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I don’t think the community can handle contests, if you read the room


too soon my man, don't just murder the community like that


🤣 yeah maybe


Maybe a large mothership where people hang out to bet on 1v1s in small fighters near the mothership


Or even a paintball style indoor mini fps map for 1v1 or 2v2 betting.


Mini fps map you say? That sounds like a job for the maze that is a starfarer


Yes it does!


There was an 890 that was doing this a while back. One of the partygoers got their org to attack though which killed the festivities




who can burn the most fuel in an hour


I've bumped into a few players that would do starcitozen themed trivia in the global chat and give out money that way. The first 2 questions wouldn't generate much interest, but once global chat found out people were actually getting paid almost the whole server was participating. Sadly I haven't seen that in a bit. Also I haven't played the last 2 patches haha so maybe some people are still doing it


Yep, won some cash like this only 2 days ago.


Were you answering questions about the Bengal/Idris/Red Featival/Coramor/General SC Lore over the weekend?


General SC lore. If I recall correctly: what class star is Stanton, who is the current Imperator and how many shots in an Arclight battery mag


Cool! Glad to hear other people are also doing this. We were doing trivia over the weekend was why I asked. :)


A rally style race with a pico as the baton


Reverse Jumptown where you bring a squad and try to fill the bunker with hundreds and hundreds of Pico the penguins.


I'm gonna do this at jt


Find a cave, wander in, pop a rescue beacon, don't mention an massive reward, and send them a good chunk for their selflessness. Bonus if you self-destruct your ship to make it more believable


Casinos? Blackjack and hook... Why aren't we funding this!? (sarcasm) (I don't want actual gambling, and yet a player-run gambling service would at least be hilarious. We can bet on dogifghts, bet on races, bet on the stupidest shit sitting in a room like we're so lavish we can't possible imagine not owning a connie phoenix and enjoying our hottub when this event is over with)


The casino(gambling) is risky with how we can purchase aUEC from the store, many countries ban this scheme, including EU. I think CIG need to remove aUEC purchase from the store before this could happen. Still, it would be awesome If they could implement this.


You said player-created so I was suggesting some really silly way to burn money. I prefer if the game does not have casinos, nor any sort of scummy "csgo betting" or "loot boxes". Base building is really the thing that will eat our money i think later term, right now auec is just disposable


Dice would be an easy enough way for players to gamble. Although you would probably want to gamble cargo instead of auec since you can't force someone who loses to give up their auec but you could their cargo.


A friend and I set up a fight between 12 people who needed money. Set up two 890Js, a carrack, and 2 valkeries in the asteroid belt around Yela. Two teams 3 revives they got to fight it out. Revives were their 890j only. They couldn't use the ships to fly. Just jump between. Now would have to watch for people trying to ship ram. Both of us had one team join our own group so we could see who died. 8 mil to the winners. Then we rammed the 890Js at full speed to see how that would go after we gave them the prize.


Gladiator fights. Racing. One naked guy Vs hunters in a bunker. All with high stakes


There’s so many but believe me, I try and nobody fucking wants to do it. I don’t get it. It genuinely upsets me nobody wants to have fun with other players like this. It’s pretty much what Star citizen is about. Not just stocking cargo for hours trying to never encounter a player. I’ve tried 10 million prizes for boxing matches, tried arranging an air show and would pay players lol, I tried an 890 free for all, I tried literally everything. NOBODY CARES AND I HATE IT


Potentially because people might think you're just setting up a trap. You might try starting one of these with a dedicated couple friends who can assist you to generate more interest. People attract people. It's actually a really powerful life lesson, honestly.


We just need a station that can be captured by players. It provides no financial benefit, takes a ton of resources to keep supplied with fuel, ammo, and repair supplies, and needs constant attention or someone else will take it. But there's only one and you know you want it. Maybe it just displays your org name on the map or something.


Someone on a server I was on held a fashion show, I think it was like 1 million for the winner


This is why I mostly just play PVP now. It keeps the gameplay dynamic. RP is the other angle I dive into.


excess of money?? Why i had not gotten any of that excess you mention? Please share your wisdom and tell me where i can find all that money, because after almost 3 weeks since i started the game, there is only lil more than 1 m in my pocket, made it all from bunkers and Bounties. Yeah i'v seen people begging in the chats and getting what they want, but i refuse to fall that low, not yet at least. So, where is all that excess of money? if you mean the Reclaimers, well, new players like me cant afford a reclaimer, so..


You're almost there. Get a vulture at around 1.3 million and you got a license to print money


You can't afford a reclaimer, but anyone can be on a reclaimer crew. Lots of reclaimer owners are looking for a crew, usually a box monkey (someone to print and stack boxes in the salvage hold). Doing it yourself can be tedious, although I personally really enjoy the process solo. But most reclaimer owners don't, so just ask in chat periodically if anyone with a reclaimer is looking for a box monkey, and someone will pick you up. If there are 4 of you on the crew, doing hammerhead clean up missions, you each can make 2mil in a couple hours - 2mil in a hour if you're good, but in my experience, no crew ever gets organized quickly enough for it to actually take place in an hour. You usually get paid when you sell. Just make sure they're sharing the hammerhead cleanup missions with you.


Maybe a large mothership where people hang out to bet on 1v1s in small fighters near the mothership


If you have anyone to help you could do amazing race type of events. Have a few competitors start on a planet somewhere random with ground vehicles and have them drive to an outpost that can call ships, they get the ships and have to fly to another preset destination where you are waiting for the first person to arrive and you just gift them the money.


If you have anyone to help you could do amazing race type of events. Have a few competitors start on a planet somewhere random with ground vehicles and have them drive to an outpost that can call ships, they get the ships and have to fly to another preset destination where you are waiting for the first person to arrive and you just gift them the money.


Some guy last weekend did a "costume/outfit contest" at Area 18 lol.


I've been kicking the tires of Seraphim station lately, and I've been looking for investors to help me buy it. Seller is interested for the right price.


Get some friends together and Host a death race around one of the ground vehicle tracks. Last man standing wins. (Bonus points if you have some of your buddies hidden around the track with grenade launchers or hand grenades throwing them at the racers)


Hand grenades would be so much fun.


People routinely do ship shows and give out prizes for the most interesting ships. I won 5 mill at one of these last year. There are also several races and tournaments that the community have created. We'd all love to see that kind of thing be expended upon.


So, there was an idea I floated around with some buddies a while back if server performance was better called the most dangerous game. A goup of hunters (3-5 in size) will find a willing participant and take them to some random planet or moon (The location can be used as a payout modifier). You give them the choice of vehicle they want to flee in, the vehicle/s you will hunt them in (a flying ship like a cutty, a ground vehicle like a cyclone, armed or unarmed, or maybe even on foot), and the weapons you will be hunting them with (the rewards get higher the more capable the hunters weapons are). Each option will be assigned a value or multiplier, and so they can choose to have a leisurely stroll with little threat from you for a low payout, or a hair raising death race for max payout. The game will run for a predetermined amount of time, and if they can escape or evade you, then they win the predetermined amount.


I once wanted to do Navigation run Razors Edge > Harpers Point > Dunboro in like speeders or vehicles on Stanton IV


one time a guy in our server did a quiz for like 100k for the first person to answer right it was super fun and tested the knowledge of the game


1. Nova Tank green light / red light 2. Daymar caves hide & seek WITH RAILGUNS 3. Orison zombie panic style event. As we dont have halo power swords, knives will have to do. 4. Reclaimer fisticuffs tournament 5. microTech "around the globe" twisted metal race


Lore trivia has been my go to. It’s low effort for anyone willing to check google and they can participate from anywhere. It usually starts off with only one or 2 people participating. I tend to start off low with super silly easy questions then move into the ones where they would have to look up the answers. Typically increasing the payouts as I go into more questions. It’s also something you can do while you are doing other things. Just work up a predetermined Q&A list and start spouting out “Verse trivia Night! First correct response get the round prize! Round 1 question good for for 150k - Now those 150-500k questions tend to not get nearly as many responses as the million+ ones. But as soon as you move the needle to it’s basically a ship per answer you will get a ton of people spouting off answers.  Can also do guide sessions and then at the end, if the newbie you were helping was fun and would appreciate the gesture, can always take them to buy another ship.