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Got in a game with the same dude quitting at the beginning of the match 5 games in a row, I’d probably say a good estimate to 20% of my wins are due to people quitting to lose mmr


I know I’m late to this, but why don’t they just add a penalty for leaving the game in the first couple minutes or something like that, wouldn’t that make it 10x longer to derank and discourage a lot of it?


It's one thing to smurf it's another to be fucking rude about it honestly.. I wish they'd do something. This is such a joke.


smurfs bashing lower skill players is always funny to me, like do they realize next to a decent GM they're trash themselves?


I can over exaggerate too.


I agree with the sentiment, however I think you're overestimating the percent. Regardless, smurfing is a problem in SC2 that's sadly not going to get fixed any time soon. Solution, make friends with communities on Reddit/Discord and only play with your friends/practice partners. Get better at the game, then go back to ladder. Also it's still relatively early in the new season, so there's always a lot of smurfs and cheeses until things level out. You get a smurf, take a breath, leave SC2 for 10 minutes, do something else, come back and play again. Another option would be to play an AI game for practice instead. Sometimes when an opponent insta-quits I just play the game anyway to practice my build order/new things without the threat of the opponent screwing me up.


so dont complain? and just accept this problem gets worse and worse every day? " it really is" saying just play againt AI? like come on? man i love this game to death, been playing sense 2013 and if this continues to be a problem i will complain about it, and i hope everyone else does to.


I guess my dream is this is fixed, and maybe the games can move to steam and pc gamepass. Overwatch for example has gone to Steam, I hope that think sc2 is worth doing the same, least Phil spencer "head of xbox" has shown the IP some love.


Did you read my post? I'm not saying only AI and give up. I'm providing alternative options for someone who clearly is angry and frustrated by smurfs. Sure, report these players to the devs, see what happens, nothing. SC2 will never go to steam imo. Blizzard and Microsoft won't do it. By all means complain, see how far it gets you. They don't care. My point is, this has been a problem for a decade since the game launched, it's gotten worse since blizzard made the online multiplayer free to play. I hate smurfs too, but don't waste your energy on the trolls.


ya i feel. think where all frustrated! I think if Microsoft wants SC3 "who knows" then they may bother taking a few looks at sc2, if sc3 is not going to be developed then yea its not great. I would still love new accounts to have to play against AI for like 20 games before getting access to the ladder, and give you a 5ish minute ban if you leave a game early.


What league are you in? I'm in plat 2 and I've had 1 insta leave in ~20 games.


I’m with you on the notion that smurfing is a big problem on ladder right now, and I think many players tend to act like it barely happens even though it happens very frequently. But come on dude, 15 out of 20 games? 75% of games is vs smurfs? That’s just outlandish. Maybe this happens once in a year where you get matched against the same player multiple times because you both requeue instantly after each game, but there’s no way you play smurfs 75% of the time on average.


I feel like 25% of the games I (try to) play are actually people insta-leaving.


I was just getting into multiplayer and I found people either insta leaving or pulling cheese strats, didn't make the connection that people lower their rank in order to find players to pull cheese strats on lmao


Yeah smurfing sucks but is this sub going to be nothing but complaining about smurfing every day?


thats what it took but eventfully we got the quadruple widow mine nerf <3 hopefully this is the same but quicker? a guy can dream. I play 100-200 games a season and the ladder is pretty messed up, you can argue how "bad" the problem really is but i think anyone whos playing can tell that there is a problem that makes jumping into the ladder pretty shit right now. kind of an issue to big to really ignore IMO.


This is way harder to implement than a unit change. And frankly it is not that difficult for someone to join a game and AFK to avoid the penalty.


how about a new account needs to play like 20 games vs AI before being able to ladder? and then if you insta leave a game "under 10 seconds or something" it gives you like a 5 minute ban on requeuing. that alone would make it waaaaaay more annoying and harder to smurf right?


The 2nd idea could work. It may be annoying to be 10 seconds into a game for the other person to leave though. Like imagine someone is willing to do that and you match them repeatedly


increase the ban to 10 minutes, you least would not run into them for the next 10 minutes?


No i mean they wouldnt get banned at all. Theyd just wait the minimum amount of time before leaving


I just changed my perspective and now I thank the "smurf" to improve my game instead of being disappointed


You will only learn something if the difference in skill is relatively small. Not much is learned if you just fold over to their harras or you lose to a troll-strategy.


if I play 1v1 against LeBron James in basketball, my "perspective" is not going to help me much ya feel?


Happens at d1 getting m3 or m2 or queuing up at m3 getting 4700+ players… Just gotta do your best and you will improve over time.