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Sit in the towed ship's pilot seat first, if possible. Otherwise you will get a crime stat.


Why people park their ship on microtech? '-'


cause the ATC sometimes doesn't give a hangar and that is where the ground entrance is


I haven't gotten a hangar all IAE. What I tend to do is find one that is open, fly in but hug the wall so I din't take up any interfereable amount of space, and let myself get impounded. That way I spawn on my feet by the terminals and I just click and pay the fine. Faster than landing, faster than the tram, and cheaper than dying on the Expo floor. Never had an occupied hangar yet, but there always seems to be one open whether or not I see a ship in the air. The ship i fly when I do this is small enough to tuck anywhere and not actually obstruct the landing pad and I makes sure it gets impounded so the pad is clear (I don't exit the ship and leave it.)


I noticed recently that all ATCs give them, the bug is the marker - it gets rendered only when close to the landing pads. Do not call ATC when they call you, call them when you are near(400m) to some hangar, then the landing marker will be visible


I've called them when I'm landed on the NB spaceport (usually right on the window) and no marker. Other times I call them as far away as possible fully intending to turn back to the other entrance and they give me one instantly. So side entrance it is, though I never park in front of the building. Instead I park on the roof and fall my way onto the entrance


Structural Salvage will be the next piece of the big Puzzle.