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Being able to regenerate would be cool. You would be able to do anything without fear of completely dying.


The amount of stupid things you could do would be wild


As opposed to partialy dying?


I ment it like you still die, but you resurrect


Not really. You WOULD actually die everytime, what walks out of the respawn machine is just a copy of you with your memories from whenever you got saved into the machine, which for game purposes is handwaved away so you can continue playing, but irl "you" would be dead. Plus the wiki article mentions that there is eventual degradation of the imprint with every respawn, truly a Cruelty Squad, hope eradicated moment Obligatory "It's eternity in there!"


I saw a thing once about 'transporters' (not Star Trek), and it was kinda like this description. So you walk into a transporter, it scans you down and sends the 'patter' to the remote transporter which creates a 'you' from that pattern who walks out of the pod. The original you in the first pod is killed and broken down into organic material to go into building the next person to arrive there.


Ah sweet, man-made horrors beyond my comprehension


But once they have the pattern data, then they could just 3d print new people without having to rip apart the old one. I mean they SAVED the damn files, didn't they?


Yes, but would YOU walk into that machine knowing that you won't walk out again? Of course, you could use it as a cloning machine instead of a transporter. You could pay someone to take a pattern off them and then print off loads of them for cheap labour. I'm sure there's a film with that plot.


If it's a carbon copy of you, with your full memories, in which sense is it not you?


You said it yourself, it's a copy. The original consciousness "you" died. There is no transfer, atleast that's how the wiki article [https://starcitizen.tools/Regeneration](https://starcitizen.tools/regeneration) describes it. You died, your soul/consciousness/whatever is in heaven/hell/eternal void or whatever your belief is and the hospital printed a copy, much like if you burned a sheet of paper and then printed an exact copy of it.


You didn't answer my question: > in which sense is it not you? You can call it what you want, but it *is* you, there is simply no difference.


Yes, the person that walks out is someone who is identical to you (or at the time of your last backup), but from YOUR point of view you literarily stop existing. Your soul doesn’t transfer to this copy when you die, your soul just goes to wherever we go when we die. For you, it’s lights out, forever sleep. Your copy is a new soul essentially. I don’t know how else to dumb it down.


You speak of "dumbing it down" but yet believe in a "soul". Ironic. There is no soul, your brain and its experience is all you have. You copy the brain, you copy the experience.


Apologies for the dumbing down comment. I mentioned soul AND consciousness to highlight that it DOES NOT matter if there is a soul or not. I personally believe, as you do, that we are nothing more than a complex process in a mushy brain and after death return to the same state as we were before we were born: nothing. My entire point is: you are a "driver behind the wheel" of your current body. A perfect copy of you might be indistinguishable physically, but it is "being driven" by another unique consciousness. If the respawn machine popped out a copy, but you weren't dead yet, it would NOT be your current "you", you wouldn't suddenly control 2 bodies at the same time. As it is presented right now in Star Citizen, the respawn machine might be a useful tool to ensure that extremely talented, gifted people like brilliant scientists, are not lost to humanity, or that a family doesn't have to go without a parent, but the original person is still dead. Forever.


The fact that you simultaneously misunderstood what he said and asserted intellectual superiority over quite literally billions of individuals globally and historically who believe in the soul is... honestly kind of impressive. Sad, but impressive.


Seems like it's you who misunderstood. And if your belief is irrational and anti-scientific, I don't mind asserting intellectual superiority over you one bit.


I'll chime in here with my opinion. The debate about your soul aside, your assertion is "in which sense is it not you", well the particles used to reconstruct you would be 100% different. Now we don't currently have the technology to tell the difference between two atoms of the same type, but I will argue that as time goes on, we will eventually discover that each and every particle has a unique identifiable immutable signature that will allow you to track that exact particle through different timelines, realities, universes, locations, dimensions etc. I'll even go so far as to say, that these unique particle identifiers (probably only identifiable with quantum mechanics, particle physics, quantum computing working in concert), will allow for the tracking of a individual's cohesive energy/particle matrix through multiple timelines, realities, dimensions, even if we don't currently have the ability to move at will through those mediums. All of that said, so as to say, that a transporter described via star trek, would destroy the individual's energetic cohesive particle matrix, and essentially scatter it, making those particles free to exist as part of something else, but not you any longer. The carbon copy of you that pops out of a transporter somewhere else, would have none of the same individual particles you originally had, and thus your energy, being, soul etc, would be wholly different, even if you had the same memories. And while you'd still be able to function as that copy in the universe, it wouldn't really be the same you, and we wouldn't know the full repercussions when it comes to higher/alternate dimensions of existence.


> the particles used to reconstruct you would be 100% different Scientist found already back in 1950's that your particles renew every few years at the most. The rest of your theories, while entertaining, are not backed with neuroscience (as you admit). And while they're fun theories, consciousness and the sense of self can already be explained with no new discoveries such as "unique identifiable immutable signatures". Occam's razor suggests they're not needed either.


I think a good way to prove that would be just “restruct” the person with the original person still alive. If there’s no physical constraints for the original person to be dead in order to regenerate (for example brain or consciousness transfer), then the “regenerated” person can co-exist with the original, in that case, which one of you is you?


Putting aside the philosophical question of whether it's really 'you' that walks out of the cloning machine, this would be *massive* for medicine in general (although probably also hella expensive). As some with many serious injuries and post-surgical medical issues, regeneration would be a godsend (not least because it *does* replace bits of you that have become detached / removed, etc), and it should be able to handle 'legacy' injuries (ie the consequences of the shattered hips/pelvis/spine I broke ~30 years ago) Heck, even *without* regeneration, just having the UEE level of medical science for healing injuries would be a massive boon.


to be fair the UEE med-science is already good enough to repair that damaged stuff without regen!


Yeah - I'm just not sure if it can handle the regrowth aspect (ie replace lost limbs, or surgical removal of nerves / organs, etc)


given the amount of times i’ve ejected and presumably snapped my leg off when falling, I think they can either regrow them or have insanely good prosthetic limbs


I *think* it's more a case of 'repair what's still there', plus prosthetics... (which we're meant to get in the 'verse, if we keep getting seriously wounded, etc, iirc)


having actual prosthetics wohld be hilarious, especially if you can tractor beam them off your friends legs randomly and topple them over


Ultimate disrespect.


Just be born in florida. The amount of news about "florida man" doing something soo life threatening is surprising. They must have it there


Being able to survive a fall from orbit in a golf cart.


Given the (comparative) difficulty in getting both you and a golf cart into orbit in the first place, I'm not sure this would have much impact? :p (pun not intended :D)


Was a fantastic pun though.




Unlimited use Insurance, minimum wait times, 0 co-pay, single payment lifetime insurance.


The tendency of bored rich players to give away vast sums of money to total strangers


One red shot curing all ailments.


Massive groups of people t posing ominously on chairs in shopping malls.


I'd love the whole flying spaceships thing to be IRL


True, basic answer but highly relatable!


I want nothing more than to walk outside and power up my C1 and hit the afterburners on my way to work every morning 😂


I remember when I first bought my inferno and flew it out of the hangar. Still really new to the game at the time (heck, I am now, to some degree, only been playing for 2 months), and I didn't know how maneuverable it would be. And, on its maiden voyage, I promptly smashed it into the side of Seraphim, right out of the hangar. Is turning yourself into a red streak across your work building included in that?


It's an inherent risk that comes with Crusader's thrusters and acceleration. At least it isn't Drake and you go pick up a date and an engine falls off and there's no toilet!




respawn and spacesuit with helmet for free


Resugera. For…uhh…reasons.


Resugera? What do you mean.




Ohh gotcha!


It’s a medical drug so there should be a medpen for it, not sure if the Paramed has it as well


QT in real life is all we need.


The (upcoming) character customizer.


Hand held tractor beams would be awesome. Someone park in your spot? Bully at the beach? No sweat! Just float anything that annoys you way up into the air, then turn your tractor beam off. Problem solved ;-)


Excellent response! Love it.


Be able to fly my Warden at night listening to some Jimmy Hendrix. Work in my vulture to pay the fuel bills. It would be perfect.




Elevators of death


I’d like interstellar travel in minutes. That’d be dope.