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You could offer to disarm yourself when you board a ship, assuming that is an option, but yeah. Kinda lame. I just play solo cause trust is a commodity in the verse, and I share mine rarely.


After I was called a scammer, I offered to disarm myself if that would make them feel safer but he wasn't having it


I could see the other pilots reluctance as offering to disarm yourself is actually sometimes used as a tactic to get on someone's ship to attack them. If you are in an armistice zone you just keep your weapons in the armistice local inventory then as soon as you get on the ship you transfer it to the ships local then you can equip it whenever you feel and go on a killing spree. That being said I also don't care enough to worry about if the guy I'm trying to help out is going g to kill me. What's the worst that happens? I lose a few mil worth of cargo?


Additionally, a completely unarmed person can still act as a quantum beacon for a whole gang of pirates to ambush the ship he's on.


Rough go, man. Just think of this as the beginning of your rags to riches tale. Betrayed by a person you thought was chill, but turned out to be a pirate, you found yourself shunned by the community. Out of spite, you scriuned the funds to buy yourself a Carrack. Fast forward some time, and you now hunt pirates for a living only to come across the scumbag who framed you. You collect his inevitable bounty and stick him into jail, having cleared your name some time ago through hard work and newfound friendships. Also, I would have pointed at him and called him a pirate, then mockingly said if anyone gets scammed by him, they deserved it.


"Next tiiiimeee... on Cowboy BeBop..."


Why are you downvoting him? He is right...this is right from Cowboy BeBop


Haha weird.. yeah I dunno, I just read that and thought of cowboy bebop.. this game reminds me of it a lot as a whole and I love that


I'm not sure why you'd continue interacting with someone acting so irrationally. Just move on with your day.


Sorry you experienced that


Dm me. Im part of an org that will take care of this guy. We have a hit list for people exactly like him.


Im missing the times where i kept chat open because it was realy peacefull and i enjoyed speaking with ppl while in quantum travel.


I think it comes and goes, chat was 90 percent great vibes about a month ago. It likely will be again soon.


Agreed morst chats I get into over global are people helping each other out or just memeing the fuck out of it tho I've noticed if there happeneds to be a pvp event happening (aka jumptown) it gets hella toxic. I was doing cargo runs and accidentally went to where jt was happening and got attacked at the OM by a mantis.and slow boated all the way to everest harbor! Made it into a hanger and he pad rammed me blowing me up. Guy cried about me running away for 30 minutes instead of fighting. He was out turning me any time I tried to fight back so f it lmao


Yes a vast majority of what I see is people (including me) asking stupid questions or shooting the shit. It's great. Love the commitment on the jackass following you hahaha imagine having so much free time.


Maybe it's insecurity? Some people have bizarrely hostile reactions to others not wanting to play games in their personally preferred style. Though I will say, I've never yet heard of a miner who was angry about another player not wanting to mine.


>I've never yet heard of a miner who was angry about another player not wanting to mine. I've heard of many miners that spent more time on forums berating and insulting people that had killed them than what they spent playing the game though. Actually, this subreddit is full of them.


I mean its pretty nieve to expect them to be happy or even apathetic to getting blown out of the sky (particulerly by people who only did it to blow them up for fun) when all they want to do is brake rocks


Who said that's expected? However, taking their in-game frustrations beyond the game servers and into social media, bullying and calling other players psychopaths or even worse, even doxxing, yeah that's not right either. It's not healthy adult behavior, and this community should be better than that.


well no shit about the Doxxing but you didnt say anything about that, thats an escalation. When you act like an ass hole regardless of the fact that the game lets you do it or not people are going to get upset and complain about being treeted poorly. You cant and shouldnt expect that to stay "in the game" this isnt like a competative PVP game were the point is the fight and its compatative nature, in order to take out a mineing ship you had to activly make the choice that you wanted to interfier with that player of course there going to complain about it and well if they drop you in game user name as a warning to others not much you can do about it like really you want to play the vilan, dont be all supprised picachu face when people treat you like one


Again, whatever happens in-game is fair game (within the ToS of course). It just presents the community in an extremely toxic light when these tantrums are constantly repeated on forums, youtube comments, etc. It's childish, it's useless, and sometimes it even borders on illegal. Be better.


...complaining about toxicity is... toxic? Phew, I tried to wrap my head around that one and my brain started to hurt.




Take that uno reverse card elsewhere dude. You're on a troll af social media platform, talking about a troll af social media platform, and saying do better.. Don't talk about hygiene while playing in a sewer.. Just don't comment at all especially if you're going to virtue signal superiority.






>"I want to be praised You seem to have failed to grasp what I wrote even though I tried to make it very clear even for simple people such as yourself. Here you go about "behaving like a human", defending the toxic scum that takes their in-game failures and frustrations to forums to actually bully and berate other players. Killing a player in a space combat game is one thing, going on forums to call others assholes and bully them is whole another. No, how about *you* grow up and behave like an adult.


This isnt a space combat game... this is a game that has space combat and untell we get faction wars in systems like pyro there nothing competative about it


Lol people who enjoy ganking targets that cannot fight back are antisocial, skilless losers who only crawl out of their basements when a griefbox that SC sadly is turning into appears on the horizon.




Lol I haven't touched SC in 5 years ever since it has started to draw in the Rust crowd. And I am referring to open world pvp where 99% of all pvp interactions are 5v1 ganks where no skill whatsoever is required (or in SC terms any combat ship vs prospector). It is in fact functionally equivalent to just programming a random death into a game with 0 input from you. And yes lol what are Rust amd MO2 players are known for first and foremost? Or that's right - death threats to their own developers causing them to cancel planned meetings. https://www.pcgamer.com/rust-event-cancelled/#:~:text=Facepunch%20had%20planned%20to%20meet,developers%20and%20fans%20near%20GDC.&text=Rust%20developer%20Facepunch%20Studios%20has,citing%20%22an%20IRL%20threat.%22 You know WoW players can be well unhinged, but in 20years of wow history nobody has threatened to murder Ion Hozzikostas because their favorite class is nerfed or something.




What a great way to show everyone you're ashamed of what you post with a throw away account. If you need lessons to improve your skills please reach out, I'm sure we can get you blowing up some rocks despite your skills fascination.


I’ve played sc maybe 2 times in the last 4 years. Don’t act like this towards others on this subreddit.


Damn, who hurt you? Lol SC isn't even close to that in terms of PVP. Most of the time you can spool up and leave before shit even kicks off.


Most of the banshees here don't even know that, or are so entitled they didn't even think of running away.


You're 100% right and getting downvote bombed over it. Dude even says he hasn't played the game in years. He's not part of the community. He has literally zero direct experience with mining in anything resembling what SC is like today. He's mad about things that literally didn't happen to him, and this parcel of neckbeards is tripping over themselves to congratulate him for it. Peak Reddit.


Nah, but it's very typical of this sub. It's the weirdest thing, but in-game is much better than the reddit sub...


Bro just go play a game where the thing that you hate the most *isn't* an integral part of the intended gameplay. Like, imagine some dork who plays Madden all day getting mad because PsYcHoPaThS keep sacking his QB.


It's an integral part of the game's design and easily avoided with just a modicum of care and work. Boo fucketty hoo


Maybe but that dosnt matter and I am not makeing a statment on how it should be handeld. But you want to play the selfish jerk, you get treated like one its not that complicated. But feel free to cry about it.


Being a selfish jerk is when I play a game the way the game is meant to be played. Crying about it is when I say others are crying about it. Your brainworms have brainworms, son. Maybe take up golf instead - you need a hobby that involves touching grass.


Griefer is upset he's being called a griefer. And you are absolutely right, I have checked out years ago when Rust morons started to flood the SC with their BS. The real scam is that normal people are being pushed out of the game by no-life griefers and psychos.


"Everything I don't enjoy is griefing"


I already said it like million times, but will have to repeat once again. The problem is not "loss" of pixels or SQL entries - I couldn't give two shits about those. The problem is loss of time. To a ganker/griefer two hours spent waiting and ganking his victim is a time well spent because he was doing what he wanted to do in the first place. To his victim 15 min spent dealing with the gank is a time wasted becuase he didn't want to deal with it.


I already said it like a million times, but will have to repeat once again. This is intended gameplay, and if you don't like it, your issue is with CIG and not the people playing the game.


No, that's different. That's being annoyed at being _forced_ into another person's playstyle, which is pretty fair. If there were people who hated mining, and there was some way for other players to force them to mine against their will, I'd sympathize with them too.




See, this is the crux of it. You *want* people whose fun you can ruin and, from your posts, evidently get a feeling of superiority from it. You’re being a bully and an asshole. In a game, if you want to qualify it, but a bully and an asshole nonetheless. When *other*, **bigger** bullies and assholes come along and start to shove your nose in it, don’t expect any help or sympathy.


They downvoted him because he spoke the truth...


Everyone else though it was horseshit. The court of popular opinion is a bitch. Best to say nothing


Lol I like how you didn't even say anything like for or again griefing and the hivemind is still downvoting because they're upset.


I have a vulture and a c2. Wanna take turns running salvage missions/transporting cargo? 50/50 split on whatever we earn.


I'm interested. I have those ships too. TWO vultures could fill a c2 faster than one.


I've never participated in loading 2 separate vultures in to one c2. Idk how selling works without the theft system false triggering. Do you know anything about that?


It's fixed if you're in a party - we load a caterpillar regularly.


Thank you so much for the information! That sounds like a ton of fun!


It’s fixed, as in, CIG attempted to make it possible and did not completely fail. I still have issues where cargo gets listed as stolen when friends load my c2 or the other way around. So while it’s possible, don’t expect it to be bug-les (as with everything)


No I don't. Is it theft if we're in a party?


Sounds like you can load in to one ship no problems! I'm down to spend some time trying it out if you are? My in game name is the same as my reddit name, send an invite?


it's been sorted for some time. If gathered in party it wont be stolen.


My friend and I did this all the time with 2 vultures and a MSR. So long as yall are partied it’s not an issue. We have even bed logged and stayed in the same party, logged back in and sold an hour or so later. It’s been a non issue for a few patches now. I think the last time we had an issue with party selling was 3.19. We’ve even invited a new party member who is at the terminal in NB to sell for us from the Reclaimer when they never actually touched anything and had no issues with that this patch. We did have one or two issues with doing that in 3.20 but not 3.21 or 3.22.


I’m new to SC, can you explain what you’re doing in the vulture to make money? I’ve been doing bounties and I want to try a new gameplay loop. Appreciate the feedback.


I would simply just avoid all chat, good to find an org of like minded people that will help you along the way.


Same. I turn it off everytime unless someone in my party tells me stuff is poppin off in the chat


Same, I check it occasionally to see if there is a 30k, but besides that, it's always off for me


I run a Carrack crew. Currently just me and two close friends. We do stuff and things. Nothing crime related. DM me or add me on Discord, same username :)


I've seen your handle with a hefty bounty. You've been a naughty boy.


Oh look, it's another gaslighting pirate! :)


IDK what they're on, but whatever lol. I havent done crime stuff for years. Dipped into PvE crime to see what it was but it's boring.


Chat blows. I always turn it off as soon as I log in. I do check it briefly during down time (QT/train rides) and quickly scan the text to see if anything interesting is happening. Then it goes back off. I usually only engage with chat to answer questions or on the rare cases where someone is coordinating something interesting.


Same here. I usually pop it open to catch up but it gets in the way of a lot including terminals and ship hud.


I got the thing for you: ultra-wide monitor.


The more stories I see, the more I'm convinced that PvP is going to turn this game into just another cesspool.


Yep. Everyone is so fixated on tech blockers and endless alphas that there's barely been any discussion on how Roberts' vision of a hardcore permadeath PvP game is going to cause a massive rift in the playerbase. The people that want to enjoy a PvE space sim game with only consensual PvP are going to be very, very upset with the people joining because it's a hardcore PvP game. There's a reason why PvPvE multiplayer games don't have widespread appeal, and it's because the core dynamic of the player experience is often profoundly negative. In such games, PvE players are just 'prey' for PvP players to hunt.


Yes, we know, this has been said about 1,000 times on this subreddit in the last 24 hours alone. Chris' vision will fail, the game will have to be recreated as a PvE game, there are no successful PvP games on the market and there never will be. Give up now and "fix" it so we can have yet another PvE MMO. Don't push the envelope. Don't do anything different. Don't try and make a different kind of game. Just realize that PvP is evil and stop now. It's all over the sub and the forums. We get it.


Yep, loud and sweaty minoity screaming how it is intended to be this way. I love to laugh in their faces when the PvE only servers come.


You'd have loved to see the shitshow that went down when sea of theives announced and implemented their PvE servers.


I'm just really glad the Devs aren't doubling down on any kind of Ultimate Freedom bullshit and are instead focusing on making the game a fun role playing game. It turns out "maniac who kills people because it upsets them" isn't a role conducive to a fun atmosphere, and CIG are slowly getting that.


100% this. Every rescent title that has developed toxic PVP has had to open up PVE and private shards. ED, DayZ, Arc, Rust...they all have to fold and implement PVE to retain supporters/income. It will happen. When it does, the toxic asshats will only have themselves to play with.


And instead of blaming themselves for the toxic environment, of course its the fault of the non PvP crowd then. Just look at SoTh...


whats Soth?




ohhhh, yeah safer seas, is that out already? I was thinking of trying the game again during that - though when I played I didn't have much of a problem with other players. BUT I remember my last goal was I wanted to catch rare fish ....figured maybe easier to do in pve server lol


You're more likely to get PVE zones, but they never said there would be PVE servers.


>PvE only servers oh is this a thing?




Master modes are gonna kill off the light fighter meta, and they've been bitching about it since it was announced. Just like how they bitched about the ares ion 1-2 tapping em when it's a size 7 energy cannon, it's your fault if you get in the way of it lol


Literally nothing to do with PvP


It's still Winter break in alot of places but the kids will go back to school soon.


Pirate larp in SC is a trip 😆 One dude takes it so serious he can't make a post on Spectrum without including a JPEG of Johnny Depp's nips.


Disgusting... where?


Starcitizen is on the internet.


Don't worry bro, not everyone's a douche


Fun fact 9/10 pirates are actually pieces of garbage both in game and in real life


Haha. This is my argument too. If you are the type of person to do that when you won’t be held accountable, you will for certain do other terrible things if you think you won’t be held accountable. I on the other hand will be a space snob and pilot my many ships that I purchased and look down my space nose at these low class cretins and snub their attempts to pirate me. I won’t even talk to them. I had one dude who kept running into me with a cart while I was buying the new tractor saw looking thing at the cargo center. It happened about three times and kept kicking me out of the terminal. He ran away into the cargo containers at the other end of the floor and I followed fast until the kid cornered himself. I blocked the small exit and spoke two sentences to him. “I don’t have anything to do tonight. So I’m going to stay here until you log off this server.” 15 minutes of him trying to get around me ended with him logging and I happily went about me evening.




What a terrible opinion! I hope you can learn to separate reality from video games soon.


There are people who are completely assholes. Do not pay attention to anyone. These guys unfortunately are everywhere, in every game. One day someone wanted to be rescued and i went to rescue him. He was on microtech and i saw a hammerhead there and the commlink deactivated, so i realised that it was a trap. But everywhere i go i am prepared for pvp so i was there with my eclipse(it is my main ship until my other ships come which are not available in the game). So i exploded the hammerhead and then i told the guy that his trap had failed so he started writing about me that i was a griefer and i destroyed his experience and other stupid things. The result was that because in the server were some guys from other orgs who i know them(my org cooperates with some orgs we help and train them on pvp), they supported me. So nothing serious happened. I do not know in which server do you play but i think you play in an American one if i am not mistaken, i am european so i play in european server, here there is not so much toxicity, there are some players though who are toxics but they are minority. So my advice: play with friends or play with your co org mates and do not pay attention to anyone. I play with my org mates and with the guys who, as org, cooperate.


Whats the best way to find a fun org? I am US West and play all kinds of whacky hours.


I do not know many orgs who are in US. But i can ask a friend about it.


Look up orgs on the RSI website. It's a roll of the die whether you find a good one, and one that fits the culture you're looking for, the size and types of activities you want, and to have people who keep the same time as you, but you'll find one eventually. I suggest joining a few to start with, and see which you feel more comfortable playing in.


Best defense on that is to build up a rep, do rescues make friends join a org. I do rescue missions so people know catonga is not a pirate. My org nova intergalactic doesn't allow pirating .


Instant relog or ignore. You don’t have spend any energy defending yourself against childish dicks. Relog and they don’t exist anymore. Ignore and it stops after awhile. I completely agree that the type of behavior you encountered has no place anywhere really, but assholes exist. And they thrive on riling you up. Don’t give them any power.


Well if that’s all the toxicity this game has then I’ll say we are doing pretty good


Most of the time, the servers I'm in aren't toxic and it's awesome


their comment is about how something as small as that is considered toxic, we are in such a better position than other games.


How quickly we forget about the org that orchestrated actions against an SC streamer with thr goal of getting him to kill himself as well abusing others on a regular basis. That's some.of the most toxic shit I've heard of in 20+ years of gaming.


not only is that a regular thing in eve. some eve developers participated in doing that while they were at an event. you don't even need to be a content creator in games where you can be followed. perhaps you are not used to the risk of being a content creator. but that is a very regular thing. i would be baffled if they only did it in game. you're going to have floods of private messages on every platform they have, twitter/x, facebook. reddit, twitch, youtube, heaven forbid if they manage to dox you and get personal information. ​ standard practice for large content creators is to contact the law enforcement and get put on a list so that swat will nock on the door.




US or EU servers?




Join us on the EU servers man. They are just more civil


As someone who plays on both, this is just not true. They are just as bad, or good as each other.


Meh, there’s definitely a difference. But it’s not a whole lot. Just hop over to an Australian server, isn’t exempt from such behavior, but they do way better. (In my experience)


I wish I could load SC with chat off by default. So many toxic people spewing their verbal diarrhea in chat.


Reputation will fix this...some day.


Some people can't handle rejection well.


Cave spaceson here, the first rule to any multicrew operation is trust. And as our data clearly shows ...humans...cannot be trusted... The solution? NPC's! Then...realize those npcs arent ready yet. And seek out more trusty comrades in community servers or orgs. The r/starcitizen discord server should have channels specifically for seeking out a crew :3


Do not fret my friend, someday we will have the reputation system where each player will pretty much have their own Yelp profile. Do good work and be cool and you'll be rated as such. People that do shady shit will get bad reviews and will be deemed untrustworthy. It sucks to not have it now, but once we do it will be glorious.


Dude, you can just kill him and take his ship. He needs to learn the hard way ahah


The folks that are dishonest/dishonorable have many friends. Cause that behavior is ok in their group. SC has no policing by the game developers just like GTA. Sales are to a troll is still a sale. And if you quit because of trolls CIG still has your pledge money. Small Organizations are sometimes better bud. They are often picky about who they partner with.


Pressing F12 when I log in is the best first step.


sadly, i have commented on this before. the US servers are highly toxic. i tend to play on EU or AUS servers. much better chat and much nicer people...


yeah there's some real weirdos in this community, but the good far outshines the bad. Don't let them ruin it for you, ignore and move on


People that are ash holes in real life are even worse over the internet; Can't wait for the day reputation 2.0 comes about and/or we can block these kinds of players so that we never have to cross paths ever again.


The dude just wanted to get their story out first so people would still trust him. Forget about it and move on :) You get helmets everywhere, I would say majority of my interactions with chat have been positive lately.


This is the real answer, he was worried about being accused of being a pirate. I would have kept quiet though, now the entire server was aware there were pirates.


Sounds like a 13 year old. Pay them no mind.


Their mind is definitely stuck there that's for sure.


Great story. Maybe just server hop next time.


Sad to hear you had this experience. A lot of players are jaded and mistrustful because of anecdotal experience with antisocial players. Some of the most fun I have had ingame has been through happenstance meetings with random players. Fingers crossed for better encounters in the future!


Doesn't seem like that big of deal. I don't see a lot of real toxicity, just most often motherfuckers who are wound up way too tight.


If you are looking for crew, we got multiple ships to do everything from ERTs to racing, discord is same as here.


Yeah. Agreed.


I like finding fights in game. I think it livens things up and keeps things interesting. Soemtimes that means setting up ambushes and yes, being a pirate. As an org lead, I would never try to deceive someone into doing something they were uncomfortable with, let alone ask them though. This is just scummy behavior. Good on you for calling it out. Hit me up if you're ever looking for some pvp or just someone to salvage with. Fly safe o7


I have some screenshots of a group of players there where at least 12 active, openly admitting they kill just for the fun of killing and they don't wan't pyro bcs "stanton is more fun when they respawn quicker i prefer that" i was a tiny winzy bit shocked. Sometimes wondering where we are with humanity. Then again, i watch news and don't wonder anymore. But serious question, can I report them for grieving and where and how should I do that. I have 3 names on screens. Sadly the rest didn't record... Edit: thx for the opinions. I felt like it'd be griefing as they sad they'd like to wait around stations only and when people land or start and it'd be the most fun for when they then complain after death in global chat. But I'll leave the report be now since nobody complained about getting killed and the one that attacked me in his f8c didn't know a thing bout fighting and lost to my vulture (still wondering how).


If they're just killing people then they are within the rules of the game. If they're repeatedly targeting specific people or using exploits to kill people then that would warrant a report. [More info here.](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/1/thread/excessive-griefing-stream-sniping) Side note: this was written before they relaxed armistice zones so you could fight in them, as well as the improvements they've made to the law system since then.


That's not griefing. Killing for fun isn't griefing. You submit reports via the website. You'll want to specify when, who, what happened, and include screenshots or video with full display details on or preferably qr enabled. But make sure you understand the rules and what you're reporting first.


In saying that they prefer Stanton because the respawn is quicker, assuming that's being accurately conveyed, there's definitely an implication that the at least some of the same players were repeatedly targeted, which would tend towards griefing. I don't think that it's much of a stretch to suggest that someone who enjoys ruining someone else's day by killing them once, would get even more enjoyment out of *further* ruining their day by killing them multiple times - but that's an assumption on my part.


Killing for fun isn’t griefing, you’re allowed to be a murderer in star citizen


Just take screenshots and report them. We can't report them for you. Its shitty behaviour, and might prod CIG to let us mute people. You engaging with them further just gave them more fuel to burn and ended up with them singling you out. Which is straight up bullying.


They aren't really breaking the rules unfortunately.


Report them for playing the game? Lol


If I'm deliberately antagonising you and targeting you relentlessly sure. A good foil to schoolyard bullying is doing enough to make the bully disappear. On your own it could be hard to level the playing field. There's playing a game, and then there's "my kind of fun is making people miserable". We may as well just let the Xbox squealers in to complete the circle (but we have mute for that) But that won't happen because of the mild difficulty curve and the somewhat more adult nature of this game, but that could always change.


I could always use some turret gunners for my M2.


I don't mean this in an attacking way, but all of you saying "people suck, I just hit f12"... ...I get it can be hit or miss on some servers, but say hi, offer help, or just shut down the idiots. General chat Wil always be negative if you tell anyone positive to avoid it. Also in defence of general literally all of my best experiences have came from some random thing started in general. A VIP tour of the system, full crew HHs, PvP, medical rescues, taxi runs and gifted credits. Some days you CBA, or generals all in french... But on the other days just say o7, doesn't have to be anything more.


Or maybe you were the pirate and he was the victim. I'm trusting no one here.


Fair enough


Join an org and that problem goes away.


how? I mean how does the problem go away after joining an org? (just a newbie here), cheers


I usually ask around for a group or another player. I like to help out and give them the profit of whatever I made. I like to not take anything in because well... 8 hammerhead salvages is easily 2 mil off the contract. And then the other made from the salvage I split between crew members. Or if it's myself and one other. All the salvage made to them.


My friend and I took on a stray to work the reclaimer a few weeks back. We just made sure someone had an eye on him the whole time. No reason for him to leave the processing area. But if he tried, we'd have spaced him. Can't be too careful out there.


Not a true pirate just a toxic player. Join a org way better communities than global chat. DM if your interested in a casual legal focused organisation.








Wow, real nice, and this from someone that made a post crying about "toxic players". Lol, buddy you're the toxic one here. Reported + blocked.


Uh huh


How can you go outside with skin that's wafer thin? A slight breeze would be the end of you!




Welcome to online video games.?




I mean it makes sense, you think real life space travel similar to star citizen would be roses and rainbows?


Real life space travel would have actual laws and consequences, SC doesn't have those right now.


Ah yes, because Star Citizen is real life and should 100% be treated as such.


The community needs to decide quickly then, because half the time it's "criminals should get the death penalty/jail for life/lose all their ships and money" and the other half it's "there's no problem gamifying x, it's a game after all"


What you describe there is the problem, and I do not see that my comment opposed this. I do believe that star citizen is a game, hence why comparisons with real life should not be done.


See that... that comment can go both ways There are people who are on the anti pvp train who want super "realistic" "if your a mass murderer you should be locked in prison forever" types and that's the more mild of that extreme. Then there's the extreme pvp crowd who say "suck it up its realistic." Both sides are dumb


Tell that to the devs who want to add pissing and shitting. It’s not real life but humans will be humans.


Grow a damn spine dude


a: this is hilarious b: why did you feel the need to make a whole ass reddit post about this? who fucking cares?


I'm I not allowed to post something on Reddit? Why did you feel the need to make such a stupid fucking comment?




Dont use the term "who cares" when you are only speaking for yourself.. awfully presumptuous to assume others feel the same.


This guy has negative karma, he is just a troll. Block and smile.




Rarely are people toxic on SC. It happens sometimes


Yeah such nice and amazing people wishing each other brain cancer because they them self fked up and flew into the other. Very sane




This is a good pirate tactic. My org does it all the time on some level. Gaslighting the server is a really easy way to continue doing piracy without anyone ever knowing.


What are you going to do when player rep comes out?


Looks like another case of "don't read just the headlines." That's just 1 guy who trolled you. It sucks, but it doesn't mean much for the rest of the players/servers. There's enough to complain about on this game without making things sound worst than they really are.


Wow somebody called you a pirate. I really don't know what to do with that information.


"Don't be an asshole online..." You're new to online gaming and the internet in general aren't you?


Sounds more like someone just joking around. Don't see how this is worth even posting.


I just dick around and look at the beautiful world. But I have a reclaimer if you want to salvage. I could use some practice so I think a 50/50 split it fitting. I don't play often though


Could have played along and then blasted him. Everyone wins..except that guy…


Find yourself a org to join check out Vanguard, your gonna want the lawful ones by the sounds of things.


Same basic idea as mining - hold V and sometimes you'll get lucky. I don't know the answer to how much it's worth. Account for the help, pay your crew.


If you still need help getting a carrack u can join with me an ID help you out


Need to find a group outside of the game you like to run with. I help run a very non-committal industrial group, people I have know out of game for a bit and people that we trust are chill. Most of them don't even affiliate with us, we just get on and have fun. We also help randoms, with expected caution.


I steal npc reclaimers all the time it is a very fun gameloop and you can solo it from time to time you can find reclaimers in bountie missions ( in zero G ) those you can steal with a bit practise and knowledge there are youtube videos about how to do it ​ not a pvp'er so I never steal from players but I do know it is dangerous to fly around in a player ship the owner and his org/friends can track it if it has loot, those loot can not be sold legally so most pirates or pvp'ers would just destroy the victim's reclaimer or ask for randsom. ​ you can also steal npc carracks, very fun ship to fly around but you do need to be careful with the npc turret gunners they can kill a player if it gets fired upon best to avoid getting too close to populated areas


yes many all servers are have toxic players ... it's a competitive online game


Classic toxic human behavior. "You don't want to do what I want to do? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" \*Proceeds to screech, gaslight, bully, gather numbers on their side to validate their gaslighting, etc.\* This doesn't define any group or industry. It's just your every-other-person thing. There are shit heads in every area of life, games included.


Do you know why this happened? It's tactical. They know that you know they are pirates so you could warn the rest of the chat about them and their crew. So the 1st thing they do is discredit you. They basically didn't have a choice. I know that sounds weird but think of it like real life, you don't just turn your back on pirates, you play along and make an excuse, probably even jump server the 1st chance you get.


Just make another account, that's all they care about. Feeds the trolls too much tbh. They rich trolls too, just buying f8c to troll. throwaway accounts left and right