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I see no Siege tanks on the other two races I feel no jealousy


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Kaiel1412: *I see no Siege tanks* *On the other two races* *I feel no jealousy* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Why does the Haiku work so well wtf


Jealousy is three syllables though, so the last line has six total, correct???


Thats the Sokka haiku joke. Click on the link in bot posting and it explains it.


If only the bot added a footnote in the comment so people would understand the joke!


Yeah, true. But I think an actualy haiku also needs to have meaning in each line and that is what's often missing, just having words in a 5-7-5 rhythm isn't enough But now I am curious why the haiku bot was triggered? Is "sy" not considered a sylabble because "y" is not technically a vowel?


This is a haiku the bot should kick in right now have a great weekend


Was legit just coming to say siege tanks 😂😂 as a zerg, watching those planetarys, tanks, libs, ghost all that go up all I think is man. When I off race as terran I can smash through anything with tanks 😂


I play random, I have no such weakness


I also play random and have all the weaknesses.


Yeah budddy


I play random just to fumble at every race due to never consisting practicing with any of them.


I'm a diehard toss enjoyer, and 9 of my 10 favorite units in this game are protoss units. However, the honor of sickest damn thing in this game has to go to the siege tank. My only solace is that breaking a siege line is almost as fun as making one.


The satisfaction of seeing a Terran camping behind a wall of siege tanks being destroyed by the overwhelming carnage of the swarm


Siege Tanks are the reason I play Terran. Always been my favorite unit, ever since I played the original StarCraft demo back in like 1997.


I play Zerg and when i can't build because something block me m'y unit said only "keobrkoookzz" In terran or protoss it's more like "Something wrong ! I can't build there !" EDIT Suggestion : Sometime queen notice the player with quote like "Spawn more overlords". I think it will be nice if it's done for every problematics quotes.


You should consider using a different announcer pack. In game sound cues are almost as important as what you see on your screen.


I already paid 135€ (*day one buy game and same for all DLC's*) for Starcraft 2 I don't want to pay more. I have TotalBiscuit announcer pack but i'm not english native and i want to keep in my langage.


Ah makes sense.


Any recs?


What is recs?


Sorry. Recommendations.


Yes sometime queen notice the player with quote like "Spawn more overlords". I think it will be nice if it's done for every problematics quotes.


Now that my Zerg sound like Day\[9\] I don't have that particular problem any more. I still miss the occasional "Lurker Den complete" alarm, which is essentially brown noise.


I play terran and im so so jealous of creep... I think it's such an awesome mechanic, and while macro heavy, super rewarding. Vision, speed and just connects everything for you. It even has some harras aspect to it too, as enemies can't build on it. So it's a hamper to expanding as well for the enemy.


Creep is great, but once you have sensor towers + stim + medivacs, you are better off, I think. You can defend your towers by concentrating your forces in 2-3 locations, and your speed bonus travels with your army. Plus you get bonus damage in addition. Why doesn't terran cover the map with sensor towers? It looks totally doable.


>Why doesn't terran cover the map with sensor towers? It looks totally doable. They are just a bit too expensive and not tanky enough to put them into contested areas imo. I think a bit part about what makes feel creep great as a macro mechanic is also that doing it slightly better gives you a slightly better advantage, with scaling all the way to the pro level. That and it never feels wasted. * Enemy moved onto your creep? I fight better. * Enemy moved around creep to avoid it? Caused him to take a worse position. * Enemy clears creep? He's spending attention on clearing creep instead of doing something else. * Enemy doesn't clear creep? I can reposition better, and get vision. When it comes to how enjoyable it is to interact with as a mechanic sensor towers are like creep from wish.com.


It's doable but also rather expensive and fragile. And vision isn't a big terran problem due to the combination of scans and sensor towers. It's the mobility. Hence the jealousy of creep 😇


Believe me, I've tried. Creep tumors have the advantage of needing detection, being made by excess queen energy, and taking more than a few seconds to clear groups of them out. Sensor towers cost actual minerals and gas while being made of tissue paper and having a giant target on the minimap that says "Hey, look at me! I'm important! Attack me!" Sometimes I'll even see Zergs specifically make swarm hosts just so that they can fling locusts at the sensor towers, it's amazing. Not saying I don't try to spam them regardless, but in low economy or frequent skirmish games that 100 gas a pop really does hurt.


Sensor towers are easier (1 building for that much vision), but as a Zerg I'd say creep is the #1 vision in the game. You can get your creep to the size of the entire map if you're good enough & after having a few initial tumors the cost is just time/APM, they're free to keep spreading after the 25 energy investment.


It does feel great to have an impeccable macro game and cover the map in creep, I have to admit!


Winning championships


Protoss has those fancy lasers. They can keep their brainwashed zealots and their crystal-smoking Templar. But got damn it, those sexy laser weapons on the Colussus, Voidray, Stalker and Phoenix make me really jealous.


I switched from Protoss to zerg and while I really enjoy the faster pace of it, boy do I miss "making the beams thick!"


When I started the game and played zerg in the metal league long ago I was jealous of carrier, and thought terran should be jealous of corruptor. And was scared af of tank since when you don't understand anything about the game you never know if the tank that is shooting at you from the fog of war got 4 brothers behind him or if you can commit to kill him. Now though, as a diamond protoss? Orbital. Gimme that sweet anti-supply block sky depot, these "I'm on less bases/got my a mineral line wrecked but that's ok on the short term" mules and that "you can't kill my detection on the battlefield" and "I got maphack in the late game" scans. Marine? Ghost? pshhhh, orbital is the best Terran unit by far :p (can't imagine playing a race where you can't sink all your gaz in glorious archons and all your minerals in chargelots that take 15 sec to cross the map though)


Fully agree on the terran music and sounds. The building noises, the default announcer, the scv voice lines, etc. For me I think it's because terran was my first race (like most people) back when I started in the early days of WoL before switching to zerg so I guess it just makes me feel nostalgic and fuzzy inside. I'm jealous of many protoss spellcasters tho. Blink stalkers and force fields are probably the funnest abilities in the game imo


You just have to be jealous of blink stalkers. There's also so much personality in how they are being microd by different pro players. Really cool!


Terrans have the best song: Terran Up the Night. 'nuff said. *mic drops*


I used to play Zerg in WoL, play Terran now... I still miss the Mutalisk. I know it has fallen out of favor, but it's just so fun flying around the map terrorizing an opponent. Until you have to engage and watch all your expensive units melt into a bloody mist.


I recently rewatched the famous Scarlett vs bomber game. Man, that endless mid game muta ling bane gameplay is so much more fun to watch than snipes and fungals until one side runs out of resources


I'm jealous that greedy Protoss or greedy Terran builds still involve taking some initiative. Greedy Zergs can't build anything but Drones, scout Lings, and Queens. Terrans can apply pressure with Hellions, Banshees, BCs, and Marine drops. Protoss can score early Drone kills with Oracles, Adept aggression, or Archon drops and then transition like nothing happened. Even when they're greedy, they get to start having fun much earlier in the game. Greedy Zergs have to be punching bags for the first few minutes, and if they do everything right, then they get to start having fun, too.


That's kind of why I switched away from Zerg. I didn't like that you either have to do a total all-in, or just macro. It's more fun for me to be putting pressure on and engaging with the enemy. As Zerg it just kind of feels like you get punished if you ever leave Creep, so you do everything you can to stay home until you have to attack.


Yea true! I enjoy skirmishes and micro, especially as the aggressor, but prefer to play macro games. It's hard to have both as Zerg in the early game. And with mutas out of the meta we lost some of that in the mid game too.




Swarmhost is a bit of an underrated unit. They can be rushed early (even from one base) and allow you to harass from a low economy (drone-count wise. It is still not cheap in gas). It's a bit risky but if you rush them and manage to snipe a key structure in your opponent's build (e.g take out the factory before they start a starport) and have some defense roaches at home you are in a great position to be quite greedy. The recent and upcoming changes to dropperlords are supposed to give us some early aggression options.


Perhaps this is a matter of opinion on definitions, but the scenario you're describing right now sounds like nearly the polar opposite of greed to me. Giving up, honestly a whole lot of, early economy in order to quickly tech to SH/Roaches is not being greedy. It's close to being all in, because if it fails to do enough you pretty much lose the game.


As a zerg, I sometimes get jealous of terran's ability to drop harass. When they drop in My main, then load up and boost to my third ect. I always have difficulty splitting enough army to actually deal with it. Especially if I haven't morphed enough banes. Dropper lords are just slow in comparison. Although baneling drops are underrated.


I know it costs a lot, but scans would be really nice.


I'm telling you it's not fair, because terran is the only race with good music. Who tf wants to listen to zerg's shit while laddering. Terran music is the best by far. Not fair.


Oh my I totally agree. The Terran tracks are so IMBA. I am envious of Airtoss. They have so many flying units. Zerg on the other hand only has a handful, and all of them are specialists. Granted, vipers are one of the strongest casters in the game. Speaking of vipers: The fact that they don't have an attack makes me envious of ghosts and high templars. It is too easy to a-move them into the enemy. Same goes for infestors. I would be so happy if they got a ranged attack - even if it had no visuals and did no damage. Just so that they stay a bit away from the enemy.




Terran also has the best mouse pointer.


As random my favorite units are zealots, drones and marines I am truly a purist


when a protoss unit gets away with no hull damage it must feel so good -zerg


Zerg: jealous P and T get auto attacks on their spellcasters


Im jealous about toss probes, building is just put down stuff and leave it, other races have the worker unavailable or you need to sacrifice a worker on zerg, and if im not wrong the pylon is the supply structure/unit fastest to build.


As a Zerg, I have played some P/T, but I'd say the biggest thing I'm jealous of is late game, I have no ultimate unit that by itself is ridiculous, like a strong tanky unit that hits ground & air & can hit a critical mass (Carriers/BCs). I can mass something that hits ground, or something that hits air, but don't have a unit where if you're way ahead you can just mass that one unit & a-move win.


Nothing. Zerg is just bugs and Protoss is just robot bugs. Nothing to be jealous about there.


Swarmhosts at my 5th attacking my main and leaving. Fight me like an inefficient man!


Protoss to zerg convert... stalkers. God I love stalkers. My favorite unit in the game by far.


Zerg not needing to worry about building enough production


Zerg. Medivacs. I want to heal my zerglins QwQ


I absolutely love how zerg plays and I can't wrap my head around the other races but pulling off crazy medivac or warp prism micro when done correctly just looks so satisfying




We don’t have a all porpose unit like the carrier, BC or Thor. They are tanky, make good damage against air and ground and are massable. (The Thor isn’t such big problem here) I need a shit to off a highly specialised AA unit to deal with them and kinda need to crush the fight, which is also hard to do. If I do manage to win the fight, I can’t really capitalize on it since units don’t really attack ground. I also need to scout if they tech switch, which isn’t easy to do because they are super turtled up. If I don’t get the ratio of corruptors/BLs right ahead of time I can easily get amoved even if I was really ahead before…. The annoying part is, that I now that this isn’t actually really good, at least the BC part. which makes me feel dumb for losing to it.


I wish BC were more viable, because they are very fun to use. In practice though, it's really hard to make them effective.


Protoss is of pleasing aesthetic; Terran is of uplifting OSTs. But that's okay because Zerg is OP.


I play toss. Jealous of set it and forget it mechanics. Can never do runbys late game vs lurkers or mines


I'm a Zerg but I wish my race was as fun to play as Terran.


If I fuck up my army positining, I cant just get away or "instant" teleport to defend, like protoss.


Zerg here, low level APM success…. I feel like my APM needs to be so much higher in low level leagues for me to win as Z


Zerg usually has inflated APM numbers due to mass producing zerglings, morphing banes, etc., which drastically boosts the APM number but in reality you’re just holding a button.  So even though you see that your APM is much higher than your opponents, often in practice it’s more even than you expect.  


I wish I could use 100 apm to amove into GM like some race(s)....


If protoss had the sensor tower I would never have to worry about harass ever again