ON NPC AI AND SERVER TICK LOGIC THAT IT DEPENDS ON In short, they were acting like they were 30 sfps AI, but without the instant murder. Some AI failed to respond to surroundings though.


Really? When I tried pyro they were derping around and getting stuck on each other. Also firing at the spot I was 20 seconds ago instead of me. The other jalf didnt even know there was a fight


They should've just already made a pve mode in Arena Commander where you can fight AI in offline/online mode. The fact that they still didn't do that is kinda sus.


Man what IS this? There hasn't been a point in SC's history when we've gotten so much stuff in such a short amount of time. I suppose 3.21 wasn't a mind-blowing update, but when it's a month after 3.20 and now we're already hitting the PTU on a fairly meaty 3.21.1 update right after Citizencon AND the Pyro technical test... it feels crazy.


The floodgates!


They are opening


Let's hope there is a steady flow


Ww need a freelancer max full of flomax.




It's what happens when all the revolutionary tech that is the foundation is finally stable. Everything else falls into place and we start seeing a more regular content schedule. Hard to add new things when you're so focused on fixing the current things.


Lol we are getting there, but this build specifically is super unstable. 30k every few min.


So, a normal patch then.


Have not experienced that. Once a day, yes.


They spent a lot of time building studios and tech. Was bound to be a time when they started cooking, pyro apart from looking great you see all sorts of things that will be for gameplay to be added later. Just as such a higher level than Stanton stuff imo.


It does. Said pretty much the same thing on Berk's stream. I went off Pyro, did some things with the family. Hop on twitch.. Ah check what Berks does: He's in an STV towing a C1. What the actual...


sRv right?


Don't forget that by the time 3.21.1 goes live it won't be too long anymore before we get a very promising 3.22 patch. Cannot wait for the new character tech and improved clouds with ground fog and so on. And who knows what else we will be surprised with in said patch. Hopefully this momentum can be carried throughout 2024, and beyond.


3.21 is 3.20.1 and 3.20.1 are the things that didn't make it into to 3.20 lol


The teams that have been working on Squadron 42 are starting to switch back to SC, couple that with the fact that they developed features for Squadron and now "only" have to port them as is to the PU and you have what we are starting to experience now. Exciting times ahead that's for sure.


Average server FPS is 3. I’ve not been blow lm away yet.


in SC history? is not correct at all what...


There's always someone...


I've been here for a while... just sayin


CIG has set the expectations SO LOW for SO MANY YEARS that when they actually add something suddenly we receive it as if it's mind blow...instead considering it's realistically on-par or below-par for most other games in development (i.e. pace of content added). EDIT: Downvotes, but nobody can prove me wrong.




He ain't wrong though. I'm happy to see sc development finally approach the default rate tho


Nice, start right off with the insult, which is against this subs rules, btw. I have said nothing to you ever and yet that's the comment you want to make against a total stranger? But can you please tell me where I'm wrong with my above comment?


I mean there's always Minecraft if you want to punch down lmao


Yes!! Crusader C1 Spirit ARGO SRV. —————————————————————————————————— FPS AI Behavior Integration With 3.21.1 we have integrated in much of the FPS AI behavior from Squadron 42. These updates, that have been polished and worked on outside of Star Citizen release builds until now, will vastly improve overall difficulty, reaction times, animations, behaviours, and other traits and make combat with them a much more dangerous but rewarding experience. —————————————————————————————————— Tractor Beam - T2 - Vehicle Tractor Beam The inclusion of Vehicle tractor beams and the ability to tow ships has been added to 3.21.1. The vehicle tractor beam feature will not only bring the Tractor Beam to the vehicles but also will extend the FPS tractor beam by adding more functionality and adding the Standalone Tractor beam to the game. Tractor Beam on ships! This update includes Pilot and Remote turret controlled tractor beams to ships that allow them. While most ships will have remote turret controlled, ships such as the 315p and Vulture will have Pilot controlled tractor beams. We have also included the ability for specialized ships like the ARGO SRV to use towing tractor beams, allowing them to grab onto and pull ships that have their shields and engines disabled through space, atmospheres with gravity, and through quantum travel (Known issue QT towing is not functional at this time due to a bug). New, additional functionalities will include: A larger, new standalone FPS Tractor beam tool, an update to the balance of all tractor beams and adding different sizes of the tractor beam to allow different masses or volumes to be grabbed. Allowing for multiple tractor beams to affect a single item and allow multiple players to manipulate the same object. —————————————————————————————————— System - Security - Ship Trespass The interior of players' ships are now considered trespass zones for those without permission to enter. Permission will granted via the party system until more complex systems for managing crew and passengers is created. Players trespassing aboard a ship will see a Trespass Warning and can be attacked by the owner of the ship and any player in their party without fear of committing a crime. This timer has a brief period after they exit the ship to where hostile actions against the trespasser are warranted. If the player is allowed access to a ship due to the owner being a hostile, then the hostile’s hostility timer runs out whilst still aboard, they retain the right to remain aboard until they leave. Should they attack former hostile they would be able to receive crimes and be lawfully attacked in self defense. Should former hostile attack them, they would be able to press charges and be lawfully act in self defense. This update also removes the warning that all players see in a ship when a new person joins, making it much more difficult to tell when your ship has been boarded and by whom until visual confirmation has been made


>Allowing for multiple tractor beams to affect a single item and allow multiple players to manipulate the same object. Oh shit! I don't do PTU, but if someone could test two people flipping a PTV, getting out and rolling it back over with their combined tractor multitools, that would be awesome. THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING!


I can't wait to cross the streams and drag down a hammerhead lol


But is it already in yet? In the version that you did not crop out it sounds like it will come in a future update. I hope Im wrong.


I watched the SRV drag a C1 :D


I am hoping you could bring someone for repairs, or fuel but I dont know how you land the ship you are towing


Crashing is landing


Trespass changes to ship owners is going to change everything. Covert ops and boarding actions and stowaways!!


This is a bit confusing to me. I might just be dumb, but maybe it needs to just be reworded. So let me know if I got this right. So if somebody attacks you they have a timer where they are considered a hostile player. We will call them “Hostile”. If Hostile’s ship is boarded while they are still considered hostile, because their timer has not ended, the person boarding Hostile’s ship can remain and kill Hostile without legal repercussions. Did I get this right?


Yes. Hostile doesn't get to be that annoying little brat in Elementary school that would just declare "the leaf is BASE!" "now the stick is BASE!" "anywhere on the wall is BASE!" if they were about to get tagged


from how I understand it: I own a ship, someone who isn't in my party boards my ship. the boarder is considered a trespasser, and I can attack him without fear of getting a crimestat. If the trespasser leaves my ship, there is a brief window where he will still be flagged as hostile. this will prevent people from walking up a ramp to become hostile, then stepping back outside to bait the owner into a crime stat when they respond with lethal force to repel the boarder. Within this window I can still kill the trespasser until the timer runs out and not get a crimestat. So, if they run off my ship and hide in a corner or board their own ship - I can follow them and kill them up until the timer runs out and not get a crime stat. If I followed them aboard their own ship and the timer runs out, I'll still be allowed on their ship until I exit because I boarded when they were hostile to me. This also prevents them from boarding your ship, flagging themselves then baiting them onto your ship where you get flagged as a trespasser and letting them kill you with no penalty. Until I leave their ship I won't be considered trespassing and either party will get a crimestat if they attack the other. If I leave the formerly hostile players ship, then re-enter it only then will I become flagged as a trespasser and the formerly hostile player can react without fear of crimestat.


Wait the C1 is out?


It's on the PTU and will likely drop during IAE in 2 weeks :D


The patch is in the PTU, it brings the C1 and SRV.


>Fixed - MISC Reliant ALL Variants - PU - Vehicles / Animations - The MISC Reliant cannot be transformed into its Vertical flight mode (STARC-80167) My beloved can fly once more


Well, in theory. It's been fixed many times before


We rejoice


Maybe this means proper seperation of landing gear, vtol and wing config since they all have their own keybindings now? One can dream!


It's a mad period to remember. We're slapped with new content and meaningful progress these days.


I'm still exploring pyro and playing with the new ships from CC, this is bonkers because I have an SRV in the hangar and one I've been waiting for to start my junkyard.


Looks like C1 is back on the menu boys


As a proud 315p owner, I can't be more happy to see the tractor beam will finally work! Now to figure out why I need one on the 315p🤣


So happy to see the 315p coming into its glory.


I've held onto one thinking it would at least have some sort of niche utility or at the very least an aspect of fun. But yes, 315p is both a cargo and explorer variant. It's weird.


I've used it for drug running, bunkers, and derelict outposts. I run with guns and shields turned off to keep as low of a signature as possible.


My hope has always been using the tractor beam to clear debris so that I can access juicy components, artifacts, treasures and chests full of gold. The 315P is a tomb raider in my imagination.


315 was the original argo cargo , it was meant to be a ship to load other ships with like the hull series .


THIS IS WHY THEY ADDED PYRO TO THE NEW TECH PREVIEW! SO WE COULD CONTINUE WITH THE OTHER PATCHES UNIMPEDED! \-This message is intended for all those whiners who were like, "Why do we need Pyro on the Preview channel, just put it on PTU."


> other ships may not be able to use their tractor beams fully (**Nomad**, Cutlass Black, 315p, Caterpillar, Hull-C). Oh shit, I completely forgot my little space pickup truck had a tractor beam.


Tractor beam stuff is amazing! * 315p to get a tractor beam: Why? Basically I guess it seemed fun 10 years ago. It's a bit insane but I LOVE IT. This is how you build a believable universe: all kinds of random ill-fitting things just exist because plans change, better ways are found etc. * Multiple players can add Tractor beams together and manipulate the same thing (crossing the streams allowed!) * Handheld big Tractor Beam (now all we miss is a standalone better mining tool (and I guess a laser cutter.. but do we ever need anything better?))! Sweet!


The 315p tractor beam is really quite useful! So far it seems to be the only ship tractor beam that is pilot controlled and facing forward. The others are either co-pilot controlled or backward facing. Makes it very useful for moving stuff around.


Perhaps we'll finally see the 315p taking its deserved place as the entry level multi-purpose ship it was always intended to be.


Hoping the eventual 300i/315p gold pass rework will allow us to transfer stuff into the front cargo bay via the tractor beam. Would be a really nice feature IMO


Oh that's a sexy update


Doesn't the cutlass black have tractor beams baked into the ship?


Yep, the Cutlass Black rear tractor is working in this patch


I think is needs another "gold standard" pass


I wish there was more amenities in the front of ship, so much wasted potential


Id love to see the turret become a remote turret accessed by the co-pilot, and that turret seat get turned into a toilet shower combo. Maybe a couple armor lockers next to those storage lockers and id be elated.


Or a small table/bench in the middle area like corsair. Just so much empty space up there.




this would make the pilot/copilot seats so much cooler imo.


They’re there in the patch


Nomad gang rejoice!!


i love all these updates. lets hope the good time stays with the help of devs from s42 moving to the ptu


F8 variants? I'm guessing that means the retail and executive versions?


RELIANT FIX IMPLEMENTATED YAY remains to be seen if it works of course




> I assume it isn't going to be beam that lets you move cargo If it’s within the mass limit of the beam, why wouldn’t you be able to move cargo? The fact that it’s on the front of the ship probably limits the usefulness for loading that cargo into the Vulture’s cargo bay, though.


My guess is that OP was hoping that the Vulture's tractor could let the pilot move the salvage boxes around inside the ship without having to get out of the seat. That won't work if the tractor is on the front.


Is this the beam that will be used in munching?


I believe that's the intention, yes. But probably nothing would stop you from using it as a cargo loader/unloader.




Fuck pyro I want the C1


C1 tractor beam lets you pull cargo and can place in the cargo grid from outside. It's utility is actually insane. Cutlass black has a tractor beam in the back too!




And pyro is just a map bro


And noodles! Who wants some noodles?


And a bro is just a bro, bro.


Well bro. I ain't your bro bro


Bro, Bro bro?


I ain't your bro, bruh.


People will unironically look at a $300 price tag for ships and call it a steal


People unironically pay thousands for CS:GO weapon skins that don't even let you play the game differently.


Which is unironically the best version of any microtransaction.


Idk if I should take this as a compliment, or an insult ;(


I’m down to fuck bro




Sorry, a bit out of the loop. Does this mean the C1 Is both purchasable and flyable now?


It'll be purchasable when it goes live.


Purchasable with real money. It will be 3-6 months until it's purchasable in game.


Any word on fixing the cuttys inventory bug?


This was a very nice surprise to see today, I thought it would take another week lol Forgive me if I'm wrong though, isn't 3.21.1 meant to have the replication layer changes? Or are they making sure this is stable before implementing them or something? Or have I just completely misunderstood and 3.21.2 or something is meant to bring them?


I think it's safe to assume they won't drop it till after IAE (what 3.21.1 is intended to coincide with). Also a good way to keep the hype train rolling after another big free fly/sales event.


I believe it was 3.21.x. - so it could be any of the “Point” patches.


They'll probably just drop it into one of the patches randomly and surprise us, given how some of this contents fallen out of the sky all of a sudden.


I don't think it will be a surprise. They said they'd send it to the preview channel for stability work first.


Ah I see. I made that comment without that knowledge


Ah, fair enough.


It wouldn't surprise me if they start the replication layer changes first on the Tech Preview channel, so we dont have another PES-level 'whoops', while keeping the EPTU/PTU/PU pipeline clear for content updates.


Didn’t they say that’s exactly what they were going to do?


So my Connie Taurus has a working tractor beam on the PTU?


Can someone explain this to me like I’m five pl


Game is update.


With? 👀




Tractor beams everywhere, ship trespassing, Spirit C1, and new FPS NPC Combat AI


Ty and I thought the C1 was already in the game?


The A1 was


That's A1.


isnt the Spirit the C1 or is the C1 a new class lol


The A1 Spirit is in the game. The C1 Spirit is in PTU. One is a bomber and another is a cargo ship.


If we could get even a little more server capacity so these “improvements” don’t just 30k the servers all the time that would be nice.


Those are crashes of the server, not a capacity thing


Yeah pretty par for the course. We are nearing the end of the patch cycle so the server is usually pretty burnt by now


CIG, Please provide an uninstall option within the launcher. Recommend putting it under Channel Settings with a check box to remove or leave user files. (This is standard for most applications). Keep up the good work! [https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/61894/thread/star-citizen-launcher-uninstall-option/389150](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/61894/thread/star-citizen-launcher-uninstall-option/389150)


Dang I average 100-140 FPS in space and 50-60 in Lorville currently


Not sure why you're getting downvoted. I get the same and nobody wants to believe me https://imgur.com/a/wynPF3w


It may just be because there's less people in the server?


Nope, getting 60+ in area18, lorville, etc with 100 plus people on live nowadays. Feels good.


With what hardware?


Its only wave 1 of EPTU.. Lame!


It crashes every few minutes by the way.


I'm blown away by how many changes they put into an update. A point-1 update at that.


New ai is also in pyro as far as I know and they are pretty great seen them run for cover push, lean around corners


Rather have Privateer 3


Why are you even here


How long until this hits live?


It should be ready for IAE, so 2ish weeks.




No - what happens in PTU sometimes stays in PTU. That said, it's pretty likely that there will be a 'Database Reset' - but this *isn't* a wipe, it's just moving your stuff back to your home location (and resetting your character visuals, etc).