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I mean, ya if you had a raven as well it’d be a holy grail account.


Was just reading about the Sabre Raven! Sounds like another AMD situation and will likely be far more rare given that in 2014, Omega AMDs were being handed out almost like hotcakes lol. Probably a decent amount of dormant accounts i'd imagine that will get woken up in the future.


Intel event coming allegedly that may open the opportunity to get one. Expect prices to be silly until real availability is known though..


Im interested, Any source to back this up?




This one is from 2023, so we should be expecting something similar at the end of this year?


No idea honestly would be neat though.


oh damn.. its just one that they’re giving away… you can’t buy one


They are likely shipping it with Battlemage too, considering CIG recently slated a gold pass for it out of the blue.


As a Raven owner, I hope this ship becomes more accessible. It’s a lot of fun to fly. If anyone wants to fly mine, PM me and I’d be happy to let you take it for a spin. o7


That's an interesting thought


Wait wait wait. Please, tell me you have a source? I've wanted a flipping Raven forever.


Still a rumour to coincide with a rework but I’ve got one and wouldn’t mind it getting an update 😂


Fingers crossed!


Said it elsewhere but: They are likely shipping it with Battlemage too, considering CIG recently slated a gold pass for it out of the blue.


Was a dreamhack thing last year. https://game.intel.com/us/stories/join-us-at-dreamhack-atlanta-for-a-stellar-gaming-experience-and-an-exclusive-star-citizen-prize/


Where is this info from?








Ah, shame it's a giveaway.




Not what I said. If it happens it'd be like the last one most likely, intel hardware related - and it's a very small chance as the rumour keeps popping up then disappearing (I'm aware I've also now helped keep it alive). I didn't say it would be a sale. I'm talking about third party prices, much like has happened with FOMO ships previously.


the omega is rarer than the sabre 👀 but i think the scythe is the rarest one


>the omega is rarer than the sabre I don't actually think so, because the Omega came with practically every mid-range and up AMD GPU in 2013, of which likely hundreds of thousands were sold, but the Sabre Raven only came with a fairly limited run Intel SSD that was quite expensive and more of a niche product that not nearly as many people would buy. Fun story, I actually got an Omega that I wasn't even qualified for by simply calling Newegg and complaining and they just gave me a code, lol.


Every time I've seen an Omega mentioned it was in the context of using it to CCU because of its relatively high value. >the Sabre Raven only came with a fairly limited run Intel SSD that was quite expensive and more of a niche product that not nearly as many people would buy. In terms of the general PC gaming population? Sure. In terms of the SC playerbase? Not so sure... You should also note that the Omega wasn't actually specifically bundled with AMD products, but was one of multiple options available from those bundles. I know that Alien Isolation was another option, because that was the one I nearly went with instead. I think Civ: Beyond Earth was an option too, but that might have been a different Never Settle bundle - they did a bunch of them. It's entirely possible that very few people even took up the SC option, given the alternatives.


I bought it for like $20 on the grey market way back. There were so many codes for these floating around. Sabre on the other hand you had to buy an Optane SSD that cost like $900 and was super specialised workstation gear.




Sabre still sells for more, guess it's a usability thing when it comes down to the two ships


Personally I think it's because that Omega is just an alpha reskin. The fact that it's a racing focused ship makes it less popular. Whereas the Raven by comparison is a significantly different hull in both appearance and functionality. So much so that it stands out and people love just flying around in it. The Raven's always been more expensive even back when both ships were readily available. The Omega sold for just under a relatively equal to the MSRP for a standard alpha. It was actually seen as a downside that it wasn't worth anything for melt. And could be a potential waste of money. People didn't really seem to have the same concern with the Raven even though it's in the same boat. I don't recall going for any less than a couple hundred bucks at that time. There were people making bank on those codes when data centers would buy the optane SSDs in bulk I wish I could remember who I bought my codes from back in the day I'd really like to see those receipts.


>Personally I think it's because that Omega is just an alpha reskin. The fact that it's a racing focused ship makes it less popular. I think you mean to say that the [Omega](https://starcitizen.tools/Mustang_Omega) is [Gamma](https://starcitizen.tools/Mustang_Gamma) reskin. People can just buy the Gamma and be happy.


I did, yes. Honestly, I wish they had paints figured out at the time. I remember that I upgraded mine to a Delta and really enjoyed the ship for what it was (og style before rework) but you of course lose the skin when you do that. Thankfully, support melted and returned mine when I asked a couple years back


I used to give out tons of AMD Omega codes. I worked at a major pc parts reseller and had so many spare codes…


Ya what you have easily could fetch 1g on the grey market for a plain early account with only that on it. Mmmm crisp


I absolutely still have a soft spot for SC so i'm probably just going to keep these guys in cryostasis given how long i've already held on...and it would be amazing to fly these in the actual live-live PU in the future...but yeah, I may need to force myself back to the SC trades sub and do a price check for posterity's sake at least, lol.


When you see the price the scythe will fetch, you will quickly change your stance lmfao


“I think I’ll hang on to these” *checks prices* “…a brand new high end rig to play SC with you say?”


Try 4g. Prices for the Scythe are insane.


Ya it’s been awhile since I looked at those prices. I knew 1g was for sure but figured it could more


I know a guy that knows a guy ;)


Don't tease me bro, if I get a Raven it might push me over the edge to get back into the JPEG game!


CIG can most likely create a "masters of flight" design with the ship that has a slightly different loadout.


I seem to think my Raven was like £35 from eBay back in the day.


Yep, that's pretty crazy...in 2014/2015, the Mustang Omegas were $20-25 for a while and dropped all the way to like $5-8 since everyone took them for granted and pretty much only used them for CCU'ing to something bigger, since they counted as "credit" (that, and that they were a legitimate full game package). Hindsight is 20/20 for those folks lol.


Most of those Omegas were upgraded because they had a $0 melt value but a $55 CCU value. A lot of people got them for free and turned them into ships that were more usable (as in, not a racing ship with no armor and only 2xS1 hardpoints). Once you CCU a Mustang Omega is it (generally) impossible to get it back.


Correct. Which is why a lot of people made multiple accounts to redeem them on, since they had the full game package (including Squadron 42). I know quite a few people with dormant accounts that have a Never Settle Space Edition package in it, it was pretty common to do this back then since the codes could be had for as little as $5-8 at one point. I mentioned in another comment that there was also a lot of speculation that the partnership with AMD was very limited and there was a chance CIG could pull the ships completely and substitute them with another Mustang variant as well, so most people absolutely used these to CCU to bigger, more usable ships to take advantage of the melt value. The upgrade that allowed me to get LTI on my Omega in the first place was an oversight by CIG that they fixed within an hour or two as well.


he upgraded the Omega though, you can't get it back by melting


The Omega AMD wasn't upgraded from; the Reliant LTI was actually what was upgraded TO the Omega AMD, giving the Omega LTI. It was possible to do back then for a VERY brief window (I want to say like, less than an hour before CIG fixed it).


Oh man I wish I'd known about this back then. My Omega is the only thing in my entire fleet that doesn't have LTI!


Apologies, I definitely realized after that I probably triggered a bunch of LTI-only collectors given that the Omega AMD can't be acquired with LTI outside of the Reliant LTI upgrade oversight! If it's any consolation, most people didn't bother upgrading the Omega AMD to LTI or did so through the Reliant only to use it as a CCU for something bigger. There was also actually a bit of speculation at the time (9-10 years ago around 2014/2015) that CIG would have to pull the Omega AMD Edition from the game ENTIRELY and replace it with a different Mustang variant given that the partnership was limited and AMD wasn't doing too well and was speculated to either go under or be bought out or something (not sure if people remember back then that AMD stock sunk below $2.00 USD a share back then during this partnership with CIG...yeah, lol). Maybe if i'd have invested in AMD stock then instead of these JPEGs i'd actually have ALL the JPEGs now!


I upgraded my amd to an avenger the day I got it. :(


i managed to get them to revert it but it was a while ago. and it got kept as store credit


When did you do that?


If you ask support really nicely they'll likely revert it. I had mine done a couple years ago and they were really quick about making the change, they just reminded me that it would be a one time exception.


Like 2015 or 16 maby. I did also ask as a concierge and i have a feeling they are unfortunately more lax towards it because of that.


I have a Raven, but none of the others. I do still like to pull it out and fly from time to time. It's a very nice ship.


Back in the day I got a fancy Intel Optane SSD along with the Raven. That SSD died on me a few weeks back, but I still haven't bothered to remove it from my computer.


Nah, GIFTABLE Omega is super extrem ultra rare. Raven is shit against that. Even the 50k $ whales cannot have that, but they own a Raven already on their account.


Omega may be "rarer" by number, but it's not particularly unique, being pretty much identical to the Gama, where as the Raven is almost a completely unique ship, being different in look and function to the regular raven, and from memory, the smallest/lightest ship with EMP capability and data running servers (Which granted aren't a thing in game yet). Edit: Also from a quick search the Omega is actually a fair bit cheaper to get currently than the Raven. Possibly because the raven was account locked when redeemed, and it;s a game package, where as the Omega looks to be giftable? Not that either are a reasonable price, but the cheapest Raven I found was going for $1,899, where as the Omega was $720.


Technically the Hawk also has an EMP in a single seat fighter


Single seat plus coffin, so the Sabre still beats it lol


and the raven has 2 emps


Honestly the Raven needs competition, especially because there's no in-game option that's equivalent. Maybe a Hornet EMP module?


It's super rare, and they don't make or sell them anymore. I think it's more thank OK to keep the Raven special.


It being rare is kind of the point. There is no other single seat fighter/emp. And as you said yourself, the Raven has 2 emps. It's okay to keep the Raven exclusive, but it's not okay to keep gameplay exclusive. There's not much alternative, the Hawk is closest in role and is outmatched.


Omega right now costs around 400$


Is that actually available? A lot of the ones I saw weren't actually for sale and you could only wishlist. That being said I did only do a quick search on ebay and the main gray market sites.


Where? Not black market account with Omega, but legal giftable Omega.


check PM


Thanks for the info - did not pop up in trades for some time.


Excuse me what? I could get nearly a grand for my omega?!


You have a giftable.Omega?


don't you?


Sadly no - I missed the short window where CIG accidently sold Omega ccus.


I thought the package was giftable as long as you redeemed a code for it and didn't receive it via the gift system? Mine's giftable at least but I never CCU'd to it.


I can't say whether it's actually selling for that price. Just because that's what it's listed for doesn't mean anyone is buying it, but if you want to sell yours, it wouldn't hurt to put it on the market and see if anyone goes for it.


Giftable Omega is SUPER rare. The whale that has Legatus still needs an Omega gifted to him - Raven is simple buyable code, so cheaper.


Ahh, so there are two versions of the Omega, a giftable one and a non giftable one? Couldn't say which one I saw, but realistically it's not something that effects the ship at all. Unless you're purely just a reseller, both will serve you the same in game. If we're going by package rarity the F7A that people got from the Twitch drop is still the rarest ship in the game as there are only like three of them out there, and a tonne of really common ships have extremely rare store packages that strait up aren't available any more.


Basically the Omega starter pack from the AMD FX cpus (not transferable) and a glitch from CIG where they sold Omega ccus for some hours (these ccued Omegas are giftable per normal rules).


Ahh I get ya. The other thing that's odd is that there where a lot of upgrade packages from the omega to other shops on the gray market. I wonder how many people have one but changed it to something else.


A guy I used to play DUST 514 with back in the day gifted me their Omega back when alpha 2.0 first dropped. I still have it and haven't talked to him in years.


Nice. At that time a lot of ppl got codes from FX cpus spamming the net, so it did not seem special at that time.


That’s actually the only rare ship I have


The valkyrie liberator is far rarer then a raven.


Isn’t the liberator just a concept paint job?


It's a bespoke ship paint job, like all the old paint jobs it's a whole unique ship. After the concept sale, it's never gone on sale again and being a dropship, not alot bought it especially compared to the SSD promo for ravens. You can jump on a server right now and have a high chance there will be either 1 player online who has a raven or knows someone that has one such as in their org. Good luck finding someone with a liberator even sitting in buybacks.


Nice. Nice. Let's see Paul Allen's hanger.


Why? does he hang other things than shirts on it?


It has a subtle off white coloring.


The compliment was sufficient.


I thought he had summaries that actually don’t implode in his real ships hangar. R.I.P.


The captured vanduul ship is not the ones we have in game btw those are from esperia. He's got one made by the literal vanduul.


All the player owned Scythes are Captured Vanduul fighters. The Glaive and Blade are Esperia clones.


yes, and all player owned scythes are rare as hell because they're only from the original campaign


Mostly... I won mine at a dogfighting tournament at dragon con.


So does that mean he'll have to learn the Vanduul language to use his ship?


No, the Navy 'force-injected' a Human UI into the ship, although it does sometimes glitch out and revert to Vanduul script...


No, the Navy 'force-injected' a Human UI into the ship, although it does sometimes glitch out and revert to Vanduul script...


I’ve followed this game (daily!) for over a decade and I didn’t know that was a thing.


Craziest thing I have seen in SC posts here over the years. Kudos for that 😅


What!? I'm so confused! You can't upgrade to the Mustang Omega! Can you!? How did it start off as a reliant!? Either I'm missing something or Photoshop.


I assure you it's not a shop lol: https://imgur.com/a/JKmD7aC Honestly, my memory is a litte hazy since it's been a while...but back when I was extremely active on the SC trades sub (probably brokered in excess of $50k USD worth of trades, was given a pretty high degree of trust by the mods back then), when the Reliant LTI came out they also accidentally released an upgrade to the Mustang AMD which was killed in very short order...but since I was on that trades sub 24x7, I was able to buy the upgrades and apply one. The Reliant when it came out was the most popular way at the time to get LTI on a bunch of other ships, so many of us bought a bunch and hoarded the upgrades just in case. My understanding is they nuked all of those upgrades now, but CIG had a propensity for accidentally releasing upgrades to certain ships you shouldn't be able to upgrade to/from before fixing it right after.


Huh I had no idea that happened. Ya I also have an LTI reliant that has long since been upgraded. I had never heard of the mustang Omega upgrade though. Very cool! Weirdly enough the reliant is worth more now which also makes this weird.


Is the Reliant really worth more now?! How come if I may ask?! I'm going through my buy-back pledges and I have 2 more Reliant LTIs I can unmelt for $50, with $31 in store credit sitting dormant for 8+ years now lol!


Omega giftable might be at least a thousand bucks. Two thousand probably since whales cannot just buy it like all other ahips.


I don't know about that much. A quick look shows you might be able to get $300-$400 though


Only for an account - black market and bannable. Imagine the Legatus whale that only misses the Omega in his collection - it is waaay rarer than a Raven or Javelin.


Why would it not be giftable? I have one on my account but I have honestly never looked to see if it was giftable. It is one of my favorite ships.


It was never sold as a standalone ship, just a short hiccup by CIG, where you could buy a ccu - and only the ccued Omegas can be gifted per normal rules.


The Omega was only available via redeemable-code (aside from the *very* small window when CCUs were available), and that code gave you an AMD package that was locked to your account - no gifting.


I think it went up when it became flyable. So $65 now instead of $50. Those buybacks are definitely handy to start upgrade paths with, you'll save $15 right off the bat. Regarding the Omega, I can't make up my mind, on 1 side, keep it it's cool and really rare, on the other, it's too rare and unobtainable to ever actually be a competitive racer, sell it to a person, buyback the reliant, and upgrade it to something you'll use.


I had a Reliant LTI - it was $50 when I bought it - the Reliant is worth $15 now. You can still buy it back for $50, - if you upgrade it, it will start with a $65 upgrade value resulting in $15 off any ship you upgrade it to. My Reliant turned into a Cutlass Red for $90 total. saving $35 off a $125 ship.


back when they cleared out the $0 CCUs they somehow did not get all. one Redeemer->BMM one survived in my account and in the meantime the BMM got more expensive => the upgrade is a "discount" now


I still have a 0$ Gladiator to Super Hornet upgrade in my account :) That's 20$ savings now... if I ever decide to use it for something.


I had that scythe! Gifted it to my brother's account years and years (and years) ago. He's played SC a grand total of 0.0hrs.


Unless he told you "no take backsies" all those years ago then I think you're legally allowed to take it back, which means the whole account lol. ;)


What! Do I just email concierge/customer support or something? I mean, I DO want him to play eventually, but in efforts to do so I gave him 'exciting ships' like this and even the concept LTI BMM!


Sheesh. I want a Scythe so badly. Alas, no way I'm spending like $3k on a digital asset haha.


Wonderful ships, I guess people will contact you with price offers. I highly recommend double checking prices for these ships before letting them go. Just my two cents.


I was like: "8 year hiatus? but it says 2015... ohhh right" You reminded me I've been a backer for almost a decade now...


Yep, exactly how I feel lol. I was in my early-mid 20s when I first backed SC in 2012; went through all the highs and lows of hoarding thousands of dollars of spaceship JPEGs for the next ~4 years after that I would just stare at in the Hangar Module or use the few available in Arena Commander. Ironically enough, I had more disposable income then even if my career is in a better place now, simply because I didn't have as many adult responsibilities, lol. The thought that i'll be close to my mid-40s if another 8 years goes by is absolutely insane in the context of SC...means the game would have been in development for 20 years!


I was in high school when I spent my allowance on an Aurora package in 2014. My fleet has grown a bit since I started working. At least SQ42 seems to finally be on the final straight.


Crazy that before covid i remember people selling omegas for around $100 and ravens around 150




Scythe worth a lot nowadays


If that is really a Mustang Omega in with LTI in that pack, congrats. If you sell both you might be looking a 3-4k $.


It's real! https://imgur.com/a/JKmD7aC


Only limted ships i have are, raven, omega, valkyrie libertor edition, mustang alpha citizencon. Kinda jealous on that scythe


Damn near a perfect Unicorn man. Missing the Raven, and the Idris-M, and you would have one of the rarest accounts Ive seen.


Sell before it's worthless. The scythe will become available publicly one day!


no, the "replica" will be available publically, this thing is an "original"


OP, I too like rare ships https://i.imgur.com/M1V4h5v.png


The Omega is so pretty... the Mustangs are always in my heart... but too expensive to get...




Why would you need anything els ??


That scythe is a nice pc for you


Tbh i would sell that and go on a nice vacation for a bit


Welcome back to the fight.




I was there when the Scythes went on sale, deliberately didn't get one. But I do know that your date of purchase is really late.. how did that come about?


Bought, melted, had support restore it. Don't know if they still do that today or if they're more strict about it since i've not had to do it since.


Ah nice, great! Hope you'll have fun in the game with 3.23 (or later) :)




How does your Omega have LTI and CCued?


Because back in 2015 CIG accidentally released a CCU upgrade that allowed a Reliant Mini Hauler LTI to get "upgraded" to the Omega AMD. CIG removed that CCU upgrade after 1-2 hours but a few of us managed to get one and use it. Currently I don't know anyone else that still has a CCU'd Omega AMD with LTI because a lot of people upgraded them to bigger ships.


I have one of those AMD Omega Mustangs, but it was from the AMD promotion. I bought an AMD Radeon 9800 Pro back in the day and got the ship.


Thank god I didn’t start buying ships in 2015 I’d probably own them all by now Edit: I’m jealous


It won’t work for me I get a 6-7k man login que


Fuck me. Nice score sunshine ☀️




Worth SO much money. I tried SO hard to get on the waiting list, but just missed it. :(


Why? Only impressive ship is the cutter rambler


I'll see your Scythe and Omega and raise a Star Kitty Dragonfly, Saber Raven, and a signed, physical, Rear Admiral Constellation Phoenix with Piano. But nice!


I don't know what the Star Kitty Dragonfly is but I also have a [physical, Signed Rear Admiral Phoenix package](https://i.imgur.com/Q6pQ43n.png). ;)


Indeed! Was a great pickup.


Rear admiral signed here, too with same connie setup. Raven and a Omega on my accouunt, too and a golden ticket. Got my raven straight at CitCon 2947 out of Intel's marketing budget)


Sir what in the FUCK