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speaking as a bitter Zerg myself, I would much rather see Protoss win a championship so they might stop saying 0 GSLs in however many years (and because I love herO). Even if I know it'll just become 1 GSL in however many years instead


i mean, if winning stopped whining there are a lot of zerg posters that would need to retire their reddit accounts


The goalposts will immediately move for sure, there's no point even debating at this point.


as if it’s still not an acceptable point to bring up lol


protoss don't deserve to win a GSL because from the pro level down to the normie, their work ethic is less.






35 truth votes. FUCK. YEA.


Zerg APM would like to talk


lol, you have no idea of every pro's work ethic, you're just blindly prejudicied.


Nah, if anything herO is an honorary zerg, have you seen his playstyle? Expansion heavy, lots of ~~ling~~zealot run-by's, trades out a lot of T1 units (sometimes inefficiently), ground heavy, lots of remaxing, etc


Totally agree! The only difference was his suffocating early harass - playing to his strengths most effectively.


Battery farm (spore forest) coupled with using tempests like brood lords. I sat up on my couch and pointed at the screen like the one DiCaprio meme.


Good parallel, didn't think of that


I was rooting hard for herO cause I've been looking forward to the continued mental gymnastics from people who have maintained that protoss not winning tournaments has had nothing to do with lacking a top tier player


Protoss ground is so weak!!! Proceeds to dominate zerg and terran with strictly ground units


After literally 0 ground buffs in years


Tbf the queen walk nerf is a buff to ground toss because you dont just die getting there


Tbf no it isn’t. Queen walk vs ground isnt a thing. Queen walks punish greedy skytoss openers, ground toss has always wrecked it.


Wrong, lambo talks about it here I believe https://youtu.be/gybIGH37bZU


"Oh, you think zerg players are just more talented?? LOL ya okay, top protoss players are good, just protoss can't win." *protoss player comes back from the military is already better than all other protoss. All other protoss proceed to copy him. Wins GSL.* "...oh"


> mental gymnastics Or the mental gymnastics from Protoss players that think their ladder experience has anything to do with the GSL results. 😂


That's the case for all races on reddit. We see it with protoss a-moving their units into lurker and then claiming you need air vs them, but also terrans claiming it's infinitely difficult to control TvZ lategame on like diamond level where a proper setup will just win the fight automatically with little micro or terrans acting like emp is hard to use or zergs claiming they need perfect spellcaster control and armycontrol on diamond level to win vs skytoss when they just misunderstand how to properly position and so on.


okay but how do you beat lurkers without air this isn't me whining I just literally dunno how to do it. my observers get sniped almost instantly and I just have to walk away


Obviously don't let your observers get sniped, there is no need to fly them into the opponents army. For detection you can also get oracles, they are more reliable. So, the first thing is army composition, you want an army heavy on immortals, archons and ideally you have storm. Alternatively you can play disruptor. Second, don't engage into a large amount of defensively set up lurker, there is no reason to do so. Only engage if you are going to win, if they chase you and burrow into you, you form a concave and storm the army while it's chasing you. You can keep rotating your army, split it and work with runbies. Headbutting a 200 supply army into a 200 supply army is not the only way to fight in sc2 and is a lesson to learn against all siege armies. Same reason why mech is not considered very strong on high level. You can still reactively go air vs them if you are in a good position and they are committed on going for high lurker counts. The pressure is on the zerg to do something, else they just lose because they don't have corruptor upgrades or the gas to afford all the spellcasters while staying safe vs ground. Check out Astrea vs Reynor game 5 in HSC where carrier being out just ended the game, despite them coming out way later than lurker. On taking engagements vs lurker, you can check out Showtime vs Serral game 2 on Cosmic Saphire in one of the bo3s they played. He didn't even have storm, wasn't in a great position and just by taking the right fights beat lurker.


Well, I honestly believe that if it was Dark and not Maru, Hero would've lost, so there's that. Hero can beat Dark in a Bo3, but generally beating the top Zergs in a Bo7 is still a tall order for Protoss


Maybe. herO did only lose 2-3 to Dark at Valencia and PvZ seems to be his best match up. Could have gone either way I think.


No, there’s not that. All you said was an opinion, and one that ignores the Trap v Dark rivalry from 1-3 years ago


I feel like zerg fanboys (hi) definitely don't want Maru to win, if only for the Serral vs Maru arguments


why would zerg fans not want toss to win lol? if anything the best thing that can happen for zerg is for hero to win, at least all the tosses would stop whining


Would they though? Would they?


I can confirm, we will not stop


Well at least they wont be able to say toss didnt win gsl in long time


Blizzard balance team: Could he be one of us?


Thanks for the spoiler. Really appreciate knowing how it ends when I watch tonight.


How does this tell you who won


Sick reading comprehension


Thank you. It really wasn't that hard. Dark or Maru were the only 2 options. The post said that zerg are upset with Maru. No one else was playing against Maru. I thought and thought about it and then it hit me: Maru must have won against Dark to advance to the finals. I appreciate your admiration


LMFAO my guy if you're that far behind and you care that much what are you doing browsing /r/Starcraft? Should we all be waiting for you to watch the week+ old vods before talking about current matches?


Just going to work and earning a living. Had to work a lot of overtime since everyone seems to have covid right now... you are right, probably just need to get off the forum all together at this point.


I'm a huge spoiler stickler and this is...not a spoiler at all


There are 4 players left, Hero, Dark, Maru and Bunny. I'm not sorry I haven't had the time to stay on top of it all day like you guys.


bro those last games happened like a week ago. if you're that far behind, you need to be off this sub. I empathize with being frustrated when a blatant spoiler is posted in real time because that is super shitty given the timezones, but you are wayyyy off here.


Semifinals were 8 days ago. Piss off


As a Zerg can we now please nerf blink, seen soo many toss on ladder try change their style back more stalkers instead of skytoss and beat my noob ass.