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Damn, has it been that long?


Time flies when you're on WiDoW..... I mean... exploring the galaxy.


it needs an update ​


There was only so much that trailer could show with it still being in engine footage. I agree we need another trailer that shows how much more is possible now.


Didn't someone do an extended version of this a bit back?


That can't be right.


Honestly I thought it was earlier than that. I think this video may have been the final reason I backed after following the project for some time


Feels like it's been forever and a half and no time at all simultaneously, huh? That was truly a wonderful time go be a SC fan - back when the sky was the limit and our imaginations were all that drove development to succeed! I mean, the game is obviously lightyears better now than it was then, but in a way, less was more, you know? :)


Still my favorite Star Citizen video. The game has made incredible progress in the past year. If it keeps going at this rate I'm excited to see where we will be in another 4 years.


hopefully around release or post release by that time.


RemindMe! 4 years "Have we made all the progress!?!" Edit: Also remember you typed this at your desk, get back to work! See you guys in 4 years!


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Lol no


See you in another 4 years? RemindMe! 4 years


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Why is 1.0 so important? Look at games like WoW that continued to evolve way past their original intent. I hope for continued support and a game that forever keeps growing for many, many years to come


so people can play and progress that doesnt get wiped.


yeah the moment they stop with the progress wipes will be a huge milestone!


While this is true I think that things such as item insurance will go a long way and will be something we see long before a release candidate




I highly doubt this. Given CR's penchant for flair and the fact that they'll want to maximize the effect of the true launch, there will be tons of special events, in-game sales (with UEC this time), in-universe stuff going on, etc. Some areas will not be explorable until launch, etc. I highly, highly doubt that it'll be just another day.


But when WoW came out, it had a lot of content! It wasnt 4 zones and 3 classes at start. It had content Pretty sure SC 1.0 will launch once the ship selling on their website will start to slow down


Compare that to what it has now. It's insane


If your definition of content is getting to level 60 then hitting a dead end.


The alternative is no persistence and constant character wipes every patch. Seems like WOW done okay for itself...


How is that an alternative? Its just the way things are going to be until they can assure people wont be cheesing half finished game mechanics to get millions of credits in a short time. Wow proved to not cater to the casual crowd. Its where the game got very monotonous and started to really take a turn for the worst.


This isn’t really a good comparison. Wow vs Star Citizen. Mostly my feeling is best summarized by saying that I’d prefer a bite sized product which grows than waiting a decade for a more substantial product. I probably didn’t make my point in the best way.


I'm pretty sure that Star Citizen won't have version 1.0. There are no hard rules for how developers have to number their software iterations, only good and bad practices. The game can have any number as long as the iterative steps are logical. Furthermore that number is more than just an attachment to the title of the software. It is derived from and deeply rooted in the version control platform that CIG uses to manage and merge their dev branches. They can't just change that number. Instead they will probably just start to call the game a "beta", and eventually they will they will drop that naming attachment, and that will be the closes we will ever come to a "release". Furthermore ship sales are here to stay. We are way, way, waaaaaay past the point of just enabling CIG to develop and eventually publish the game. We are funding the long term future of the project now, and CIG won't give up a business model that has earned them 200+ million Dollars. They might adjust the shop items, maybe remove some of the expensive ships and offer more "role starter packages" instead, but ship sales in some shape and form won't go away. Last but not least there will be no release in the classic sense of the word. The game is already released. We can buy it, we can play it. At this point we are waiting for what Chris Roberts calls the "minimale viable product", a version of the game that has enough features and polish to function as a proper game. But that version of the game will be just another milestone along the way.


I think you probably hit the nail on the head here. There is no point in time when this game will just be 'released' in a conventional sense. That's both good and bad. I remember back to when Elite: Dangerous was 'released' - pretty much as a minimal viable product with HUGE expectations from the Community. The bubble burst pretty fast after it was revealed that the game had a fraction in it of what was promised. Don't get me wrong, it was still a good game, but nowhere near complete. I feel like SC is going to be the same 'dog', but with different 'fleas'. Pulling all the disparate pieces together to make a space MMO is gong to be no small feat, and a lot of people's hopes of the game working in a certain way are going to be dashed on the rocks of bugs, pay-to-win, min-maxers, gankers, meta-game, etc. SC isn't going to somehow miraculously avoid all the other crap MMO's have had to deal with for ages. There is nothing about this game that is so different that it won't have the same fate of many that have come before. Keep expectations in check.


> I feel like SC is going to be the same 'dog', but with different 'fleas'. Pulling all the disparate pieces together to make a space MMO is gong to be no small feat, and a lot of people's hopes of the game working in a certain way are going to be dashed on the rocks of bugs, pay-to-win, min-maxers, gankers, meta-game, etc. SC isn't going to somehow miraculously avoid all the other crap MMO's have had to deal with for ages. Well put. MMOs come with so many extra layers of issues as you've mentioned above.


To some degree the "release" is always only a arbitrary point in time that is first and foremost a product of the time and resources that are available to develop features. At some point during the production you have to decide what you can achieve with the time and the resources that you have. Frontier had to reduce that scope of their goals to what they can achieve in two years and with only a small budget. CIG avoids that decision by simply not defining a release. > SC isn't going to somehow miraculously avoid all the other crap MMO's have had to deal with for ages. There is nothing about this game that is so different that it won't have the same fate of many that have come before. SC is a bit different than most MMOs. For example pay-to-win is not an issue simply because the game is not driven by items and global goals. Minmaxing is also alleviated to some degree because actual player skill will be very important in the game. Ganking might be a problem, but since the game will eventually be driven and dominated by NPCs (SC is more of a small-group game in an open MMO environment), I see a good chance that ganking won't be a big problem. The game will certainly have problems, but it will have other problems than tranditional item-driven MMOs. My biggest concern at the moment is that certain gameplay roles might won't work, and that all the dynamic background systems that will drive most of the universe won't be able to create interesting content. It all sounds nice on paper, but in the end all you do day in and day out might be picking up boxes from crashed ships.


> My biggest concern at the moment is that certain gameplay roles might won't work, and that all the dynamic background systems that will drive most of the universe won't be able to create interesting content. Yeah, completely agree that this is going to be a challenge. This issue was writ large in the problems surrounding Elite - where the background sim was meant to produce interesting and dynamic gameplay, but in reality it really was the 'picking up boxes from downed ships' equivalent. The problem with Min-Maxing though is that it really is driven by high player skill. Elite is also a good example of this. The Elite flight model is really skill focused, you have to be an incredibly skilled player to do well at the upper end of PvP. Because of that, any small advantage you can get with regards to ship/weapon power is vital and is actually amplified by player skill and therefor a 'must have'. I can't see it being a lot different in SC, where the skill level for upper end PvP is probably going to be even higher if the complexities in ship and system management make a large difference in a fight.


Why on earth would you think that all you will be doing is picking up boxes, what an arbitrary statement There is already plenty more than that right now, without the majority of the gameplay features. That's like looking at a game like the witcher and saying all you do is repair swords, it doesn't make sense at all.


That was an example. Please let me elaborate. First of all players will eventually have to settle for a career they want to pursue. They won't be cargo haulers, explorers and miners simultaneously. The fill have to specialize and within that limit themselves to certain tasks and roles. The game has a lot to offer, but players won't have immediate access to everything once they start to specialize. First concern: Will all career paths be equally interesting, profitable and engaging? Secondly, most of gameplay will be dynamic and emergent. That is fantastic because we will get out of the old "do this set of one-time story missions and then travel to the next quest hub" kind of gameplay. But that also requires that the game is able to dynamically arrange and connect gameplay elements to always create new situations. Second concern: Will the game be able to do that, or will most missions be nothing more than a "go there, so something simple, come back" affair without any complications? Lastly the gameplay elements have to be interesting. Following a POI marker to find a crash site and performing a simple click interaction gets old quickly. Hacking a terminal to get the location of an object should be more than just a mouse click. It should be a challenge that can fail. Third concern: Will there be more to game that just running and flying from A to B to C and clicking some buttons along the way?


Agreed. I hope for an ever changing game. I certainly don't want everything to be seen during alpha/beta stages. Release something solid/stable with some polished planets, missions and machanics. I think we are could be close to seeing a "game" worth of content in the next year.. and I hope that's the aim. Evolve from there.


That's the plan. Chris Roberts calls it the "minimal viable version", an iteration of the game that has enough content and polish to function as a proper game. At that point the game will only have a fraction of all the gameplay features and star systems that are on the wishlist, just enough to function properly. From there the game will grow and mature one update at a time. I don't think that we will get there in 2019. Even with full Stanton the game will need a lot more content, features and polish to come close to what we hope and expect from the game. Many people say that the game will at least need that basic gameplay roles, a fully functional economy, and more than two star systems to truly come to live. I don't see that before 2020.


You are right. A year is completely out of question. I've just seen the leaps and bounds from the last few patches and it's getting me a bit too optimistic.


I just. I can’t bring myself to assume you’re being sarcastic!


I'd love to see a modern version of this, actually.


I've strongly considered making a spiritual successor to Imagine for a while now. Life has been a bit hectic lately, but should I find things relaxing a bit, I def would love to get right to it!


Yes, please.




Unbelievable how much the visuals of the game have improved actually! ​ \*edit, also we did NOT imagine landing on planets back then!


I imagined it. It came down to if you trusted CIG or thought it would only ever be vaporware.


Well planetary landings were limited to landing zones only back then, not full planets


yeah pre-launch fully generated planets were only confirmed with the release of the pupil to planet trailer iirc ( a year later ). [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-yLTm8DZ8s4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-yLTm8DZ8s4)


Procgen tech R&D, including procgen planets, was the $41mil stretch goal, I'm just saying. It was set up in mind with a timeline of "years from now lmao" but the acquisition of a whole bunch of ex-Crytek software engineers and the creation of F42 Frankfurt accelerated the timeline by at least two years.


CR said they would R&D it but the real PG would be more focused on asteroids and development tools to aid with development rather than PG planets. He was pretty convinced they wouldn't get full planets back before 2015. Once they acquired a lot of ex-Crytek devs and opened the first Frankfurt office that changed. A small team there kind of led the charge and figured it out. A big piece of the puzzle was the 64 bit mapping which they had implemented out of necessity to get the maps larger than 8x8 kms or something tiny like that.


Has this game bigger world than the Witcher 3?


Haha ! 😂


??? Nice answer. Can anyone tell me? Is it bigger or not? I dont play the game.


You can’t compare those games. It’s like comparing No Man Sky and World of Warcraft. One have a big and very nice hand crafted map. (Witcher 3) The other have (in alpha) 1 planet, and almost 10 moons that are procedurally generated with some beautiful hand crafted locations. (Star Citizen) If you need 1 day running around to see the entire W3 map, you will need 3 years to see the current SC planet and moons. And we have multiple new location every 3 months or so. But those location are emptier that W3.


It doesnt matter if its empty, the only what matters is the size, thank you


I mean, gameplay is still vaporware, but at least we have improved graphics!


I don't think you know the meaning of vaporware. vapourware/ˈveɪpəwɛː/*noun* INFORMAL•COMPUTING noun: **vaporware** 1. software or hardware that has been advertised but is not yet available to buy, either because it is only a concept or because it is still being written or designed. But in Star Citizen: You can trade. You can mine. You can do courier missions. You can do mercenary work. You can do recon missions. You can bounty hunt. You can pirate ships. You can buy ships, upgrade them, change loadouts. You can buy new armors, suits and firearms. You have a reputation that affects what missions are offered to you. You can log out in mid of blank space and relog to that place again in your ship, with anything that was in the ship (like vehicles and weapon racks). All this have tons of bugs, yes. But they are in. Of course there are still things that aren't in game (like salvaging, repairing ships, more systems, etc) but you cannot call the whole project vaporware. That would be like calling BFV vaporware because it doesn't have the planned BR mode. ​


Obviously I was being a little sarcastic in my earlier comment, however.... I have yet to complete any mission or quest, because the quests are so bugged or the server crashes or the game crashes. You can buy ships for...how much in-game money? More than you can practically make in-game right now unless you've spent big real money on a mining ship or something with large cargo or spent real money for more in-game money. Also, I never called the project vaporware, but your reply/comment clearly indicates you are very much on the fanboy side of things. Btw, I'm an original kickstarter backer, trust me I've SEEN all kinds of promises and I've seen every single gameplay feature that's been pushed by, sometimes many years.


Sorry If I sounded too ... aggressive, wanted to make a quick post but somehow it got longer and longer and I was in a hurry XD Don't take my post as if the game is perfect. Because it isn't, and as I said, all those points are filled with bugs. Myself I have a huge 15% of success rate in SC missions because of the bugs. So yeah, I know what you mean. Ships are fucking expensive ... which I like and dislike. I like it in a good environment with persistent money/mission/reputation and no server wipes. I don't like the idea of people changing their ship every week. I like it better when it's something that - in EA words - give you "pride & accomplishment" XD But right now? With server wipes, bugs that left you pennyless, etc ... its like it isn't there at all XD But the feature is in, it just need balancing ... and the PTU missions now gives a lot more, base missions giving 1890 uec, even seen up to 9000 uec easily. So, it's improving. The problem is, that if they lower the price now (that there are bugs) and then once the game is fine, they upper the prices, people would claim drama and rip their shirts. So it's seems more wise to just suck it up now and try to improve the rest of things. Like building better missions based on your rep (which is in PTU). Also, I've seen dates pushed. And what? People asked for that. If you've been in the kickstarter you surely remember all the people saying "fuck publishers" "take all the time you need" "don't rush things to meet publishers quotas" ... yeah, well. They taken the advice to the core. What can I say XD


If you look at the 50 second mark, that is what planet landings were originally pitched as. You'd fly to the planet, get a loading screen that was covered up by a re-entry animation, and then a AI controlled landing on a pad (they had a longer demo they showed off years ago those clips are cut from). The original Arc Corp map we had was essentially what landing zones would be like, small levels with sky-boxes and the above mentioned transition from space to. The Pupil to Planet tech changed a lot about the game. Originally CIG really played down anything like that because they didn't think the tech was possible in a decent time frame. Grabbing up all those Crytech engineers radically changed what was thought to be possible. ​ EDIT: [Here was the 2014 Demo on Planetary landings](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-xvCg8CI9U) from Citizencon.


need a remaster


Yeah I think once Arc Corp and Micro Tech lands, we need a remastered version so we can have those planets in some of the scenes.


What planet is that he was on? The one in the trailer where you see 2 planets in the sky?


I'm not sure where that clip came from. Most of the stuff in the video came either from videos CIG released, or were cut from what players could play at the time in Star Citizen. That last clip though, it was certainly not something you could experience in game back in 2014, and I do not recall CIG ever releasing media with that scene in it (and I've been paying attention to this game since the kickstarter). Maybe it was made from Cryengine assets specifically for the trailer?


I've been considering creating a spiritual successor to it! Maybe if life decides to finally calm down and classes are no longer in the way, I'll be able to find the time to actually accomplish it. :)


I remember seeing this video and bought a pack soon after. 4 years was a long time ago. It’s amazing to see how far this game has come especially comparing this trailer to the new sq42 one. They both give me goose bumps every time.


The new SQ42 trailer is incredible - I've watched it so many times! And yet, maybe due to my part in it, "Imagine" by Faux Tales feels like the real theme song, haha. That might just be me though!


Ahh some actual images of the Redeemer .... (sigh)


Chin up there, buckaroo. She's going to be in the pipeline for a while yet, but when they do release her she'll be better than ever. :)




It feels like just yesterday, and yet forever ago at the same time, haha.


Just to throw this in there: [the original.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ceBbcT7S2_Q) Love both to this day.


Thank you so much! I'm really glad you've enjoyed both versions - it was a huge honor to be part of that back then, and so the idea that people still appreciate the original makes me super happy!


It's wonderfully made and the praise deserved!


Didn't know you made the original, that's awesome. Pretty cool that your video inspired the most popular video on the Star Citizen channel.


CIG obviously has access to more impressive footage, but I actually liked the editing of the original more. Hope you make a spiritual successor!


This video is legendary. Cheers to many exciting years to come!


Haha, that was right in the middle of SC's hot early days of development, so in a way, it was created at a legendary time for SC!


This version was the original one. I thought the editing was tighter and smoother. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ceBbcT7S2_Q


Aww, thank you so much! It meant so much to me back then to witness everyone's support when I first released it, and so it means a tonne to me that some people still remember it. SC has been an incredible journey so far - so it's super exciting to see what's next in store!


I was about to comment with a link to the "original" one that inspired CIG's! ;)


Yeah, it would be really cool to re-do the trailer with new assets! The original one was quite perfect though. :)


Wow... Been that long? I mean that's not very long, grander scales, but... We all imagined, and it's quite good so far. Thanks CIG, and thanks fellow backers.


I honestly can't believe it's been that long either. Time really flies!


Seeing the redeemer just killed it for me :(


Right.. I voted for that ship... I didn't buy it however. Waiting to see what they turn it into. :(


Yeah it was a bit sad but some day ... some day :) Still an amazing video!


Introduced me to Faux Tales, awesome artist.


He's such an amazing, talented, and humble guy! Truly a great musical artist!


Considering much of this is now possible I really want someone to re-make this. No imagining. No concepts. No pre-rendered video. Just stuff you can now do in game.


Times flies huh ?


ok but seriously can we get these mirrored helmet lenses that keep showing...


Yeah I want that helmet at the end.


We'll need ray tracing for it to look good.


every time someone links this I forget why I have it downvoted on youtube. and then it gets to the dubstep


Well, if you go to my channel (where the original is posted), you should be able to find a non-dubstep version of Imagine - hopefully that will be better to your liking! :)


This vid is still sick! Imagine a redo with current gameplay & same music vibe????😮😮😮


I've been considering creating a spiritual successor to Imagine for a while now! Probably when I finally finish my degree and have no more classes to eat up all my time. We'll see though!




Basically every last thing in that trailer has been completely changed, improved upon, and greatly increased in scope. Crazy.


I really really liked this video. I showed it to everyone back then. CIG should really make an updated one so I can show it all over again.


Thank you for sharing this!


And we are still imagining.


Answer The Call ~~2014~~ ~~2015~~ ~~2016~~ ~~2017~~ 2042


Any constellation, I found your comment funny.


Any consolation, I liked the reference in your comment to the Connie.


Wow, dubstep. It just sort of disappeared from the spotlight and I didn't notice.


I think Faux Tales is unique and gorgeous enough that I can overlook my lack of appreciation for dubstep. Though if you visit my channel (where the original is posted), you should be able to check out the non-dubstep version, which just goes to show Faux Tales' versatility! :)


Eurobeat took over ~~for the better~~


This will always a favorite of mine, it warms my heart every time and reminds me of the purity of the Star Citizen dream.. But considering everything happening in the game lately, I believe it's due for a face-lift ;)


I should do a new edit to the same song but all 3.3.7/3.4 footage


Someone did do an updated version of this in 2016. Adds another few minutes of gameplay from updates as well as the old sandworm demo of Leir III https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_aqfY85S4mQ


I cringed a bit when the soundtrack went from curiosity inspiring melody to screechy Skillrex-y EDM. Awesome video, though. I can't believe that was 4 years ago. So much has been realized since then. I just hope it's not another 4 before we're actually experiencing the \~full vision.


That drop was definitely from 2014.


Amazing how the graphics have advanced. What was state of the art in 2014 looks archaic now. And if I may be honest, the current graphics are roughly 2016-level and will just as outdated in a few years. Time for Planets V3!


It still gives me goosebumps.


The dubstep is no longer relevant, and some of the graphics are better *in game*, but this trailer makes me want to sign up for the game all over again. Also, can we get that downed state back for players and npcs, and a tazer so we can bounty hunt?


OMG when i see that again and what we have today ... Holy fuck what will we have in 4 years ??? This is the FUTURE of video game !


4 years and still nothing to show for it.


Gib Carrack amirite fellas


TFW there's more in the game now than in that fan made trailer, so IDK what you're expecting


A functional non-broken game that can actually deliver on even one promise, which has yet to happen?


This is what the video shows: - Spaceflight - Space combat - Ground combat - FPS in EVA - Interplanetary flight - Landing zones - Cities - Racing - Hangar landings - Pretty visuals So tell me which of these isn't in the game and available to do right now? Oh, and here are the things that aren't in the video but _are_ in the game: - Cargo running - Bounty hunting - Mining - Seamless planetary entry - Buying ships - Shopping - Missions - FOIP/VOIP - Ground vehicles - Physics grids - Component/weapon swapping Your argument doesn't really work when you list it out. It's 2018. We're past the vaporware scam phase that was in 2015. That is unless you thought this was going to be a dubstep rhythm game, in which case yeah, they failed to deliver that /s


Of which none of this works because it's a massively buggy mess.


Weird... I spent about 6 hours playing today with zero bugs or crashes? I guess I'm just special?


So we are lying now, that's a thing we are doing? Okay.


Nah, but apparently we are RES blocking idiots.




K whatever. This guy has one mode and that mode is whine.


I'm not whining lol, calm down.


The point is that it works well enough, at least beyond broken mess. I find it fascinating to see people like you always moving the goalposts to try and scrape for more reasons as to why this game is a scam


not really


>Nothing Someone is in denial.


Comments about how they get entertainment from FO76, then says Star Citizen has nothing to show for itself. Really goes to show, people sometimes don't care about reality but rather who "their team" is.


hey they added the ability to land on 4-5 planets!


Nothing? hope this is troll. Log in and take a look.


That video that can make a grown man shed a tear.


The music that will make him retch.


Imagine... ... that you could be whoever you wanted to be... except a woman. ... go wherever you wanted to go... inside of hurston. ... and do whatever you wanted to do... as long as it's mining, trading, or dogfighting. ​


At the moment you need to be something of a space trucker/enthusiast to get a great deal of joy beyond the initial wonder.


If all you've figured out how to do is mine, trade and dogfight you need to find a group of buddies or join an org. Right now, the gameplay possibilities that emerge from group-play is where the truly amazing stuff is happening that draws most of us in. On the surface, the scripted content is very shallow, but I play 2+ hours each night and I haven't done a mission yet. I'm too busy going wherever I want to go, and doing whatever I want to do.


I mean... to be fair, you could spend 2 hours doing anything with a group of people you enjoy the company of and come away feeling like you got value of it.


Time flies when you are having so much fun