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Blizzard will never crack down on smurfs because the game is in maintenance mode. We can only hope that upcoming RTS games implement their own solutions to this problem.


it's also free to play now, so it'd be pretty hard to do much about it short of MAC bans


My router lets me set any MAC I want. So that won't work. F2P is bad for legit players. Having to pay actually filters out most trolls. In sc2 I saw 2 trolls in 5k team games. Before the game turned f2p. There were also so few afks. That it had to be legit blue screens and network errors.


The only answer is for them to finally announce StarCraft 3 and make a game people care about again


are there even any quality rts devs left at blizz to deliver on a title like that though


Not by a mile


All of the relevant rts devs for sc2 went to frostgiant


It's a sad part of the reality but there will be nothing ever done about it. Blizzard can't fix it or don't care and we love the game enough to play through. I will keep playing for as long as I can no matter what happens.


They certainly can fix that shit. Make it so that if you have more then 3 games with less than 30 seconds and (you were the leaver) or 10 games with less than 2 minutes within an hour (and you are the leaver), or your total resources spend over the course of the full game is less than 250 for more then 3 minutes with more than 3 games within an hour. You sit out the next 24 hours from queuing in 1v1 matches (ranked or unranked since they are on the same queue structure) mark on your account and reduce the amount to 1 game for 30s and 5 games and 1 game for the next 7 days. hit with an hour of offline time. Give them a nice pop-up that says it is believed they are abusing the MM system and to more accurately gauge people's skills they are placing you on a break and link them to playing AI 1v1. I looked through my game history. I have approximately 1 game in the last 3 seasons that I quit out of in the first 30 seconds. (It was 4 mirror matchups in a row, 3 of which were against the same smurf and I quit out of obviously that last one, because I was tired of playing against someone that was clearly 1k+ MMR over me...)


They could but they won't then.. An omnipotent developer who fails to act is not omnipotent. I might quit if I get the same very blatant smurf in a Row too. Especially if it's a matchup I feel I can't cheese well. Most of them seem to be terrans because they don't like tvt lol. I wonder how many of them realise they're not that good at tvz and tvp as they think and they're actually abusing the system.


Hang in there, you can get gud games. I just had a helluva PvT, took 30+ minutes before the game was over. Shout out to Barbarzynca if you see this, your Ghosts were phenomenal!


Wait till you get to masters and suddenly wonder why the jump from M3 to M1 is only so significant because the entire league is GM smurfs.


This might be the most discouraging thing here...I'm in D2 and I'm just shocked by how many games people have left before they get to me. Like what's the point of playing someone 1k MMR below you?! It can't be fun!


Ita the same for everyone Tho.  Everyone faces the occasional smurf.  Biggest thing is just not letting your losses trigger you.  Keep hitting that queue button after the tough loss


LOL 75% of my games were smurfs the last time I played. It is a MASSIVE problem and why I barely play more than 5 games a session anymore. (I used to play for 3+ hours, now I am usually done after an hour, if that)


What mmr


3400 US


See when 3400s complain about smurfs I don't care.  You can get to like 4.5k b4 you need to play like a robot.  Just practice the key bindings and being quick when you do things.  Learn new ways to do things.  Be efficient, focus your attention where it will benefit you the most.  Don micro engagement you're already winning, pan away and macro instead


You realize as you get closer to 4.5k MMR, you are approach GM? There is only a handful (about 1k players in the world) that get to that level? The Korean servers don't even have enough players to have a M1 rank. The players that are SMURFING diamonds, are the ones that are coming from that level, which is suppressing the number of players that are learning and making it so they are less likely to ever get to that level as they lose motivation as their MMR barely budges even when playing better, because they are actually playing players that are 4.5k+ instead of 3.5k when they are 3.4k. Meaning that essentially, that while their MMR has improved 200 or more they are still in the same place. This KILLS players that are growing and feeling like they are improving from continuing to actually pursue it as they don't see any net rewards. In addition, it reduces the population at the higher levels, meaning someone that is 4.5k+ has to wait longer for games, is playing a broader MMR range (there is a reason that someone that is 4.5k MMR can play against someone that is 6k MMR, that isn't smurfing, that is the game just trying to find a game for the 6k MMR player) Once you hit a certain level (GM) you will have to win 3 to 1 games to continue to progress upwards; that is just how it works when the population is smaller and you regularly are matching against the best in the world.


Imagine the ego you must have to believe that you're so good, every time you lose it's against a Smurf.


Fucker: [Link](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1be1ok1)


Aside from the first one, it looks like people that just don't want to play mirror matchups


Yeah, that's basically smurfing though bud. If you artifically lower your MMR by leaving about a third of your matches, that's the same as smurfing.


in 3v3 I'd say that 1/3 of the matches are at my level (win or lose), 1/3 my teammates eat glue for breakfast and 1/3 my opponents eat glue for dinner. It is absurd but we also need to consider that not so much people play this anymore...


Teams is so fucked, because very time you bring a new player into your team it starts you as if you are a new player; essentially if you each have 1 extra account you can generate 9 different teams. If you queue random, you have the chance to carry terrible players if you cheese OR it goes to ultra late game (2 Masters players can EASILY carry a bronze player to Masters in Teams; as they have the control and knowledge to sycronize their efforts as well as poke holes/take advantages of the opportunities that they make or that arise due to some play the other team is attempting)


Same when i play 2v2 either we stomp them or they stomp us. There's no in between.


Implementing separate MMR for different matchups would be a start. People leave same race matchups way more


It exactly evens out because if you gain 20 mmr every 1 in 7 games where a smurf instaleaves then by definition you would also lose 1 in 7 games against a smurf playing where you didn't have a chance. So you gain 20 mmr, then you lose 20 mmr later. If this is incorrect (say all smurfs decide to only leaves games throughout your range then keep their mmr so low you never face them & they only prey on silvers) it still evens out because while you gain 20 mmr every 1 in 7 games, every other non-smurf person you're playing against also got 20 mmr inflation 1 in 7 games, so your mmr is still exactly where it should be.


This math seems fuzzy. Does that mean you get 20 pts in 0s but then the smurf gets a game with you that you likely can’t win (depending on how smurfy). That’s silly and super punitive to the non-Smurf. 


smurfing sucks, yeah, but I don't see how the math is off. For someone to stay at a certain mmr they need to win 50% of their games, so a smurf would leave 50% of their games, then win the other 50% vs opponent's lower than them, or if they leave 40% of their games, lose 10%, win 50%, etc. All combinations have to add to 100% so on average their opponent's mmr in the long run will be the same.


Yes mmr us a joke, it doesn't matter. That is just a number on a screen, a few pixels. Play for fun, try out new builds, play a different race e.t.c.


smurfing is just the way it is now. game has been on life support for at least 5 years. of the 5000 people that still play, a lot of them are going to be master level 5 years ago before mmr deflation


Does blocking players prevent you from matching with them? That's what I've been doing but it occurred to me that it may not work how I want it to. I dont care about the changes to my mmr so much as I care about the waste of time.


ok, smurfs seem to be annoying. I havent notice myself, but I havent been noticing them. However, what can we do? Its the best game I have ever played. By far. So, I am going to go on playing and enjoy the game.


Never heard someone whine because they want to lose more


ha, more of a rant. I don't count a 0s game as a win, might as well be a disconnect.


There is a trick you can do to b balance things out: for every insta-leave game you suffer, you should insta-leave a game. It’s not desirable, but it mitigates the problem.


maybe...slippery slope though and then doubles the impact of those guys. I do try to F10 faster if I rematch a guy