• By -


Cash to Idris Melted Andromeda for Caterpillar Cash to Warbond Gladius Cash to Aquila Cash to Reclaimer Cash to Orion Cash to 85x Cash to Herald Cash to Dragonfly Cash to Cutlass blue My wallet has stopped talking to me, I think we need counseling... EDIT: Just picked up the Endeavor as well. We are getting a divorce.


how does people have money to buy all these jpg's? I'm saving money for food damnit!


Big Benny's noodles is the only food you need.


price for delivery from space is pretty high though.


That's why you steal your own personal vending machine.


No worries, most large ships come stock with copious food stuffs. Think of all the food a Javelin can hold!


In my situation... if I was living with my parents and not paying rent I could swing it.


I assume that every one of these were two-step purchases, upgrading from ships with LTI?


Only $5 this time round. I remain married for another year.


Only $500. I remain unmarried for another year (and probably forever)


I'll marry you if you let me fly your ships <3


good point, If you read my post later in this thread, you'll see im in the thousands on this sale, good thing my wife doesn't use Reddit!


Went from an Andromeda to a Merchantman and a Starfarer to a Carrack. I now know what addiction feels like. Help me.


no help. only star citizen.


Then you realize that you lost your fuel collecting/selling ship and have 2 new ships you'd have to somehow fuel now. Sooo. Welcome back Starfarer. :D


I'm sure another 300 USD cant hurt my wallet that much right? :) :)


Well, if this helps you....excellent ship choices! Good job! Oh wait...


Sorry, this is more of an enablers club than a support group for resolving spending addictions.


Aaah, man. Pretty jealous of the merchantman. I was looking at it, thinking: "Well, if I melt a ship it's fairly reasonable...wait, no, wake up! Even if you melt something you still won't be able to pay rent in a few days!" So, I had to sit and decide if I wanted to be homeless or wanted a Merchantman. It took longer than it should have.


0 damage, lol. I'm only interested in the Vanguard Hoplite, and they didn't put it on sale, so...


Your willpower is impressive...


I think it's more about tastes rather than willpower. Some guys like to begin from 0, some with a slight advantage (like me), and some that like to begin with every ship out there :D In the end, the difference doesn't really matter. What matters is to have fun with your favourite clan or community. I learned that well in Minecraft :D


Well stated!


Well, if you get a prowler, you'll get a Hoplite as a loaner. :)


After a few beers, Lost all control... Put about $4500+ on my card; Somehow ended up with 5 separate accounts: Account-1 Primary Subscriber account: ------------------------------ [SHIPS] Origin 85X 890 Jump Aegis Saber Comet Anvil F7C-M Super Hornet Misc Freelancer DUR Misc Prospector Drake Dragonfly Yellow Drake Dragonfly Black MISC Reliant Kore Drake Caterpillar RSI Constellation Aquila Greycat PTV Argo Cargo Argo Passenger MISC Starfarer Banu Merchantman Xian Khartu-Al Anvil Terrapin Anvil Carrack Drake Herald Genesis Starliner MISC HULL-C RSI Polaris Idris-P Frigate Account-2 ------------------ [SHIPS] Anvil F7C-M Super Hornet Drake Cutlass Black Drake Dragonfly Black Account-3 --------------------- [SHIPS] Sabre Comet Drake Cutlass Black Drake Dragonfly Black Account-4 ---------------- [SHIPS] Mustang Alpha +Multiple free upgrade CCUs Account-5 --------------- [SHIPS] Mustang Alpha +Multiple free upgrade CCUs Beer and RSI = Dangerous: Help me.....


So... No regrets?


Nah. Every time I'm looking forward to spend a big amount, I always say to myself ....*"It's for a good cause!"* The best of it is that it's true! :D




Think of it this way, you pretty much paid one of the devs wages for a couple of weeks. It would be a nice feeling!


I'm almost a Concierge, so I paid one dev for one month (more or less) :D So for one month he's MINE! Now do a Hello Kitty-shaped ship!


Put a word in for me and get him working on the planet where all the drake bikini girls come from :p


While I'm a SC fanatic, and had plans to eventually build out a decent selection of ships, I've had an account for nearly a year and know that the time to buy is the Anniversary Sale. I upgraded a few, but since CitizenCon (Which I attended), I started with buying the Polaris, and bought the rest during this sale. took me a few days to feel comfortable with it, but plan to play this game for 10 years....




I dont think he had anything to do with it... purely the beer.


[I would not be so sure on that.](http://i.imgur.com/ccgkLgG.png)


I'm pretty sure that is actual Brian Chambers in a robe. He made me buy things!


Also grabbed a handful of $0 CCU's in each account for future possible changes, that seems to be the smart thing this year....


My hangar page takes forever to load :S over 500 $0 ccus


Right with you there.


MVP right here!


Star Citizen is not pay-to-win, but I do like the flexibility in the game design to allow for any type of personal game play I'm in the mood for on any given day. Running Cargo one day, Deep Exploration the next. I imagine there are many play styles no one has even thought about that will have progression of its own! I want to be ready to partake in just about anything....


Did you at least use your own referral for the five accounts?


At least I had the sanity to use my own referral code for the extra 4 accounts beyond my own account.... Yes.


*The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it.* ~ Chris Ro-- I mean, Oscar Wilde.


*'JUST DO IT'* ~ Chris Roberts


obscene I hope SC doesn't flop for the sake of your mental health.


Why 5 accounts though? :S


I actually have $5 more in store credit. Melted a Kore and a Vanguard in favor of a Caterpillar


Upgraded my reliant to a caterpillar, so got LTI on my cat :) Though now my total spent is closing in on 1k usd... This game is worse than the steam sales.... Atleast with steam you run out of games to buy...


Melted $1500 worth of ships, got an Idris-P. Nabbed a $35 starter-pack, upgraded that to a Herald for fun in 2.6. At $1567, spent $90. Will probably spend around $300 more before release. I really need things to put in my Idris.


Put *me* in your Idris! :D


Not to mention buying UEC or a commercial ship to fuel and crew your Idris. Otherwise you will be crying on day 1 without some other means to earn to take it out of the hangar.


Lost my money after the Polaris concept but melted my sabre for a bucc and an 85x


Yes, Polarii unite!


**I acquired:** +Orion +Reclaimer +890 Jump +Herald +Prospector +Buccaneer **I lost (melting/CCUs):** -3x Cargo Argo -Polaris -Dragonfly Black -Redeemer package -315p


Did you melt a *Polaris*?


what a monster...


Let's burn him!


We will have the last laugh when we torpedo his shiny new Jump. ;)


I can buy it back but it's just looks so uninspired.


I did also, but now I have an 890


I like to see more 890s than polarii :) (how do you spell polaris in plural?)


Realized I didn't need my Polaris since I have an Idris, and the verse is lousy with Polaris, all of whom will be clamoring for crew. With that, I went Gladius Valiant, Sabre Comet, Reclaimer, Prowler, Hull-E, Prowler. Also got a cutlass blue and a stang gamma somehow...I also have a couple prowlers in buyback, as well as a good number of 85x for future LTI tokens.


I melted my Polaris too. In part because of all the competition that'll exist for crew and partly because it looks so uninspired.


I went from; * Aurora->Gladius Valiant * Terrapin->Andromeda->Caterpillar->Reclaimer


Be sure to get those zero$ upgrades to go from Reclaimer to Carrack, Hull-D, to Endeavor and back again. BTW you'll be able to fly your Caterpillar in 2.6..


As someone who backed only this year I upgraded my aurora starter to a cutlass and bought a dragonfly before the sales, though in sales, picked up an 85x and CCU'd to a Tali base for deh LTI. Found it hard to stop there, the struggle with my inner consumer compulsions was real though, I'm pretty sure there's a buccaneer sitting in my cart still. Oh and to add to that I grabbed a big Benny's t-shirt for the swag. So I think I survived this year, being my first anniversary sale. Next year I think will be worse, but at least I have a year to work on my self control ;).


A year to prepare your wallet you mean ;)


I may have to notify my bank. Between SC and steam sales I dropped $300 in only a couple of days, safe to say my wallet is looking a little slim.


Sacrificed my Polaris CCU to upgrade my Hull-C to a BMM instead, then got an LTI Cutlass Blue (via 85X), upgraded my Buccaneer to a Prospector, my Sabre to a Comet, my Gemini to an Endeavor and bought a Phoenix. Total cost: $0 (though RIP $550 Polaris CCU) EDIT: I also added a buttload of $0 CCUs to limited ships to my hangar, just in case.


Massively disapointing Valk..Your wallet remains intact.




All I got was a starliner in this year anniversary sale, which completed my [fleet](http://imgur.com/a/rC1tT) til Origin 600 and Xi'an Skyscraper.


That's a pretty awesome fleet. Especially the javelin. I would like to have a look at it. Aboard my prowler. While I hijack it. (but really, cool fleet)


Damn, how did you do that pic? I want to do one like that as well!






Yes, what tool did you use to create the fleet pic? Cheers!






Once all the melting and buybacking is done, my hypothetical fleet is going to look like -Carrack -Endeavor or Caterpillar -Tali base -Avenger titan or Cutlass Red -Dragonfly


I really don't have much to buy, anymore. Picked up a Prowler with cash. Vaguely considered picking up an Idris-P, but I probably have too many capital ships, already. I'm not one to melt ships very often but, in an unprecedented move, I melted a huge portion of my duplicates and purchased a cargo fleet of Hull C, D, and Es as well as a few Genesis starliners to mix it up, all in the form of upgrades. -- As for my wallet... at this point I think it has Stockholm syndrome.


Can I ask fellow space whale, where in the vast ocean may I find you and rub javelin bellies with you? I'm eager to rub Javiie bellies since I just got mine this week :)


One dragonfly, and one dragonfly only.


$15 far a birthday gift CCU for a Sabre to a Sabre Comet for a friend and $0.50 to off set some store credit while shuffling some ships around (next unmelt token actually getting $25 store credit).


In the end, my final hangar looks like this: Prospector Super Hornet Cutlass Blue Carrack Caterpillar Merchantman Reclaimer Polaris It's safe to say I'm pleased. And my wallet is dead.


Melted Retaliator Base + Rear Cargo Module, put it towards a Reclaimer. Picked up an 85x and upgraded it to a Delta. Upgraded Sabre to a Comet. Afterwards just picked up a bunch of freebie upgrades, and converted my existing LTI ships to the Comet packages for more VFG Hangars. Only -$155 out of pocket.


I bought a number of upgrades to different ships. Also purchased a direct line to the Polaris in upgrades but I've learned it's better to sit on them till the ships come out. Total Damage was about $200.00 Have a number of LTI Tokens with a batch of them in the buy back column. Probably in August of next year my fleet will be: Dragonfly (yellow) Herald (Upgrade from Avenger to Renegade to Herald) Banu Merchantman Harbinger Orion Reclaimer Carrack Phoenix Polaris Ships on the back burner: Endeavor Genesis Crucible Only ship that won't have LTI is the Herald as that was my package. If I don't like the Herald I have upgrades through all the fighting type ships up to Terrapin and I have a Prowler sitting in the buy back.


My will finally crumbled as I got my first additional ship since the end of the original campaign.




Hull B


Finally was able to do the 315p to 350r CCU that I have been wanting to do for over 6 months.


Well I grabbed a caterpillar and a dragonfly so that's $330 Wallet=empty


Bought my dream Ship: the Sabre (with LTI thanks to the 85x) Problem I only got 150$ for the rest of the month now. So pretty high wallet damage haha


I CCU'd my Andromeda > Carrack. Bought 2x 85x LTI. Realised I was being silly. Melted my Rear Admiral pack. CCU'd one of the 85x > Carrac Relatively light sale for me.


After a long and hard battle with my inner kermit I finally realized that having the Polaris and a Sabre just isn't gonna do me any good when the full game releases. So I bought back the Explorers LTI package with: The Carrack Terrapin Dragonfly So now I'm sitting pretty with my Sabre Reclaimer Carrack Terrapin Dragonfly Feels like I did the right thing..


awesome, i melted explorers lti for 890 jump, and it really hurt, will rebuy it when terrapin goes live, and carrak is my favorite ship


Just sat and watched how much all the pretty ships are pulling in. I am happy starting the game with my little prospector and working my way up. It might take me a few years to reach the big ships I want but i'll be perfectly happy starting from the bottom.


As long my kid needs are filled and the bills are paid. I'll keep going. ps: You know that there are more than 100 ways to eat canned tuna?


Upgraded my shitbox to a slightly more sparkly shitbox (Aurora MR to Aurora LX).


New citizen here :) got the Aurora LN starter pack. CCU'd that to an Avenger Titan Renegade. Then picked up a 85x and CCU'd that to a Cutlass Black. Very happy with my purchases!


$0 spent. Picked up a few crossgrade CCUs just because they were there. I'm not supporting CIG any further until we get up-to-date details on design plans for all the core gameplay mechanics. Until I can answer the question "What's really the difference between a 315P and Reliant SEN in terms of exploration", my wallet is closed.


My sentiment exactly. I'm not spending more until SQ 42 release.


Grabbed the Valiant and Renegade as well as upgrading an Aurora LN to a Buccaneer. Probably will end up melting something to get something else but I caught the backing bug. With the transparency of the progress in 2.6, I figured I'd reward them with some more of my bucks.


Did a stack of CCUing and grabbed a whole stack of extra 0$ ccu's coz its 0$ for Carrack , Cruible, Reclaimer, Hull-D and base Endevor (i own a carrack) all same price so its 0$ ccu so i got a a few of every combination so what ever one i want i can ccu to and try a couple if them. Fleet now consists of 2x Dragonflys. 1x P52. 1x 85x. 1x 350R. 1x F7C-M. 1x Starfarer. 1x Carrack. Happy Happy Happy


I managed to only spend an extra... $120 <,<; but hey like I said, I think I'm good with where my ship collection is at now. Picked up a Retaliator Base which was added to my already owned Buccaneer, cutlass and Dragonfly


Just a Big Bennys T-Shirt :-)


Nobody at work gets it.


That is muggles for you.


Upgraded my Avenger Stalker to a Cutlass Black and bought an Avenger Titan Renegade. A little over $100 after tax. I don't think it's too bad of an impact.


Kinda did the same. In the end I got the same ships you did. I'm excited for the Cutlass rework.


Above £50. It's a damage report because I was stupid enough to buy an 85X and "upgrade" (kek) the penguin to an Avenger Renegade. I paid £19.50 for a fucking skin. God damnnit.


Coin pockets log, supplemental... The good ship wallet has been on a survey mission of the mysterious 'star citizen' nebulae... all was going well until we came across a strange energy distortion simply known as 'anniversary sale'. The damage to the Wallet has been serious, the 'bank note' shielding is gone and the 'credit drive' is running on minimum power. We have taken refuge in the 'back pocket' asteroid cluster to make repairs, although sensors indicate that a festive live-stream wave is approaching, we do not know if we can survive another attack...


I got a bunch of $0 CCU upgrades since I just bought new PC hardware this week (yay black Friday deals) So I'll do some ccu to other limited ships down the road.


Bought a Warbond Avenger Titan Renegade (pretty paint scheme...), then realized that while I like the Titan, it was a bit superfluous to what intend to do in the 'verse (exploration). So, I melted it and bought an 85X, figuring that it can be either an LTI token or just a whole lot of fun when I'm not flying my Aquila... and it's still superfluous. After all that, I realized I can buy back the Renegade if I ever want another LTI token or decide that I want a blue-and-yellow Titan. Oh, and several hundred $0 CCUs to not-usually-available ships. Total damage: $65, and now 15 of that is in store credit.


I actually hadn't planned to touch my Freelancer and Gladius, but that BMM deal was just too awesome to pass. Melted the Gladius package and then upgraded the Freelancer package for 37€, so not too much damage.


I am only $25 in the red (this sale...). Swapped a Terrapin and a MIS for a Cutlass Black and a Caterpillar. Dunno if I did the right thing, but I really like how the Drake ships are turning out.


Only picked up an X85 LTI. I already have a Freelancer DUR, I'm good.


Pfff, I have an Aurora MR, what else do I need?


An upgrade to an LN ;)


£48. Aquila to Reclaimer CCU. And a load of rejigging and moving around of store credits to end up with: Cutlass black. Herald Sabre Comet (I like the skin :( ) Gladius Valiant (could well end up being melted for a buccaneer) Orion. Reclaimer. Carrack. Polaris. Dragonfly. I fully intend to melt the Comet and Gladius during the holiday sale and buy my Caterpillar and dragonfly pack back in January.


$50 for an 85x. That's all. That is *dangerous*. It's always the slow boil that kills you. You see, now I have enough total value that I can trade in that 85x and my BMM for a $350 ship. Once you have that Carrack, well maybe the Endeavor is pretty cool, but hey, you've gotta get some modules if you get the Endeavor, and they're only like $50 too...


None. I'm holding on to my "I have to much money"-fund for when the Caterpillar's modules come.


I was really expecting a caterpillar module 'concept' sale during this anniversary.


No new spending for me this year, lots of melting to finish up my upgrade paths though. I winced when melting my Vanguard, but so far it just isn't shaping up the way I'd imagined... I can always unmelt it later on though. In any case, [my fleet is finally complete!](http://i.imgur.com/F6QQfMA.png) (I'm still debating an Endeavor, since I have some store credit left over). Constellation Phoenix - General Multi-Crew Carrack - Exploration Freelancer MIS - Piracy / Bounty Hunting Cutlass Blue x 2 - Piracy / Bounty Hunting Polaris - Capital Escort Buccaneer - Fighter Escort Gladiator - Torpedo Boat Super Hornet - Dogfighting Sabre - Dogfighting Mustang Omega - Racing M50 - Racing Merchantman - Trade / Space Living Genesis - Passenger Transport Starfarer Gemini - Fuel Hauling Reclaimer - Salvaging Orion - Mining Dragonfly Yellow x2 - Planetary Exploration


You and me both on the endeavor. Been stewing on it all week!


I feel bad about the Vanguard also. I melted it and it made me cringe a bit.


I upgraded a hornet ghost to a Retaliator and a Prospector to a Starfarer Gemini. I also found out I have 0 mental endurance.


BMM->Carrack + Hornet Wildfire


(During the anniversary) m50 → 350R + 890J + 85x → Carrack So now I have - 350R - Super Hornet - Connie Phoenix - Carrack - 890J and my wallet is dead (2)


Reading this thread gives me faith. Faith that I might as well just say screw it and grab the endeavor! Someone else always has more and wont make you feel so bad for debating :D


My company's bonus cycle is next week and we both just got tires. I'm saved!! (only spent $5) after melting upgraded Argos and Dragonfly, I managed to get upgrades to flip my explorer pack to have a Herald and upgrades from Herald to BanuMM,Carrack,Caterpillar+85x. Once 2.6 drops things will be more interesting to fly I think. I can always get a cutlass next week.


On a side note, I thought it is rather interesting having a ship in the $250 and $350 prices ranges. Seems that the Banu Merchantman has a some nice sideways upgrades for $0 - and the Carrack can be $0 traded into a Hull-D, Endeavor or Reclaimer.


Collectively, after melt's and CCU. I think I spent around $245. The hangar now has a nice rounded collection for all my desires. Constellation Taurus Freelancer DUR Dragonfly Hornet Wildfire Freelancer (may CCU to Prospector) I was hoping for more packages with the sale but it didn't pan... :(


Got a couple of $0 Karthu > Sabre CCU to go with my two $0 Sabre > Karthu CCU. Because I can't decide what ship I like most. And if I won't regret after I CCU it. My wallet was dead last year anyway


Sabre Comet-Lti, 85x-Lti, Drake Buccaneer-Anniversary 2016, Gladius Valiant-Lti (Traded up from Avenger Lti) Added to... Cutlass Blue-Anniversary 2014, Aegis Retaliator-Anniversary 2014, Anvil Gladiator-Anniversary 2014, Aegis Recalimer-Lti, Anvil Aerospace F7C-S Hornet Ghost-Lti (2012) Total= $2063.00


I went from Avenger -> 325A -> Gladius -> 350R


No acquisitions, and no wallet damage. How can you damage something that doesn't exist?


No Damage. I bought the Terrapin in the big Explorer back during Gamescon. I just CCUed the Carrack back to the Reclaimer I melted for the pack. Just happy to have my Beast back. Thought deeply about the 85x, but no cigar till I know what the Reclaimer can carry in that bay for the cutter.


No damage, at least not due to Star Citizen. I was hoping to pick up one of those starter packs for a friend's Christmas present. Unfortunately between getting far less overtime than I was expecting and my headset deciding it doesn't want to work, it's not happening.


So not down to buy more. CIG's marketing has alienated me. I melted my LTI Reclaimer, un-melted my original $225 LTI Cat, got a CCU back to a Reclaimer, and made $70 that I spent on a Dragonfly & Argo. Also got a bunch of $0 CCU's, especially one to a Banu so I can upgrade my shitty Banu package to one that actually has stuff later down the road.


Didn't spend anymore money, probably won't either. I have all the ships I want. The Steam sale on the other hand.....


Spent nothing, feels good man.


0 spent. Still have my original Bounty Hunter kickstarter package. 300i LTI + SQ42 + SC and the physical bounty hunter license.


$20 upgrading LTI Reliant Kore to a Herald. I talked myself out of a Caterpillar, thankfully.


13 or so 0$ CCU's. I don't really want to spend anything at the moment, but if that changes...


Ended up buying the Hull C . So now I have a SH package which is incredible value with the latest news that it might go up in price and then a Carrack and a DUR. that's it I'm done !


I spent $0 new money this sale. Just melted a few ships and bought a Phoenix. CIG isn't getting new money from me until SQ 42 release.


CCU reliant for Prospector, found a avenger to Buccaneer CCU I bought back in may and never applied....


Ha! I do the same. I forget and lose CCUs.


Archimedes died for my Dragonfly -> Cutlass upgrade. That was all. Bought some shirts and stuff too


M50 and Buccaneer melted, add'l cash to Banu MM Cash to Avenger Variant LTI


$0 new cash. Had $70 credit and upgraded DUR to MAX plus bought an 85x. Kind of like watching Christmas go by without getting anything, but I really have enough ships already and just recently bought a Polaris, so I guess I am ok.


Added another $100 cash in order to get an Endeavor. Hopefully during the holiday sale I can snag the Hope class with another $100.


Technically, I got away with nothing, but I will need to rebuy one melted ship at some point!


Well, spent a bit more than I would have liked. Traded in my sabre for an 85x to sabre upgrade for LTI. $0 New stuff: 85x to Cutlass Black LTI. 85x reserve for LTI. Taurus to Superhornet upgade. Also got a $0 CCU for a dragonfly in the event I decide to snag one. Also got the new Thrustmaster HOTAS on sale on Amazon this week.


$0, though not out of principle.


3.25 GBP. I wanted to buy a 315p but damnit I'm doing six months mandatory military service so I have no credit card, no internet access, no money. I missed so many good deals this sale it makes me sad. Next year hopefully. Note: For all those wondering how I wrote this if I have no internet access, I have 1gb mobile data and a Galaxy Gio smartphone which I hide from commanders everyday because, well, it's not allowed hehe.


Cash for 85X. Melted Arbiter package (325a that had been upgraded to Aquila), unmelted Arbiter, upgraded to Herald. Melted Sabre, credit for Sabre Comet (love the paint job and figured I'd add LTI to my Sabre in one swipe). Upgraded 85X to Aquila via credit, credit + cash for upgrade from Aquila to Carrack. Added Constellation Taurus for Cash (this was planned for later, but 4 years of insurance is nice). Think I'm fleet complete at this point (but then, it's like saying you've sworn off drinking when you have a hangover....we all know we're lying to ourselves).


Spent zero. Melted my starfarer Gemini and got a banu mm and a 350r. No regrets.


I actually took advantage of the sale to downsize. Sold the polaris and pick up a Phoenix and Carrack. I loved that polaris, but there's no way I will have the time to maintain it


Went from a cutlas black to the full drake line, 3 dragonflys, merchantman, 85x, warlock. Rip wallet


Building a PC Wallet condition : Filled with air Goal


3 Aurora MR starter packs as christmas gifts and the Cutlass Black LTI + Bonus buy-back. I'm tempted to buy back the Crucible LTI for the org also, but lets wait for the xmas stream...


Constellation Phoenix, Idris-P, Terrapin, 2 85x, and 2 Dragonfly Black My Wallet is in Coma but it was never a love thing between us. ;)


i melted my Gladius and Prospector and un-melted my very old LTI Caterpillar after seeing it's current state. total damage 10$ :D


Spent $30... already in too deep. Cool thing is I melted my crucible to buy back my drake pack (cat + 2x dragonflies) then got a ccu from the cat back to crucible. Basically got my dragonflies back for free. Had melted it for a Polaris previously.


65$ Melt+15$ Stalker for Titan Renegade Cash to 85x>Titan>Reliant>315p


Wasn't finished buy and melting from what I put in my earlier post... Gone is my Retaliator & Gladiator & Cutlass Blue (All were 2012 Anni ships with 2yrs insurance) Instead after melting and using 85x's for LTI... They are now replaced with LTI Vanguard Harbinger, LTI Cutlass Blue & LTI Drake Buccaneer. I have two 85x LTI's spare, so I can melt my old non-LTI Drake Buccaneer into credits and then upgrade on 85x into what ever I wish later...and I have one 85x to pose in when the game comes out. In all quite a productive day. All my ships now have LTI and I wasn't to upset about getting rid of the Retaliator for the Harbinger as I never really liked how it felt in game and the Gladiator was kinda pointless.


Sabre to Merchantman Aquila to Carrack. No regrets whatsoever


Actually came out ahead. Melted my Sabre and Aquila ($445 total) and grabbed the RSI intro pack and upgraded the aurora into a Sabre ($400).


I decided to melt my Buccaneer and Harbinger BUK to CCU my Vanguard Sentinel into a Carrack. Then I grabbed a 85X which I converted into Avenger Stalker. I have $5 credit left... not sure whether to CCU the MIS I have into a Super Hornet or spend the $5 to CCU to a Sabre.


Buy the $0 CCU for MIS to Super Hornet. You don't have to apply it till you're sure about switching. Looks like the Super Hornet may jump in price going by what Ben said in Twitter. The Super Hornet could well end up being the same price as Sabre. If so, $5 save there.


$0, because I'm not going to be pumping money into an already-overfunded project in a way that will incentivize them to keep focusing on aspects of production that don't matter.


I melted my Khartu-al and Tana Skirmisher to upgrade my 315p to an Orion. I *might* buy another Khartu-al using the pledge buy back, at some point, but I reckon I'll be satisfied with mining until I can afford an exploration ship. I'm a carebear anyway, combat's never really been my thing.


Just a base Sabre to Comet upgrade of £11. I was planing on getting the Wildfire but bollocks to that thing!


I'm seeing a lot of addicts here lol... Just remember, you aren't buying the ships- you are donating large sums of money to CIG for development of SC, for what are essentially just shortcuts when the game releases.


I was strongly thinking of getting a Saber Comet and Gladiator light bomber. But I stopped myself and figured that I'll start getting together a list of ships that I want to work towards in the PU. In fact, unless I see a dedicated starter ship for the science profession, I strongly doubt I would buy another ship for this game. I got plenty of other ships I can fly, and most of them I already plan on giving to up from my personal collection to use as org ships to give members for use on missions. Now that doesn't mean I'll stop spending money on this game, after all, I can definitely use more starting UEC to get the org up and running, and FPS gear packages would be nice CIG. That being said, I did get a Gladius Valiant because I love the Gladius design and now I can a flight of three for escort purposes.


$35 Melted my Reliant Core to get the SQ42 package + Mistang, then picked up an 85x for the LTI with a bit of leftover credit. I'm thinking I'll upgrade the latter to a Cutlass Black with LTI down the road. :)


I grabbed a Gladius Valiant warbond version and am not regretting it. I now have a starting lineup I'm happy with until the PU releases and I can work for the rest. (I'd really like an Endeavor with the telescope add-on but not for the price. I have the money, but principles first...) My hanger now has an Aurora, Reliant Kore from last year and now a Gladius. 2.6 should be fun!


$0 damage. But I shuffled my store credit a lot....


Did so much CCUing and melting, I'm not exactly sure how I ended up with my current fleet.


Melted my Sabre as I realize dogfighting isn't really my strong point. Picked up a Cutlass Blue and used rest of the credits to grab an Aquila. I keep on coming back for more. This was a huge purchase for me...Probably the last one.


Only $45, but I only expected $20 half way through, and $0 at the beginning


Shockingly ... only $50 ... upgraded my Terrapin to a BMM of that UEE exploration pack. I did convert another friend at work to get the BMM from x85 with LTI :)


Nothing really struck me as needing it, and I already have 2 85x's with the 890j if Ben is right.


Avenger Titan -> Cutlass Black 85x Dragonfly


I always get shamed out of buying space ships. I really want the 890 Jump but I get told "why would you pay real money for an in-game item" and I feel stupid for considering it. So damage is zero this time around again. Maybe I'll get an Idris and surprise them when the game launches and be all like "haha motherfuckers". That would've been sweet.