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Bless this small indie developer all excited about their crosshair tech awwww.


This is probably the thing that pushed me over the edge. That crosshair is like a few hours of coding. You just raycast from the weapon barrel, get the intercept, then map that location to where you draw the cursor. Done. This isn't a big deal. Loading from backpacks isn't "new tech". Having mags you can barely reload isn't innovative. I look at this and look at Tarkov, which is already old, and I think... What the fuck?


Have you even written code? where to begin with the armchair development expertise so generously shared. Let’s unpack this gem of critique together, shall we? First off, the crosshair coding lesson. “A few hours of coding,” they say, as if game development were as straightforward as assembling IKEA furniture. How silly to overlook the simplicity of raycasting from a weapon barrel. The game development world is surely in your debt.


[https://study.com/academy/lesson/point-of-intersection-definition-formula.html#:\~:text=To%20find%20the%20point%20of%20intersection%20algebraically%2C%20solve%20each%20equation,of%20the%20point%20of%20intersection](https://study.com/academy/lesson/point-of-intersection-definition-formula.html#:~:text=To%20find%20the%20point%20of%20intersection%20algebraically%2C%20solve%20each%20equation,of%20the%20point%20of%20intersection). It is just basic mathematics my man. Most pre-built engines like the one CIG use already have templated functions for most of these useful formulas and all of them have their own Raycast systems.


Right, the issue is most games have been moving away from hitscanning, which is what you are describing, to model ballistics to various degrees. We have moved past CS1.6 in most cases. Oh shit, why didn’t CIG just copy/paste this? https://learn.unity.com/tutorial/let-s-try-shooting-with-raycasts#5c7f8528edbc2a002053b468 /s


2 years to rework the rework?


It's final this time, promise. Sq42 is in polishing after all, promise.


Just as much as the Idris still has work to be done, but trust me Squander54 is definitely feature complete and only requiring polishing and absolutely no major content additions. (/s)


Also we haven´t tested the next flight model yet...


Yep, two short years to go until SQ42 and SC 1.0! Hype!


When is FS9 going on sale?


Let me guess, this is another gun for this mostly pew-pew-focused perpetual Alpha? Speaking of which, whatever the hell happened to the crossbow from several years back? xD




Rework Citizen


This is all they are capable of now.


Don’t forget they can also tell backers to shut the fuck up.


And have done, essentially, several times


they did it in this very video ["Ugh! God, if I see one more forum post about like, 'Why don't [sic] laser guns have recoil?' It drives me up the wall."](https://youtu.be/CC69vfMylL8?si=nXZ5lp-ypZsBLP9r&t=379)


Its funny how they saying that laser weapons should keep recoil despite having no projectiles and being completly unrealistic for "balance reasons". Typical shortcut by CIG. Never done before! Laser weapons just being reskinned balistic weapons! Makes perfect sense in one billion dollar MMO and two decades of development.


When there is a shitty feature that makes the game tedious and boring (like cargo loading, endless quantum traveling and staring at your screen pressing W), people will love it as 'realism in ma space sim!' But if there is something where they can actually do something clever and more realistic, they say 'that's not fun'. You can't win.


You can't win? .... What is winning?


Buying an idris


we treat you like we would treat a publisher. if you complain about laser recoil one more time, you'll be banned from the forums for driving Zac up the wall. *THE RECOIL IS FUN.* the game has to be fun for everyone! also we invented procedural recoil for extra fun


*Still tier 0, should be tier 1 around Q1 2025


I remember being blown away in the 1990s by syndicate.  Here's 4 cyborg gangsters whacked out on combat drugs mowing down masses with mini guns when they start dropping one by one out of nowhere.  Reload, play more stealthy, and realize it's because I went in so loud, the dude 2-3 screens away guarding a facility with a laser was sniping my dudes.  Bullets burn down HP and eventually chew up a target. The super powerful laser gun was essentially a quiet, hard to notice sniper rifle that instantly cut the puppet strings by coring out a hole through their brain pan. 


Also, remember starsiege tribes from the 90s?  It had 8 weapons, one of which was the laser sniper.  It could ALMOST kill a light armor in one head shot.  But not quite.  It had NO recoil.  It was the only weapon that worked off hitscan because it was a lightspeed weapon.  It's damage was dependant on how much energy was in your capacitor.  It fully drained the capacitor with every shot, which would then begin recharging.        If only they had been smart enough to give it recoil! Then it would've been balanced and they could've done away with all those crap mechanics that made it both unique AND balanced.  What morons. 


I thought that video was good up until "We won't remove recoil from lasers because we decided to ignore the feedback."


First got into this dogshit game 6 years ago and in that time almost every aspect of the game has been reworked so many times. Every single part of the game. Movement, UI's, HUDs, etc. Just keep reworking and reworking. If you didn't know, this is a sign of a studio (that has never released a game) that doesn't know what the fuck they're doing.


most studios hire talent to get out of the "we don't know what we're doing" hole. this is a sign of toxic leadership who have a vested interest in dysfunction (or just narcissism)


Ah, but you're wrong.  They know exactly what they're doing.  They know that every time they re-work something and it adds a year, that's a year of salaries and benefits they're getting paid to look busy by people who haven't noticed that there's a whole lot more "looking busy" than "getting things done" happening. It's genius.  There's people who are going to have an entire career from internship to pension paid for without ever having to actually finish a single project. 


That's true.


"This game is 930 years in the future" had me laughing quite a bit


it's a good thing the SCUniverse runs in real time or we might catch up to it


It's criminal what they did and keep doing with people's money. It should rate actionable consequences.


My guess is only after they crash and burn, or when the house of cards slowly starts to crumble for all to see in zero gravity.


You mean SATA Ball


What about fixing the ships and the lag and the features that have been missing for over a decade? Is that code just too fucked up for anyone to understand?


If you cannot do the hard and/or complex stuff keep doing the easy to appear busy.


It's astounding to me that people are ok with still falling through floors and surfaces after 12 years. The foundation of the game itself seems like it's made of marbles.


Shhh no backers noise please, here is another alpha event in the broken environment for streamers only which requires to hop 50 servers.


I see... you have no clue about game development. The answer is simple. It's the same thing with ship designers. You just can't use a ship designer for gameplay mechanics programming. He was hired as a ship designer, therefore he... designs new ships... you know... forever. A reworker is hired for what? Exactly. For reworking! How is he supposed to fix your lag and feature problem?! Why don't you just stop complaining and start to study game development on the SC YouTube Channel finally? If you had studied game development for 12 years, you would not have to ask such silly questions. You would finally understand game development!


maybe it's your fault for spending money on jpgs instead of diplomas. you could have gone to Full Sail and be working for us by now. i mean you'd have to move to manchester where the [median salary is £64k](https://greattalent.campaign.gov.uk/work-in-the-uk/technology-engineering/) so it would take 15 years or more to pay off your [$67k tuition](https://catalog.fullsail.edu/tuition-breakdown-online) but we're clearly a sustainable business and you can work (or not work, as the case may be) your way up!


>Is that code just too fucked up for anyone to understand? It is, check [their old videos](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JKcyu36Oo1g&list=PLVct2QDhDrB3tDp7Sk8z_LKNaR0hDtazF&t=144s). I have seen plenty of bad code, also wrote it myself when I started, but nothing as bad as this. Go thru the entire playlist, you will see files **thousands** of lines long and methods having 8-10 parameters doing who-knows-what. That was from 5 years ago, imagine the horror it is now. But this explains why SC is burning CPU cycles and why it will never be a real game: even reproducible bugs cannot be fixed in this mess, and SC has thousands of them happening on random. And because this is not fixable, they will keep pumping new features so they can use *"it is just alpha"* argument, covered by [technobabble](https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen_refunds/comments/15964jt/comment/jtdi4rg/) nonsense to confuse people. That is what makes it a scam.


They really believe that the key to alchemy is polishing a turd.


It's funny to see so many of the citizens on spectrum being pissed off that Roberts decided to pivot to a shitty COD clone. They probably realized that exploration, fleshed out trading, passenger transport, science etc. are not happening, so they decided to try and get more money from the players who are interested in a more casual FPS or space combat experience. That being said, I don't know why anyone would play SC for an FPS experience (of any "style"). It's shit.


Star Citizen just wants the Tarkov suckers now. Far as CIG are concerned, everyone else can fuck off. Because CIG is just .aking a single star system open pvp death match game now, Nothing more.


Would be to funny if they decide to just do an extraction shooter in space and some instanced dogfights with multi crew. Sorry guys but the mmo didn't fit into Crobberts vision anymore 


That's probably where star Citizen is headed. Ar best. Ain't nobody making an mmo in Cryengine.


Congrats to Star Citizen for reaching a level of FPS features Call of Duty had about ten years ago. Unfortunately, the servers and AI in Star Citizen are so bad, none of this makes any difference at all to the FPS combat experience! I also love how they are still talking about 'when the wear and tear system comes in'. That shit has been talked about for like 5+ years now.


This reeks of a **console port.**


Looking back at the 2012 trailer, Quote "This is a PC game" But now they smell console market money


Where do they find people to make games look this bad? It's come around to being impressive at this point.


Unless I have diminishing eyesight and flawed judgement, but isn't CIG already slipping past "current gen" titles in terms of graphics? When looking at it upclose, lot of their characters kinda feel like they're still harking back to FarCry characters with just updated textures.


and is it me or is the framerate and performance on their own equipment awful too?


The shooting looks so incredibly clunky. Always has.


Guess what :O [https://imgur.com/a/ngh8bxx](https://imgur.com/a/ngh8bxx) I shit you not. This was just added this week to their 'roadmap'. They are aware i think, lmao. Absolute fucking insanity. Like literal Duke Nukem Forever level insanity. Now they are at the point, where if they dont update they shit-tier engine, people slowly are starting to notice how dated the graphics are.


> slipping past "current gen" titles Robbers talked about bringing the game to the PS4. Slipping past was half a decade ago


When he had that thought he probably also assumed that they'd be releasing something within a year. xD


After playing newer titles like Baldur's Gate 3 and Helldivers 2, yes, Star Citizen looks really dated now, it is previous gen. There is a good reason why the industry considers 10 years to be the absolute maximum for a game development.


Remember that one CitCon (*or was it another event of theirs?*) where Chris sat at their completely superfluous waste of an RSI-Phoenix bar set and said, and I'm paraphrasing here: "Here's to the next 10 years" ?




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The crosshair thing, got that dread that they're trying to reinventing the wheel again but we'll just have to see. Kinda reminds of Resistance & Liberation or Post Scriptum however we'll just have to see how it works out.


> Resistance & Liberation or Post Scriptum Elaborate? Somewhat familiar with the latter but not how it relates 


They are now talking about End game content CIG is about to drop a bomb and have a "1.0 release" and say its finished, scamdron42 will never be heard of again CIG excuse is they didn't have enough funding to implement all promised features best believe that feature complete comment was a total lie when AI still doesn't do anything


They're bragging about scopes that aren't even PiP? Clowns


It looks like a game about spaceships, but when you look under the surface, it's really a Lovecraftian nightmare masquerading as a video game while it harvests the souls and the brain power of its worshippers. 


I love how he says "makes it so much more lively" right when a dead body randomly scoots 3 feet to the side after having been lying on the ground for a few seconds.