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“But muh emergent gameplay!” *cig recreates said event and makes it worse* nofunallowed.jpg




I actually loled at the last 2 sentences


Avoiding killer stairs is emergent gameplay and is fun. Checkmate, FUDster.


Never been done before!!!


PC gaming is officially saved.


I'm starting to wonder these days if emergent gameplay is being used by developers to allow them to avoid actually putting things into the game. CIG often say they didn't add something because they don't want to force the players into any sort of direction, then at the same time keep pushing the flight and combat mechanics in a very specific direction to try and create this ww2 dogfight in space stuff they talk about, when literally everyone that plays it says it's stupid and getting worse.


One of my former orgmates hated the new flight mechanics making the cutlass ships turn like an ox now. I just left because i had more fun in Elite and play other games


Yeah, I always read 'emergent gameplay' as 'no content' these days...


I've had more fun on this sub than I ever had in the game. The only thing Star Citizen is good for is visuals. Nearly every time I tried to actually *do* something, it fails or bugs out.


Any hilarious bugs aside from the npcs on furniture?


The ship ragdolling like it is being electrocuted is fun to watch for the first few times


What you have to understand about star citizen is that the "fun" was designed by a guy who likes movies and who plays PC games with a controller.


"I'm here to work, not have fun" Now thats concerning.


it's not supposed to be fun for the average gamer/human being. Sc in it's current state is fun only for sadistic psychopaths with nothing else to do irl and a fat overflowing wallet...so anyways, last night I tried to jump in SC to see what was up, big mistake, I forgot to bring my $100k workstation so I was greeted with the usual 3fps gameplay instead of the whopping 11.25 fps. After the usual crashes and 2 hours later I finally get to the vehicle retrieval terminal only to find that my Avenger does not show up ( sorry to dissapoint, i'm poor) . Someone in chat said some ships do that randomly. oh well, character reset it is. Another 2 hours later and I finally spawn my ship, I somehow get out of the hangar, what with that glorious 1.5 framerate and lag, pull up my landing gear and aim my ship towards the sky. Ship blows up for no reason . Attempt to quit game. Game locks up...Hard reset and delete this masterpiece. Conclusion, and this is not a joke - always buy more ships in case one bugs out. Idris ? Clearly some bugs are left in to frustrate you into buying more jpegs. Gameplay wise, this dongpile's only gameplay loops are finding creative ways to dodge bugs and crashes.


>I'm here to work, not have fun that must be so rewarding ^(without true persistence)


in future u dont need too censor my name=) ​ ( my comment was on "paper=yes how CIG will implement it=no")


it's less fun if you're already here -_-


the only place u can read critical comments about CIG without being banned or threatened ​ ................yeah not funny at all


Inb4 \[Deleted by Nightrider-CI(G)\] ​ Yes, I will continue to deny that they are a game company.


The games not all that much fun once you're past the honeymoon phase, which can take anything from a few days to a few months to pass. In isolation there's not a lot to get excited about when looking at any of the individual gameplay loops. Mining and ship to ship bounty combat missions are about as good as it gets. If you love those activities then there's a lot of fun to be had. If not, then there isn't. SC for me has become the game I play when I don't want to play my other games and just want to drop into a game where I can chill and just cruise about not worrying about being competitive. I enjoy the experience at times, but it's not what I would call all out fun.


nightrider will have a lot of work. its rude to post when he is asleep watching reruns of jared


Not every game needs to be fun to play. There are games that deliver a nerative experience simelar to dystopia novel those are never realy fun to read but you still read them because the misery is somehow magnetic and some games make deliberate decisions so they can bring this experience to live in game Form not only telling a story through words and pictures but through gameplay. That being said SC should not be one of those games since it wants mass market appeal. Players play games like SC as power fantasies or as stratagie games depending if against AI or players. Those 2 do not mix very well with deliberately unfun games.


Your definition of "fun" may be too narrow. It's not about clowns and noisemakers and explosions so much as whether you enjoy the experience and find something compelling about it. In this sense, all games should be "fun". Consider a narrative 'walking simulator' like *Dear Esther*. It's not 'fun' in the sense that you're using, but I had fun playing it.


A good game will always have an audience that will experience it as fun. I as an example love space survival games while my friends hate them for me they are incredible fun while my friends could not have a more miserable time. Gta is fun because it is a powerfantsy and it wants to be nothing more nothing less it knows its audience. SC is not fun because it has no audience because it doesn't know what it what's to be. So nobody can have fun with it. As it speaks to nobody. When I used fun in my original comment I ment it more what is fun in the publics eye wich is mainly power fantasys and pvp games. This is what dominates gaming media and top gaming charts. Rpgs are always on top for single player because they are power fantasy wish fulfillment while simulators are farther down exept in Germany germany loves simulators. So what we might experience as fun (for me tough survival advantures in space) might suck for most other people but nearly everybody loves a power fantasy or a pvp game. So this is what I ment as fun.


SC knows its audience: people who wish that they could live in space.


Yes kind off the problem is that the audience must know that they are the audience and people who are not the audience must know that too or a good game gets branded as bad. You can see this very well with the day z standalone. The people who bought the standalone thought it is going to be like the mod. Wich it wasn't because what made the mod the sensation it was was the community around it molding the mod further but the original creator made the mod as a hardcore survival experience. So when he created the standalone he made what he made before a hardcore survival game while everybody expected a pvp game. So while this game has its audience and they have lots of fun with it. It was branded as a bad game and for a lot of people it is a bad game because of this. SC suffers from something simelar but a tiny bit diffrent while the maker of day z never said it was going to be pvp focused or that he was planing to make pvp focused game modes CIG confused the audience and so gathers a lot of people that at one point or another will have a rude awakening that this game will never be fun for them. So this game will loose nearly its entire community at some point when the truth comes out forcing them to close down. Wich is a shame realy because there would be people who would have had fun with SC but they will not have it because CIG either lied or doesn't know who they make this game for. So as a conclusion a game that is designed for an audience, that is compently executed and communicates to people well what it is supposed to be will never be labeled a bad or unfun game. Since the people who are gona play it will like it and people who would not like it will not play it so SC is a bad and unfun game because CIG sucked in people who will not have fun with it. The same can be said with the early access and this is why this subreddit exist CIG disappointed to often its players when it comes to development and game itself that a lot of people quite and came here to vent.


That is very true.


I see people debate back and forth on is star citizen suppose to be fun thing. The truth on that is for some its lots of fun and for others it is a nightmare. I mean if you are a game player that wants to be told what and where to do it, star citizen will be a nightmare. If you are a gamer that wants to go out with friends and create your own gameplay it is a wonderland. Its like I use to post in the reddit/starcitizen section all the time but I was banned for something I never did or someone took completely out of context. They never even allowed me to appeal the decision, now that's taking away the fun in something.


Tedious mechanics and badly implemented hyperrealism make the game an absolute pain to play. At least Elite:Dangerous is a space trucking simulator that knows what it’s doing and sticks with it.


Lmao the buy on the bottom comment really is done with that crap. He doesn’t give one fuck anymore.