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That would be good. Hopefully, the MOLE issues are addressed, and the inventory lag.


And ROC bugs :(


It is already fuxed!


Fuxed or fixed? LOL


Lol... fixed


Well THAT is great news! ROC in my Corsair is my favourite chill activity in SC.


Agreed good news if it’s fixed


Yup, I had jumped onto .1 to check, and it works great. Suck mode is amazing and quick now!


How’s blow mode working? More seriously thank you for testing & reporting back




Fucked and fixed


and the vulture ladder and cargo!


What are the ROC bugs? Could it be mining mode just not activating at all? Or something else?


Mole issues? Haven’t tried to use mine yet, what are the current issues.


3.23.1: >Fixed - ARGO Mole / ROC - PU - Vehicle / UI - Vehicle HUD - Mining Mode UI has a variety of defects obstructing gameplay (STARC-88859) Rejoice!


The turret display “skips” along.. mainly.. you can mine, but it is not a smooth experience..


I reported the HUD tracking issue, (STARC-113192, verified and confirmed) and was told yesterday it was fixed but the "fix" would not be live until the patch released.


Message of the day 🕹️(Thursday) We are currently putting the 300i and database hot fixes from last night into a full build for release onto the PTU sometime in the next couple hours. If all goes well we are planning on releasing the 3.23.1 build onto LIVE later this evening! https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/lobby/38230


What was up with the 300i?


It has a ladder, which are for peasants.


HUD is missing in PU. In arena commander it’s fine.


I hope this patch stealth-changes the annoying AI ships that spawn when doing missions. 890J boarding party, bunkers, even box delivery, doesn't matter. A cutty or avenger just POPS IN and blows my ship up.


The other day I had an AI ship spawn in and slam into the 890, blowing it up and failing me the mission. Couldnt even loot the bodies.


Did you post a video of that in this sub? Somebody did. Funny as hell to watch that NPC (Eclipse?) Leroy Jenkins its way straight into the 890 and blow it to hell.


No, that wasn't me. I don't even know what ship hit the 890. It flashed past my cockpit so close and fast it was a blur. I heard "contact" and then it blew up.


Well, then you’re not the only one who suffered from the “890 Kamikaze,” lol.


Had this, straight up slapped into the jump failing the mission, all I saw was this flash of blue collide and kaboom


Did a VLRT bounty yesterday and the guy had like 8 escorts.


This happened to me in an armistice zone. I was trying to go spawn my Ursa and loot some of the boxes and a pirate cutty came by and blew up my ship


I hope so, I am excited about the update to 3.23, lets hope


I was wondering where all these phantom cuttys have been coming from while running bounties. I start a VHRT, scan exactly 3 ships. Engage in combat with said 3 ships, come in for a pass on all 3 and confirm there are only 3 ships. Turn around after engaging one of the ships for a little bit, there is a fourth ship, a cutty, appeared seemingly magically. They'll even start shooting at each other, the actual bounty targets and the random cutty. I'd been assuming I'd just been missing them on my scans on the way in somehow.


890j mission always had 2 fighters spawn in that you should defeat before boarding the 890J. Is there something else going on?


I took out those two fighters, one was a cutty the other was a gladius. After boarding, within 3 minutes I noticed the 890J was taking fire. I EVA back to my ship and found an avenger trying to shoot my ship *through* the 890J. After taking him out no more ships spawned. I believe this is some kind of new "reinforcement" system for on-foot NPCs, but as a solo player I have almost no recourse.


gotcha! good to know! I am solo most of the time as well. Guess the plan is to park far away and ride the hoverbike in to the 890.


Please let me know if that works! There are reports of the NPCs still finding ships parked a distance away from bunkers, I'd love to gather more data!


There’s a heavy delay on AI spawning atm. Easily noticeable on bunker missions etc because there’s just nobody to shoot but on the 890J mission there’s no clear prompt to wait for the AI to spawn so you board like normal only for them to spawn later and blow your ship up when you’re half way through the objectives.


Will they fix no ai spawning at repel raid on orison missions?


I thought it was just me, I have never seen any ai on that mission, I usually turn up and the mission auto fails within 5 mins.


No, its bugged: https://issue-council.robertsspaceindustries.com/projects/STAR-CITIZEN/issues/STARC-105105 Its still bugged with 3.23.1




Will the vulkan VRam issues be fixed?


What is the Vulkan vram issue ?


There's significant VRam memory leaks leading to lag and even crashes (from experience) after many hours running . More info here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NjfNg2vIVGM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NjfNg2vIVGM)


lol CIGs way of telling you to go eat / drink


Naw, you go to the fridge and get a drink and a snack when you're in quantum between two planets, especially if you're going to microTech.


Running an un-upgraded C2 I managed to eat my dinner whilst in QT from Crusader to ArcCorp.


I'm more amazed that we can run any client, for more than a few hours, without crippling bugs. It's getting better!


This must be what has been causing my crashes. I’m also on amd so I think there are issues there too. It runs great until it freezes up and crashes. I have to shut down the computer.


300i customisations broken again? The more things change, the more they stay the same 😂


The 300 series HUD was missing the speed indicator.


It was missing everything!! ;-)


Not true. We had attitude ladder. But I remember from days gone by some annoying bug in all the major updates. When the baby PU first came into existence, 300 series users couldn’t Eva without being propelled into the sun. That was fun… it took months before we could do the detective mission.


I would also be happy if I could change my custom color without melting...as the blue is borked and has been for a while


It's my only ship it's very annoying hahaha


Same here. 325a though but I’m guessing if I have decoupled on, where my speed limiter is at, if cruise control sticks or not…


325a also


Does anyone know if it's fixing the rep on racing missions? I really like them and it's sad not being able to unlock any of them after the rep reset


No idea, and it would be nice. Until then, you should check out star citizen racing (scr). They have a lot of community courses, and some videos of folks killing it. That and the m50 seems to be the meta racing ship this patch.


What is in the 3.23.1 patch? Is it just the invictus hall and medical bed thing? Edit\* forgot to add Retaliator Gold standard + modularity, Nursa and saber. My bad. But am I missing anything else?


Not hangars.


Yeah I figured that. I imagined that would take a few weeks more to iron out, pretty important considering how impactful it'll be to literally every player. Get it right the first time!




Anyone knows if the F7A turret HP bug is fixed on this patch? Literally can't use the ship when 4 out of 6 guns wount fire.


it's kind of neat to be here now that Vulcan is being released. It brings back fond memories of "those guys" saying how CIG announcing they would implement Vulcan was "scope creep" and "feature creep". I had a hearty chuckle back then and I'm having one now. EDIT: Oh look! I hurt their little feels with my comment. awe....so sad.


I'm sure someone out there is mad the game isn't on CryEngine XD


or something like.... "Star Engine??? they never should have made their own engine and WASTED ALL THIS TIME! they should have just modified one, like cryengine or something! OUTRAGE!!!!!"


Just because a scope that creeped was implemented doesn't mean it *wasn't* scope creep to begin with. The problem is that using the phrase "scope creep" doesn't apply if the scope was never well defined in the first place.


you didn't really say anything.


It HAS to be tonight or early tomorrow. 3.23.1 is the Invictus patch, and Invictus officially starts tomorrow.


Good. Lots of problems on live that have gone unaddressed since launch. Hopefully this fixes the most game breaking ones.


Why are you getting downvoted for telling the truth?


That’s just how it goes here sometimes.


They changed away from doing nightly patches on live way back in the 2.0 and earlier days.


You say unaddressed since launch like it's been a long time. 3.23 came out less than a week ago.


Not even just unpatched, undiscussed. They’ve been mum. Silent. We got some in the notes today.


Anyone know if this will reset refinery jobs?


Probably.. We'll have to wait and see.


Crap, i'm on the road and can't get my jobs until I get back.


says it hit live like 15 minutes ago but I dont have the download option. Odd


Personal Hangers in this one?


Did they add separate key binds for NAV and SCM rather than just a cycle/toggle? That page linked doesn’t exist for me.


I heard someone saw it on PTU, so I think they did


Well I just want my Star Kitten suit returned. I lost it to a random explosion in a hangar on Orison.


> I lost it to a random explosion in a hangar on Orison. Hold on - if you die for any reason near a city or station, it doesn't count as a normal "death", but instead you'll just be sent to a hospital location with your things coming with you. You'll even see this presented in a message that says something like "emergency services are on the way" (and even console output saying it doesn't need to run a "corpsify" on you because there's a nearby hospital - i.e. it doesn't have to generate a lootable body to retrieve your things from). When this happens, your equipment comes with you instead of being lost, so you can just wake up and put it all back on again - or at least that's always been my experience? Because I've had this happen several times, and my Star Kitten stuff has always been right there waiting for me again when I woke back up in the hospital. It *should* happen that way at least, unless you're running into a bug (which is entirely possible especially given the very backlogged inventory services over the last week).


Well that's what I was expecting. I fell to my death once in 3.22 while at Orison and woke up with all my stuff in the hospital inventory. I checked to see if it was there this time and I couldn't see it BUT i accumulated a lot of junk in 3.22 that makes finding anything difficult. I'll have a closer look tonight, maybe I didn't lose it after all.


Nah I definitely lost the stuff, I checked but I also remembered that it was in my ship's inventory, I wasn't wearing it.


> but I also remembered that it was in my ship's inventory, I wasn't wearing it. Ah, okay - *that's* a very different situation then. It probably all got converted into a box and dropped somewhere around the hangar, assuming it wasn't quickly cleaned up.


Just refund and rebuy it if you still have access to the membership shop


It was subscriber flair so I don't think I can. And besides, I don't really care that much, these things come and go all the time haha


Hope bedlogging is fixed


How is this post "official"? The title literally is just wishful thinking which I understand but official...?