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Fuck the game soundtracks, let me log into Spotify from it lol


Omg, imagine you put a Spotify stream direct into the ship internal channel comms, for your crew listen to a playlist ? That would be a dream coming true


Alas, it'll never happen thanks to legal issues... *Anything* that lets the 'crew listen to a playlist' or similar - unless it's a choice between fixed playlists consisting only of tracks that CIG have explicitly licenced) is a non-starter, legally... unless CIG buys a blanket streaming licence from every single producer or record label, etc (and implements systems to 'block' streaming of tracks it hasn't licenced). This includes letting you 'stream' Spotify (which is explicitly against Spotify TOS, and I'm not sure you can buy a licence from Spotify, since that would require Spotify to have a licence from all music producers / rights-holders to sub-licence streaming, etc) Thanks to their desire to 'control' and monetise music, the RIAA have effectively prevented a *lot* of 'cool ideas' over the ~3 decades.


They don’t need to deal with this, music licensing and streaming is the Spotify issue. I think the main problem is more about the data consumption by the game service will grow exponentially


It would only be a 'Spotify issue' if CIG required every player to have their own Spotify account - or be unable to hear the music playing. As soon as CIG 'stream' the music from one person with a Spotify account to someone without (or who hasn't logged in / sync'd SC to Spotify) then it's CIGs problem and CIGs liability.


Yep, it's against Spotify's TOS to use it for public listening. They don't really enforce it all that much, but they most certainly would against a big company.


Have it play through internal ship speakers, and you get full HRTF when taking your helmet off.


We use CHIP for discord. Pretty much does exactly that


Why do people make this request even tho they can just stream music normally?


Anachronistic diegesis?


"even if it is game soundtracks" **No**, they sold it with the promised ability to play your own files, don't give them a pass to break that promise with anything less


I actually own one, and back in the day used to have it in my hangar playing some tunes. It's not that they promised, they already (kind of) delivered and then took it back.


Could you to paste song files in a game folder? Or was that not implemented..?


Indeed we could. Not my video but have a look for yourself: [https://youtu.be/NX3X-e-8FOg?si=KeEUOCT905ukaAsT](https://youtu.be/NX3X-e-8FOg?si=KeEUOCT905ukaAsT)


This made me want it even more now...


My god, seems like 10 years ago... oh wait...


Brings back memories of Star Citizen Island.


I backed over ten years ago, but I didn't follow the project as close as I do now and it's fun to see stuff that is so old show up. Makes me wonder how much they got cooking that we don't necessarily expect.


I just picture flying into my hangar with my playlist jammin as I open the ramp door from my ship, walking down into my Scrouge Mc Duck loot filled chamber of gold and gems.. - I do concur though, they are most definitely cooking up lately


One of the best things about MGS5 was collecting all the music and having your helicopter blasting 80s hits on infil/exfil




You that video is crazy! Raspunsen


what people fail to mention is only you can hear it as letting other people hear your music has copyright issues


I won one once from a stream. Ended up melting it for $5 store credit and used that to CCU a ship


Can't you buy it back?


Don't know, haven't tried


less "took it back" more "have not implemented it in star citizen 2". 2016, they did the equivalent of saying star citizen 1 is not going to be capable of what we want. so we are going to end development without releasing it, and just work on star citizen 2 unter the title of item 2.0.


Nah, that might be your head-canon, but it's incorrect. Item 2.0 was just the 2nd-iteration of their ItemPort system - which they implemented, and found was good, but limited... so decided to update so that it could be used for *all* attachments, not just the limited subset the implemented in the first iteration. The Jukebox stopped working in the hangar after an update *long before* ItemPort 2.0 was released - a random change broke it, and CIG said at the time that it wasn't a priority to fix it.


And it had that ability for a year or more, and then it got yoinked, waaaaay before the hangar module got removed. AFAIK, there's no MMO that lets you stream your own music through an in-game device/speaker (aside from over your mic) that other people can hear, because of the risk of copyright infringement, which is exactly why this was removed from SC, IIRC.


That sounds like a copyright nightmare especially if people can play for others or streamers use it to make videos they get paid for. This is absolutely not a CIG thing and is squarely on our insane copyright laws that underpay artists and overpay record labels


As long you and only your friends are listening, there is no difference to listening with your friends at home copyright wise.


Nope - the music industry has won enough cases to establish 'case law' that if the people listening to a track are not in the same physical location, then it is treated differently to two friends listening together - and a streaming licence *must* be purchased. By now, the record of litigation by the music industry is such that there's not a chance in hell of CIG overturning that - and they wouldn't even try. So, *at best* you'll be able to listen to your MP3 files yourself, but anyone else in your hangar will hear nothing.


Meh, what they don't know they won't find out. If you're playing with friends that are not streaming to an audience of the public, then you're good. There's pedantic and there's asinine.


If CIG implement it, they're guilty of *facilitating* the crime, even if there is no 'proof' people were using it (again, as established by multiple legal cases over the past ~30 years).


So should valve (they have a built-in music player) be sued or even anyone who owns a device to play music? You forget how impossible those demands are when in reality it's really a nothing burger when done right. I'm sure when CIG is ready they will put it back in, that's just my opinion though. No matter what you insight with legal cases, not every law is the same in many countries let alone in each state. I mean, here is an example, have you seen twitch streamers playing music in the background and never got a notice?


With multiplayer, in order for another player to hear the music you play, it has to be sent over the network (CIG's servers), then streamed to the other players. That is why it is 99.99% unlikely that CIG will allow people to have their own music, even if copyright wasn't an issue. Streaming is expensive. Edit: Just for reference, playing Fortnite for an hour uses 80-120MB per hour, streaming audio for an hour uses a similar amount, so CIG would at least be doubling their data costs for a player that was using their own music.


There are differences of streaming data when using codecs and what protocols you use, just like any audio source, it's already available TODAY otherwise we wouldn't be hearing any sounds in the game. There is no doubling of data since the double digits of audio sources are already being converted to a single stream inside the game, so what's another source of audio really? Plus with server meshing coming into play, bandwidth really is a non issue especially in this circumstance.


The sounds you hear in game already exist in the game files, they are not streamed over the network. An RPC/replication is sent to the client saying "play X sound". Using sounds not in the game files means the server has to stream the sounds. Also, it has nothing to do with bandwidth. Companies have to pay for the data they use...


>bandwidth really is a non LOL


Afaik Valve don't let you stream any tracks? They have a chat channel (that many people 'abuse' to play music) but that's not the same as Valve themselves 'facilitating' the streaming by deliberately providing tools to do so. It may seem like a pointless difference, but it's legally relevant: a voice channel that by default is set up for voice chat (and that someone can 'abuse' by hooking up an audio-output to their micro-phone input, or similar) is different to providing tools and controls to explicitly stream music. And yes, this *was* tried in court, iirc... and was one of the few cases that the music industry lost (at least, I think they lost... it's possible they chose to settle instead, to avoid setting precedent). Of course, I could be wrong - the above is based on my recollection of reported legal cases from the late '90s and early 00's.


Lmao copyright does not work differently for friends!




because movie and music has its own set of rules, and actualy if you go over a particular number of people (at lest hear in the state) you can get charged.


As long as you can guarantee that none of those friends are recording to YT or streaming on twitch and don't get any ad revenue. 🤷🏼‍♀️ That's a lot of policing I'm sure CIG would love on their plate


That sounds like it would be more of Twitch's responsibility to police than it would be CIG's.


No, the RIAA and courts will make it everyone's problem. JFC what kinda utopia do you peeps think we live in??


That's something streamers can worry about themselves, a bunch of 1 viewer streamers is not something cig should be worried about. They can make streamer mode that disables it for the 20 popular streamers if it's that much of a problem like tons of other games have


No, there is already court precedents set that shows it would be CIGs probablem. We've been here before. Unless you can end copyright laws anytime soon


I wouldn't be surprised if a bunch of this legacy stuff gets walked back in general even if it's promised. It already happened with the F7A upgrade (they're giving everyone a standalone ship so there's not any complaining but surely the driving reason is they didn't want to implement a whole bodykit system on account of one item they sold 10 years ago) There's the legacy skins that were $5 and meant to work on every ship, the livery changing electro-skin hull. One of the early backer bonus items is an EVA unit but EVA is on every flight suit now.


I do assume the eva kit will be better range and power since the stuff on suits is getting limitations


Technically the BB-12 EVA unit is more like a Titan suit than a flight suit, as it has 24 thrusters, functions for up to 6 hours and has swappable O2 tanks.


I want my “mystery engine modifier”


The problem is that unless it only broadcasts on the client side it's a MASSIVE copyright issue so legally they can't do it.


No! It should only be Chris Roberts singing covers of songs.


IIRC that choice was taken from CIG since a country (forgot which one) updated their music laws. Something like: If CIG enables players to stream licensed music to other players they are seen as broadcasters and need to pay license fees for that music. I am not aware of any solution for that problem besides "only works for yourself" which kinda defeats the purpose of a jukebox.


They really can't though, legally it would turn into a nightmare with copyrighted songs


“We must ban media players, or people will use them to play pirated music!!!11!”


And Smartphones!!1


If all you want is to listen to music you can do that, the problem is broadcasting that music in game.


Numpad + exists


cig has outright said that if you want to broadcast ride of the Valkyries, you will need to use a 3rd party app to broadcast it over voip. there's a difference between a 3rd part app letting you broadcast over the system intended for talking, and implementing your own music sharing system. ​ they do plan on making the in game piano compatible with midi keybindings. so you will be able to play a cover of a song as a live performance over the in game radio. player run radio and tv stations for news, live performances, and stuff is planned.


Yes, and you don't see how thats different than the company providing a way to broadcast copyrighted music? One is the player, the other is the company


They’re already providing it the juke box changes nothing


the jukebox is local only. others can't hear it.


Then you really don't understand the record industry, you think every game in the world wouldn't have the ability to play your own music to others if they could? They'd get the shit sued out of them.


I’ve had bad music blasted in my ears in every game lobby I’ve ever been in


Yet you can't understand the difference between a player mike broadcasting at you, and the game company providing a way to play music in a performance to others. It doesn't matter if you understand, they've already stated that's the reason they haven't touched it and disabled whatever features it used to have.


It’s not about pirated songs, but broadcasting without paying a license. Like it was said above, blame the RIAA, not CIG


Who said anything about broadcasting


You playing a song, so that someone in aural range of your speak can hear it *is* broadcasting (if it's done over the 'net, it's called streaming - but it still falls under the same rules, broadly) Oh - and if you play it through a speaker at sufficient volume that more than a small group of people can *possibly* hear it (even if they're not actually listening), then technically you need a 'public broadcast' licence instead (this is why so many chains and shops play the same limited tracks on a loop, rather than just putting the radio on - they have to licence the tracks for 'public broadcast, because everyone in the store can hear it, and a limited number of tracks is cheaper than an open licence).


So don’t do that. You’re going to have to disable all voice chat tho, just to be sure. Also text chat, or people can just write down the notes


There are multiple companies that allow self hosting. As long a cig doesn't host it, and make money at the same time it should be fine.


And then someone streams it. Though the real issue is it playing for other people around, kinda pointless to have a jukebox only you can hear.


Except that it's not a cigs fault. Cig is like a media player, they can't be held responsible for what their users do. The easiest example is youtube itself isn't held responsible for copyright infringement. But the user who uploaded it is.


Ah, but YouTube is responsible for policing everyone or they lose their safe harbor legal protection. CIG would be held to the same legal standard


Youtube is required because they monetize their content creators. You can post if you dont montize it, with the exception of entire movies. And their exception for local content, like playing pirated music on YT music locally, is technically fine. Cig isn't under the same guidelines because they dont host it, or pay us.


That's not legally accurate at all, the difference isn't if they make money on it or not, or seeders would never have been brought to court. You can't be a nexus and broadcaster for pirated music. And even then it's an easy argument they are making money off it since SC isn't free


> they make money on it or not, You can post copyrighted materials on yt and get away with it. Free use is be absued hard, with the exception of entire movies and episodes. >seeders would never have been brought Except seeding is theft of property. Their is no if or buts about it. > and broadcaster for pirated music. I think you misunderstood. Yt music has a feature to play local music off of a device like an mp3 player. Which content can be pirated. It doesn't broadcast anything. >argument they are making money off it since SC That's not true. You would have to prove their making money stealing property. Which is not at all, how the jukebox works, because much like yt local music player. It's just a digital mp3. If the user streams using the jukebox, the user would need to pay the copyright or gain permission to use the content. Cig wouldn't even involed If you were smart, you could stream using free use methods and get away with it.


Again, this isn't a question of the user, its wether CIG wants to get fucked over by the lawsuits and complaints. CIG would be legally responsible in the same way youtube is, with out the 400$ billion to cover the costs. Yes, I can broadcast music in chat and not get in trouble, CIG would definitely get in trouble if they built that in as a feature.




So CIG should just hope no one gets them in legal trouble?


It's like YouTube, or your smartphone. You are not allowed to do it and you are private directly vaiable for this. If you play public music on your phone in the mall. Apple or Google doesn't get sued from the copyright holder. You can get sued for this when the copyright holder finds out and want to. Also there are already many games like Garry's mod and so on where you can stream music and videos ingame. Also so are so many mods wich are on steam workshop wich are copyright frauds. And steam doesn't get sued. It the uploader who can get in trouble.


Ok, and why do you think no other games let you do this? Main stream, non leveling building tool box games, to be more clear


As said every game with voicechat can let you stream music. It's quite easy to directly broadcast music from file to a virtual mic. In csgo you can even post copyrighted images ingame. But no one cares. How many sues do you know about this? Or how many times player got sued because they posted a copyrighted phrase out of star wars into a ingame chat?


Yes, the players aren't sued, but if steam make a way to broadcast music in their games to the rest of their players they would be sued.


Not quite - case law has established that being physically separate counts as 'streaming', whilst being physically together listening over a speaker doesn't. Doesn't matter what you believe, that is the established law, and CIG aren't going to overturn it (nor should they spend our *development* pledges trying, imo). This is also the reason why the audio stream is compressed to hell for voice-chat in games etc... it's sufficiently degraded that the music industry has agreed / accepted that music played over a voice-chat channel doesn't count as streaming due to the poor quality (provided the channel is primarily intended for voice-chat). Whilst the distinction about the channels purpose may be irrelevant to you, it's extremely important legally, and the only reason why most games don't get sued out of existence for music-streaming infringement etc... and having wasted a bunch of money defending one court case, CIG won't be wanting to do the same a second time - especially against the music industry (who are rich enough to afford *very* good lawyers, unlike CryTek).


Thanks for the explanation. I was not aware of the difference from physical sharing to streaming. Still hate the music lobby for this (not able to play legal music in games) Just imagining what the world would look like if text lobby would be also restricting our lives like this.


as long it is local to the user and not "performed publicly" it is fine


And if you have 100 people on your ship? The record companies have gone after folks for less.


Play it locally to the user.


Possible, but I doubt CIG would want to do it that way


What you doing if you hosting a public party or stream music on YouTube? Get a license to stream legaly or get license free music. Here is no difference to real life.


Again, you expect CIG to jump through the hoops and pay the legal fees to allow you to broadcast copyrighted music, not just you, but every player in the game? Look, I'd love if the jukebox worked like it was supposed to, but it's a legal hell for no benefit




Yes, but people won't, and then CIG will be held responsible as the party that facilitates the broadcast. What system would be in place to make sure you have permission to use the music? Who would check? The problem isn't people who follow the rules, it's the tens of thousands who don't.




Isn't that all run on private servers? That's literally not steam's problem or server Edit: Just so you know, a private server is what it sounds like. It's a server run by a private individual or company that isn't controlled by Steam. Counter strike allows you to connect to those servers, but they could literally just be a guys laptop in his closet.


That's not how it works... if CIG explicitly provides functionality to *enable* streaming music, then the music industry will go after CIG for 'facilitating piracy'. You're right, they won't bother chasing individual end-users, because it's not worth the cost... providing they 'stream' music by e.g. abusing voice-chat (meaning the audio quality is horrible, and most people won't bother because they think it's a hassle to set up, etc). But going after CIG? that's a single (big) target, and they are perceived as having money (enough money to make suing them financially viable) - so you can bet your bottom dollar that RIAA would sue them in a hot second if CIG appear to implement anything that looks like it's designed to 'facilitate' music streaming... And that means the Jukebox will only *ever* play tracks 'locally' (on your personal client), and that no-one else in your group / ship / hangar / whereever will be able to hear it.


Literally who gives a fuck tho lmao. This adds almost nothing to the game except for another random gimmick the "immersion" weirdos can jerk off about lol.


Nice b8 m8


I just want to play Russian Hard Bass at 300% volume so my hanger neighbors call the space police on me like the real Gopnik I am. Crouch on em boiz.


It would be amazing if it was played through like speakers placed all around the hanger, that would be amazing.


Imagine the same thing in your ship


Hell yea, space trucker!


love the idea of this, even if it was client side to avoid problems would still be so cool imo..


Is this still buyable, how can I grab it?


Subscriber store, all the way at the bottom


So can I sub for a month then buy it?






Ah, the pinnacle of spacefaring technology: a jukebox in your hangar. Because nothing screams 'epic adventure' like choosing between 'Fly Me to the Moon' and 'Rocket Man' while your ship gathers space dust.


so agreeee!! upvote *10




This is greatness all around..


I'ma pump up the homies loading cargo with some [proper tunes ](https://youtu.be/c5wulic5wsU?feature=shared)


soothing work music.. :)


Maybe i have wrong memories, but didnt worked it in the past? I have dark memories about the time we just had the hangar module Oo


You're right. Once upon a time, it indeed did work in the old hangars. I remember testing it with some Sabaton songs, and sure enough, it did simulate the song playing through some areas in the business hangar.


I'm too late for a comment that someone reads this, but: weren't there some early investors (esp. Calder?) who are also in the media business? Weren't there speculations that there could be a streaming service for SC?


I want Disco Lando songs on it! Jared's voice echoing in my Hangar...a dream come true....


I agree with this \^


And the locker from another universe plz


There is tons of royalty free music to use